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Both Qur'an and His Ruh repeatedly assert that nothing is incumbent upon the messengers except a plain delivery

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> Both Lord Jesus and the Comforter began their public ministry with

> the proclamation of the Kingdom of God


> We are the only people on Earth with the eschatological empowerment,

> knowledge and mandate from the Comforter sent by God Almighty in the

> name of Lord Jesus Christ to explain these topics which, with the

> spiritual understanding they engender, are limitless. That is why

> the Quran declares emphatically: " It is I and My messengers who must

> prevail. " (58.021). Nothing in history matches this Divine Mandate

> to declare the Great News of the Kingdom of God—the Resurrection is

> the culmination of God's Plan for humanity.




" Your job is, in a way, greater than the saints and sages. The saints

and sages did not give Realization to anyone. They gave lectures,

tried to make people understand. Your job is that you have to awaken

the Kundalini in people, and make them Self-Realized, and resurrect

the whole world. This is an extremely important and Divine Job, and

for this Adi Shakti Herself had to come. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have

come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sydney, Australia - March 21, 1983



" Now the Time has come to start talking, announcing, telling about it

to everyone. Otherwise the world would say that we never knew about

it. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

May 6, 1990, Rome, Italy



" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

absolute, their spirit. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



The Blackwell companion to the Qur'ân

By Andrew Rippin


" Prophets and Messengers


Two major terms that describe the mission of the Qur'anic prophets

are nabi, " a prophet, " and rasul, " a messengers " or " apostle. " As in

the New Testament, in which apostles seem to rank higher than

prophets (e.g. 1 Corinthians 12:28-31;cf.Ephesians 3:5; 4:11), in the

Qur'an, too, rasul seems to be somewhat more elevated than nabi. This

is indicated, to begin with, in the fact that whenever both titles

appear together, rasul comes first, which may suggest that a

messenger is more important than a prophet…


Aims of the Prophetic Mission


The purpose for which the Qur'anic prophet has been sent is to make

God's religion, i.e., Islam, prevail over all religions (Q 9:33;

48:28; 61:9)…. In other Qur'anic passages, however, the religious

campaign is based on preaching and is focused on the mere idea of

monotheism and on the refutation of polytheism (shirk). Several times

the previous prophets are described as imploring their respective

peoples to " serve nothing but God " (e.g., Q 41:14). God also tells

Muhammad himself that this was the main mission of the prophets who

were sent before him (Q 21:25, etc), and he himself says to his

audience: " I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that

your God is one God, therefore follow the right way to Him and ask

His forgiveness; and woe to the polytheists (mushrikun) " (Q 41:6; see

also Q18:110).


On the other hand, the mission of the prophets has also a grimmer

aspect, namely to warn stubborn unbelievers of their fate in hell, in

case they do not repent. But the warning usually goes hand in hand

with good tidings for those who believe (in paradise). Thus Q 6:48,

for example, asserts that God's messengers were sent as " announcers

of good news and givers of warning, then whoever believes and acts

aright, they shall have no fear, nor shall the grieve " (see also Q

4:165; 18:56 etc.). The same twofold message was entrusted with

Muhammad (Q 33:45; 48:8).


The messengers are responsible neither for the success nor failure of

their message and the Qur'an repeatedly asserts that nothing is

incumbent upon the apostles except a plain delivery (e.g., Q 16:35

etc.). Furthermore, the apostles are not even capable of changing the

fate awaiting the unbelievers: " It is not (fit) for the prophet and

those who believe that they should ask for forgiveness for the

polytheists, even though they should be near relatives, after it has

become clear to them that they are inmates of the flaming fire " (Q

9:113; cf. Q 9:80, 84).


At the last judgment, believers and unbelievers will realize that the

apostles had spoken the truth about their respective faith in

paradise or hell (Q 7:34, 53; 36:52)….


Signs and Miracles


God not only provides His messengers with the prophetic inspiration

but he also stays with them when they deliver His message. As is

formulated in Q 72:27-8: " For surely He makes a guard to march before

(His messenger) and after him, so that He may know that they have

truly delivered the message of their Lord. " The " guards " accompanying

the prophets are said to be angels, and elsewhere it is asserted that

God is always aware of what His apostles are doing (Q 23:51). God's

presence renders His apostles immune to dangers (Q 27:10), and His

help is always ensured for them (Q 12:110; 40:51).


God also provides His prophets with concrete means designed to

increase their power of persuasion. These are called bayyinat, that

is, clear " proofs " or " arguments. " Sometimes they are represented by

miracles. For example, in Q 2:87 (see also Q 2:253), God provides

Jesus with the bayyinat and strengthens him with the Holy Spirit….....


Reception of the Prophets


The nations to whom prophets have been sent are expected to receive

them with consent and obedience. As Q 4:64 puts it: " And We did not

send any apostle but that he should be obeyed by God's permission. "

But the prophets were received with anything but obedience. They were

mocked (Q 15:11, etc.) and called liars (e.g., Q 3:184; 22:42; 23:44;

35:25, etc.), and their message was denied (Q 11:59), and denounced

as " medleys of dreams " (Q 21:5). The prophets were rejected mainly on

account of their being ordinary beings (e.g., Q 14:10; 17:94; 36:15;

64:6), and were accused of being mere poets, magicians (sahir) and

madmen (majniat). "


The Blackwell companion to the Qur'ân,

By Andrew Rippin, pages 240-245

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated

September 2008

ISBN-13: 9781405188203

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" Let us forget about what dents we have within ourselves. We have to

know that we are prophets. This assumption has to be established-that

we are prophets. If you could just assume what you are, what you have

become, you'll emit the glory of God I Like a flower when it

blossoms, it has its fragrance which flows automatically...


Now when you are really prophets you find it difficult to be the real

person what you are, not the artificial which has gone back, which is

no more there, all finished. The sinner is dead, the egoistical is

not there, the frightened one is gone forever. You are a prophet.

Rise in the glory of that personality. People who are not prophets

who are not Godly, who are doing anti-God activities can assume to be

prophets. But those who are really prophets do not want to assume the

situation-that they are...


First of all you have to Know you are prophets and you must know that

I am the Holy Ghost. I am the Adi Shakti. I am the one who has come on

this earth for the first time in this form to do this tremendous task.

The more you'll understand this the better it would be. You will

change tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that openly one day and

we have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove it, that

I'm that. "


Shri Mataji

Sydney, Australia 3-21-1983



" This process has now started on an en-masse scale and is the

fulfilment of William Blake's most heartfelt desire: " would that all

God's people were prophets " . In this age of Krita Yuga, through the

compassion of the Param Chaitanya, the Kundalini is being raised in

countless human beings, so that it is actually happening: God's

people have become prophets and, what is more, they have powers to

make others prophets too. "


Shri Mataji



" You are seeking, definitely. Perhaps you do not know what you are

seeking. But one thing is definite. You are not satisfied with things

as they are. There is something beyond which you have to seek. There

is some thing beyond, no doubt, which has been told to you by all the

prophets, by all the scriptures, by all the incarnations who came on

this earth. It has been promised also that you will be judged one

day. But the first judgment will be your own. You yourself will

decide whether you are seeking the Divine or some frivolous thing.

If you are seeking the Reality and the Truth, then only you are going

to be chosen, then only you are going to be the citizen of God's

Kingdom. "


Shri Mataji



" Today, in the beginning, I will give you a broadline of Sahaja Yoga,

the one that means : a spontaneous happening within us, of union with

God. It's easy to talk about it, any one can talk about it. First,

when I went to America, people said, you must get a patent on your

lectures, Mother. I just smiled at them. I said, what's the matter?

They said, they might use your words and use the same things for

their own purpose and may be that they all do a lot of harm to you, I

said, no, it's nice, let them talk about because that's what has to

happen, people have to know about it, what is there to take a patent

for it. We don't take patent for the light of the sun, and the beauty

of the stars. That's meant for everyone. The main thing is that these

lecturing and all such ventures are of no use at all unless and until

the happening takes place. It should happen to you. It's an

actualization, it is the Becoming which is important. It's not reading

about it; it's a living force which is going to make us a higher

personality: a prophet. As William Blake has very clearly said, that

men of God will become prophets and the day will come when these

prophets will have special capacity to transform other people as

prophets; that time has come today. William Blake could see hundred

years back the working of Sahaja Yoga and today you can see the

actualization. "


Shri Mataji



" So, one has to understand that this is not only what I'm saying,

this has been said by all the great saints, by all the incarnations,

by all the great prophets. Mohammad said, you have to become the Pir.

But you know what they're doing about religion now. I do not want to

fall into controversies but you can yourself judge, what have they

done out, of these incarnations. You give them the best thing, the

highest, they know how to spoil it. Like, I would say that Hindus

were told, that Atma, the spirit resides in everybody. They had no

business to start the different caste system, which depends on the

birth. "


Shri Mataji



" In all these prophetic religions, if you see, all the prophets who

have spread all the religions, they were always attacked so badly

that they had to take to weapons. Even in Islam they had to take to

weapons to protect themselves. Now when these people took to weapons

they had some discipline put on the people. Without the discipline

nothing is possible. And very strict discipline was there for the

Sikhs. Now today's Sikhs are no more Sikhs, they are just outside,

and inside they are not. "


Shri Mataji



" All these great prophets like Moses and Abraham and all those people

who were born to establish the sustenance within us. It started

from, also in India, we had people-Janaka, Nanaka and the end was the

Shirdi Sai Nath. There were ten main incarnations of these people who

came in this part and they reside within us to give us the religion. "


Shri Mataji



" So now as far as the tradition is concerned I'm rather doubtful how

the tradition took, every religion, even Hinduism, it is like that.

Islam is the same. Any religion you take, the tradition is nothing

but the tradition of going down, down, down, down. If it was a right

tradition there would have been no problem. Today we have so many

churches, so many fightings. You see the Vatican in the Mafia, the

Mafia in the banks. I can't understand.


But Christ you gave Him the thorn to be adorned on his crown. What

kind of crown these people are wearing? In India also, we have also

now started another kind of competition with your crowns. So somebody

is making a big umbrella of gold. I must say crown is alright-they

are wise, but umbrella is dangerous. They are playing with Divinity,

they have no sense that God Almighty has a tremendous wrath for such

people. The religion of Christianity or any religion is the religion

of the living God. At different times there were great flowers on

the " Tree of Life " . But we plucked them and said " this is mine, this

is mine " and we are fighting the dead. But in Sahaja Yoga you will

know the beauty of all these great prophets and you will be amazed

how they have enriched us, all of them. "


Shri Mataji

Vienna 8th Sept. 1984




The Blackwell companion to the Qur'ân

By Andrew Rippin


" Prophets and Messengers


Two major terms that describe the mission of the Qur'anic prophets

are nabi, " a prophet, " and rasul, " a messengers " or " apostle. " As in

the New Testament, in which apostles seem to rank higher than

prophets (e.g. 1 Corinthians 12:28-31;cf.Ephesians 3:5; 4:11), in the

Qur'an, too, rasul seems to be somewhat more elevated than nabi. This

is indicated, to begin with, in the fact that whenever both titles

appear together, rasul comes first, which may suggest that a

messenger is more important than a prophet…


Aims of the Prophetic Mission


The purpose for which the Qur'anic prophet has been sent is to make

God's religion, i.e., Islam, prevail over all religions (Q 9:33;

48:28; 61:9)…. In other Qur'anic passages, however, the religious

campaign is based on preaching and is focused on the mere idea of

monotheism and on the refutation of polytheism (shirk). Several times

the previous prophets are described as imploring their respective

peoples to " serve nothing but God " (e.g., Q 41:14). God also tells

Muhammad himself that this was the main mission of the prophets who

were sent before him (Q 21:25, etc), and he himself says to his

audience: " I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that

your God is one God, therefore follow the right way to Him and ask

His forgiveness; and woe to the polytheists (mushrikun) " (Q 41:6; see

also Q18:110).


On the other hand, the mission of the prophets has also a grimmer

aspect, namely to warn stubborn unbelievers of their fate in hell, in

case they do not repent. But the warning usually goes hand in hand

with good tidings for those who believe (in paradise). Thus Q 6:48,

for example, asserts that God's messengers were sent as " announcers

of good news and givers of warning, then whoever believes and acts

aright, they shall have no fear, nor shall the grieve " (see also Q

4:165; 18:56 etc.). The same twofold message was entrusted with

Muhammad (Q 33:45; 48:8).


The messengers are responsible neither for the success nor failure of

their message and the Qur'an repeatedly asserts that nothing is

incumbent upon the apostles except a plain delivery (e.g., Q 16:35

etc.). Furthermore, the apostles are not even capable of changing the

fate awaiting the unbelievers: " It is not (fit) for the prophet and

those who believe that they should ask for forgiveness for the

polytheists, even though they should be near relatives, after it has

become clear to them that they are inmates of the flaming fire " (Q

9:113; cf. Q 9:80, 84).


At the last judgment, believers and unbelievers will realize that the

apostles had spoken the truth about their respective faith in

paradise or hell (Q 7:34, 53; 36:52)….


Signs and Miracles


God not only provides His messengers with the prophetic inspiration

but he also stays with them when they deliver His message. As is

formulated in Q 72:27-8: " For surely He makes a guard to march before

(His messenger) and after him, so that He may know that they have

truly delivered the message of their Lord. " The " guards " accompanying

the prophets are said to be angels, and elsewhere it is asserted that

God is always aware of what His apostles are doing (Q 23:51). God's

presence renders His apostles immune to dangers (Q 27:10), and His

help is always ensured for them (Q 12:110; 40:51).


God also provides His prophets with concrete means designed to

increase their power of persuasion. These are called bayyinat, that

is, clear " proofs " or " arguments. " Sometimes they are represented by

miracles. For example, in Q 2:87 (see also Q 2:253), God provides

Jesus with the bayyinat and strengthens him with the Holy Spirit….....


Reception of the Prophets


The nations to whom prophets have been sent are expected to receive

them with consent and obedience. As Q 4:64 puts it: " And We did not

send any apostle but that he should be obeyed by God's permission. "

But the prophets were received with anything but obedience. They were

mocked (Q 15:11, etc.) and called liars (e.g., Q 3:184; 22:42; 23:44;

35:25, etc.), and their message was denied (Q 11:59), and denounced

as " medleys of dreams " (Q 21:5). The prophets were rejected mainly on

account of their being ordinary beings (e.g., Q 14:10; 17:94; 36:15;

64:6), and were accused of being mere poets, magicians (sahir) and

madmen (majniat). "


The Blackwell companion to the Qur'ân,

By Andrew Rippin, pages 240-245

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated

September 2008

ISBN-13: 9781405188203

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