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Re : Past hype of major SY projects and present silence of abandonment

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Dear Jagbir, Violet and All,

I am now realising how stupid was I to follow these organisations going out there called Sahaja Yoga, frankly now i can realise it, when i look back the last four year I have been practising SYSSR. The damage is serious, but anyway I have to move now the other way, by following the holy ghost within me, just that and annouce the Divine Message of Resurrection nd Collective emancipation of the Humankind. Its takes time to get rid of all the conditionnings and fears developed by this SYSSR.Now I have started with my inner jihad.

Thanks for your wisdom



------------- "...very small and humble, and yet encompassing the world with divinity, was the quiet figure of the great mother."Ben Okri, Astonishing the GodsNigerian Writer--- En date de : Dim 27.9.09, violettubb <violettubb a écrit :

De: violettubb <violettubbObjet: Re: Past hype of major SY projects and present silence of abandonmentÀ: Date: Dimanche 27 Septembre 2009, 23h43

Dear Jagbir and all,Our Geelong Cats in the AFL won their Grand Final 2009. The best players kept their focus on the ball, on the goal, and did not concern themselves with the minor skirmishes among some opposing players. Similarly, as you say, it is useless to indulge in speculations and distractions, that serve to take the eyes away from the goal:> All these useless speculations and distractions (negativity) only> divert our attention from accomplishing the ONLY project 80,000 SYs> refuse to participate in - the Project to tell the Truth! (What is> the nature of the negativity that have silenced so many for so> long?)As you say, we have the greatest goal of all in our lives - "the Project to tell the Truth!warmest regards,violetadishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, "adishakti_org" <adishakti_org@ ...> wrote:>> Dear All,> > i received an email stressing that "one cannot have one foot in the> forum and the other one in the collective SY" and that it is "almost> like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again". There> was another email about SYs ignoring those active on this forum.> > To answer both i need to present some facts first.> > i have been tracking all the major projects and loud claims made by> the SY organization over the last few years. Till date none of them> even remotely met the intended aims and projections .... far from it.> Such is the scope and surety of failure that all major projects have> been quietly shelved in 2009.> > No matter how much effort is put into

SYSSR programs the return is> almost nil or embarrassingly negligible. Remember the huge effort in> Mumbai over the years?> > "But the stubborn camel will drink one day, or slowly die of thirst> as it is becoming evident everywhere. i recently learnt that out of> about 200,000 people given self-realization over the years in the> Mumbai area only 100 or so have remained i.e., about a success rate> of 0.0002%. i would not want to 'insult' the Adi Shakti by quoting> North American figures. Maybe now we can realize why no figures were> given in the recent hyped-up NA newsletter to commence a spiritual> crusade."> > http://groups. / group/adishakti_ sahaja_yoga/ message/4142> > There is growing evidence of capitulation by SYs in Europe and

North> America, and the world over. You hear almost nothing of any SYs in> Africa, China, South America, Middle-east and Indonesia. SYs are not> only minuscule but stagnated as well in India, Australia, Britain and> elsewhere. There is not a single shred of evidence pointing to any> success in any country! The deafening silence of 2009 signals that.> > Only the physical presence of an aging, retired and silent Shri> Mataji remains, and give SYs hope and inspiration. Since Her official> retirement last year, 2009 has witnessed a sudden abandonment of past> projects. There is now almost no hope or evidence that the SYSSR will> ever succeed, a fact made obvious by this post and recent dismal web> reports of www.sahajayoga. org. The day Shri Mataji leaves will> trigger that assured end and disintegration of the SYSSR organization.> > So what is there to

worry or care that "one cannot have one foot in> the forum and the other one in the collective SY" and that it> is "almost like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us> again", and that SYs are ignoring those active on this forum. i am> not the least concerned about these petty problems from SYs who> dislike us for the simple reason that we insist they tell the advent> and message of Shri Mataji in its entirety i.e., they be truthful and> honest to the public. i feel embarrassed to have to deny speculation> that the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again when it is> almost devoid of life itself! That speculation makes no sense.> > All these useless speculations and distractions (negativity) only> divert our attention from accomplishing the ONLY project 80,000 SYs> refuse to participate in - the Project to tell the Truth! (What is> the

nature of the negativity that have silenced so many for so long?)> > i, for one, do not want that negativity to attack me from those i am> contact with. It has nothing to do with being the messengers of Al> Naba (The Great News). If you want to be that messenger then serving> His Spirit (Comforter) is all that should matter. For that you must> be prepared to leave your family, friends and foes, and the problems> associated with them, behind. i hope i have put this issue to rest> once and for all. There is so much of productive and enriching work> over the years to be done. To be disturbed by such pettiness indeed> insults both intelligence and conscience.> > regards to all,> > > jagbir> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -> > SWAN - Sahaja Worldwide Announcements and News>

> Resurrection 2007> Saturday, May 12, 2007> > Beloved sisters and brothers,> > The Inspiring Message of our Divine Mother, during the Easter> celebrations 2007 in India, has actualised the Resurrection of the> modern times. Through the intensity of Her talk, the magnitude of Her> words has put everlasting joy in our hearts. The tender melody of Her> voice has echoed in all the children of the sangha and the depth of> Her Call has filled the Universe with new Divine Energy and> vibrations.> > Let us listen to Her Call. Let us grasp it, integrate it, and> interiorize it within us. We should spread Sahaja Yoga in all the> corners of the world, we should bring peace to humanity, we should> raise the kundalini of the human beings who desire it and we should> give self realisation. In one word, we should resurrect everyone,

the> way She has resurrected us.> > We are entering an era where it is possible for the entire humanity> today to reach a new level of consciousness, leading to an> unprecedented connection with the Source of all powers, the Source of> Divine vibrations and energy, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She has> entrusted us with the capacity to spread Her light, Her truth, Her> Compassion and love, through a mass self realisation. Lately, amazing> testimonies from different parts of the world (Turkey, Morocco, and> South Africa, to name some countries) bear the seal of the power of> these vibrations the dynamism of collective commitment, projecting> this love and materializing the resurrection of the hearts.> > Now it is the right appropriate moment of history to make an oath> that we all desire, all over this planet, to spread Her Divine> Message of

Redemption through a global pledge of committing one self> to the expansion of Sahaja Yoga worldwide.> > In this perspective, the WCASY will dedicate more time and energy to> be at the disposal of the world sangha in order to coordinate,> animate and motivate our brothers and sisters with relevant, adequate> ideas and suggestions, but above all with its humble inner spiritual> input. We will be more than joyous to intensely interact with all of> you, with your national leaders, with their respective councils. We> all lack of experience, as it is a novelty to coordinate on a> worldwide scale, different self realisation actions. Gradually, we> are going to come with themes and development projects with the> purpose to widen our base of spiritual involvement.> > The deep goal is to integrate each other in a web of love, made of> mutual respect. Like

climbing on a mountain, we all the time need the> help of the other to go higher and higher. This collective> choreography, involving each one of us in a perpetual movement of> attention, will elevate us by magnifying our bhakti and shrada.> > Therefore, we are already proud to announce that a European> realisation day will take place throughout the continent on July 7th> 2007. Such an event has taken place in the past and was concluded> with success, leading to the birth of many new resurrected souls. The> European members of the WCASY have gained a certain experience in> conducting this European Realisation Day and will be at the disposal> of the world sangha to launch this auspicious day. They are over> joyous to take the road again and guide us all to make this 7th July> 2007, a memorable Sahaja happening.> > Moreover, in autumn, at the time of

Diwali, we may even trigger a> world realisation day, with several different targeted manifestations> and events. We are going to assemble all the propositions and ideas,> from the four corners of the world, make them available through a> screening process, extracting the best enlightened suggestions.> > We are just at the Beginning of this adventure. We have to shape> these ideas, make them strong, alive and auspicious. My only goal> today is to bring to you all these feelings, this desire to work> together, hands in hands for a Divine purpose, the purpose to> resurrect each one human being who is willing to see the light of the> Divine Mother in his heart.> > Union will transform the world, the society and everything that moves> and moves not on this earth. The culture of the Holy Spirit has to> permeate everywhere and in all beings. Only through

the actualization> of this togetherness we are going to be successful in allowing the> cool wind of the Adi Shakti to blow in the Sahasrara of Her children.> > With eternal love and respect,> Your brother Arneau> The World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga, May 11th 2007> > http://www.sahajayo ga.org/swan/ view/swan_ 612_2007. asp> > > Book Report Update> Thursday, February 09, 2006> Book One of the Ten Book Project> > Richard Payment of Vancouver has been putting in sterling and superb work, aided by a small team, on the first book to come from the International Book Project that has been in operation now for two years. It is the first of a planned series of ten books that will become an incomparable support to our meditation and insights,

companions of our evening and travels, magical tools to inspire our inner growth. Books work differently than audio's or videos but they work and we have missed a printed version of the guidance of Our Mother for too long.> > The working title of the first book is Within: Beyond Words, Beyond Books, Beyond Myths - The Final Steps in the Journey to Self-realization, and it is hoped that finished copies will be available for Sahaja Yogis, by the end of the year 2006. At the same time, the book will be offered for commercial publication to publishing houses in all the major countries of the world.> > www.sahajayoga. org/swan/ view/swan_ 451_2006. asp> > > European Realization Tour> Sunday, July 30, 2006> > Dear Brothers and Sisters,> > This summer the Sahaj collective of Europe is organising an international tour which, in about two months time, will touch more than 20

countries and will prepare for the much awaited 2nd European Realisation Day.> > The blessings that Shri Mataji poured upon us during Her stay in Europe will be felt by all European citizens through the cool vibrations of music, dances and realisation events. Very soon we will all be bathing in the collective joy of giving realisation to seekers all over.> > Every week, a group of countries will host the tour and coordinate the events. You are invited to join us, and specific invitations will be issued for each week of the tour, with full information and references..> > The tour will land three times in Nirmala Nagari (Cabella Ligure), in the premises of the newly established World Foundation, on the occasions of Nirakar Pujas, so that all the yogis who cannot participate to Pujas in USA, will be able to gather collectively for the worship of our Divine Mother.> > Some information about the schedule

is included below. Be aware that there might be some changes - always refer to the website and to the updated invitations that will follow.> > The Tour will start on the 28th of July and until the 4th of August will take place in the Baltic region; for these events, an invitation has been already sent on SWAN> > The 2nd week from 5th to 11th of August Turkey, Greece, Cyprus will take over, inviting yogis from other countries to join in the adventure;> > During Shri Krishna Puja weekend all European yogis who cannot go to USA will be able to gather in Cabella for the 'United in the Virata' celebrations> > For the week just after Krishna Puja (14th-20th), the collectives of Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Russia would take the lead;> > On the following week, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech will take charge of the Tour's organisation from the 21st to the 27th of August> From the

28th to the 3rd of September Spain, France and Portugal will carry the tour forward> > Before Shri Ganesha Puja from 4th to 9th September the Tour could proceed to UK, Belgium, Netherland and Poland> On 10th September we'll celebrate Ganesha Puja in Cabella, 'Back to the Roots'> > On the following week from 11th to 16th, between Ganesha and Navaratri pujas, the Swiss, German and Austrian yogis will organise the Tour events;> > Navaratri Puja will see once again the yogis gather in Cabella for the Triumph of the Goddess.> > Information desk and general coordination will be provided from the offices of the World Center of Cabella, which you can contact via email at cabella, fax +39-0143-919527 or phone +39-348-7785161 (Marco Arciglio). The website www.europeanrealisa tiontour. org will be soon available with more detailed information and will be updated with the latest happenings.>

> This tour will carry vibrations through Europe to establish the auspicious basis for a final programme on the 23rd of September, one week after Navaratri puja, the second European Realisation Day, where we will invite all European seekers to experience the bliss of Self Realisation, in all cities and countries of Europe, simultaneously.> > For this new start of our collective energies, under the auspices of the World Foundation of Sahaja Yoga, we invite you all to participate, to bring our hearts united in Europe.> > The warmth of summer will not be able to resist the coolness of the spirit of the children of Shri Adi Shakti.> > Jai Shri Mataji> European Realisation Tour Team> > www.sahajayoga. org/swan/ view/swan_ 530_2006. asp> > > 2006 West Coast Realization Tour - July 22nd to Aug 11th> Wednesday, June 21, 2006> > Dear brothers and

sisters:> > It is with great pleasure that we invite everyone, and in particular the Yuva Shakti of the World, to take part in a Sahaja tour from Seattle, USA (close to Canada) down to Los Angeles, in time for Shri Krishna Puja.> > The tour will begin in Seattle on July 22. Altogether there will be 11 days dedicated to giving realization on this 21-day tour. Other time will be spent having seminars, music practices, rest days at beaches, havans, or hikes in the mountains. Of course we also hope for spontaneous realization at unplanned moments!> > We will celebrate with realization at a multi-cultural fair for the first weekend in Seattle, followed by a seminar at the beach. We'll travel on to Oregon with a program in Portland and realization at the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. There will be two nights of camping in Oregon during this first week.> > We'll arrive in the Bay Area (San

Francisco/Berkeley) for programs the following weekend. The tour will leave the Bay Area August 3rd after two nights of camping in the beautiful Redwoods near Santa Cruz and go directly to the greater Los Angeles area for the week preceding the puja.> > Yuvas coming for the whole tour should arrive in Seattle on July 21st. For those who cannot make it for the entire tour, we would be happy to have you join the tour July 28-31 in San Francisco or Oakland, CA or August 1-3 in San Jose, CA. We also need Aunties and Uncles!!!> > We have not yet determined the cost but are hoping to keep it as low as possible. If you are interested in coming, please email Kristine at ktrumbo > We look forward to a dynamic tour with yogis from all over the world!> > With Love> The USA Collective> > www.sahajayoga. org/swan/ view/swan_ 515_2006.


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