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Allah's concern reflects that of His Ruh, and He chastises the Ummah:

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September 22, 2009

Dear devotees of the Divine Feminine,


Namaste - i bow to the primordial Mother who resides in you!


The Holy Scriptures declare that final liberation comes from

Knowledge. It is the Divine Feminine (Ruh, Holy Spirit, Devi) who

delivers this liberating Knowledge to Hindus, Jews, Christians,

Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and all others. Without question the

liberating Knowledge comes from the Qur'an (Prophet Muhammad), Bible

(Jesus), Torah (Moses and Abraham), Guru Granth (Guru Nanak), Vedas,

Puranas, Upanishads and others. A common thread runs through all.


What then is the common thread that holds together all the pearls

picked from the Holy Scriptures? It is the thread of Her Knowledge of

Final Liberation and life eternal, and you may take your pick – Self-

realization (Hinduism), baptism of Allah (Islam), born of the Spirit

(Christianity), Kundalini awakening (Hinduism), Resurrection

(Judaism, Christianity and Islam), Last Judgment Resurrection

(Judaism, Christianity and Islam), Al Naba (Islam), Comforter

(Christianity), Messiah (Judaism), Al Qadr (Islam), Shakti

(Hinduism), Holy Spirit (Christianity), Ruh (Islam), Tao (Taoism),

Aykaa Mayee (Sikhism), Kingdom of God (Christianity), Sahasrara

Chakra (Hinduism), Dsam Dwar (Sikhism), 1000 Petal Lotus

(Buddhism), " Palace in the Head " (Taoism), Kether (Judaism), Regions

in their Souls (Islam), Ruach (Judaism), Qi (Taoism, Buddhism),

Prana (Hinduism), Nafas al Rachman (Islam), Winds of Qiyamah (Islam)

and so forth. These are the pearls of Knowledge and Final Liberation.


The incarnation of the Divine Feminine, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, has

spent more than three decades collecting, promulgating, reciting and

explaining in detail that Knowledge of Final Liberation. Last year,

at the advanced age of 85-years, She finally retired.


The Divine Feminine continues to Call all Her children, irrespective

of their religious background. All they need is to do is become

Believers of the Resurrection (Final Liberation) and the Lady of the

Resurrection (Khatun-i Qiyamat) will respond. (The least She will do

is make you feel the Winds of Qiyamah flowing out of your being, a

Sign that conforms the Resurrection).


There are times when She does more. Just two days ago on Sep 20, 2009

i received this email on Eid al Fitr that marks the end of fasting

and celebration of Ramadan:


" This morning, our door bell rang, as we opened the door, we saw his

brother.. He had just break the Ramadan fast and came to have a

coffee at home and present his wishes for the Eid.


Then, he told about a dream he had last night:


He said that an old lady, over 80 years old came to him. He

said, " Nicole you know she looks like our dentist, she had the same

type " . i said, " Said, you mean She is an Indian? " He said, " Yes, She

was an Indian lady, She is a kind of Prophet, a Saint, very luminous.

She was smiling at me and then She put Her left hand on my throat and

with the right hand she seemed to clean my throat. i could feel Her

power, and then i caressed Her hand. She was like my grandma..... "


i was absolutely stunned, because i had never told him about the Adi

Shakti.. my husband looked at me... we were voiceless.... " (end)


Maybe its time for Muslims in general, and Sufis in particular, to

know about Khatun-i Qiyamat, the Lady of the Resurrection. Maybe they

may know better as to why Muslims like Said are getting Signs of Al-

Qiyamah from a very luminious Lady on the eve of Eid Fitr:


" Sufism cherishes the esoteric secret of woman, even though Sufism is

the esoteric aspect of a seemingly patriarchal religion. Muslims pray

five times a day facing the city of Makkah. Inside every Mosque is a

niche, or recess, called the Mihrab - a vertical rectangle curved at

the top that points toward the direction of Makkah. The Sufis know

the Mihrab to be a visual symbol of an abstract concept: the

transcendent vagina of the female aspect of divinity. In Sufism,

woman is the ultimate secret, for woman is the soul. Toshihiko Izutsu

writes, " The wife of Adam was feminine, but the first soul from which

Adam was born was also feminine. "


The Divine Feminine has always been present in Islam. This may be

surprising to many people who see Islam as a patriarchal religion.

Maybe the reason for this misconception is the very nature of the

feminine in Islam. The Divine Feminine in Islam manifests

metaphysically and in the inner expression of the religion. The

Divine Feminine is not so much a secret within Islam as She is the

compassionate Heart of Islam that enables us to know Divinity. Her

centrality demonstrates her necessary and life-giving role in Islam.


Sufism, or as some would define it " mystical Islam " has always

honored the Divine Feminine. Of course, Allah has both masculine and

feminine qualities, but to the Sufi, Allah has always been the

Beloved and the Sufi has always been the Lover. The Qur'an, referring

to the final Day, perhaps divulges a portion of this teaching: " And

there is manifest to them of God what they had not expected to see. "


Islam is aniconic. In other words, images, effigies, or idols of

Allah are not allowed, although verbal depiction abounds. There was a

question long debated in Islam: can we see Allah? The Prophet said in

a hadith, " In Paradise the faithful will see Allah with the clarity

with which you see the moon on the fourteenth night (the full moon). "

Theologians debated what this could mean, but the Sufis have held

that you can see Allah even in this world, through the " eye of the

heart. " The famous Sufi martyr al-Hallaj said in a poem, " ra'aytu

rabbi bi-`ayni qalbi " (I saw my Lord with the eye of my heart).

Relevant to the focus of this paper is that Sufis have always

described this theophanic experience as the vision of a woman, the

female figure as the object of ru'yah (vision of Allah).


There was a great Sufi Saint who was born in 1165 C.E. Besides Shi'a

Muslims, numberless Sunni Ulemas called him " The Greatest Sheikh " (al-

Shaykh al-Akbar).[18] His name was Muyiddin ibn al-`Arabi. He

said, " To know woman is to know oneself, " and " Whoso knoweth his

self, knoweth his Lord. " Ibn al-'Arabi wrote a collection of poems

entitled The Tarjuman al-ashwaq. These are love poems that he

composed after meeting the learned and beautiful Persian woman Nizam

in Makkah. The poems are filled with images pointing to the Divine

Feminine. His book Fusus al-hikam, in the last chapter, relates that

man's supreme witnessing of Allah is in the form of the woman during

the act of sexual union. He writes, " The contemplation of Allah in

woman is the highest form of contemplation possible: As the Divine

Reality is inaccessible in respect of the Essence, and there is

contemplation only in a substance, the contemplation of God in women

is the most intense and the most perfect; and the union which is the

most intense (in the sensible order, which serves as support for this

contemplation) is the conjugal act. " Allah as the Beloved in Sufi

literature, the ma`shuq, is always depicted with female



Among the Ghulat there is much respect paid to the Divine Feminine.

In the Ghulat group the Ahl-i-Haqq ( " the People of Truth " ), the

Divine Feminine appears as the Khatun-i Qiyamat (Lady of

Resurrection) who also is manifested as the mysterious angel Razbar

(also Ramzbar or Remzebar). The writer, Frédéric Macler, claims that

the name Razbar is of Arabic origin and means " secret of the

creator " . The term qiyama literally means, " rising " of the dead, and

allegorically, it implies an idea denoting the rising to the next

spiritual stage, and qiyamat-i qubra (great resurrection) means an

attainment of the highest degree when a man becomes free from the

ties of external laws, whom he shackles and transfigures into

spiritual substance, which rejoins its divine sources. " The King of

the World was sitting on the water with His four associate angels

(chahar malak-i muqarrab) when they suddenly saw the Pure Substance

of Hadrat-i Razbar, the Khatun-i Qiyamat (Lady of the Resurrection).

She brought out from the sea a round loaf of bread (kulucha), and

offered it to the King of the World. By His order they formed a

devotional assembly (jam), distributed the bread, offered prayers and

exclaimed `Hu!' Then the earth and the skies became fixed, the skies

being that kulucha. "


Another rendition of the emergence of the Lady of the Resurrection is

as follows: " After this the Holder of the World and Creator of Man

looked upon `Azra'il with the eye of benefaction, and `Azra'il became

split into two parts, one exactly like the other, and from between

these parts a drop of light emerged in the form of a loaf of kulucha

bread. The Creator then said, I appoint that person (surat) who

became separated from `Azra'il to be the Lady of the Resurrection

(Khatun-i Qiyamat), who will on the Resurrection Day be the helper of

human beings. " "


Laurence Galian, The Centrality of the Divine Feminine in Sufism



Why should Shri Mataji approach a Muslim who is neither aware of Her

advent nor message of the Resurrection? Why has She devoted more than

three decades declaring the Great News (Al Naba), urging Her devotees

to do the same? It is because of Her great concern that because of

the ulema's misinterpretation of the Qur'an the Ummah (Muslim

community) is in grave danger of missing Her Knowledge and Final

Emancipation pertaining to Al-Qiyamah, the heart and soul of the Holy



" I have such respect for so many of them (Muslims). I wish they could

accept that this is not Jihad time anymore but Qiyamah Time, the

Resurrection Time, the Blossom Time. Are they going to miss it? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


Allah's concern reflects that of His Ruh, and He chastises the Ummah:


" Are they waiting until the Hour comes to them suddenly? All the

Signs thereof have already come. Once the Hour comes to them, how

will they benefit from their message? " " Why do they not study the

Quran carefully? Do they have locks on their minds? " Qur'an 47:18-24


The email prompted me to respond immediately, and it also reflects

the same concern:


Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 5:51 AM

Re: Just Great.....


Dear Nicole,


This is just fantastic, a great Sign from Allah for Hassan and his

family. You must record more details for future Muslims. It is very

important that you do so because of the terms used by Said: " Prophet,

a Saint, very luminous " . In future Muslims are going to play a

critical role in the Resurrection due to their faith and Quran. And

when you have highly educated Muslim adults like your Ph.D. husband

bearing witness to Shri Mataji, that is a very powerful statement.


This incident should be a life-long proof that you and Hassan are on

the right path. To be given that Sign is the greatest blessing to any

Muslim. Why? Because Said was given the Sign on the eve of Eid! He is

very blessed and so is your husband, whose participation in the

Resurrection by the Sign is now almost assured. Moreover, Hassan had

the intention of giving " Realization to his brother, sister and

mother " .


Nicole, we do not know how the future will turn out for Muslims and

Al-Qiyamah. But if you have in your possession such evidence (Sign),

then it is your duty to record it in great detail for the future

benefit and faith of the Ummah in the Resurrection. You must because

it falls on the eve of Eid, and is no coincidence. The Ummah will

easily identify with that. And both you and Hassan should dedicate

your remaining years in spreading the Great News (Al Naba) of Al-

Qiyamah. On my part, i will do my utmost to make Muslims understand

their own Quran and non-Muslims surrender to its soul - The

Resurrection. Thanks.


warmest regards,



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