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As messengers and believers of the Last Judgment and Resurrection we have all

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Dear messengers of the Resurrection,


Namaste - i bow to the Great Mother who resides in you!


Sir C.P. and his cronies have caused irreparable damage to Sahaja

Yoga and unimaginable harm to Shri Mataji when they:


i) forced Her to take anti-psychotic/sedative drugs against Her

explicit, written instructions;

ii) made Her medical condition public;

iii) continue administering these drugs till date;

iv) continue to shamelessly parade Her drooling, drugged self before

SYs instead of allowing Her complete retirement and rest in India as

She requested during the Guru Puja 2008.


Whatever front the SY organization puts up will absolute fail when

the public comes to know of these facts, and sooner or later they

will. Gone and destroyed forever are their claims that Sahaja Yoga

cures diseases, or heals the mind and body, or is great for stress,

or awakens the kundalini. How can you claim so when Shri Mataji

herself could not be cured and healed? The most sacred cow of Sahaja

Yoga is absolutely discredited and only fools and hypocrites will

continue claiming the health benefits of Sahaja Yoga. Other than the

Guru Puja 2008 speech, this administration of drugs against Her will

has assured the demise and destruction of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle

System Religion. Shri Mataji has virtually orchestrated that nothing

remains of the corrupted organization but the indestructible truth of

Her advent and message.


So what is the truth that will remain after She attains Mahasamadhi?


i) that She is the Comforter sent by God Almighty in Jesus name to

complete His teachings and commence the Last Judgement;

ii) that She is the Ruh (Spirit) who has promulgated, recited and

explained the commencement of Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection);

iii) that She is the Messiah who declares the judgement of humankind

after the scattered of Judah return to Israel from the four corners

of the Earth;

iv) that She is the Adi Shakti requested by millions of gods to

enlighten humanity and end Kali Yuga;


Shri Mataji has made sure that only the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh)

within remains the sole source of guidance, hope, faith, Cool Breeze,

enlightenment, protection and meditation. The physical incarnation--

drooling, drugged and silenced--will only remain for those who follow

the SYSSR ( http://sahajayoga.org)


For those who want to participate in the Last Judgement and

Resurrection to enter the Kingdom of God they have to meditate on the

Spirit of God Almighty within their own being. The eternal, omnipotent

(all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (always

present everywhere) Divine Mother will always be your source of joy,

guidance, hope, faith, enlightenment, protection and meditation, all

of which have been confirmed by the thousands of lectures and talks

of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (http://adishakti.org).

Let me just give you a few quotes:


" You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the

Seventh Chakra " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. " - Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi



" This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last

Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the

truth. Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very

easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of

Last Judgment, which looks such a horrifying experience, has been

made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not

disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are

all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter

into the Kingdom of God or not. " Shri Mataji



" Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

absolute, their spirit. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come

for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in

the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come

today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through

your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your

Last Judgment is also now. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every

level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it

will start triggering understanding of real righteousness,

religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God.

This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is

the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through

the light of the Spirit. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


As messengers and believers of the Last Judgement and Resurrection we

have all the evidence and enlightenment directly from the Spirit of

God, as well as the freedom, mandate and blessings of Her incarnation

Shri Mataji to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Let's

spend the rest of our lives fulfilling the deepest desire of Shri

Mataji to help emancipate humanity.


" If we follow Him (Jesus) then we cannot be conditioned by anything

because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned,

conditioned by anything. . . . I am here to tell you all these things

which Christ could not tell, and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All

those things I am saying to you.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja, Delhi, India — December 24, 1995


The Savior has promised that He will aid those who aid Her:


" Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future,

perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that

through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the

greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises

them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of

bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them.


The theme of this section is reassurance and encouragement. Jesus

gives the disciples three basic reasons they should cease being

troubled in their spirits. First, He tells them that, although He is

going away, He will return for them so that they may ultimately join

Him where He is going (vv. 1-3). Second, He tells them that, though

He is going away, He will be the only means by which men may come to

God and go to Heaven (vv. 4-11). Third, He tells them that, though He

is going away, their ministries are not finished. In fact, the best

is still ahead. They are going, by the Holy Spirit’s power, to be

part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation (vv.

12-14). " ...


25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will

send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to

your remembrance, whatsoever I have told unto you.


Jesus now summarizes all that He has been saying in this section.

Referring to the many things which He has taught them while He has

been present with them in the flesh, He tell the disciples that the

Comforter not only is going to remind them of these things, but also

will go to teach them all things necessary to their understanding and

happiness. The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus' teachings,

will enable them to understand truly and completely, and will develop

and expand them into new and wonderful truths.


Jesus has referred to the coming Comforter as the Spirit of Truth (v.

17)...[whose] primary function is the work of making men holy. This

is the work we call sanctification.


In v. 16 Jesus has said that the Comforter is going to be provided to

the disciples by the Father on the basis of His (Jesus') prayer that

He should do so. Now He says that the Father is going to send the

Comforter in His (Christ's) name. These statements are essentially

identical and imply a joint action involving both Father and Son. "


Jack Wilson Stallings and Robert E. Picirilli,

The Randall House Bible Commentary: The Gospel of John,

Randall House Publications, 1989, page 205


regards to all.






, " violettubb " <violettubb



> Dear Jagbir and all,


> My husband, Peter Tubb (RN., B.Nurs., Ass. Dip. Soc. Sci.) says that if Shri

Mataji had a neurological event such as a stroke, cerebral insult or other head

trauma, the risperidone is contraindicated because of its adverse side effects,

such as hypertension and extra-pyramidial effects such as hypothermia and damage

to the liver. He says that risperidone is chiefly used for behavioural

management in dementia or other psychological orders such as schizophrenia,

i.e., it is only indicated if a person is a physical danger to themselves or

others. Peter says that if Shri Mataji did not have dementia or schizophrenia,

that by giving Her the risperidone, She was treated badly; illegally restrained.


> Mrs. Olga Perezhogin would have been privy to what her husband (as member 13)

knew. She says:


> " The first list from 17 leaders was confirmed by Mother. Sergei [Perezhogin]

was under member 13 (!).


> Here is what Olga Perezhogin writes in relation to what happened at Guru Puja



> " Guru Puja 2004. It was announced that after the Puja there would be

inauguration of the World Council. Mother speaks at the Puja as if She is saying

farewell to us. She is speaking about love... The next day at the inauguration

in Mother's House Sir C.P. was speaking for a long time. He was saying how

Gregoire and he had been preparing the Regulations for a long time... " And now

we ask Mother to bless this work " . Mother was sitting silently during all this

speech, not reacting to anything, looking straightly in front of Her. She did

not react anyhow to the suggestion to bless the council, either! As Sergei

[Perezhogin] said afterwards, nobody understood whether Shri Mataji had blessed

the Council, whether it is legal or not. But She did not say " no " , either.

> After a pause, Sir C.P. said, " She blesses, blesses! " For some more time

everyone was behaving as if nothing was happening. Not many knew at that time

that Mother was already being given resperidone (medicine). "


> Olga Perezhogin, further, writes about the giving of the risperidone to Shri



> " - Bogdan Shekhovich participated in the setting the kind of treatment. Sir

C.P. returned him into SY for that. The worrying of the husband for the health

of his wife, the responsibility of Dr. Bogdan for the health of Guru are

understandable. I am not a doctor and I do not know whether the use of

resperidon has any grounds. "


> [break Quote]


> According to Peter's knowledge (related above), risperidone has grounds if a

person has either dementia or another psychological disorder such as

schizophrenia and then it can be given to prevent them harming themselves or

others. In regards to dementia, Peter has, further, told me that risperidone is

not given in the early stages of dementia, but say 1-5 years down the track,

when behavioural problems become apparent, such as mounting confusion,

disorientation, agitation, etc. due to memory loss, that then leads to self-harm

such as walking through a closed glass door, falling down steps, touching hot

plates with bare hands, inadvertently drinking from bottles containing toxic

substances and so on. That's when risperidone is usually given, to slow down a

person's ideation, i.e., their thinking process in relation to the inappropriate

auditory and visual hallucinations they have.


> [Continuing Quote of Olga Perezhogin]:


> " I do not know what I would have done if I had been Bogdan: the best

specialists were consulting Mother. But Bogdan knew about Mother's letter of

1998 in which Mother had prohibited to treat Her with human methods and

especially not to allow Her husband to participate in that process. Bogdan

turned out to be a doctor and not a Sahaja Yogi. Tell me, who on Earth can judge

what blood pressure should the Goddess have in Kali Yuga? "


> [Here is what Olga said about the risperidone, in particular, which i have

extracted from the other things mentioned along with that]:


> " The treatment [using respiridone] was done by doctors - Sahaja Yogis! Yes,

the best American and Italian doctors were consulting. In Europe, they are very

careful with it. Then, all the thought were at what would be with Mother. Bogdan

said that Mother would not be able to speak anymore. It is, according to him, is

not possible from the medicine point of view. I imagine how much surprised they

were when Mother started talking! Jai Shri Mataji! "


> [Jagbir, here is an interesting thing: Peter says that according to what he

knows, respiridone is an anti-psychotic and does not stop someone from talking.

Peter says that to stop someone from talking, they have to be heavily sedated.]


> violet




> , " adishakti_org " <adishakti_org@>


> >

> > >

> > > Sir C.P. continues to con us with his lies. We have no idea what

> > > goes behind close doors - projects, appointments, finances,

> > > sackings etc. All we hear from Sir C.P. is that Shri Mataji has

> > > blessed them. There are no witness to those claims. Even when there

> > > are, Sir C.P. continues to claim the same ....... even though we

> > > know Shri Mataji's silence contradicts those claims.

> > >

> > > 2. The SY Neros are bitterly divided in their loyalty, with the

> > > shrewder ones kowtowing to the functional Sir CP instead of our

> > > drooling, drugged Mother. They know the rewards of helping him,

> > > instead of Shri Mataji. Thus we know how Sir C.P. returned the

> > > Resperidone favor that Dr. Bohdan bestowed on Shri Mataji:

> > >

> >

> > Let me give you recent evidence of a drooling, drugged and silenced

> > Shri Mataji that Sir C.P. has for years claimed blesses everything.

> > No matter where they take Shri Mataji to parade before SYs--Russia,

> > Austria or Italy--She refuses to say even a single word, forget a

> > complete sentence. That has especially been the case since Her final

> > Guru Puja July 2008 farewell speech. The only exception was when She

> > spoke May 13, 2009 to children of the Centrassi School. Maybe our

> > Neros should question why adults, not children, are being shunned by

> > Her. The answer is a no-brainer, but i better explain its meaning to

> > our Neros: A no-brainer is " something that requires little mental

> > effort or intelligence to perform or understand. The term is often

> > applied to decisions which are straightforward or sometimes to people

> > who appear to lack intelligence. "

> >

> > Friday 21st August 2009

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji.jpg

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji_L.jpg

> >

> > Observe Shri Mataji's right hand. Try holding your own in that

> > position for just one minute and you will know what i mean:

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji.jpg

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_L.jpg

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_2.jpg

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_2L.jpg

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_3.jpg

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_3L.jpg

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_4.jpg

> > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_4L.jpg

> >

> > http://www.shrimataji.org/italy2009/album/494

> >

> >

> >

> > Re: While Rome (Cabella) burns our Neros (WCASY leaders/assassins/

double-agents/SYs) stab and lynch each other

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i could only read the PDF document once as the stink overpowered me.

> > So i did not poke and shift through all the trash to write details of

> > that rotting, reeking rubbish. Instead i have decided to view the

> > whole putrid pile from a safe distance to observe the obvious.

> > However, i will have to occasionally go near the heap to confirm and

> > quote some facts. These are my observations:

> >

> > 1. Sir CP is yet again confirmed to be dishonest about Shri Mataji

> > and continues to put words into Her mouth. i quote from the end of

> > page 4/8 of the PDF letter:

> >

> > " You know, what they were busy with? You think Mother's health? Or

> > Sahaja Yoga advancement? No, they were creating portfolios and

> > working out procedures of making decisions. They were creating

> > committees, commissions, and the like. Following Gregoire's request,

> > Mother included his brother Arno not as a member but as secretary

> > into the Council but now he has a place in the Council. When Sergei

> > was asked what work in the Council he would like to do (the most

> > popular were financial and the like), he answered: spreading Sahaja

> > Yoga. " Then the committee of Spreading Sahaja Yoga was created in the

> > Council. Already this was surprising. The ego of our authoritative

> > Yogis was driving farther and farther from what was the work of

> > ordinary Sahaja Yogis. Guru Puja 2004. It was announced that after

> > the Puja there would be inauguration of the World Council. Mother

> > speaks at the Puja as if She is saying farewell to us. She is

> > speaking of love … The next day at the inauguration in Mother's House

> > Sir C.P. was speaking for a long time. He was saying how Gregoire and

> > he had been preparing the Regulations for a long time… " And now we

> > ask Mother to bless this work " . Mother was sitting silently during

> > all his speech, not reacting to anything, looking straight in front

> > of Her. She did not react anyhow to the suggestions to bless the

> > council, either! As Sergei said afterwards, nobody understood whether

> > Shri Mataji had blessed the Council, whether it is legal or not. But

> > She did not say " no " either.

> >

> > After a pause, Sir C.P. said, " She blesses, blesses! " For some more

> > time, everyone was behaving as if nothing was happening. Not many

> > knew at that time that Mother was already given respiridon

> > (medicine). "

> >

> > Sir C.P. had the audacity to claim that Shri Mataji blessed the World

> > Council even though She did not utter a word throughout his lengthy

> > speech. So we have no idea how many times he has just made things up

> > i.e., told leaders and SYs that Shri Mataji has blessed this or that,

> > or elected this or that person to the World Council. Sir C.P. has

> > taken upon himself to be the official mouthpiece for Shri Mataji,

> > without giving us any reason why Shri Mataji, sitting just a few feet

> > away, cannot speak for Herself. He confidently interprets Shri Mataji

> > silence as a sign of approval, not that of quiet dissent or drugged

> > stupor. Sir C.P., surrounded by a spineless circle of orbiting

> > leaders wholly dependent on his celestial grace and pull of gravity,

> > can get away with any transgression right under their noses.

> >

> > In 2006 Dr. Balwinder was witness to Sir C.P. deceitful character in

> > front of Shri Mataji's presence when She was asked permission to have

> > Her ear examined:

> >

> > Dec 2, 2006

> > " How can Sir Shiva and WCASY claim that it was the Will of our Divine

> > Mother to expel those who were merely following Her express written

> > instruction? Any conscientious SY would have done the same. The

> > least would have been to get Her permission. i even ask my daughter

> > her permission before administering cough medication. Shri Mataji is

> > the Adi Shakti for God's sake!!!!!! Don't you think Her express

> > permission was required for anti-psychotic drugs?

> >

> > i assure you WCASY is lying when they claim Shri Mataji talks to Sir

> > CP who then conveys Her wishes. Dr B was witness to this shocking

> > lie by Sir CP who interpreted Shri Mataji's silence to two request

> > for ear examination as a " Yes " !!! That is how he manipulates and

> > takes advantage of Her silence. i have no respect for such a liar.

> > If he can lie in front of an examining doctor what makes you think

> > he has not made up the stories that Shri Mataji talks to him? Why

> > can't he just make Shri Mataji repeat all that he claims She is

> > telling him in private? Why not make a tape recording of the

> > conversation? Are we asking too much?

> >

> > Shri Mataji is silent towards those parties who have collectively

> > violated, overpowered and removed Her Will in every aspect of the

> > word. Despite being taken off Risperidol in late 2005 or early 2006

> > She continues to bear silent witness to the official orgies of the

> > copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in their lust for power

> > and self-aggrandizement? Maybe they are too drunk with pleasure to

> > wonder why? "

> > /message/7015

> >

> > Sir C.P. continues to con us with his lies. We have no idea what goes

> > behind close doors - projects, appointments, finances, sackings etc.

> > All we hear from Sir C.P. is that Shri Mataji has blessed them. There

> > are no witness to those claims. Even when there are, Sir C.P.

> > continues to claim the same ....... even though we know Shri Mataji's

> > silence contradicts those claims.

> >

> > 2. The SY Neros are bitterly divided in their loyalty, with the

> > shrewder ones kowtowing to the functional Sir CP instead of our

> > drooling, drugged Mother. They know the rewards of helping him,

> > instead of Shri Mataji. Thus we know how Sir C.P. returned the

> > Resperidone favor that Dr. Bohdan bestowed on Shri Mataji:

> >

> > " Update on The World Council of Sahaja Yoga

> > Saturday, June 26, 2004

> >

> > In addition to those already appointed, Dr. Bohdan Shehovych is

> > designated as a World Leader and Member of the Council. "

> >

> > The speed the seal of approval took will become urban legend in SY

> > circles, notwithstanding the unsavory legend behind Dr. Bohdan:

> >

> > " " Qld: Doctor fined over yoga dispute " , AAP General News, Australia,

> > November 12, 2001.

> > Brisbane's District Court has been told a GP grabbed a man round the

> > head and dragged him over a backyard fence -- accusing him of

> > befouling members of an Indian cult. The court was told Dr BOHDAN

> > MYRON SHEHOVYCH was among a group delivering a letter to the man from

> > the founder of the meditation religion, Sahaja Yoga. The 52-year-old

> > doctor from the New South Wales central coast today pleaded guilty to

> > entering a house at Mount Ommaney in Brisbane' west and assaulting

> > TERENCE RICHARD BLACKLEY on March 3 this year. The court heard the

> > group was delivering a letter to BLACKLEY from spiritual leader SHRI

> > MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI, alleging spiritual and criminal wrongdoings.

> > Judge KERRY O'BRIEN today told the doctor that someone of his

> > intelligence should have known better than to behave in that manner.

> > He's fined Dr SHEHOVYCH $1,500 but did not record a conviction. "

> > Wikipedia

> >

> > But we are made to believe that Shri Mataji approved Dr. Bohdan's

> > appointment despite his past record, and expelled Guido and Sergey

> > Perezhogin just because they questioned the administration of a

> > psychotic drug against the express written order of Shri Mataji

> > Herself. They were following Her very instructions to all leaders

> > against any form of medical intrusion or drug administartion. And she

> > specifically mention her husband Sir C.P.! She wrote it down in black

> > and write, and signed it. What else was required for clarity?

> >

> > 3. Sir CP and his daughters Kalpana and Sadhana are actually in

> > charge of running Sahaja Yoga from Cabella, Italy. (The recent

> > opening of the Cabella School only confirms the obvious. Shri Mataji

> > is again silent and does not utter a word. Some of Her facial

> > expressions are shocking. Does the photos give us a clue or reason to

> > question Her state of mind, and believe that She is again drugged?)

> >

> > Since May 5, 1970 till date neither Sir CP, Kalpana nor Sadhana have

> > ever meditated on, prostrated before or acknowledged that Shri Mataji

> > is the Adi Shakti. They have absolutely no faith in Her and do not

> > believe that She is the Adi Shakti, a fact that Shri Mataji lamented

> > years ago. (Her son-in-laws and grandchildren are no different.)

> >

> > So why is Sir CP, Kalpana nor Sadhana so involved and interested in

> > running the Sahaja Yoga organization? Other than money, it is the

> > perks of that office–all the warmth of adoration and basking in the

> > SY publicity and servitude that gives them a Bollywood status. 80,000

> > SYs now swoon before individuals who, if not for their blood ties,

> > would have laughed themselves insane at the suggestion that Shri

> > Mataji is the Adi Shakti.

> >

> > 4. But let's get to the most troubling fact of the chain of events

> > that goaded our Neros to set Cabella on fire, the point that may be

> > missed.

> >

> > When two or three factions wash dirty linen in public (while they

> > fight and slander each other) all that is unclean is visible, and set

> > more tongues a wagging. We now have 80,000 SYs who have joined this

> > Sir CP or that Guido camp, the Russian Council or their assassinated

> > leader, and the list goes on and on in each and every country. (i am

> > 100% positive that all SY collectives are divided/strained/split-up

> > by internal factions and pettiness. i am 100% sure!). All have

> > discussed the juicy details of our Neros involved in setting Cabella

> > ablaze.

> >

> > i was thinking that all the infighting, bickering, accusations and

> > slandering going on for years would have involved issues most

> > crucial, dearest and central to Shri Mataji. i mean there would be

> > indignation and anger that the other party, leader, Sir CP, Sadhana

> > or Kalpana is/are guilty of not looking after Shri Mataji's interest.

> > Yes, they did just that and still continue to. But what they are

> > fighting most bitterly is who controls, and have access, to Shri

> > Mataji and Her estate ............ what a spectacular show they have

> > put up, and i am green with envy for being barred from participation.

> >

> > The ONLY issue that our Neros never fought or accused each other was

> > being honest, upfront and focused on Her Advent and Message to

> > humanity. i could hardly believe myself that even though so many so-

> > called self-realized souls have been so bitterly hurling accusations

> > at each other all these years none ever accused the other of being

> > dishonest to humanity. How is that possible? Are all our Neros and

> > their 80,000 followers in complete agreement on this single issue

> > despite all the rivalry and disagreement on all other major issues?

> >

> > Yes, they are in complete agreement. (It is a collective non-

> > conscious agreement. This non-conscious accord comes from a power

> > that is sinister in nature.) None have accused the other of not

> > raising the consciousness of humanity to all that is most crucial,

> > dearest and central to Shri Mataji – the Great News of the

> > Resurrection and Last Judgment that leads humans into everlasting

> > life in the Kingdom of God.

> >

> > But why are these observations possible? Why are our Neros and their

> > 80,000 followers unable to see the obvious? i got that answer only

> > during today's meditation.

> >

> > You cannot observe the obvious from inside the SY forest as there are

> > too many trees that attract your attention – the pests, bugs, snakes,

> > stings, bites, rashes and convulsions that constantly irritate, put

> > fear or poison your mind. All attention and desire in the SY forest

> > is spent constantly discussing in great detail on how to ward off

> > these creatures and diseases, both real and imaginary. There is just

> > no time, guidance or energy from the embattled leaders for nobler

> > idea, sapped as they are from all the infighting and jostling for

> > Council seats and pole positions. In such an environment years can

> > easily pass into decades, with little to show for progress.

> >

> > The only way is to leave the forest and forget the 80,000 trees that

> > are so full of these pests, bugs, stings, snakes, bites, rashes and

> > convulsions. Only be climbing onto a Higher Ground can you observe

> > the SY forest and write a report that is as honest as is brutal. All

> > alone with the Divine Mother in your Sahasrara, you are answerable

> > to Her only ....... not Sir CP, Sadhana, Kalpana or any of our

> > Neros and their 80,000 followers.

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " adishakti_org "

> > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > Just want to present my case for the post title:

> > >

> > > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/lettera_sy-1.pdf

> > >

> > > Please allow a few seconds for it to open as it is rather large

> > > (894kb). Maybe you will understand better why i _know_ 80,000 SYs

> > > are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again.

> > >

> > > In case you miss the point of the post i will explain this lettera_sy-

> > > 1.pdf in a day or two. So just lay back on your EZ-chair and cheer

> > > our Neros at their best. Nothing beats this Sunday cheap matinee.

> > >

> > > regards to all,

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > > Note: " Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance.

> > > He is known for a number of executions, including those of his mother

> > > and adoptive brother, as the emperor who " fiddled while Rome burned " ,

> > > and as an early persecutor of Christians. " - Wikipedia

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: 80,000 SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His

gospel of

> > t

> > >

> > > , " violettubb " <violettubb@>

> > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Re: 80,000 SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His


> > of the Kingdom of God from completion

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Krishna, Bertrand, Nicole, Jagbir and All,

> > > >

> > > > Being upfront to the public about Shri Mataji's continuation of Jesus

> > Christ's Message doesn't seem to work for SYs who follow the new religion,


> > SYSSR, which is based upon, but does not listen to or put into practise what

> > Shri Mataji has been saying. Their main concern seems to be to get rid of


> > individual catches, but they are having trouble with that, too. i haven't


> > of any testimonies from them, that they have gotten rid of their catches,


> > Yet at the Guru Puja 2008, Shri Mataji said that most SYs should by now have

> > gotten rid of all their catches. But that only happens through following


> > Mataji, not following a religion.

> > > >

> > > > Having one's initial self-realization brings one the connection of the

> > Divine Mother, as the awakened Holy Spirit within. Then that connection

needs to

> > be understood and made use of. There is not much point in having the


> > and then not using it. That is why it is also so important for people to

> > understand the meaning of this connection, and how Self-realization is such


> > big subject that absolutely encompasses everything:

> > > >

> > > > http://www.adishakti.org/

> > > >

> > > > The real Self-realization starts when a person surrenders to the Divine

> > Mother within, the awakened Holy Spirit. That is the only way a person will


> > rid themselves of their catches, 100%. No external religion, including the


> > SYSSR can achieve that, which is why SYs following the organised SYSSR are


> > working on their catches. While the SYSSR claims in the beginning that its

> > methods will clear your chakras, in the end it admits its failure--that SYs


> > never be completely free of catches for their whole lifetime! What kind of

> > faulty religion is that, where it can claim to give you methods to clear


> > chakras, but once you have become well and truly conditioned by their


> > they then tell you that SYs will never be completely free of catches,

anyway? It

> > is not the Pure Religion of Shri Mataji and of Shri Jesus. When in the Guru


> > 2008 talk, Shri Mataji said that by now most SYs should be free of catches,


> > made this faulty new religion face up to its own impotence, to rid SYs of


> > catches, 100%. That is also why She said in the mid-1990's that:

> > > >

> > > > " I hope that you don't make a religion out of my teachings. "

> > > >

> > > > Because, when people do that, they stop following the Incarnation's

> > teachings and follow a new religion instead, that somebody has created


> > those teachings, but which is faulty as it leaves out a lot of what the

> > Incarnation gave. That is what has happened in the past, and it has happened


> > Sahaja Yoga. And that is how 80,000 SYs can be 'crucifying' Jesus again by

> > preventing the completion of His gospel of the Kingdom of God. All that has


> > happen is to tell the truth. The organised SYSSR cannot do that. It is the

> > latest proof that not only are religions relatively useless, but a


> > of the Truth that an Incarnation gave. Even SYs have lost the Truth when


> > have tried to make a religion out of the Divine Mother's teachings. The

shock is

> > just how much they have left out!

> > > >

> > > > regards to all,

> > > >

> > > > violet

> > > >

> > > >

> >



> > \

> > ristianity_and_islam_3-11-2009.htm

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " krishna_volk "


> > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Jagbir, Violet, and all,

> > > > >

> > > > > This post in particular really resonated with me. It awoke something


> > me, a feeling, which I have not felt for a long time. I remember feeling


> > when I first started coming on this forum and taking part actively. It has


> > such a long time since the feelings of immediacy and call to duty were alive


> > me, intermingling with this depth or awareness that I can't really describe.


> > have become lost in the SYSSR with glimpses of what is really important


> > sporadically throughout. Not only lost, but entangled in all the fear of


> > honest and upfront to everyone; not worrying if they think I'm crazy or if I


> > convince them or not; daily cleansing rituals and fear, shame, and guilt-

> > immediately if I feel catches during the day or things related to that. What


> > happened?

> > > > >

> > > > > One thing that jumped out at me and had me really feeling my own fear


> > which was never there before) was

> > > > >

> > > > > " If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit (Comforter)

> > > > > is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave

> > > > > your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with them,

> > > > > behind. And without question you must cut off completely from the

> > > > > 80,000 SYs? "

> > > > >

> > > > > Specifically the last sentence. I realize I have so much expected of


> > by the Devi and I also realize that I have become so very lost and


> > and getting out of it is gonna be a long road and a huge battle inside of


> > All of it happened so subtly that I didn't realize it was creeping in. When


> > came back from India it wasn't there but soon sprung up again. WOW!

> > > > >

> > > > > I guess my sword has it's work cut out for it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Krishna

> > > > >

> > > > > , " adishakti_org "

> > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > , Bertrand Tietcheu

> > <btietcheu@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear Jagbir, Violet and All,

> > > > > > > I am now realising how stupid was I to follow these organisations

> > > > > > going out there called Sahaja Yoga, frankly now i can realise it,

> > > > > > when i look back the last four year I have been practising SYSSR.


> > > > > > damage is serious, but anyway I have to move now the other way, by

> > > > > > following the holy ghost within me, just that and announce the


> > > > > > Message of Resurrection and Collective emancipation of the


> > > > > > Its takes time to get rid of all the conditionnings and fears

> > > > > > developed by this SYSSR.

> > > > > > > Now I have started with my inner jihad.

> > > > > > > Thanks for your wisdom

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Bertrand

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Bertrand and all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i am 100% convinced that the SYSSR is very destructive for your

> > > > > > spiritual ascent and salvation as it corrupts and induces you to

> > > > > > believe that keeping the subtle system clean (with the aid of


> > > > > > requiring lemons, chillies, footsoaks, candles, mantras etc.) and

> > > > > > propagating that SYSSR message to others is what Sahaja Yoga is

> > > > > > about. There is an evil force within the SY organization that has

> > > > > > managed to suppress and corrupt the very reason God Almighty sent


> > > > > > Comforter. It is without question the greatest of crimes against

> > > > > > humanity. If you have been following the recent posts then you will

> > > > > > realize who is causing them to deviate.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So do not support the SY organization in any way as it is the very

> > > > > > reason the Message of the Comforter has been so effectively

> > > > > > suppressed. Bertrand, if that is not anti-Christ then what is?


> > > > > > SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His gospel of

> > > > > > the Kingdom of God from completion! Bertrand, you are literally

> > > > > > supposed to remove an eye or cut off a limb if it hinders you in any

> > > > > > way from entering the Kingdom of God. You are supposed to openly and

> > > > > > at all times fearlessly declare the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

> > > > > > Leaving the SY organization and completely cutting yourself from it

> > > > > > is the only choice left if you truly understand how severe is the

> > > > > > Saviour's dire warning.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As i said before, you will associate yourself with this anti-Christ

> > > > > > organization at your own peril. And let me make it absolutely clear

> > > > > > to all who support it that under no circumstance whatsoever will it

> > > > > > survive! Absolutely not ....... and its decades-old demise is

> > > > > > evidence of that assured outcome and finality. (John Noyce, the


> > > > > > appointed watch-dog of this forum can take this email and present it

> > > > > > to Shri Mataji. i will stand by every word, and that includes the

> > > > > > anti-Christ nature of the SY organization!)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Shri Mataji has claimed that She has come to do the job of God

> > > > > > Almighty. And to prove that, amongst many other aspects of Her


> > > > > > and Message, is our sacred and most blessed duty. She will help you

> > > > > > with all the information, creativity and means to fulfil your


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> >



> > \

> > o_take_place_in_the_eschatological_future.htm

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit (Comforter)

> > > > > > is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave

> > > > > > your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with


> > > > > > behind. And without question you must cut off completely from the

> > > > > > 80,000 SYs who are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His

> > > > > > gospel of the Kingdom from being fulfilled. Be forewarned!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > jagbir

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > -------------

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Past hype of major SY projects and present silence of abandonment

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i received an email stressing that " one cannot have one foot in the

> > > > > > forum and the other one in the collective SY " and that it is " almost

> > > > > > like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again " . There

> > > > > > was another email about SYs ignoring those active on this forum.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To answer both i need to present some facts first.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i have been tracking all the major projects and loud claims made by

> > > > > > the SY organization over the last few years. Till date none of them

> > > > > > even remotely met the intended aims and projections .... far from


> > > > > > Such is the scope and surety of failure that all major projects have

> > > > > > been quietly shelved in 2009.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No matter how much effort is put into SYSSR programs the return is

> > > > > > almost nil or embarrassingly negligible. Remember the huge effort in

> > > > > > Mumbai over the years?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > " But the stubborn camel will drink one day, or slowly die of thirst

> > > > > > as it is becoming evident everywhere. i recently learnt that out of

> > > > > > about 200,000 people given self-realization over the years in the

> > > > > > Mumbai area only 100 or so have remained i.e., about a success rate

> > > > > > of 0.0002%. i would not want to 'insult' the Adi Shakti by quoting

> > > > > > North American figures. Maybe now we can realize why no figures were

> > > > > > given in the recent hyped-up NA newsletter to commence a spiritual

> > > > > > crusade. "

> > > > > >

> > > > > > /message/4142

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is growing evidence of capitulation by SYs in Europe and North

> > > > > > America, and the world over. You hear almost nothing of any SYs in

> > > > > > Africa, China, South America, Middle-east and Indonesia. SYs are not

> > > > > > only minuscule but stagnated as well in India, Australia, Britain


> > > > > > elsewhere. There is not a single shred of evidence pointing to any

> > > > > > success in any country! The deafening silence of 2009 signals that.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Only the physical presence of an aging, retired and silent Shri

> > > > > > Mataji remains, and give SYs hope and inspiration. Since Her


> > > > > > retirement last year, 2009 has witnessed a sudden abandonment of


> > > > > > projects. There is now almost no hope or evidence that the SYSSR


> > > > > > ever succeed, a fact made obvious by this post and recent dismal web

> > > > > > reports of www.sahajayoga.org. The day Shri Mataji leaves will

> > > > > > trigger that assured end and disintegration of the SYSSR


> > > > > >

> > > > > > So what is there to worry or care that " one cannot have one foot in

> > > > > > the forum and the other one in the collective SY " and that it

> > > > > > is " almost like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us

> > > > > > again " , and that SYs are ignoring those active on this forum. i am

> > > > > > not the least concerned about these petty problems from SYs who

> > > > > > dislike us for the simple reason that we insist they tell the advent

> > > > > > and message of Shri Mataji in its entirety i.e., they be truthful


> > > > > > honest to the public. i feel embarrassed to have to deny speculation

> > > > > > that the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again when it


> > > > > > almost devoid of life itself! That speculation makes no sense.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > All these useless speculations and distractions (negativity) only

> > > > > > divert our attention from accomplishing the ONLY project 80,000 SYs

> > > > > > refuse to participate in - the Project to tell the Truth! (What is

> > > > > > the nature of the negativity that have silenced so many for so


> > > > > >

> > > > > > i, for one, do not want that negativity to attack me from those i am

> > > > > > contact with. It has nothing to do with being the messengers of Al

> > > > > > Naba (The Great News). If you want to be that messenger then serving

> > > > > > His Spirit (Comforter) is all that should matter. For that you must

> > > > > > be prepared to leave your family, friends and foes, and the problems

> > > > > > associated with them, behind. i hope i have put this issue to rest

> > > > > > once and for all. There is so much of productive and enriching work

> > > > > > over the years to be done. To be disturbed by such pettiness indeed

> > > > > > insults both intelligence and conscience.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > jagbir

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Jagbir and all,


i refer to your point iv:


iv) continue to shamelessly parade Her drooling, drugged self before SYs instead

of allowing Her complete retirement and rest in India as She requested during

the Guru Puja 2008.


That SYs are doing puja to Shri Mataji, which involves absorbing Her vibrations

while She is in a drooling, drugged-looking state, does not paint a very

considerate picture. It is not like Shri Mataji seems to be responding anymore

and it can be seen from the photos that SYs are looking uneasy, downcast,

shame-faced and some are even smiling as if nothing is wrong and everything is

as it should be.


What is wrong with this picture is that after Shri Mataji gave the Guru Puja

Commission of 2008, SYs could have willingly given Shri Mataji the complete

retirement and rest in India that She requested. She could have retired with

grace and dignity. Instead, we see them clinging to Her external form like grim

death, as if She is going to leave them - instead of finding Her in their

Sahasrara, which is where She resides, as the Incarnation of the Divine

Mother/Holy Spirit within.


The tragedy is, if they cannot wean themselves of the physical Shri Mataji, then

they will have to find themselves a physical substitute for when Shri Mataji has

Her Mahasammadhi, such as Sir C.P. or one of their daughters. If that happens

(and in some respects it seems to be happening already, bit by bit) it will be a

case of Sahaja Yogis worshipping non-Sahaja Yogis. And that will be against

everything that Shri Mataji taught!


But the Neros of Sahaja Yoga seem to have no such immediate concerns, but seem

to be allowing just such a scenario to gradually develop. The least that can be

said of them is that they are not preventing " just such a scenario " from

happening. When, and if, that happens, the organisation of Sahaja Yoga will have

lost the meaning of what Sahaja Yoga is. So, it can already be clearly seen that

they're not interested in Shri Mataji's Message alone, but what they can gain

out of it for themselves!


It is left for the messengers of the Resurrection, who understand that the Great

Mother resides within, to give Shri Mataji's Message in full - and that is very

OK by us, also. We are most happy to do that! It is the greatest privilege that

subtle system yogis rejected!


regards to all,






, " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear messengers of the Resurrection,


> Namaste - i bow to the Great Mother who resides in you!


> Sir C.P. and his cronies have caused irreparable damage to Sahaja

> Yoga and unimaginable harm to Shri Mataji when they:


> i) forced Her to take anti-psychotic/sedative drugs against Her

> explicit, written instructions;

> ii) made Her medical condition public;

> iii) continue administering these drugs till date;

> iv) continue to shamelessly parade Her drooling, drugged self before

> SYs instead of allowing Her complete retirement and rest in India as

> She requested during the Guru Puja 2008.


> Whatever front the SY organization puts up will absolute fail when

> the public comes to know of these facts, and sooner or later they

> will. Gone and destroyed forever are their claims that Sahaja Yoga

> cures diseases, or heals the mind and body, or is great for stress,

> or awakens the kundalini. How can you claim so when Shri Mataji

> herself could not be cured and healed? The most sacred cow of Sahaja

> Yoga is absolutely discredited and only fools and hypocrites will

> continue claiming the health benefits of Sahaja Yoga. Other than the

> Guru Puja 2008 speech, this administration of drugs against Her will

> has assured the demise and destruction of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle

> System Religion. Shri Mataji has virtually orchestrated that nothing

> remains of the corrupted organization but the indestructible truth of

> Her advent and message.


> So what is the truth that will remain after She attains Mahasamadhi?


> i) that She is the Comforter sent by God Almighty in Jesus name to

> complete His teachings and commence the Last Judgement;

> ii) that She is the Ruh (Spirit) who has promulgated, recited and

> explained the commencement of Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection);

> iii) that She is the Messiah who declares the judgement of humankind

> after the scattered of Judah return to Israel from the four corners

> of the Earth;

> iv) that She is the Adi Shakti requested by millions of gods to

> enlighten humanity and end Kali Yuga;


> Shri Mataji has made sure that only the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh)

> within remains the sole source of guidance, hope, faith, Cool Breeze,

> enlightenment, protection and meditation. The physical incarnation--

> drooling, drugged and silenced--will only remain for those who follow

> the SYSSR ( http://sahajayoga.org)


> For those who want to participate in the Last Judgement and

> Resurrection to enter the Kingdom of God they have to meditate on the

> Spirit of God Almighty within their own being. The eternal, omnipotent

> (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (always

> present everywhere) Divine Mother will always be your source of joy,

> guidance, hope, faith, enlightenment, protection and meditation, all

> of which have been confirmed by the thousands of lectures and talks

> of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (http://adishakti.org).

> Let me just give you a few quotes:


> " You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the

> Seventh Chakra " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

> of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. " - Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi



> " This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last

> Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the

> truth. Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very

> easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of

> Last Judgment, which looks such a horrifying experience, has been

> made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not

> disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are

> all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter

> into the Kingdom of God or not. " Shri Mataji



> " Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

> masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

> It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

> the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

> misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

> absolute, their spirit. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> " The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come

> for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in

> the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come

> today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through

> your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your

> Last Judgment is also now. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



> " Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every

> level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it

> will start triggering understanding of real righteousness,

> religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God.

> This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is

> the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through

> the light of the Spirit. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


> As messengers and believers of the Last Judgement and Resurrection we

> have all the evidence and enlightenment directly from the Spirit of

> God, as well as the freedom, mandate and blessings of Her incarnation

> Shri Mataji to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Let's

> spend the rest of our lives fulfilling the deepest desire of Shri

> Mataji to help emancipate humanity.


> " If we follow Him (Jesus) then we cannot be conditioned by anything

> because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned,

> conditioned by anything. . . . I am here to tell you all these things

> which Christ could not tell, and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All

> those things I am saying to you. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Christmas Puja, Delhi, India — December 24, 1995


> The Savior has promised that He will aid those who aid Her:


> " Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future,

> perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that

> through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the

> greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises

> them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of

> bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them.


> The theme of this section is reassurance and encouragement. Jesus

> gives the disciples three basic reasons they should cease being

> troubled in their spirits. First, He tells them that, although He is

> going away, He will return for them so that they may ultimately join

> Him where He is going (vv. 1-3). Second, He tells them that, though

> He is going away, He will be the only means by which men may come to

> God and go to Heaven (vv. 4-11). Third, He tells them that, though He

> is going away, their ministries are not finished. In fact, the best

> is still ahead. They are going, by the Holy Spirit's power, to be

> part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation (vv.

> 12-14). " ...


> 25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

> 26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will

> send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to

> your remembrance, whatsoever I have told unto you.


> Jesus now summarizes all that He has been saying in this section.

> Referring to the many things which He has taught them while He has

> been present with them in the flesh, He tell the disciples that the

> Comforter not only is going to remind them of these things, but also

> will go to teach them all things necessary to their understanding and

> happiness. The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus' teachings,

> will enable them to understand truly and completely, and will develop

> and expand them into new and wonderful truths.


> Jesus has referred to the coming Comforter as the Spirit of Truth (v.

> 17)...[whose] primary function is the work of making men holy. This

> is the work we call sanctification.


> In v. 16 Jesus has said that the Comforter is going to be provided to

> the disciples by the Father on the basis of His (Jesus') prayer that

> He should do so. Now He says that the Father is going to send the

> Comforter in His (Christ's) name. These statements are essentially

> identical and imply a joint action involving both Father and Son. "


> Jack Wilson Stallings and Robert E. Picirilli,

> The Randall House Bible Commentary: The Gospel of John,

> Randall House Publications, 1989, page 205


> regards to all.


> jagbir




> , " violettubb " <violettubb@>


> >

> > Dear Jagbir and all,

> >

> > My husband, Peter Tubb (RN., B.Nurs., Ass. Dip. Soc. Sci.) says that if Shri

Mataji had a neurological event such as a stroke, cerebral insult or other head

trauma, the risperidone is contraindicated because of its adverse side effects,

such as hypertension and extra-pyramidial effects such as hypothermia and damage

to the liver. He says that risperidone is chiefly used for behavioural

management in dementia or other psychological orders such as schizophrenia,

i.e., it is only indicated if a person is a physical danger to themselves or

others. Peter says that if Shri Mataji did not have dementia or schizophrenia,

that by giving Her the risperidone, She was treated badly; illegally restrained.

> >

> > Mrs. Olga Perezhogin would have been privy to what her husband (as member

13) knew. She says:

> >

> > " The first list from 17 leaders was confirmed by Mother. Sergei [Perezhogin]

was under member 13 (!).

> >

> > Here is what Olga Perezhogin writes in relation to what happened at Guru

Puja 2004:

> >

> > " Guru Puja 2004. It was announced that after the Puja there would be

inauguration of the World Council. Mother speaks at the Puja as if She is saying

farewell to us. She is speaking about love... The next day at the inauguration

in Mother's House Sir C.P. was speaking for a long time. He was saying how

Gregoire and he had been preparing the Regulations for a long time... " And now

we ask Mother to bless this work " . Mother was sitting silently during all this

speech, not reacting to anything, looking straightly in front of Her. She did

not react anyhow to the suggestion to bless the council, either! As Sergei

[Perezhogin] said afterwards, nobody understood whether Shri Mataji had blessed

the Council, whether it is legal or not. But She did not say " no " , either.

> > After a pause, Sir C.P. said, " She blesses, blesses! " For some more time

everyone was behaving as if nothing was happening. Not many knew at that time

that Mother was already being given resperidone (medicine). "

> >

> > Olga Perezhogin, further, writes about the giving of the risperidone to Shri


> >

> > " - Bogdan Shekhovich participated in the setting the kind of treatment. Sir

C.P. returned him into SY for that. The worrying of the husband for the health

of his wife, the responsibility of Dr. Bogdan for the health of Guru are

understandable. I am not a doctor and I do not know whether the use of

resperidon has any grounds. "

> >

> > [break Quote]

> >

> > According to Peter's knowledge (related above), risperidone has grounds if a

person has either dementia or another psychological disorder such as

schizophrenia and then it can be given to prevent them harming themselves or

others. In regards to dementia, Peter has, further, told me that risperidone is

not given in the early stages of dementia, but say 1-5 years down the track,

when behavioural problems become apparent, such as mounting confusion,

disorientation, agitation, etc. due to memory loss, that then leads to self-harm

such as walking through a closed glass door, falling down steps, touching hot

plates with bare hands, inadvertently drinking from bottles containing toxic

substances and so on. That's when risperidone is usually given, to slow down a

person's ideation, i.e., their thinking process in relation to the inappropriate

auditory and visual hallucinations they have.

> >

> > [Continuing Quote of Olga Perezhogin]:

> >

> > " I do not know what I would have done if I had been Bogdan: the best

specialists were consulting Mother. But Bogdan knew about Mother's letter of

1998 in which Mother had prohibited to treat Her with human methods and

especially not to allow Her husband to participate in that process. Bogdan

turned out to be a doctor and not a Sahaja Yogi. Tell me, who on Earth can judge

what blood pressure should the Goddess have in Kali Yuga? "

> >

> > [Here is what Olga said about the risperidone, in particular, which i have

extracted from the other things mentioned along with that]:

> >

> > " The treatment [using respiridone] was done by doctors - Sahaja Yogis! Yes,

the best American and Italian doctors were consulting. In Europe, they are very

careful with it. Then, all the thought were at what would be with Mother. Bogdan

said that Mother would not be able to speak anymore. It is, according to him, is

not possible from the medicine point of view. I imagine how much surprised they

were when Mother started talking! Jai Shri Mataji! "

> >

> > [Jagbir, here is an interesting thing: Peter says that according to what he

knows, respiridone is an anti-psychotic and does not stop someone from talking.

Peter says that to stop someone from talking, they have to be heavily sedated.]

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> >

> > , " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir C.P. continues to con us with his lies. We have no idea what

> > > > goes behind close doors - projects, appointments, finances,

> > > > sackings etc. All we hear from Sir C.P. is that Shri Mataji has

> > > > blessed them. There are no witness to those claims. Even when there

> > > > are, Sir C.P. continues to claim the same ....... even though we

> > > > know Shri Mataji's silence contradicts those claims.

> > > >

> > > > 2. The SY Neros are bitterly divided in their loyalty, with the

> > > > shrewder ones kowtowing to the functional Sir CP instead of our

> > > > drooling, drugged Mother. They know the rewards of helping him,

> > > > instead of Shri Mataji. Thus we know how Sir C.P. returned the

> > > > Resperidone favor that Dr. Bohdan bestowed on Shri Mataji:

> > > >

> > >

> > > Let me give you recent evidence of a drooling, drugged and silenced

> > > Shri Mataji that Sir C.P. has for years claimed blesses everything.

> > > No matter where they take Shri Mataji to parade before SYs--Russia,

> > > Austria or Italy--She refuses to say even a single word, forget a

> > > complete sentence. That has especially been the case since Her final

> > > Guru Puja July 2008 farewell speech. The only exception was when She

> > > spoke May 13, 2009 to children of the Centrassi School. Maybe our

> > > Neros should question why adults, not children, are being shunned by

> > > Her. The answer is a no-brainer, but i better explain its meaning to

> > > our Neros: A no-brainer is " something that requires little mental

> > > effort or intelligence to perform or understand. The term is often

> > > applied to decisions which are straightforward or sometimes to people

> > > who appear to lack intelligence. "

> > >

> > > Friday 21st August 2009

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji.jpg

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji_L.jpg

> > >

> > > Observe Shri Mataji's right hand. Try holding your own in that

> > > position for just one minute and you will know what i mean:

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji.jpg

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_L.jpg

> > >

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_2.jpg

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_2L.jpg

> > >

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_3.jpg

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_3L.jpg

> > >

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_4.jpg

> > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_4L.jpg

> > >

> > > http://www.shrimataji.org/italy2009/album/494

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Re: While Rome (Cabella) burns our Neros (WCASY leaders/assassins/

double-agents/SYs) stab and lynch each other

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > i could only read the PDF document once as the stink overpowered me.

> > > So i did not poke and shift through all the trash to write details of

> > > that rotting, reeking rubbish. Instead i have decided to view the

> > > whole putrid pile from a safe distance to observe the obvious.

> > > However, i will have to occasionally go near the heap to confirm and

> > > quote some facts. These are my observations:

> > >

> > > 1. Sir CP is yet again confirmed to be dishonest about Shri Mataji

> > > and continues to put words into Her mouth. i quote from the end of

> > > page 4/8 of the PDF letter:

> > >

> > > " You know, what they were busy with? You think Mother's health? Or

> > > Sahaja Yoga advancement? No, they were creating portfolios and

> > > working out procedures of making decisions. They were creating

> > > committees, commissions, and the like. Following Gregoire's request,

> > > Mother included his brother Arno not as a member but as secretary

> > > into the Council but now he has a place in the Council. When Sergei

> > > was asked what work in the Council he would like to do (the most

> > > popular were financial and the like), he answered: spreading Sahaja

> > > Yoga. " Then the committee of Spreading Sahaja Yoga was created in the

> > > Council. Already this was surprising. The ego of our authoritative

> > > Yogis was driving farther and farther from what was the work of

> > > ordinary Sahaja Yogis. Guru Puja 2004. It was announced that after

> > > the Puja there would be inauguration of the World Council. Mother

> > > speaks at the Puja as if She is saying farewell to us. She is

> > > speaking of love … The next day at the inauguration in Mother's House

> > > Sir C.P. was speaking for a long time. He was saying how Gregoire and

> > > he had been preparing the Regulations for a long time… " And now we

> > > ask Mother to bless this work " . Mother was sitting silently during

> > > all his speech, not reacting to anything, looking straight in front

> > > of Her. She did not react anyhow to the suggestions to bless the

> > > council, either! As Sergei said afterwards, nobody understood whether

> > > Shri Mataji had blessed the Council, whether it is legal or not. But

> > > She did not say " no " either.

> > >

> > > After a pause, Sir C.P. said, " She blesses, blesses! " For some more

> > > time, everyone was behaving as if nothing was happening. Not many

> > > knew at that time that Mother was already given respiridon

> > > (medicine). "

> > >

> > > Sir C.P. had the audacity to claim that Shri Mataji blessed the World

> > > Council even though She did not utter a word throughout his lengthy

> > > speech. So we have no idea how many times he has just made things up

> > > i.e., told leaders and SYs that Shri Mataji has blessed this or that,

> > > or elected this or that person to the World Council. Sir C.P. has

> > > taken upon himself to be the official mouthpiece for Shri Mataji,

> > > without giving us any reason why Shri Mataji, sitting just a few feet

> > > away, cannot speak for Herself. He confidently interprets Shri Mataji

> > > silence as a sign of approval, not that of quiet dissent or drugged

> > > stupor. Sir C.P., surrounded by a spineless circle of orbiting

> > > leaders wholly dependent on his celestial grace and pull of gravity,

> > > can get away with any transgression right under their noses.

> > >

> > > In 2006 Dr. Balwinder was witness to Sir C.P. deceitful character in

> > > front of Shri Mataji's presence when She was asked permission to have

> > > Her ear examined:

> > >

> > > Dec 2, 2006

> > > " How can Sir Shiva and WCASY claim that it was the Will of our Divine

> > > Mother to expel those who were merely following Her express written

> > > instruction? Any conscientious SY would have done the same. The

> > > least would have been to get Her permission. i even ask my daughter

> > > her permission before administering cough medication. Shri Mataji is

> > > the Adi Shakti for God's sake!!!!!! Don't you think Her express

> > > permission was required for anti-psychotic drugs?

> > >

> > > i assure you WCASY is lying when they claim Shri Mataji talks to Sir

> > > CP who then conveys Her wishes. Dr B was witness to this shocking

> > > lie by Sir CP who interpreted Shri Mataji's silence to two request

> > > for ear examination as a " Yes " !!! That is how he manipulates and

> > > takes advantage of Her silence. i have no respect for such a liar.

> > > If he can lie in front of an examining doctor what makes you think

> > > he has not made up the stories that Shri Mataji talks to him? Why

> > > can't he just make Shri Mataji repeat all that he claims She is

> > > telling him in private? Why not make a tape recording of the

> > > conversation? Are we asking too much?

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji is silent towards those parties who have collectively

> > > violated, overpowered and removed Her Will in every aspect of the

> > > word. Despite being taken off Risperidol in late 2005 or early 2006

> > > She continues to bear silent witness to the official orgies of the

> > > copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in their lust for power

> > > and self-aggrandizement? Maybe they are too drunk with pleasure to

> > > wonder why? "

> > > /message/7015

> > >

> > > Sir C.P. continues to con us with his lies. We have no idea what goes

> > > behind close doors - projects, appointments, finances, sackings etc.

> > > All we hear from Sir C.P. is that Shri Mataji has blessed them. There

> > > are no witness to those claims. Even when there are, Sir C.P.

> > > continues to claim the same ....... even though we know Shri Mataji's

> > > silence contradicts those claims.

> > >

> > > 2. The SY Neros are bitterly divided in their loyalty, with the

> > > shrewder ones kowtowing to the functional Sir CP instead of our

> > > drooling, drugged Mother. They know the rewards of helping him,

> > > instead of Shri Mataji. Thus we know how Sir C.P. returned the

> > > Resperidone favor that Dr. Bohdan bestowed on Shri Mataji:

> > >

> > > " Update on The World Council of Sahaja Yoga

> > > Saturday, June 26, 2004

> > >

> > > In addition to those already appointed, Dr. Bohdan Shehovych is

> > > designated as a World Leader and Member of the Council. "

> > >

> > > The speed the seal of approval took will become urban legend in SY

> > > circles, notwithstanding the unsavory legend behind Dr. Bohdan:

> > >

> > > " " Qld: Doctor fined over yoga dispute " , AAP General News, Australia,

> > > November 12, 2001.

> > > Brisbane's District Court has been told a GP grabbed a man round the

> > > head and dragged him over a backyard fence -- accusing him of

> > > befouling members of an Indian cult. The court was told Dr BOHDAN

> > > MYRON SHEHOVYCH was among a group delivering a letter to the man from

> > > the founder of the meditation religion, Sahaja Yoga. The 52-year-old

> > > doctor from the New South Wales central coast today pleaded guilty to

> > > entering a house at Mount Ommaney in Brisbane' west and assaulting

> > > TERENCE RICHARD BLACKLEY on March 3 this year. The court heard the

> > > group was delivering a letter to BLACKLEY from spiritual leader SHRI

> > > MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI, alleging spiritual and criminal wrongdoings.

> > > Judge KERRY O'BRIEN today told the doctor that someone of his

> > > intelligence should have known better than to behave in that manner.

> > > He's fined Dr SHEHOVYCH $1,500 but did not record a conviction. "

> > > Wikipedia

> > >

> > > But we are made to believe that Shri Mataji approved Dr. Bohdan's

> > > appointment despite his past record, and expelled Guido and Sergey

> > > Perezhogin just because they questioned the administration of a

> > > psychotic drug against the express written order of Shri Mataji

> > > Herself. They were following Her very instructions to all leaders

> > > against any form of medical intrusion or drug administartion. And she

> > > specifically mention her husband Sir C.P.! She wrote it down in black

> > > and write, and signed it. What else was required for clarity?

> > >

> > > 3. Sir CP and his daughters Kalpana and Sadhana are actually in

> > > charge of running Sahaja Yoga from Cabella, Italy. (The recent

> > > opening of the Cabella School only confirms the obvious. Shri Mataji

> > > is again silent and does not utter a word. Some of Her facial

> > > expressions are shocking. Does the photos give us a clue or reason to

> > > question Her state of mind, and believe that She is again drugged?)

> > >

> > > Since May 5, 1970 till date neither Sir CP, Kalpana nor Sadhana have

> > > ever meditated on, prostrated before or acknowledged that Shri Mataji

> > > is the Adi Shakti. They have absolutely no faith in Her and do not

> > > believe that She is the Adi Shakti, a fact that Shri Mataji lamented

> > > years ago. (Her son-in-laws and grandchildren are no different.)

> > >

> > > So why is Sir CP, Kalpana nor Sadhana so involved and interested in

> > > running the Sahaja Yoga organization? Other than money, it is the

> > > perks of that office–all the warmth of adoration and basking in the

> > > SY publicity and servitude that gives them a Bollywood status. 80,000

> > > SYs now swoon before individuals who, if not for their blood ties,

> > > would have laughed themselves insane at the suggestion that Shri

> > > Mataji is the Adi Shakti.

> > >

> > > 4. But let's get to the most troubling fact of the chain of events

> > > that goaded our Neros to set Cabella on fire, the point that may be

> > > missed.

> > >

> > > When two or three factions wash dirty linen in public (while they

> > > fight and slander each other) all that is unclean is visible, and set

> > > more tongues a wagging. We now have 80,000 SYs who have joined this

> > > Sir CP or that Guido camp, the Russian Council or their assassinated

> > > leader, and the list goes on and on in each and every country. (i am

> > > 100% positive that all SY collectives are divided/strained/split-up

> > > by internal factions and pettiness. i am 100% sure!). All have

> > > discussed the juicy details of our Neros involved in setting Cabella

> > > ablaze.

> > >

> > > i was thinking that all the infighting, bickering, accusations and

> > > slandering going on for years would have involved issues most

> > > crucial, dearest and central to Shri Mataji. i mean there would be

> > > indignation and anger that the other party, leader, Sir CP, Sadhana

> > > or Kalpana is/are guilty of not looking after Shri Mataji's interest.

> > > Yes, they did just that and still continue to. But what they are

> > > fighting most bitterly is who controls, and have access, to Shri

> > > Mataji and Her estate ............ what a spectacular show they have

> > > put up, and i am green with envy for being barred from participation.

> > >

> > > The ONLY issue that our Neros never fought or accused each other was

> > > being honest, upfront and focused on Her Advent and Message to

> > > humanity. i could hardly believe myself that even though so many so-

> > > called self-realized souls have been so bitterly hurling accusations

> > > at each other all these years none ever accused the other of being

> > > dishonest to humanity. How is that possible? Are all our Neros and

> > > their 80,000 followers in complete agreement on this single issue

> > > despite all the rivalry and disagreement on all other major issues?

> > >

> > > Yes, they are in complete agreement. (It is a collective non-

> > > conscious agreement. This non-conscious accord comes from a power

> > > that is sinister in nature.) None have accused the other of not

> > > raising the consciousness of humanity to all that is most crucial,

> > > dearest and central to Shri Mataji – the Great News of the

> > > Resurrection and Last Judgment that leads humans into everlasting

> > > life in the Kingdom of God.

> > >

> > > But why are these observations possible? Why are our Neros and their

> > > 80,000 followers unable to see the obvious? i got that answer only

> > > during today's meditation.

> > >

> > > You cannot observe the obvious from inside the SY forest as there are

> > > too many trees that attract your attention – the pests, bugs, snakes,

> > > stings, bites, rashes and convulsions that constantly irritate, put

> > > fear or poison your mind. All attention and desire in the SY forest

> > > is spent constantly discussing in great detail on how to ward off

> > > these creatures and diseases, both real and imaginary. There is just

> > > no time, guidance or energy from the embattled leaders for nobler

> > > idea, sapped as they are from all the infighting and jostling for

> > > Council seats and pole positions. In such an environment years can

> > > easily pass into decades, with little to show for progress.

> > >

> > > The only way is to leave the forest and forget the 80,000 trees that

> > > are so full of these pests, bugs, stings, snakes, bites, rashes and

> > > convulsions. Only be climbing onto a Higher Ground can you observe

> > > the SY forest and write a report that is as honest as is brutal. All

> > > alone with the Divine Mother in your Sahasrara, you are answerable

> > > to Her only ....... not Sir CP, Sadhana, Kalpana or any of our

> > > Neros and their 80,000 followers.

> > >

> > > regards to all,

> > >

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " adishakti_org "

> > > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > Just want to present my case for the post title:

> > > >

> > > > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/lettera_sy-1.pdf

> > > >

> > > > Please allow a few seconds for it to open as it is rather large

> > > > (894kb). Maybe you will understand better why i _know_ 80,000 SYs

> > > > are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again.

> > > >

> > > > In case you miss the point of the post i will explain this lettera_sy-

> > > > 1.pdf in a day or two. So just lay back on your EZ-chair and cheer

> > > > our Neros at their best. Nothing beats this Sunday cheap matinee.

> > > >

> > > > regards to all,

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Note: " Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance.

> > > > He is known for a number of executions, including those of his mother

> > > > and adoptive brother, as the emperor who " fiddled while Rome burned " ,

> > > > and as an early persecutor of Christians. " - Wikipedia

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Re: 80,000 SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His

gospel of

> > > t

> > > >

> > > > , " violettubb " <violettubb@>

> > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Re: 80,000 SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His


> > > of the Kingdom of God from completion

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Krishna, Bertrand, Nicole, Jagbir and All,

> > > > >

> > > > > Being upfront to the public about Shri Mataji's continuation of Jesus

> > > Christ's Message doesn't seem to work for SYs who follow the new religion,


> > > SYSSR, which is based upon, but does not listen to or put into practise


> > > Shri Mataji has been saying. Their main concern seems to be to get rid of


> > > individual catches, but they are having trouble with that, too. i haven't


> > > of any testimonies from them, that they have gotten rid of their catches,


> > > Yet at the Guru Puja 2008, Shri Mataji said that most SYs should by now


> > > gotten rid of all their catches. But that only happens through following


> > > Mataji, not following a religion.

> > > > >

> > > > > Having one's initial self-realization brings one the connection of the

> > > Divine Mother, as the awakened Holy Spirit within. Then that connection

needs to

> > > be understood and made use of. There is not much point in having the


> > > and then not using it. That is why it is also so important for people to

> > > understand the meaning of this connection, and how Self-realization is

such a

> > > big subject that absolutely encompasses everything:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://www.adishakti.org/

> > > > >

> > > > > The real Self-realization starts when a person surrenders to the


> > > Mother within, the awakened Holy Spirit. That is the only way a person

will ever

> > > rid themselves of their catches, 100%. No external religion, including the


> > > SYSSR can achieve that, which is why SYs following the organised SYSSR are


> > > working on their catches. While the SYSSR claims in the beginning that its

> > > methods will clear your chakras, in the end it admits its failure--that

SYs will

> > > never be completely free of catches for their whole lifetime! What kind of

> > > faulty religion is that, where it can claim to give you methods to clear


> > > chakras, but once you have become well and truly conditioned by their


> > > they then tell you that SYs will never be completely free of catches,

anyway? It

> > > is not the Pure Religion of Shri Mataji and of Shri Jesus. When in the

Guru Puja

> > > 2008 talk, Shri Mataji said that by now most SYs should be free of

catches, She

> > > made this faulty new religion face up to its own impotence, to rid SYs of


> > > catches, 100%. That is also why She said in the mid-1990's that:

> > > > >

> > > > > " I hope that you don't make a religion out of my teachings. "

> > > > >

> > > > > Because, when people do that, they stop following the Incarnation's

> > > teachings and follow a new religion instead, that somebody has created


> > > those teachings, but which is faulty as it leaves out a lot of what the

> > > Incarnation gave. That is what has happened in the past, and it has

happened in

> > > Sahaja Yoga. And that is how 80,000 SYs can be 'crucifying' Jesus again by

> > > preventing the completion of His gospel of the Kingdom of God. All that

has to

> > > happen is to tell the truth. The organised SYSSR cannot do that. It is the

> > > latest proof that not only are religions relatively useless, but a


> > > of the Truth that an Incarnation gave. Even SYs have lost the Truth when


> > > have tried to make a religion out of the Divine Mother's teachings. The

shock is

> > > just how much they have left out!

> > > > >

> > > > > regards to all,

> > > > >

> > > > > violet

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > >



> > > \

> > > ristianity_and_islam_3-11-2009.htm

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > , " krishna_volk "


> > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Jagbir, Violet, and all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This post in particular really resonated with me. It awoke something


> > > me, a feeling, which I have not felt for a long time. I remember feeling


> > > when I first started coming on this forum and taking part actively. It has


> > > such a long time since the feelings of immediacy and call to duty were

alive in

> > > me, intermingling with this depth or awareness that I can't really

describe. I

> > > have become lost in the SYSSR with glimpses of what is really important


> > > sporadically throughout. Not only lost, but entangled in all the fear of


> > > honest and upfront to everyone; not worrying if they think I'm crazy or if

I can

> > > convince them or not; daily cleansing rituals and fear, shame, and guilt-

> > > immediately if I feel catches during the day or things related to that.

What has

> > > happened?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > One thing that jumped out at me and had me really feeling my own

fear (

> > > which was never there before) was

> > > > > >

> > > > > > " If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit


> > > > > > is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave

> > > > > > your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with


> > > > > > behind. And without question you must cut off completely from the

> > > > > > 80,000 SYs? "

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Specifically the last sentence. I realize I have so much expected of


> > > by the Devi and I also realize that I have become so very lost and


> > > and getting out of it is gonna be a long road and a huge battle inside of


> > > All of it happened so subtly that I didn't realize it was creeping in.

When I

> > > came back from India it wasn't there but soon sprung up again. WOW!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I guess my sword has it's work cut out for it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Krishna

> > > > > >

> > > > > > , " adishakti_org "

> > > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > , Bertrand Tietcheu

> > > <btietcheu@> wrote:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Dear Jagbir, Violet and All,

> > > > > > > > I am now realising how stupid was I to follow these


> > > > > > > going out there called Sahaja Yoga, frankly now i can realise it,

> > > > > > > when i look back the last four year I have been practising SYSSR.


> > > > > > > damage is serious, but anyway I have to move now the other way, by

> > > > > > > following the holy ghost within me, just that and announce the


> > > > > > > Message of Resurrection and Collective emancipation of the


> > > > > > > Its takes time to get rid of all the conditionnings and fears

> > > > > > > developed by this SYSSR.

> > > > > > > > Now I have started with my inner jihad.

> > > > > > > > Thanks for your wisdom

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Bertrand

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear Bertrand and all,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i am 100% convinced that the SYSSR is very destructive for your

> > > > > > > spiritual ascent and salvation as it corrupts and induces you to

> > > > > > > believe that keeping the subtle system clean (with the aid of


> > > > > > > requiring lemons, chillies, footsoaks, candles, mantras etc.) and

> > > > > > > propagating that SYSSR message to others is what Sahaja Yoga is

> > > > > > > about. There is an evil force within the SY organization that has

> > > > > > > managed to suppress and corrupt the very reason God Almighty sent


> > > > > > > Comforter. It is without question the greatest of crimes against

> > > > > > > humanity. If you have been following the recent posts then you


> > > > > > > realize who is causing them to deviate.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So do not support the SY organization in any way as it is the very

> > > > > > > reason the Message of the Comforter has been so effectively

> > > > > > > suppressed. Bertrand, if that is not anti-Christ then what is?


> > > > > > > SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His gospel


> > > > > > > the Kingdom of God from completion! Bertrand, you are literally

> > > > > > > supposed to remove an eye or cut off a limb if it hinders you in


> > > > > > > way from entering the Kingdom of God. You are supposed to openly


> > > > > > > at all times fearlessly declare the Good News of the Kingdom of


> > > > > > > Leaving the SY organization and completely cutting yourself from


> > > > > > > is the only choice left if you truly understand how severe is the

> > > > > > > Saviour's dire warning.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As i said before, you will associate yourself with this


> > > > > > > organization at your own peril. And let me make it absolutely


> > > > > > > to all who support it that under no circumstance whatsoever will


> > > > > > > survive! Absolutely not ....... and its decades-old demise is

> > > > > > > evidence of that assured outcome and finality. (John Noyce, the


> > > > > > > appointed watch-dog of this forum can take this email and present


> > > > > > > to Shri Mataji. i will stand by every word, and that includes the

> > > > > > > anti-Christ nature of the SY organization!)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Shri Mataji has claimed that She has come to do the job of God

> > > > > > > Almighty. And to prove that, amongst many other aspects of Her


> > > > > > > and Message, is our sacred and most blessed duty. She will help


> > > > > > > with all the information, creativity and means to fulfil your


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > >



> > > \

> > > o_take_place_in_the_eschatological_future.htm

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit


> > > > > > > is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave

> > > > > > > your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with


> > > > > > > behind. And without question you must cut off completely from the

> > > > > > > 80,000 SYs who are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing


> > > > > > > gospel of the Kingdom from being fulfilled. Be forewarned!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > jagbir

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > -------------

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Past hype of major SY projects and present silence of abandonment

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i received an email stressing that " one cannot have one foot in


> > > > > > > forum and the other one in the collective SY " and that it is

" almost

> > > > > > > like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again " . There

> > > > > > > was another email about SYs ignoring those active on this forum.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > To answer both i need to present some facts first.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i have been tracking all the major projects and loud claims made


> > > > > > > the SY organization over the last few years. Till date none of


> > > > > > > even remotely met the intended aims and projections .... far from


> > > > > > > Such is the scope and surety of failure that all major projects


> > > > > > > been quietly shelved in 2009.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No matter how much effort is put into SYSSR programs the return is

> > > > > > > almost nil or embarrassingly negligible. Remember the huge effort


> > > > > > > Mumbai over the years?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > " But the stubborn camel will drink one day, or slowly die of


> > > > > > > as it is becoming evident everywhere. i recently learnt that out


> > > > > > > about 200,000 people given self-realization over the years in the

> > > > > > > Mumbai area only 100 or so have remained i.e., about a success


> > > > > > > of 0.0002%. i would not want to 'insult' the Adi Shakti by quoting

> > > > > > > North American figures. Maybe now we can realize why no figures


> > > > > > > given in the recent hyped-up NA newsletter to commence a spiritual

> > > > > > > crusade. "

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > /message/4142

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > There is growing evidence of capitulation by SYs in Europe and


> > > > > > > America, and the world over. You hear almost nothing of any SYs in

> > > > > > > Africa, China, South America, Middle-east and Indonesia. SYs are


> > > > > > > only minuscule but stagnated as well in India, Australia, Britain


> > > > > > > elsewhere. There is not a single shred of evidence pointing to any

> > > > > > > success in any country! The deafening silence of 2009 signals


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Only the physical presence of an aging, retired and silent Shri

> > > > > > > Mataji remains, and give SYs hope and inspiration. Since Her


> > > > > > > retirement last year, 2009 has witnessed a sudden abandonment of


> > > > > > > projects. There is now almost no hope or evidence that the SYSSR


> > > > > > > ever succeed, a fact made obvious by this post and recent dismal


> > > > > > > reports of www.sahajayoga.org. The day Shri Mataji leaves will

> > > > > > > trigger that assured end and disintegration of the SYSSR


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So what is there to worry or care that " one cannot have one foot


> > > > > > > the forum and the other one in the collective SY " and that it

> > > > > > > is " almost like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us

> > > > > > > again " , and that SYs are ignoring those active on this forum. i am

> > > > > > > not the least concerned about these petty problems from SYs who

> > > > > > > dislike us for the simple reason that we insist they tell the


> > > > > > > and message of Shri Mataji in its entirety i.e., they be truthful


> > > > > > > honest to the public. i feel embarrassed to have to deny


> > > > > > > that the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again when it


> > > > > > > almost devoid of life itself! That speculation makes no sense.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > All these useless speculations and distractions (negativity) only

> > > > > > > divert our attention from accomplishing the ONLY project 80,000


> > > > > > > refuse to participate in - the Project to tell the Truth! (What is

> > > > > > > the nature of the negativity that have silenced so many for so


> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > i, for one, do not want that negativity to attack me from those i


> > > > > > > contact with. It has nothing to do with being the messengers of Al

> > > > > > > Naba (The Great News). If you want to be that messenger then


> > > > > > > His Spirit (Comforter) is all that should matter. For that you


> > > > > > > be prepared to leave your family, friends and foes, and the


> > > > > > > associated with them, behind. i hope i have put this issue to rest

> > > > > > > once and for all. There is so much of productive and enriching


> > > > > > > over the years to be done. To be disturbed by such pettiness


> > > > > > > insults both intelligence and conscience.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > jagbir

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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> Sir C.P. and his cronies have caused irreparable damage to Sahaja

> Yoga and unimaginable harm to Shri Mataji when they:



> i) forced Her to take anti-psychotic/sedative drugs against Her

> explicit, written instructions;

> ii) made Her medical condition public;

> iii) continue administering these drugs till date;

> iv) continue to shamelessly parade Her drooling, drugged self before

> SYs instead of allowing Her complete retirement and rest in India as

> She requested during the Guru Puja 2008.



Sir C.P. and his cronies could have easily cleared their conscience

of any wrong-doing, and addressed the genuine concern of thousands

for the welfare of our Mother. All it required was the simple act of

asking Her before/during/after Guru Puja 2008 to absolve him and his

yes-men of any wrong doing; that She agrees they took the correct

decision to give Her drugs and sedatives. It is incredulous that Sir

C.P.--an accomplished maestro at inducing a drugged, sedated and

intellectually restrained Shri Mataji to bless, appoint and sign--

did not have the persuasive and telepathic powers to redeem himself

of a most serious accusation i.e., he drugged Shri Mataji against Her

express, written will specifically forestalling him from doing so!


But Shri Mataji never spoke a word to that effect. Neither did She

comment on the sacking of Guido and Perezhogin from the World

Council. Nor did She confirm that the now infamous July 23rd, 2005

historic video claiming " that the World Council is the highest

authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will " does in fact

represent Her Will. (That would have completely contradicted Her 2008

Guru Puja speech granting vast, unprecedented powers to all SYs, far

over and above anything the World Council had usurped.)


You must know that such silence is a sign of resignation from those

who so blatantly violate Her dignity and rights. It a silent warning

to these transgressing fools and hypocrites who publicly grovel at

Her Feet but privately dare break Divine Protocol by administering

risperidone (Risperdal) to the greatest, highest and fullest

incarnation of the Great Mother.


Side Effects of Risperdal

Risperdal is an antipsychotic medication intended to treat the

symptoms of schizophrenia, but it also carries some serious side

effects. More than 10 million people have used Risperdal, allowing

Risperdal to be the number one prescribed antipsychotic. For

Johnson & Johnson, the makers of Risperdal the drug reaps high

financial gains, bringing in annual global sales of $2.1 billion.

So successful, Risperdal is the second biggest selling medicine for

J & J. More and more, Risperdal is not being prescribed for just

schizophrenia or other severe mental illnesses, but for behavioral

disorders in children and in elderly patients with dementia and

Alzheimer's disease, including delusions, aggression, and anxiety.


At the start of April 2003, an announcement was made warning of

serious effects of Risperdal. The effects of Risperdal included both

strokes and stroke-like events, such as blood clots and hemorrhages.

The effects of Risperdal have been observed to affect especially

elderly Risperdal patients. J & J said that in addition to the thousands

of letters being sent to health care professionals warning of the

effects of Risperdal, an update to the Risperdal label would be made.


These potentially deadly effects of Risperdal are extremely worrisome

to many people. The seriousness of the conditions that the effects

of Risperdal can cause are leading many people to question how long

J & J has known about them without adequately warning physicians and

patients. While J & J appeared to be very concerned with taking the

proper measures to more specifically warn physicians and patients of

the adverse effects of Risperdal, the company had already issued a

similar warning of the effects of Risperdal in Canada in October 2002.


It was not until half a year later that J & J warned of the increased

stroke effects of Risperdal observed in elderly patients in the U.S.

In the Canadian stroke effects of Risperdal warning letter, J & J cited

37 reports of stroke or stroke-like events that included 16 deaths

among Risperdal patients. In addition, the Canadian stroke effects

of Risperdal letter cited two clinical trials of elderly dementia

patients that showed a higher proportion of the Risperdal patients

suffered strokes or stroke-like events, as opposed to those who had

received placebos.


The Public Citizen consumer group is also worried by the safety

implications that have arisen in various clinical trials, showing the

dangerous effects of Risperdal. In four specific trials that

included 764 patients, 4% of patients that had been given Risperdal

suffered serious effects of Risperdal that include stroke or stroke-

like events compared to just 2% of placebo recipients. The

dangerous effects of Risperdal should be a caution to doctors

prescribing Risperdal to people that does not suffer schizophrenia or

other serious mental conditions.


The effects of Risperdal up to the heightened Risperdal stroke warning

still included some very serious and severe conditions. An especially

dangerous attribute of Risperdal is that signs and symptoms of very

serious conditions are not apparent because Risperdal can hide

indicators. Drug overdose, intestinal obstruction, brain tumor, a

dangerous neurological condition called Reye's syndrome, as well as

some other dangerous effects of Risperdal are often not observed due

to the ability for the drug to mask signs and symptoms of certain

conditions. Patients must be especially aware of these dangerous

conditions in order to prevent dangerous effects of Risperdal from

worsening to deadly states.


Other dangerous effects of Risperdal that patients should be cautious

about is difficult when swallowing that can cause a type of pneumonia

to develop. A potentially fatal condition, Neuroleptic Malignant

Syndrome greatly affects patients if left untreated. Characterized

by muscle stiffness or rigidity, irregular pulse, fast heartbeat,

increased sweating, high or low blood pressure, and high fever these

effects of Risperdal will add more pain and suffering to the lives of

the patients. It is essential that potential effects of Risperdal

be weighed prior to beginning Risperdal treatment.


Risperdal Side Effects


Abdominal pain




Dry mouth

Sore throat

Abnormal walk




Chest pain


Involuntary movements

Nasal inflammation

Decreased activity

Decreased sexual desires

Lack of coordination



Dry skin

Difficulty urinating

Heavy menstruation


Weight gain

Lethargic feelings

Join pain

Difficulty ejaculating


Respiratory infection




And tens of thousands of SYs happily watch the spectacle and circus

of fools parading their drugged and drooling Mother, their conscience

and consciousness unable to register the obvious. Instead they look

at hundreds of Her photos on websites, writing comments like how

beautiful She looks or how blessed they have been to witness Her in

Italy, Russia or Austria. They are all collectively blind, deaf and

dumb to the vacant looks of a drooling, drugged and sedated Mother.


i treat my dog Gauri with more respect and will never subject her to

such public spectacle should she succumb to old age. A quiet retreat

and comfortable retirement would be a fitting rest and end to all the

unconditional love, joy and loyalty a dog can bring..................

But then SYs are a different breed.


regards to all,





, " violettubb " <violettubb



> Dear Jagbir and all,


> i refer to your point iv:


> iv) continue to shamelessly parade Her drooling, drugged self before SYs

instead of allowing Her complete retirement and rest in India as She requested

during the Guru Puja 2008.


> That SYs are doing puja to Shri Mataji, which involves absorbing Her

vibrations while She is in a drooling, drugged-looking state, does not paint a

very considerate picture. It is not like Shri Mataji seems to be responding

anymore and it can be seen from the photos that SYs are looking uneasy,

downcast, shame-faced and some are even smiling as if nothing is wrong and

everything is as it should be.


> What is wrong with this picture is that after Shri Mataji gave the Guru Puja

Commission of 2008, SYs could have willingly given Shri Mataji the complete

retirement and rest in India that She requested. She could have retired with

grace and dignity. Instead, we see them clinging to Her external form like grim

death, as if She is going to leave them - instead of finding Her in their

Sahasrara, which is where She resides, as the Incarnation of the Divine

Mother/Holy Spirit within.


> The tragedy is, if they cannot wean themselves of the physical Shri Mataji,

then they will have to find themselves a physical substitute for when Shri

Mataji has Her Mahasammadhi, such as Sir C.P. or one of their daughters. If that

happens (and in some respects it seems to be happening already, bit by bit) it

will be a case of Sahaja Yogis worshipping non-Sahaja Yogis. And that will be

against everything that Shri Mataji taught!


> But the Neros of Sahaja Yoga seem to have no such immediate concerns, but seem

to be allowing just such a scenario to gradually develop. The least that can be

said of them is that they are not preventing " just such a scenario " from

happening. When, and if, that happens, the organisation of Sahaja Yoga will have

lost the meaning of what Sahaja Yoga is. So, it can already be clearly seen that

they're not interested in Shri Mataji's Message alone, but what they can gain

out of it for themselves!


> It is left for the messengers of the Resurrection, who understand that the

Great Mother resides within, to give Shri Mataji's Message in full - and that is

very OK by us, also. We are most happy to do that! It is the greatest privilege

that subtle system yogis rejected!


> regards to all,


> violet




> , " adishakti_org " <adishakti_org@>


> >

> > Dear messengers of the Resurrection,

> >

> > Namaste - i bow to the Great Mother who resides in you!

> >

> > Sir C.P. and his cronies have caused irreparable damage to Sahaja

> > Yoga and unimaginable harm to Shri Mataji when they:

> >

> > i) forced Her to take anti-psychotic/sedative drugs against Her

> > explicit, written instructions;

> > ii) made Her medical condition public;

> > iii) continue administering these drugs till date;

> > iv) continue to shamelessly parade Her drooling, drugged self before

> > SYs instead of allowing Her complete retirement and rest in India as

> > She requested during the Guru Puja 2008.

> >

> > Whatever front the SY organization puts up will absolute fail when

> > the public comes to know of these facts, and sooner or later they

> > will. Gone and destroyed forever are their claims that Sahaja Yoga

> > cures diseases, or heals the mind and body, or is great for stress,

> > or awakens the kundalini. How can you claim so when Shri Mataji

> > herself could not be cured and healed? The most sacred cow of Sahaja

> > Yoga is absolutely discredited and only fools and hypocrites will

> > continue claiming the health benefits of Sahaja Yoga. Other than the

> > Guru Puja 2008 speech, this administration of drugs against Her will

> > has assured the demise and destruction of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle

> > System Religion. Shri Mataji has virtually orchestrated that nothing

> > remains of the corrupted organization but the indestructible truth of

> > Her advent and message.

> >

> > So what is the truth that will remain after She attains Mahasamadhi?

> >

> > i) that She is the Comforter sent by God Almighty in Jesus name to

> > complete His teachings and commence the Last Judgement;

> > ii) that She is the Ruh (Spirit) who has promulgated, recited and

> > explained the commencement of Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection);

> > iii) that She is the Messiah who declares the judgement of humankind

> > after the scattered of Judah return to Israel from the four corners

> > of the Earth;

> > iv) that She is the Adi Shakti requested by millions of gods to

> > enlighten humanity and end Kali Yuga;

> >

> > Shri Mataji has made sure that only the Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit/Ruh)

> > within remains the sole source of guidance, hope, faith, Cool Breeze,

> > enlightenment, protection and meditation. The physical incarnation--

> > drooling, drugged and silenced--will only remain for those who follow

> > the SYSSR ( http://sahajayoga.org)

> >

> > For those who want to participate in the Last Judgement and

> > Resurrection to enter the Kingdom of God they have to meditate on the

> > Spirit of God Almighty within their own being. The eternal, omnipotent

> > (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and omnipresent (always

> > present everywhere) Divine Mother will always be your source of joy,

> > guidance, hope, faith, enlightenment, protection and meditation, all

> > of which have been confirmed by the thousands of lectures and talks

> > of Her incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (http://adishakti.org).

> > Let me just give you a few quotes:

> >

> > " You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the

> > Seventh Chakra " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> > " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

> > of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. " - Shri

> > Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> > " This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last

> > Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the

> > truth. Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very

> > easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of

> > Last Judgment, which looks such a horrifying experience, has been

> > made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not

> > disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are

> > all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter

> > into the Kingdom of God or not. " Shri Mataji

> >

> >

> > " Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-

> > masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma.

> > It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all

> > the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody

> > misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their

> > absolute, their spirit. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> > " The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come

> > for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in

> > the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come

> > today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through

> > your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your

> > Last Judgment is also now. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> > " Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every

> > level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it

> > will start triggering understanding of real righteousness,

> > religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God.

> > This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is

> > the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through

> > the light of the Spirit. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> > As messengers and believers of the Last Judgement and Resurrection we

> > have all the evidence and enlightenment directly from the Spirit of

> > God, as well as the freedom, mandate and blessings of Her incarnation

> > Shri Mataji to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Let's

> > spend the rest of our lives fulfilling the deepest desire of Shri

> > Mataji to help emancipate humanity.

> >

> > " If we follow Him (Jesus) then we cannot be conditioned by anything

> > because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned,

> > conditioned by anything. . . . I am here to tell you all these things

> > which Christ could not tell, and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All

> > those things I am saying to you. "

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > Christmas Puja, Delhi, India — December 24, 1995

> >

> > The Savior has promised that He will aid those who aid Her:

> >

> > " Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future,

> > perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that

> > through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the

> > greatest miracle of all – the salvation of lost souls. He promises

> > them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of

> > bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them.

> >

> > The theme of this section is reassurance and encouragement. Jesus

> > gives the disciples three basic reasons they should cease being

> > troubled in their spirits. First, He tells them that, although He is

> > going away, He will return for them so that they may ultimately join

> > Him where He is going (vv. 1-3). Second, He tells them that, though

> > He is going away, He will be the only means by which men may come to

> > God and go to Heaven (vv. 4-11). Third, He tells them that, though He

> > is going away, their ministries are not finished. In fact, the best

> > is still ahead. They are going, by the Holy Spirit's power, to be

> > part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation (vv.

> > 12-14). " ...

> >

> > 25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.

> > 26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will

> > send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to

> > your remembrance, whatsoever I have told unto you.

> >

> > Jesus now summarizes all that He has been saying in this section.

> > Referring to the many things which He has taught them while He has

> > been present with them in the flesh, He tell the disciples that the

> > Comforter not only is going to remind them of these things, but also

> > will go to teach them all things necessary to their understanding and

> > happiness. The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus' teachings,

> > will enable them to understand truly and completely, and will develop

> > and expand them into new and wonderful truths.

> >

> > Jesus has referred to the coming Comforter as the Spirit of Truth (v.

> > 17)...[whose] primary function is the work of making men holy. This

> > is the work we call sanctification.

> >

> > In v. 16 Jesus has said that the Comforter is going to be provided to

> > the disciples by the Father on the basis of His (Jesus') prayer that

> > He should do so. Now He says that the Father is going to send the

> > Comforter in His (Christ's) name. These statements are essentially

> > identical and imply a joint action involving both Father and Son. "

> >

> > Jack Wilson Stallings and Robert E. Picirilli,

> > The Randall House Bible Commentary: The Gospel of John,

> > Randall House Publications, 1989, page 205

> >

> > regards to all.

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> > , " violettubb " <violettubb@>


> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir and all,

> > >

> > > My husband, Peter Tubb (RN., B.Nurs., Ass. Dip. Soc. Sci.) says that if

Shri Mataji had a neurological event such as a stroke, cerebral insult or other

head trauma, the risperidone is contraindicated because of its adverse side

effects, such as hypertension and extra-pyramidial effects such as hypothermia

and damage to the liver. He says that risperidone is chiefly used for

behavioural management in dementia or other psychological orders such as

schizophrenia, i.e., it is only indicated if a person is a physical danger to

themselves or others. Peter says that if Shri Mataji did not have dementia or

schizophrenia, that by giving Her the risperidone, She was treated badly;

illegally restrained.

> > >

> > > Mrs. Olga Perezhogin would have been privy to what her husband (as member

13) knew. She says:

> > >

> > > " The first list from 17 leaders was confirmed by Mother. Sergei

[Perezhogin] was under member 13 (!).

> > >

> > > Here is what Olga Perezhogin writes in relation to what happened at Guru

Puja 2004:

> > >

> > > " Guru Puja 2004. It was announced that after the Puja there would be

inauguration of the World Council. Mother speaks at the Puja as if She is saying

farewell to us. She is speaking about love... The next day at the inauguration

in Mother's House Sir C.P. was speaking for a long time. He was saying how

Gregoire and he had been preparing the Regulations for a long time... " And now

we ask Mother to bless this work " . Mother was sitting silently during all this

speech, not reacting to anything, looking straightly in front of Her. She did

not react anyhow to the suggestion to bless the council, either! As Sergei

[Perezhogin] said afterwards, nobody understood whether Shri Mataji had blessed

the Council, whether it is legal or not. But She did not say " no " , either.

> > > After a pause, Sir C.P. said, " She blesses, blesses! " For some more time

everyone was behaving as if nothing was happening. Not many knew at that time

that Mother was already being given resperidone (medicine). "

> > >

> > > Olga Perezhogin, further, writes about the giving of the risperidone to

Shri Mataji:

> > >

> > > " - Bogdan Shekhovich participated in the setting the kind of treatment.

Sir C.P. returned him into SY for that. The worrying of the husband for the

health of his wife, the responsibility of Dr. Bogdan for the health of Guru are

understandable. I am not a doctor and I do not know whether the use of

resperidon has any grounds. "

> > >

> > > [break Quote]

> > >

> > > According to Peter's knowledge (related above), risperidone has grounds if

a person has either dementia or another psychological disorder such as

schizophrenia and then it can be given to prevent them harming themselves or

others. In regards to dementia, Peter has, further, told me that risperidone is

not given in the early stages of dementia, but say 1-5 years down the track,

when behavioural problems become apparent, such as mounting confusion,

disorientation, agitation, etc. due to memory loss, that then leads to self-harm

such as walking through a closed glass door, falling down steps, touching hot

plates with bare hands, inadvertently drinking from bottles containing toxic

substances and so on. That's when risperidone is usually given, to slow down a

person's ideation, i.e., their thinking process in relation to the inappropriate

auditory and visual hallucinations they have.

> > >

> > > [Continuing Quote of Olga Perezhogin]:

> > >

> > > " I do not know what I would have done if I had been Bogdan: the best

specialists were consulting Mother. But Bogdan knew about Mother's letter of

1998 in which Mother had prohibited to treat Her with human methods and

especially not to allow Her husband to participate in that process. Bogdan

turned out to be a doctor and not a Sahaja Yogi. Tell me, who on Earth can judge

what blood pressure should the Goddess have in Kali Yuga? "

> > >

> > > [Here is what Olga said about the risperidone, in particular, which i have

extracted from the other things mentioned along with that]:

> > >

> > > " The treatment [using respiridone] was done by doctors - Sahaja Yogis!

Yes, the best American and Italian doctors were consulting. In Europe, they are

very careful with it. Then, all the thought were at what would be with Mother.

Bogdan said that Mother would not be able to speak anymore. It is, according to

him, is not possible from the medicine point of view. I imagine how much

surprised they were when Mother started talking! Jai Shri Mataji! "

> > >

> > > [Jagbir, here is an interesting thing: Peter says that according to what

he knows, respiridone is an anti-psychotic and does not stop someone from

talking. Peter says that to stop someone from talking, they have to be heavily


> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sir C.P. continues to con us with his lies. We have no idea what

> > > > > goes behind close doors - projects, appointments, finances,

> > > > > sackings etc. All we hear from Sir C.P. is that Shri Mataji has

> > > > > blessed them. There are no witness to those claims. Even when there

> > > > > are, Sir C.P. continues to claim the same ....... even though we

> > > > > know Shri Mataji's silence contradicts those claims.

> > > > >

> > > > > 2. The SY Neros are bitterly divided in their loyalty, with the

> > > > > shrewder ones kowtowing to the functional Sir CP instead of our

> > > > > drooling, drugged Mother. They know the rewards of helping him,

> > > > > instead of Shri Mataji. Thus we know how Sir C.P. returned the

> > > > > Resperidone favor that Dr. Bohdan bestowed on Shri Mataji:

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Let me give you recent evidence of a drooling, drugged and silenced

> > > > Shri Mataji that Sir C.P. has for years claimed blesses everything.

> > > > No matter where they take Shri Mataji to parade before SYs--Russia,

> > > > Austria or Italy--She refuses to say even a single word, forget a

> > > > complete sentence. That has especially been the case since Her final

> > > > Guru Puja July 2008 farewell speech. The only exception was when She

> > > > spoke May 13, 2009 to children of the Centrassi School. Maybe our

> > > > Neros should question why adults, not children, are being shunned by

> > > > Her. The answer is a no-brainer, but i better explain its meaning to

> > > > our Neros: A no-brainer is " something that requires little mental

> > > > effort or intelligence to perform or understand. The term is often

> > > > applied to decisions which are straightforward or sometimes to people

> > > > who appear to lack intelligence. "

> > > >

> > > > Friday 21st August 2009

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji.jpg

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji_L.jpg

> > > >

> > > > Observe Shri Mataji's right hand. Try holding your own in that

> > > > position for just one minute and you will know what i mean:

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji.jpg

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_L.jpg

> > > >

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_2.jpg

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_2L.jpg

> > > >

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_3.jpg

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_3L.jpg

> > > >

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_4.jpg

> > > > http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drugged_shri_mataji_4L.jpg

> > > >

> > > > http://www.shrimataji.org/italy2009/album/494

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Re: While Rome (Cabella) burns our Neros (WCASY leaders/assassins/

double-agents/SYs) stab and lynch each other

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > i could only read the PDF document once as the stink overpowered me.

> > > > So i did not poke and shift through all the trash to write details of

> > > > that rotting, reeking rubbish. Instead i have decided to view the

> > > > whole putrid pile from a safe distance to observe the obvious.

> > > > However, i will have to occasionally go near the heap to confirm and

> > > > quote some facts. These are my observations:

> > > >

> > > > 1. Sir CP is yet again confirmed to be dishonest about Shri Mataji

> > > > and continues to put words into Her mouth. i quote from the end of

> > > > page 4/8 of the PDF letter:

> > > >

> > > > " You know, what they were busy with? You think Mother's health? Or

> > > > Sahaja Yoga advancement? No, they were creating portfolios and

> > > > working out procedures of making decisions. They were creating

> > > > committees, commissions, and the like. Following Gregoire's request,

> > > > Mother included his brother Arno not as a member but as secretary

> > > > into the Council but now he has a place in the Council. When Sergei

> > > > was asked what work in the Council he would like to do (the most

> > > > popular were financial and the like), he answered: spreading Sahaja

> > > > Yoga. " Then the committee of Spreading Sahaja Yoga was created in the

> > > > Council. Already this was surprising. The ego of our authoritative

> > > > Yogis was driving farther and farther from what was the work of

> > > > ordinary Sahaja Yogis. Guru Puja 2004. It was announced that after

> > > > the Puja there would be inauguration of the World Council. Mother

> > > > speaks at the Puja as if She is saying farewell to us. She is

> > > > speaking of love … The next day at the inauguration in Mother's House

> > > > Sir C.P. was speaking for a long time. He was saying how Gregoire and

> > > > he had been preparing the Regulations for a long time… " And now we

> > > > ask Mother to bless this work " . Mother was sitting silently during

> > > > all his speech, not reacting to anything, looking straight in front

> > > > of Her. She did not react anyhow to the suggestions to bless the

> > > > council, either! As Sergei said afterwards, nobody understood whether

> > > > Shri Mataji had blessed the Council, whether it is legal or not. But

> > > > She did not say " no " either.

> > > >

> > > > After a pause, Sir C.P. said, " She blesses, blesses! " For some more

> > > > time, everyone was behaving as if nothing was happening. Not many

> > > > knew at that time that Mother was already given respiridon

> > > > (medicine). "

> > > >

> > > > Sir C.P. had the audacity to claim that Shri Mataji blessed the World

> > > > Council even though She did not utter a word throughout his lengthy

> > > > speech. So we have no idea how many times he has just made things up

> > > > i.e., told leaders and SYs that Shri Mataji has blessed this or that,

> > > > or elected this or that person to the World Council. Sir C.P. has

> > > > taken upon himself to be the official mouthpiece for Shri Mataji,

> > > > without giving us any reason why Shri Mataji, sitting just a few feet

> > > > away, cannot speak for Herself. He confidently interprets Shri Mataji

> > > > silence as a sign of approval, not that of quiet dissent or drugged

> > > > stupor. Sir C.P., surrounded by a spineless circle of orbiting

> > > > leaders wholly dependent on his celestial grace and pull of gravity,

> > > > can get away with any transgression right under their noses.

> > > >

> > > > In 2006 Dr. Balwinder was witness to Sir C.P. deceitful character in

> > > > front of Shri Mataji's presence when She was asked permission to have

> > > > Her ear examined:

> > > >

> > > > Dec 2, 2006

> > > > " How can Sir Shiva and WCASY claim that it was the Will of our Divine

> > > > Mother to expel those who were merely following Her express written

> > > > instruction? Any conscientious SY would have done the same. The

> > > > least would have been to get Her permission. i even ask my daughter

> > > > her permission before administering cough medication. Shri Mataji is

> > > > the Adi Shakti for God's sake!!!!!! Don't you think Her express

> > > > permission was required for anti-psychotic drugs?

> > > >

> > > > i assure you WCASY is lying when they claim Shri Mataji talks to Sir

> > > > CP who then conveys Her wishes. Dr B was witness to this shocking

> > > > lie by Sir CP who interpreted Shri Mataji's silence to two request

> > > > for ear examination as a " Yes " !!! That is how he manipulates and

> > > > takes advantage of Her silence. i have no respect for such a liar.

> > > > If he can lie in front of an examining doctor what makes you think

> > > > he has not made up the stories that Shri Mataji talks to him? Why

> > > > can't he just make Shri Mataji repeat all that he claims She is

> > > > telling him in private? Why not make a tape recording of the

> > > > conversation? Are we asking too much?

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji is silent towards those parties who have collectively

> > > > violated, overpowered and removed Her Will in every aspect of the

> > > > word. Despite being taken off Risperidol in late 2005 or early 2006

> > > > She continues to bear silent witness to the official orgies of the

> > > > copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in their lust for power

> > > > and self-aggrandizement? Maybe they are too drunk with pleasure to

> > > > wonder why? "

> > > > /message/7015

> > > >

> > > > Sir C.P. continues to con us with his lies. We have no idea what goes

> > > > behind close doors - projects, appointments, finances, sackings etc.

> > > > All we hear from Sir C.P. is that Shri Mataji has blessed them. There

> > > > are no witness to those claims. Even when there are, Sir C.P.

> > > > continues to claim the same ....... even though we know Shri Mataji's

> > > > silence contradicts those claims.

> > > >

> > > > 2. The SY Neros are bitterly divided in their loyalty, with the

> > > > shrewder ones kowtowing to the functional Sir CP instead of our

> > > > drooling, drugged Mother. They know the rewards of helping him,

> > > > instead of Shri Mataji. Thus we know how Sir C.P. returned the

> > > > Resperidone favor that Dr. Bohdan bestowed on Shri Mataji:

> > > >

> > > > " Update on The World Council of Sahaja Yoga

> > > > Saturday, June 26, 2004

> > > >

> > > > In addition to those already appointed, Dr. Bohdan Shehovych is

> > > > designated as a World Leader and Member of the Council. "

> > > >

> > > > The speed the seal of approval took will become urban legend in SY

> > > > circles, notwithstanding the unsavory legend behind Dr. Bohdan:

> > > >

> > > > " " Qld: Doctor fined over yoga dispute " , AAP General News, Australia,

> > > > November 12, 2001.

> > > > Brisbane's District Court has been told a GP grabbed a man round the

> > > > head and dragged him over a backyard fence -- accusing him of

> > > > befouling members of an Indian cult. The court was told Dr BOHDAN

> > > > MYRON SHEHOVYCH was among a group delivering a letter to the man from

> > > > the founder of the meditation religion, Sahaja Yoga. The 52-year-old

> > > > doctor from the New South Wales central coast today pleaded guilty to

> > > > entering a house at Mount Ommaney in Brisbane' west and assaulting

> > > > TERENCE RICHARD BLACKLEY on March 3 this year. The court heard the

> > > > group was delivering a letter to BLACKLEY from spiritual leader SHRI

> > > > MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI, alleging spiritual and criminal wrongdoings.

> > > > Judge KERRY O'BRIEN today told the doctor that someone of his

> > > > intelligence should have known better than to behave in that manner.

> > > > He's fined Dr SHEHOVYCH $1,500 but did not record a conviction. "

> > > > Wikipedia

> > > >

> > > > But we are made to believe that Shri Mataji approved Dr. Bohdan's

> > > > appointment despite his past record, and expelled Guido and Sergey

> > > > Perezhogin just because they questioned the administration of a

> > > > psychotic drug against the express written order of Shri Mataji

> > > > Herself. They were following Her very instructions to all leaders

> > > > against any form of medical intrusion or drug administartion. And she

> > > > specifically mention her husband Sir C.P.! She wrote it down in black

> > > > and write, and signed it. What else was required for clarity?

> > > >

> > > > 3. Sir CP and his daughters Kalpana and Sadhana are actually in

> > > > charge of running Sahaja Yoga from Cabella, Italy. (The recent

> > > > opening of the Cabella School only confirms the obvious. Shri Mataji

> > > > is again silent and does not utter a word. Some of Her facial

> > > > expressions are shocking. Does the photos give us a clue or reason to

> > > > question Her state of mind, and believe that She is again drugged?)

> > > >

> > > > Since May 5, 1970 till date neither Sir CP, Kalpana nor Sadhana have

> > > > ever meditated on, prostrated before or acknowledged that Shri Mataji

> > > > is the Adi Shakti. They have absolutely no faith in Her and do not

> > > > believe that She is the Adi Shakti, a fact that Shri Mataji lamented

> > > > years ago. (Her son-in-laws and grandchildren are no different.)

> > > >

> > > > So why is Sir CP, Kalpana nor Sadhana so involved and interested in

> > > > running the Sahaja Yoga organization? Other than money, it is the

> > > > perks of that office–all the warmth of adoration and basking in the

> > > > SY publicity and servitude that gives them a Bollywood status. 80,000

> > > > SYs now swoon before individuals who, if not for their blood ties,

> > > > would have laughed themselves insane at the suggestion that Shri

> > > > Mataji is the Adi Shakti.

> > > >

> > > > 4. But let's get to the most troubling fact of the chain of events

> > > > that goaded our Neros to set Cabella on fire, the point that may be

> > > > missed.

> > > >

> > > > When two or three factions wash dirty linen in public (while they

> > > > fight and slander each other) all that is unclean is visible, and set

> > > > more tongues a wagging. We now have 80,000 SYs who have joined this

> > > > Sir CP or that Guido camp, the Russian Council or their assassinated

> > > > leader, and the list goes on and on in each and every country. (i am

> > > > 100% positive that all SY collectives are divided/strained/split-up

> > > > by internal factions and pettiness. i am 100% sure!). All have

> > > > discussed the juicy details of our Neros involved in setting Cabella

> > > > ablaze.

> > > >

> > > > i was thinking that all the infighting, bickering, accusations and

> > > > slandering going on for years would have involved issues most

> > > > crucial, dearest and central to Shri Mataji. i mean there would be

> > > > indignation and anger that the other party, leader, Sir CP, Sadhana

> > > > or Kalpana is/are guilty of not looking after Shri Mataji's interest.

> > > > Yes, they did just that and still continue to. But what they are

> > > > fighting most bitterly is who controls, and have access, to Shri

> > > > Mataji and Her estate ............ what a spectacular show they have

> > > > put up, and i am green with envy for being barred from participation.

> > > >

> > > > The ONLY issue that our Neros never fought or accused each other was

> > > > being honest, upfront and focused on Her Advent and Message to

> > > > humanity. i could hardly believe myself that even though so many so-

> > > > called self-realized souls have been so bitterly hurling accusations

> > > > at each other all these years none ever accused the other of being

> > > > dishonest to humanity. How is that possible? Are all our Neros and

> > > > their 80,000 followers in complete agreement on this single issue

> > > > despite all the rivalry and disagreement on all other major issues?

> > > >

> > > > Yes, they are in complete agreement. (It is a collective non-

> > > > conscious agreement. This non-conscious accord comes from a power

> > > > that is sinister in nature.) None have accused the other of not

> > > > raising the consciousness of humanity to all that is most crucial,

> > > > dearest and central to Shri Mataji – the Great News of the

> > > > Resurrection and Last Judgment that leads humans into everlasting

> > > > life in the Kingdom of God.

> > > >

> > > > But why are these observations possible? Why are our Neros and their

> > > > 80,000 followers unable to see the obvious? i got that answer only

> > > > during today's meditation.

> > > >

> > > > You cannot observe the obvious from inside the SY forest as there are

> > > > too many trees that attract your attention – the pests, bugs, snakes,

> > > > stings, bites, rashes and convulsions that constantly irritate, put

> > > > fear or poison your mind. All attention and desire in the SY forest

> > > > is spent constantly discussing in great detail on how to ward off

> > > > these creatures and diseases, both real and imaginary. There is just

> > > > no time, guidance or energy from the embattled leaders for nobler

> > > > idea, sapped as they are from all the infighting and jostling for

> > > > Council seats and pole positions. In such an environment years can

> > > > easily pass into decades, with little to show for progress.

> > > >

> > > > The only way is to leave the forest and forget the 80,000 trees that

> > > > are so full of these pests, bugs, stings, snakes, bites, rashes and

> > > > convulsions. Only be climbing onto a Higher Ground can you observe

> > > > the SY forest and write a report that is as honest as is brutal. All

> > > > alone with the Divine Mother in your Sahasrara, you are answerable

> > > > to Her only ....... not Sir CP, Sadhana, Kalpana or any of our

> > > > Neros and their 80,000 followers.

> > > >

> > > > regards to all,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " adishakti_org "

> > > > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > >

> > > > > Just want to present my case for the post title:

> > > > >

> > > > > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/lettera_sy-1.pdf

> > > > >

> > > > > Please allow a few seconds for it to open as it is rather large

> > > > > (894kb). Maybe you will understand better why i _know_ 80,000 SYs

> > > > > are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again.

> > > > >

> > > > > In case you miss the point of the post i will explain this lettera_sy-

> > > > > 1.pdf in a day or two. So just lay back on your EZ-chair and cheer

> > > > > our Neros at their best. Nothing beats this Sunday cheap matinee.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards to all,

> > > > >

> > > > > jagbir

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Note: " Nero's rule is often associated with tyranny and extravagance.

> > > > > He is known for a number of executions, including those of his mother

> > > > > and adoptive brother, as the emperor who " fiddled while Rome burned " ,

> > > > > and as an early persecutor of Christians. " - Wikipedia

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Re: 80,000 SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His

gospel of

> > > > t

> > > > >

> > > > > , " violettubb "


> > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Re: 80,000 SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His


> > > > of the Kingdom of God from completion

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear Krishna, Bertrand, Nicole, Jagbir and All,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Being upfront to the public about Shri Mataji's continuation of


> > > > Christ's Message doesn't seem to work for SYs who follow the new

religion, the

> > > > SYSSR, which is based upon, but does not listen to or put into practise


> > > > Shri Mataji has been saying. Their main concern seems to be to get rid

of their

> > > > individual catches, but they are having trouble with that, too. i

haven't heard

> > > > of any testimonies from them, that they have gotten rid of their

catches, 100%.

> > > > Yet at the Guru Puja 2008, Shri Mataji said that most SYs should by now


> > > > gotten rid of all their catches. But that only happens through following


> > > > Mataji, not following a religion.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Having one's initial self-realization brings one the connection of


> > > > Divine Mother, as the awakened Holy Spirit within. Then that connection

needs to

> > > > be understood and made use of. There is not much point in having the


> > > > and then not using it. That is why it is also so important for people to

> > > > understand the meaning of this connection, and how Self-realization is

such a

> > > > big subject that absolutely encompasses everything:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://www.adishakti.org/

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The real Self-realization starts when a person surrenders to the


> > > > Mother within, the awakened Holy Spirit. That is the only way a person

will ever

> > > > rid themselves of their catches, 100%. No external religion, including

the new

> > > > SYSSR can achieve that, which is why SYs following the organised SYSSR

are still

> > > > working on their catches. While the SYSSR claims in the beginning that


> > > > methods will clear your chakras, in the end it admits its failure--that

SYs will

> > > > never be completely free of catches for their whole lifetime! What kind


> > > > faulty religion is that, where it can claim to give you methods to clear


> > > > chakras, but once you have become well and truly conditioned by their


> > > > they then tell you that SYs will never be completely free of catches,

anyway? It

> > > > is not the Pure Religion of Shri Mataji and of Shri Jesus. When in the

Guru Puja

> > > > 2008 talk, Shri Mataji said that by now most SYs should be free of

catches, She

> > > > made this faulty new religion face up to its own impotence, to rid SYs

of their

> > > > catches, 100%. That is also why She said in the mid-1990's that:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > " I hope that you don't make a religion out of my teachings. "

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Because, when people do that, they stop following the Incarnation's

> > > > teachings and follow a new religion instead, that somebody has created


> > > > those teachings, but which is faulty as it leaves out a lot of what the

> > > > Incarnation gave. That is what has happened in the past, and it has

happened in

> > > > Sahaja Yoga. And that is how 80,000 SYs can be 'crucifying' Jesus again


> > > > preventing the completion of His gospel of the Kingdom of God. All that

has to

> > > > happen is to tell the truth. The organised SYSSR cannot do that. It is


> > > > latest proof that not only are religions relatively useless, but a


> > > > of the Truth that an Incarnation gave. Even SYs have lost the Truth when


> > > > have tried to make a religion out of the Divine Mother's teachings. The

shock is

> > > > just how much they have left out!

> > > > > >

> > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > violet

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >



> > > > \

> > > > ristianity_and_islam_3-11-2009.htm

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > , " krishna_volk "


> > > > wrote:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dear Jagbir, Violet, and all,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This post in particular really resonated with me. It awoke

something in

> > > > me, a feeling, which I have not felt for a long time. I remember feeling


> > > > when I first started coming on this forum and taking part actively. It

has been

> > > > such a long time since the feelings of immediacy and call to duty were

alive in

> > > > me, intermingling with this depth or awareness that I can't really

describe. I

> > > > have become lost in the SYSSR with glimpses of what is really important


> > > > sporadically throughout. Not only lost, but entangled in all the fear of


> > > > honest and upfront to everyone; not worrying if they think I'm crazy or

if I can

> > > > convince them or not; daily cleansing rituals and fear, shame, and


> > > > immediately if I feel catches during the day or things related to that.

What has

> > > > happened?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > One thing that jumped out at me and had me really feeling my own

fear (

> > > > which was never there before) was

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > " If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit


> > > > > > > is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to leave

> > > > > > > your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with


> > > > > > > behind. And without question you must cut off completely from the

> > > > > > > 80,000 SYs? "

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Specifically the last sentence. I realize I have so much expected

of me

> > > > by the Devi and I also realize that I have become so very lost and


> > > > and getting out of it is gonna be a long road and a huge battle inside

of me.

> > > > All of it happened so subtly that I didn't realize it was creeping in.

When I

> > > > came back from India it wasn't there but soon sprung up again. WOW!

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I guess my sword has it's work cut out for it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Krishna

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > , " adishakti_org "

> > > > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > , Bertrand Tietcheu

> > > > <btietcheu@> wrote:

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Dear Jagbir, Violet and All,

> > > > > > > > > I am now realising how stupid was I to follow these


> > > > > > > > going out there called Sahaja Yoga, frankly now i can realise


> > > > > > > > when i look back the last four year I have been practising


> > > > > > > > damage is serious, but anyway I have to move now the other way,


> > > > > > > > following the holy ghost within me, just that and announce the


> > > > > > > > Message of Resurrection and Collective emancipation of the


> > > > > > > > Its takes time to get rid of all the conditionnings and fears

> > > > > > > > developed by this SYSSR.

> > > > > > > > > Now I have started with my inner jihad.

> > > > > > > > > Thanks for your wisdom

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Bertrand

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Dear Bertrand and all,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > i am 100% convinced that the SYSSR is very destructive for your

> > > > > > > > spiritual ascent and salvation as it corrupts and induces you to

> > > > > > > > believe that keeping the subtle system clean (with the aid of


> > > > > > > > requiring lemons, chillies, footsoaks, candles, mantras etc.)


> > > > > > > > propagating that SYSSR message to others is what Sahaja Yoga is

> > > > > > > > about. There is an evil force within the SY organization that


> > > > > > > > managed to suppress and corrupt the very reason God Almighty

sent the

> > > > > > > > Comforter. It is without question the greatest of crimes against

> > > > > > > > humanity. If you have been following the recent posts then you


> > > > > > > > realize who is causing them to deviate.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So do not support the SY organization in any way as it is the


> > > > > > > > reason the Message of the Comforter has been so effectively

> > > > > > > > suppressed. Bertrand, if that is not anti-Christ then what is?


> > > > > > > > SYs are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing His gospel


> > > > > > > > the Kingdom of God from completion! Bertrand, you are literally

> > > > > > > > supposed to remove an eye or cut off a limb if it hinders you in


> > > > > > > > way from entering the Kingdom of God. You are supposed to openly


> > > > > > > > at all times fearlessly declare the Good News of the Kingdom of


> > > > > > > > Leaving the SY organization and completely cutting yourself from


> > > > > > > > is the only choice left if you truly understand how severe is


> > > > > > > > Saviour's dire warning.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > As i said before, you will associate yourself with this


> > > > > > > > organization at your own peril. And let me make it absolutely


> > > > > > > > to all who support it that under no circumstance whatsoever will


> > > > > > > > survive! Absolutely not ....... and its decades-old demise is

> > > > > > > > evidence of that assured outcome and finality. (John Noyce, the


> > > > > > > > appointed watch-dog of this forum can take this email and

present it

> > > > > > > > to Shri Mataji. i will stand by every word, and that includes


> > > > > > > > anti-Christ nature of the SY organization!)

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Shri Mataji has claimed that She has come to do the job of God

> > > > > > > > Almighty. And to prove that, amongst many other aspects of Her


> > > > > > > > and Message, is our sacred and most blessed duty. She will help


> > > > > > > > with all the information, creativity and means to fulfil your


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > >



> > > > \

> > > > o_take_place_in_the_eschatological_future.htm

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you want to be that messenger then serving His Spirit


> > > > > > > > is all that should matter. For that you must be prepared to


> > > > > > > > your family, friends and foes, and the problems associated with


> > > > > > > > behind. And without question you must cut off completely from


> > > > > > > > 80,000 SYs who are 'crucifying' Jesus Christ again by preventing


> > > > > > > > gospel of the Kingdom from being fulfilled. Be forewarned!

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > jagbir

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > -------------

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Past hype of major SY projects and present silence of


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > i received an email stressing that " one cannot have one foot in


> > > > > > > > forum and the other one in the collective SY " and that it is

" almost

> > > > > > > > like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again " .


> > > > > > > > was another email about SYs ignoring those active on this forum.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > To answer both i need to present some facts first.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > i have been tracking all the major projects and loud claims made


> > > > > > > > the SY organization over the last few years. Till date none of


> > > > > > > > even remotely met the intended aims and projections .... far

from it.

> > > > > > > > Such is the scope and surety of failure that all major projects


> > > > > > > > been quietly shelved in 2009.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > No matter how much effort is put into SYSSR programs the return


> > > > > > > > almost nil or embarrassingly negligible. Remember the huge

effort in

> > > > > > > > Mumbai over the years?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > " But the stubborn camel will drink one day, or slowly die of


> > > > > > > > as it is becoming evident everywhere. i recently learnt that out


> > > > > > > > about 200,000 people given self-realization over the years in


> > > > > > > > Mumbai area only 100 or so have remained i.e., about a success


> > > > > > > > of 0.0002%. i would not want to 'insult' the Adi Shakti by


> > > > > > > > North American figures. Maybe now we can realize why no figures


> > > > > > > > given in the recent hyped-up NA newsletter to commence a


> > > > > > > > crusade. "

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > /message/4142

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > There is growing evidence of capitulation by SYs in Europe and


> > > > > > > > America, and the world over. You hear almost nothing of any SYs


> > > > > > > > Africa, China, South America, Middle-east and Indonesia. SYs are


> > > > > > > > only minuscule but stagnated as well in India, Australia,

Britain and

> > > > > > > > elsewhere. There is not a single shred of evidence pointing to


> > > > > > > > success in any country! The deafening silence of 2009 signals


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Only the physical presence of an aging, retired and silent Shri

> > > > > > > > Mataji remains, and give SYs hope and inspiration. Since Her


> > > > > > > > retirement last year, 2009 has witnessed a sudden abandonment of


> > > > > > > > projects. There is now almost no hope or evidence that the SYSSR


> > > > > > > > ever succeed, a fact made obvious by this post and recent dismal


> > > > > > > > reports of www.sahajayoga.org. The day Shri Mataji leaves will

> > > > > > > > trigger that assured end and disintegration of the SYSSR


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > So what is there to worry or care that " one cannot have one foot


> > > > > > > > the forum and the other one in the collective SY " and that it

> > > > > > > > is " almost like the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us

> > > > > > > > again " , and that SYs are ignoring those active on this forum. i


> > > > > > > > not the least concerned about these petty problems from SYs who

> > > > > > > > dislike us for the simple reason that we insist they tell the


> > > > > > > > and message of Shri Mataji in its entirety i.e., they be

truthful and

> > > > > > > > honest to the public. i feel embarrassed to have to deny


> > > > > > > > that the SY Organisation is making its inroads on us again when

it is

> > > > > > > > almost devoid of life itself! That speculation makes no sense.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > All these useless speculations and distractions (negativity)


> > > > > > > > divert our attention from accomplishing the ONLY project 80,000


> > > > > > > > refuse to participate in - the Project to tell the Truth! (What


> > > > > > > > the nature of the negativity that have silenced so many for so


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > i, for one, do not want that negativity to attack me from those

i am

> > > > > > > > contact with. It has nothing to do with being the messengers of


> > > > > > > > Naba (The Great News). If you want to be that messenger then


> > > > > > > > His Spirit (Comforter) is all that should matter. For that you


> > > > > > > > be prepared to leave your family, friends and foes, and the


> > > > > > > > associated with them, behind. i hope i have put this issue to


> > > > > > > > once and for all. There is so much of productive and enriching


> > > > > > > > over the years to be done. To be disturbed by such pettiness


> > > > > > > > insults both intelligence and conscience.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > regards to all,

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > jagbir

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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