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Turning point and force will come from outside the organisation

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Dear All,


" It is without question that the turning point and force will come from outside

the organization. One day we will all witness the birth of an organization based

on the true, transparent teachings and Divine Message of Shri Mataji. So do not

empower the present deceitful SYSSR organization in any way. It will only delay

the onset of the Blossom Time that Shri Mataji has so tirelessly campaigned for

more than three decades. How much time does our 84-year-old Divine Mother still

have to see that Dawn of Truth? "




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, " violet " <violetubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> " It is without question that the turning point and force will come from

outside the organization. One day we will all witness the birth of an

organization based on the true, transparent teachings and Divine Message of Shri

Mataji. So do not empower the present deceitful SYSSR organization in any way.

It will only delay the onset of the Blossom Time that Shri Mataji has so

tirelessly campaigned for more than three decades. How much time does our

84-year-old Divine Mother still have to see that Dawn of Truth? "







Book One of the Ten Book Project

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Richard Payment of Vancouver has been putting in sterling and superb

work, aided by a small team, on the first book to come from the

International Book Project that has been in operation now for two

years. It is the first of a planned series of ten books that will

become an incomparable support to our meditation and insights,

companions of our evening and travels, magical tools to inspire our

inner growth. Books work differently than audio's or videos but they

work and we have missed a printed version of the guidance of Our

Mother for too long.


The working title of the first book is Within: Beyond Words, Beyond

Books, Beyond Myths - The Final Steps in the Journey to Self-

realization, and it is hoped that finished copies will be available

for Sahaja Yogis, by the end of the year 2006. At the same time, the

book will be offered for commercial publication to publishing houses

in all the major countries of the world.


Nearly 600 of Shri Mataji's talks have now been transcribed by our

teams of transcribers from 20 different countries around the world,

and these provide the archive from which the books can be prepared.

At the same time, these talks are being translated into Chinese,

Russian, French, Italian and Romanian, by translators in those

countries. This collective effort is clearly of major importance for

posterity and the Publication Committee of the WCASY expresses here

its gratitude to all the yoginis and yogis who work with enthusiasm

on this project.


The Legend of Dagad Trikon


540 pages long, limited edition hardcover, ISBN 1-932406-01-8 price

US$ 29.95


The new novel by Grégoire de Kalbermatten is now being printed and

copies will be ready shortly. The novel was shown to Shri Mataji and

Sir CP at their home in New Jersey , USA , and Shri Mataji was

visibly pleased when asked for Her blessing.


One reader described the novel as " a fast paced, amusing and

contemporary plot guaranteed to keep you enthralled and guessing to

the very end. " This entertaining work of fiction is meant to break

into the cultural mainstream as it appeals to the millions of

readers who are seekers. The professional book editor who edited the

book, (a non-Sahaja yogi) said:


" As the editor of the Legend of Dagad Trikon and of many other

fantasy titles, this fascinating novel was unique for me in the

sheer depth and scope of the stage on which it plays out. The breath-

taking sweep of the author's knowledge of world cultures is evident

on every page as the reader is transported from Delhi to Delphi,

from Cairo to Oslo , from Moscow to Washington DC - all in pursuit

of a secret that has the potential to change the course of human

history. More importantly, the possibility of real human happiness

is visualized and the very fate of our planet is at stake. We find

ourselves caring deeply for the characters and it is the heady page-

turning momentum of this fully realized fantasy that propels the

reader onward. To read this novel is to embark on a journey, an

adventure - a quest that is at least as richly rewarding as the

search for the secrets of Dagad Trikon itself. "


Copies can be obtained as follows: outside the USA , send $39.95, by

Paypal, to info, which includes, postage and

packing via US Global Priority Airmail service. For customers in the

USA , send $34.50 by Paypal, to info, which

includes postage and packing, via US Priority Mail service.





The Blackwell companion to the Qur'ân

By Andrew Rippin


" Prophets and Messengers


Two major terms that describe the mission of the Qur'anic prophets

are nabi, " a prophet, " and rasul, " a messengers " or " apostle. " As in

the New Testament, in which apostles seem to rank higher than

prophets (e.g. 1 Corinthians 12:28-31;cf.Ephesians 3:5; 4:11), in the

Qur'an, too, rasul seems to be somewhat more elevated than nabi. This

is indicated, to begin with, in the fact that whenever both titles

appear together, rasul comes first, which may suggest that a

messenger is more important than a prophet…


Aims of the Prophetic Mission


The purpose for which the Qur'anic prophet has been sent is to make

God's religion, i.e., Islam, prevail over all religions (Q 9:33;

48:28; 61:9)…. In other Qur'anic passages, however, the religious

campaign is based on preaching and is focused on the mere idea of

monotheism and on the refutation of polytheism (shirk). Several times

the previous prophets are described as imploring their respective

peoples to " serve nothing but God " (e.g., Q 41:14). God also tells

Muhammad himself that this was the main mission of the prophets who

were sent before him (Q 21:25, etc), and he himself says to his

audience: " I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that

your God is one God, therefore follow the right way to Him and ask

His forgiveness; and woe to the polytheists (mushrikun) " (Q 41:6; see

also Q18:110).


On the other hand, the mission of the prophets has also a grimmer

aspect, namely to warn stubborn unbelievers of their fate in hell, in

case they do not repent. But the warning usually goes hand in hand

with good tidings for those who believe (in paradise). Thus Q 6:48,

for example, asserts that God's messengers were sent as " announcers

of good news and givers of warning, then whoever believes and acts

aright, they shall have no fear, nor shall the grieve " (see also Q

4:165; 18:56 etc.). The same twofold message was entrusted with

Muhammad (Q 33:45; 48:8).


The messengers are responsible neither for the success nor failure of

their message and the Qur'an repeatedly asserts that nothing is

incumbent upon the apostles except a plain delivery (e.g., Q 16:35

etc.). Furthermore, the apostles are not even capable of changing the

fate awaiting the unbelievers: " It is not (fit) for the prophet and

those who believe that they should ask for forgiveness for the

polytheists, even though they should be near relatives, after it has

become clear to them that they are inmates of the flaming fire " (Q

9:113; cf. Q 9:80, 84).


At the last judgment, believers and unbelievers will realize that the

apostles had spoken the truth about their respective faith in

paradise or hell (Q 7:34, 53; 36:52)….


Signs and Miracles


God not only provides His messengers with the prophetic inspiration

but he also stays with them when they deliver His message. As is

formulated in Q 72:27-8: " For surely He makes a guard to march before

(His messenger) and after him, so that He may know that they have

truly delivered the message of their Lord. " The " guards " accompanying

the prophets are said to be angels, and elsewhere it is asserted that

God is always aware of what His apostles are doing (Q 23:51). God's

presence renders His apostles immune to dangers (Q 27:10), and His

help is always ensured for them (Q 12:110; 40:51).


God also provides His prophets with concrete means designed to

increase their power of persuasion. These are called bayyinat, that

is, clear " proofs " or " arguments. " Sometimes they are represented by

miracles. For example, in Q 2:87 (see also Q 2:253), God provides

Jesus with the bayyinat and strengthens him with the Holy Spirit….....


Reception of the Prophets


The nations to whom prophets have been sent are expected to receive

them with consent and obedience. As Q 4:64 puts it: " And We did not

send any apostle but that he should be obeyed by God's permission. "

But the prophets were received with anything but obedience. They were

mocked (Q 15:11, etc.) and called liars (e.g., Q 3:184; 22:42; 23:44;

35:25, etc.), and their message was denied (Q 11:59), and denounced

as " medleys of dreams " (Q 21:5). The prophets were rejected mainly on

account of their being ordinary beings (e.g., Q 14:10; 17:94; 36:15;

64:6), and were accused of being mere poets, magicians (sahir) and

madmen (majniat). "


The Blackwell companion to the Qur'ân,

By Andrew Rippin, pages 240-245

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated

September 2008

ISBN-13: 9781405188203

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