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We are a powerful army (of great sages, knowing things hidden from the vast majority)!

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> Today's conversation with my old friend reassured me once more that

> hundreds if not thousands of " former " yogis, as well as many

> seekers are following the same path as our small group on

> adishakti.org forum. So let us be ready when the Goddess strikes

> Her final blow and when She calls us at Her side; let's be ready to

> form Her powerful army.



Dear Isabelle and all,


Namaste - i bow to the Great Mother who resides in you!


We are indeed a powerful army (of great sages, knowing things hidden

from the vast majority)! This majority--still waiting for " the One

who will come (that) will have traces of that Jesus " --are unaware

that the promised One has in fact already come! So immensely sacred

and secret is the truth we bear of the One who has come that even a

single page of http://adishakti.org is sufficient to silence hundreds

of millions. That is neither a vain claim nor empty boast as the

masses are still ignorant of the sacred and secret knowledge the One

has revealed. What do they know of " the pouring out of His Spirit on

all mankind " (Jl 3f 1), or " signs within their own beings " (Q 41:53)?

How many Jews, Christians and Muslims have faith that the preordained

return of Jews to Israel signals the commencement of the Resurrection

and Last Judgment - the End Times!? i can go on and on and ....


Your friend, and all others joining us should realize that the Adi

Shakti came fully prepared to meet and overcome all obstacles and

foes against Her advent and message. She is truly entrenched in all

the Holy Scriptures. Of even greater significance is the fact that

She is the Divine Personality sent to trigger the eschatological end

of Judasim, Christianity and Islam. It is prophesied that God

Almighty's pouring out of His Spirit on mankind will coincide with

the arrival of the Messiah, and " the earth shall be full with the

knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. " (Isaiah 11:9).1


And to demonstrate that even a single page is sufficient to silence

hundreds of millions i will link just three out of the 3,000+ pages

at www.adishakti.org:


" Millennia ago it was said that all who believe in the Messiah will

busy themselves trying to know the Lord. Therefore, they will be

great sages, knowing things hidden from the vast majority. They will

obtain a knowledge of their Creator as far as possible by human

understanding; " For the earth shall be full with the knowledge of

the Lord as the waters cover the sea. " (Isaiah 11:9) "




11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his

hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people,

which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros,

and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and

from the islands of the sea.

12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble

the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah

from the four corners of the earth. Isaih 9-11-12



" We will show them Our signs in the universe and within their own

beings until it will become manifest to them that it is the truth. "

(Quran 41:53)




And Isabelle, from the above links you should be able to perceive what

Shri Mataji truly meant when She said " ...this was the last battle,

and only the Goddess was equipped to fight it. To destroy negativity,

the Goddess had to delude it, let it believe it is all powerful; and

when the negativity thinks " it has won " and is completely blinded by

its own power, the Goddess can strike her fatal blow. "


All we need now are Her great bhaktas--most of whom are still snoring

and slumbering under the hypnotic spell and delusion of either petty

gurus, fake ammas or clueless SY leaders--who can fearlessly carry

Her Battle right into the inner sanctuary of these centuries-old

religious fortresses and compel their masses to either unconditionlly

surrender to Her Advent and Message, or flee in fright. " So let us be

ready when the Goddess strikes Her final blow and when She calls us

at Her side; let's be ready to form Her powerful army. "


regards to all,






, Isabelle Morgan

<isabelle.morgan wrote:


> Dear all


> I haven't been on the Forum for quite a while but today, I felt a

> sudden " urge " to contact you all as I got in touch with an old

> French " sy " I hadn't seen for a long time. We had a powerful and

> interesting conversation. He, like all of us, left the SYSSR

> years ago and came to the same conclusion. I immediately

> " directed " him on adishakti.org and I hope he will soon join the

> Forum.


> As we were talking to each other on he phone and explaining our

> recent " discoveries " , we both evoked our sadness to see the latest

> pictures of Shri Mataji; I know this has also been a recent topic

on the Forum A drooling, drugged and silenced

Shri Mataji that Sir C.P. has for years claimed blesses everything


> http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji.jpg



> I also remembered a post by Jagbir


> /message/7015

> Extract :

> " Shri Mataji is silent towards those parties who have collectively

> violated, overpowered and removed Her Will in every aspect of the

> word. Despite being taken off Risperidol in late 2005 or early 2006

> She continues to bear silent witness to the official orgies of the

> copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in their lust for power

> and self-aggrandizement? Maybe they are too drunk with pleasure to

> wonder why?

> Jagbir "


> Years ago, I had dreams and visions which I didn't understand at the

> time, but which now appear as a " guideline " to help me/us through

> the phase we are currently experiencing. In these " dreams " the

Goddess, sometimes under the form of Shri Mataji, sometimes under the

form of the Durga, urged me to " keep in touch with the " Real " yogis.

She also insisted on the fact that " I had to know where I belonged " ,

and I had to keep my place, at Her side, as one of Her children,

despite my fears and despite the threats coming from the

supposed " leaders " . I remember a particular dream where I could

see Madjid, Benoit and another " prominent " yogi, taking Shri Mataji

to a theatre show. They were laughing, talking to each other,

forgetful of Shri Mataji and the humility, love and respect they

should show in Her presence. I was frightened by their behaviour,

saddened that they should behave in such a petty, disrespectful

manner. But I didn't know what to do... Shri Mataji pointed to the

seat next to Her, indicating that I should seat there, and not one of

them. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't

notice me...


> A couple of other " dreams " were similar in their contents : I had

to overcome my doubts and fears and just concentrate on the task of

> " serving " the Goddess, " be with Her " .


> Also, in a Navaratri talk (1995 ?), Shri Mataji announced that

> " ...this was the last battle, and only the Goddess was equipped to

> fight it. To destroy negativity, the Goddess had to delude it, let

it believe it is all powerful; and when the negativity thinks " it

> has won " and is completely blinded by its own power, the Goddess

can strike her fatal blow. "


> If we come back to our present situation, I feel this is precisely

> what we're going through : negativity has been creeping in the whole

> world and at the very core of the SY organisation, infesting the

> hearts and minds with greed and the lust for power.


> Shri Mataji, the incarnation of the Holy Spirit acted both as a

lure and a magnet. Now She's keeping the " most dangerous entities "

(the WCASY, Sir CP, her " family " ...)next to her. They are physically,

in Her " physical " presence. But we know this " physical plane " is an

illusion, just like Christ showed " physical death " had no power on



> We must reassert our individual and collective place : we stand in

> the Light, in Love. The powers of our Mother are within us and we

> mustn't get distracted by our fears, our anger, our doubts.

Whatever happens on the stage of the SY theatre show shouldn't

trouble us. We are invisible and yet powerful. Shri Mataji is taking

all the burden on Herself to protect us and help us be active, at our

individual level, in our consciousness and in our heart.


> Today's conversation with my old friend reassured me once more that

> hundreds if not thousands of " former " yogis, as well as many

seekers are rollowing the same path as our small group on

adishakti.org forum. So let us be ready when the Goddess strikes Her

final blow and when She calls us at Her side; let's be ready to form

Her powerful army.


> Lots of Love


> Isabelle


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" The question remains as to whether some kind of spiritual evolution

is in progress, whether large amounts of people gradually taking up

meditation and other forms of inner practice will create a critical

mass of global enlightenment, or whether we will continue in what

could be called the Brazilian rain forest mode. In the past, this

theory goes, a small number of mystics, ascetics, monastics,

wandering mendicants, and other followers of the Perennial Philosophy

were capable of providing the spiritual oxygen that helped the rest

of the world to breathe and that sustained the mainstream practice of

religion with all its surface anomalies. These days it seems

increasingly questionable whether this approach will be sufficient to

redeem a crippled planet; on the whole, the evolutionary theory makes

more sense. But how long will it take? The Bolivian visionary Oscar

Ichazo said some years ago, " In the past eras the mystical trip was

an individual matter, or at least a matter of small groups, but no

longer. This is what is new in human history. Everybody can now

achieve a higher degree of consciousness... The vision of humanity as

one enormous family, one objective tribe, may once have been utopian.

Now it is a practical necessity. "


Peter Occhiogrosso, The Joy of Sects

Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1996 p. xxii.)




> Today's conversation with my old friend reassured me once more that

> hundreds if not thousands of " former " yogis, as well as many

> seekers are following the same path as our small group on

> adishakti.org forum. So let us be ready when the Goddess strikes

> Her final blow and when She calls us at Her side; let's be ready to

> form Her powerful army.



Dear Isabelle and all,


Namaste - i bow to the Great Mother who resides in you!


We are indeed a powerful army (of great sages, knowing things hidden

from the vast majority)! This majority--still waiting for " the One

who will come (that) will have traces of that Jesus " --are unaware

that the promised One has in fact already come! So immensely sacred

and secret is the truth we bear of the One who has come that even a

single page of http://adishakti.org is sufficient to silence hundreds

of millions. That is neither a vain claim nor empty boast as the

masses are still ignorant of the sacred and secret knowledge the One

has revealed. What do they know of " the pouring out of His Spirit on

all mankind " (Jl 3f 1), or " signs within their own beings " (Q 41:53)?

How many Jews, Christians and Muslims have faith that the preordained

return of Jews to Israel signals the commencement of the Resurrection

and Last Judgment - the End Times!? i can go on and on and ....


Your friend, and all others joining us should realize that the Adi

Shakti came fully prepared to meet and overcome all obstacles and

foes against Her advent and message. She is truly entrenched in all

the Holy Scriptures. Of even greater significance is the fact that

She is the Divine Personality sent to trigger the eschatological end

of Judasim, Christianity and Islam. It is prophesied that God

Almighty's pouring out of His Spirit on mankind will coincide with

the arrival of the Messiah, and " the earth shall be full with the

knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. " (Isaiah 11:9).1


And to demonstrate that even a single page is sufficient to silence

hundreds of millions i will link just three out of the 3,000+ pages

at www.adishakti.org:


" Millennia ago it was said that all who believe in the Messiah will

busy themselves trying to know the Lord. Therefore, they will be

great sages, knowing things hidden from the vast majority. They will

obtain a knowledge of their Creator as far as possible by human

understanding; " For the earth shall be full with the knowledge of

the Lord as the waters cover the sea. " (Isaiah 11:9) "





11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his

hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people,

which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros,

and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and

from the islands of the sea.

12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble

the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah

from the four corners of the earth. Isaih 9-11-12



" We will show them Our signs in the universe and within their own

beings until it will become manifest to them that it is the truth. "

(Quran 41:53)





And Isabelle, from the above links you should be able to perceive what

Shri Mataji truly meant when She said " ...this was the last battle,

and only the Goddess was equipped to fight it. To destroy negativity,

the Goddess had to delude it, let it believe it is all powerful; and

when the negativity thinks " it has won " and is completely blinded by

its own power, the Goddess can strike her fatal blow. "


All we need now are Her great bhaktas--most of whom are still snoring

and slumbering under the hypnotic spell and delusion of either petty

gurus, fake ammas or clueless SY leaders--who can fearlessly carry

Her Battle right into the inner sanctuary of these centuries-old

religious fortresses and compel their masses to either unconditionlly

surrender to Her Advent and Message, or flee in fright. " So let us be

ready when the Goddess strikes Her final blow and when She calls us

at Her side; let's be ready to form Her powerful army. "


regards to all,






, Isabelle Morgan

<isabelle.morgan wrote:


> Dear all


> I haven't been on the Forum for quite a while but today, I felt a

> sudden " urge " to contact you all as I got in touch with an old

> French " sy " I hadn't seen for a long time. We had a powerful and

> interesting conversation. He, like all of us, left the SYSSR

> years ago and came to the same conclusion. I immediately

> " directed " him on adishakti.org and I hope he will soon join the

> Forum.


> As we were talking to each other on he phone and explaining our

> recent " discoveries " , we both evoked our sadness to see the latest

> pictures of Shri Mataji; I know this has also been a recent topic

on the Forum A drooling, drugged and silenced

Shri Mataji that Sir C.P. has for years claimed blesses everything


> http://adishakti.org/shri_mataji_photos/drooling_shri_mataji.jpg



> I also remembered a post by Jagbir


> /message/7015

> Extract :

> " Shri Mataji is silent towards those parties who have collectively

> violated, overpowered and removed Her Will in every aspect of the

> word. Despite being taken off Risperidol in late 2005 or early 2006

> She continues to bear silent witness to the official orgies of the

> copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in their lust for power

> and self-aggrandizement? Maybe they are too drunk with pleasure to

> wonder why?

> Jagbir "


> Years ago, I had dreams and visions which I didn't understand at the

> time, but which now appear as a " guideline " to help me/us through

> the phase we are currently experiencing. In these " dreams " the

Goddess, sometimes under the form of Shri Mataji, sometimes under the

form of the Durga, urged me to " keep in touch with the " Real " yogis.

She also insisted on the fact that " I had to know where I belonged " ,

and I had to keep my place, at Her side, as one of Her children,

despite my fears and despite the threats coming from the

supposed " leaders " . I remember a particular dream where I could

see Madjid, Benoit and another " prominent " yogi, taking Shri Mataji

to a theatre show. They were laughing, talking to each other,

forgetful of Shri Mataji and the humility, love and respect they

should show in Her presence. I was frightened by their behaviour,

saddened that they should behave in such a petty, disrespectful

manner. But I didn't know what to do... Shri Mataji pointed to the

seat next to Her, indicating that I should seat there, and not one of

them. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't

notice me...


> A couple of other " dreams " were similar in their contents : I had

to overcome my doubts and fears and just concentrate on the task of

> " serving " the Goddess, " be with Her " .


> Also, in a Navaratri talk (1995 ?), Shri Mataji announced that

> " ...this was the last battle, and only the Goddess was equipped to

> fight it. To destroy negativity, the Goddess had to delude it, let

it believe it is all powerful; and when the negativity thinks " it

> has won " and is completely blinded by its own power, the Goddess

can strike her fatal blow. "


> If we come back to our present situation, I feel this is precisely

> what we're going through : negativity has been creeping in the whole

> world and at the very core of the SY organisation, infesting the

> hearts and minds with greed and the lust for power.


> Shri Mataji, the incarnation of the Holy Spirit acted both as a

lure and a magnet. Now She's keeping the " most dangerous entities "

(the WCASY, Sir CP, her " family " ...)next to her. They are physically,

in Her " physical " presence. But we know this " physical plane " is an

illusion, just like Christ showed " physical death " had no power on



> We must reassert our individual and collective place : we stand in

> the Light, in Love. The powers of our Mother are within us and we

> mustn't get distracted by our fears, our anger, our doubts.

Whatever happens on the stage of the SY theatre show shouldn't

trouble us. We are invisible and yet powerful. Shri Mataji is taking

all the burden on Herself to protect us and help us be active, at our

individual level, in our consciousness and in our heart.


> Today's conversation with my old friend reassured me once more that

> hundreds if not thousands of " former " yogis, as well as many

seekers are rollowing the same path as our small group on

adishakti.org forum. So let us be ready when the Goddess strikes Her

final blow and when She calls us at Her side; let's be ready to form

Her powerful army.


> Lots of Love


> Isabelle


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