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Experience, evidence and enlightenment of eschatological evolution

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, Isabelle Morgan

<isabelle.morgan wrote:


> Dear Jagbir, Violet and all


> I've been wondering for a while what's happened to Al-Ganesh.

> Is there any way to contact her ?

> It would be nice to try to gather all the " real " yogis.



Dear Isabelle and all,


i have no idea where Al-Ganesh is, or any information on how to

contact her.


> Knowing about this forum and adishakti.org helped me tremendously

> to assert myself and keep confidence. When I feel intellectually

> " challenged " or upset, I seek comfort in reading the articles on

> the site and reading some old posts. It's a precious help to my

> meditation, it's like recreating a " collective " atmosphere, even if

> we don't meet physically. We are united in Spirit. I feel that by

> knowing " consciously " that there are some " real " people out there

> is a great support.


i) All Holy Scriptures declare life is eternal;

ii) The resurrection of Jesus Christ demonstrated human evolution

into that eternal spirit, a fundamental promise of all Holy Scriptures

is a fact;

iii) The Advent and Message of Shri Mataji as the Comforter/Holy

Spirit/Ruh meets the exacting requirements of eschatology;

iv) Shri Mataji is verily the incarnation of the Adi Shakti/Holy

Spirit/Ruh of God Almighty;

v) adishakti.org is the only unassailable evidence available for

those who want to confirm all the above before pursuing life eternal.


Almost daily adishakti.org reminds me that the Divine Feminine within

is omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), and

omnipresent (always present everywhere). These attributes solely

belong to God Almighty and His Power (Shakti), and adishakti.org

confirms those attributes. Unlike the vast majority, my faith in the

Divine is based on the experience, evidence and enlightenment of

eschatological evolution. Can you name even a single priest, pastor,

reverend, bishop, pope, rabbi, cleric, imam, mullah, shaikh, ulema,

ayatollah, guru, swami, pandit, brahmin, acarya, bhagwan, amma,

granthi, giani, lama, monk, or dalai lama capable of giving you that

experience, evidence and enlightenment of eschatological evolution?


> Although I know I mustn't feel upset about the sad show that

> the " SY theatre " is performing, it's hard to explain (even if

> there's nothing to explain !!) to my friends, family, etc.. to all

> the people who know about Shri Mataji around me, why She isn't

> more " popular " (I dare not show them the latest pictures !!...)

> and why She is now silent and looking senile, while other false

> gurus are becoming increasingly popular.


At least your conscience `pains` you. For 80,000 SYs that conscience

is almost non-existent. Nay, not even the awareness that they are

excited witnesses to a truly sad show. Not a single one of them can

stand up and protest why a drugged, vacant and sideways-looking Shri

Mataji is forced to undergo the humiliation of being presented and

explained the intricate details of gifts from various countries; or

blueprints of the latest projects; or endure the utter boredom of

petty ceremonies and prostrations by excited, unconscientious fools:




> In France, for example, Amma is becoming a big hit (she was on the

> French 8 o'clock news last night !) It might be a way devised by

> the Divine to sort out " real deep seekers " from shallow ones, but

> the situation is sometimes hard to live on a daily basis. People

> ask me questions, and I sometimes don't know what to answer.

> One of my daughter's friends (a 13 year-old-girl) is a devotee of

> Amma, and so is her mother. I'm now avoiding her mother, who used

> to be a friend of mine. It feels a bit like watching somebody

> drowning slowly and being unable to help. I tried to explain, I

> meditated with her and she felt the vibrations, but she sticks to

> her guru...


i have the same problem with an atheist friend who has a amma wife.

After some time i realized that she was just looking for another

alternative, after having become disillusioned with the Bahais. She

is not looking for what Shri Mataji is offering i.e., the experience,

evidence and enlightenment of eschatological evolution. Neither is

Amma or were the Bahais for that matter. Shri Mataji`s Advent and >

Message is just too deep and controversial for the vast majority, a

task that was exclusively reserved for Her. So we should not feel

discouraged as for decades the SY organization kept humanity in the

dark. They balked at explaining Shri Mataji`s eschatological evolution

and opted for the petty subtle system instead.


i have something about amma for you Isabelle:


1975 " Miracle by Amma " is a staged con job



> She isn't worse that any " fanatical " sy mind you, she might even

> be better off because she's not " betraying " the Divine. She just

> hasn't recognised the proper " model " . Whereas fanatical SYs and

> leaders are, in my opinion, much more " sinful " : they are

> betraying, hiding, distorting the " real " message.


Never in history has the message of an incarnation been so corrupted.

But that is an understatement. It should read: Never in history has

the message of an incarnation been so edited. That it happened

despite all Her efforts and explanation will live in infamy!

Infamy means an " evil reputation brought about by something grossly

criminal, shocking " , and that best describes the collective and

wilful replacement of the Comforter`s Message with their SYSSR.


> I'd like things to be sharp and clear one day. I get impatient fed

> up at times...


> Lots of love



> Isabelle



You must stand your ground and persevere Isabelle. Other than us

there is nobody bearing the burden of protecting and spreading the

Great News of the Comforter`s eschatological evolution. The extremely

difficult and time-consuming task of stirring human consciousness to

the Resurrection was given to Shri Mataji. " The negativity has

overtaken Her too " , my wife said when shown the photographs. As you

mentioned, She is keeping the most negative closest to Her and the

remaining 80,000 lingering around. That allows you and me the

complete freedom today to expose the negativity and begin destroying

it so that tomorrow Her message of the eschatological evolution will

survive. Her 2008 Guru Puja speech ensured its exposure and end.


Everything is alright. adishakti.org is going to register the highest

number of visitors and page views ever this October 2009. There has

never been any angry voice of dissent. Content is steadily increasing

in quantity and improving in quality. Above all is the comfort and

peace of mind that we have the experience, evidence and enlightenment

of eschatological evolution. There is much to be happy and joyous too.


regards to all,








> On Oct 28, 2009, at 7:57 PM, violettubb wrote:


> > Dear Isabelle, Jagbir, Kyyan and all,

> >

> > You are quite correct: " We are a powerful army! " We are an army

> > who are not hiding what family and Sahaj doctors are doing with

> > Shri Mataji, nor do we hide Shri Mataji's continuation of Jesus's

> > Last Judgment and Resurrection Message from the world-at-large.

> >

> > i mention the first point because i just realized that according

> > to Mrs. Perezhogin's report, Al-Ganesh, who we remember as Shri

> > Mataji's trusted confidante, " had the original letter " of Shri

> > Mataji where Shri Mataji requested no family members and SYs were

> > supposed to give her conventional medicine:

> >

> > " And Al-Ganesh had the original of Mother's letter. "

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/lettera_sy-1.pdf

> >

> > That explains why, most probably, Al-Ganesh may have been removed

> > as Shri Mataji's confidante. i believe it is important for the

> > historical record to know about these happenings, as they also

> > give us all the more reason why we should confidently assert our

> > individual and collective place as the trusted children of Shri

> > Mataji:

> >

> > While the drama of our drugged, drooling Mother being paraded on

> > the stage of the SY theatre show continues on, we are being given

> > every opportunity by Her to spread the Message from outside the

> > organisation of Sahaja Yoga. And as you say, there are many like

> > us, too, which is great news!:

> >

> >

> >

> > violet

> >

> > ---


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