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Jesus elucidated the superior law of the Divine Harvest

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Jesus elucidated the superior law of the Divine Harvest: the soul need only

remember what it already possesses in latent form:


" Do not say, 'There are yet four months, and 'then' comes the harvest'? Behold,

I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for



" Already he who reaps is receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for life

eternal; that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.


" For in this 'case' the saying is true, 'One sows, and another reaps.'


" I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; and you have entered

into their labor. "


Jesus Christ - John 4:35-38



(p.322) Mortal life is governed by the law of karma: " As you sow, so shall you

reap. " In this [abovementioned] passage, however, Jesus used the parable of the

sower, the laborer, the harvesting time, and the harvest to illustrate that the

immortal soul of man, a reflection of transcendent Spirit, is above creation's

cause-and-effect subjugation. To one who is identified with his assumed mortal

nature, the karmic law metes out wisdom and happiness only according to one's

earned merit. One who is identified with Spirit reaps without measure the

infinite wealth of Divinity.


Thus did Jesus elucidate the superior law of the Divine Harvest: In ordinary

farming there is a great deal of labor, and the harvest comes in about four

months after planting; but Jesus said that reaping divine abundance is not a

matter of laboring, waiting, and finally acquiring the spiritual harvest. The

soul need acquire nothing. As a child of God, it needs only to remember what it

already possesses in latent form: its infinite wisdom-inheritance from the

Divine Father. The moment man's consciousness transcends body identification

into Self-realization, the soul's contact with God becomes manifest, its

God-essence revealed from beneath the wisdom-seared veil of ignorance. (*)


Human wisdom has to be cultivated gradually through the instrumentality of the

senses and rational intelligence; but the measureless harvest of divine wisdom

can be reaped instantaneously through the medium of intuition, developed by

meditation. Jesus exhorted his followers, " Lift up your eyes, and look on the

fields, " for all one has to do is to lift the consciousness from the plain of

material vibrations to the ever-ready harvest of wisdom, glistening on the pure

white fields of Cosmic Consciousness. The two physical eyes see only material

Nature. (p.323) Raising the gaze and consciousness in deep meditation to the

third eye of spiritual perception, the aspirant beholds in the starry white

light of soul realization the wisdom- and bliss-abundance that is his divine

birthright--long forgotten, never lost, and instantly reclaimable.


As the darkness of closed eyes is dispelled immediately when one opens his eyes,

so the instant one opens his eye of wisdom, the gloom of ignorance is banished

and he beholds himself as a perfect soul in the light of God. This is a great

consolation, for to reach perfection through the karmic consequential process of

trial and error seems a near impossibility, requiring countless incarnations.

Man must labor to acquire properity, wisdom, and happiness; a Self-realized

child of God, reclaiming his divine inheritance, already possesses everything.


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within

You) Volume 1, Discourse 19, pg. 322-323

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881






(*) " As enkindled flame converts firewood into ashes, so does the fire of wisdom

consume to ashes all karma. Verily, nothing else in this world is as sanctifying

as wisdom " ('God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita' IV:37-38).

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