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Salam (Peace) - Part 10

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Salam (Peace) - Part 10


(p.201) The true karim [bedouin ideal] was no longer an aggressive chauvinist,

but was filled with reverent fear. The purpose of the tribe and the nation was

no longer to exalt its superiority; they must not seek to dominate, exploit,

convert, conquer, or destroy other peoples, but get to know them. The experience

of living in a group, coexisting with people--some of whom, despite their

kinship, would inevitably be uncongenial--should prepare the tribesman or the

patriot for the encounter with foreigners. It should lead to an appreciation of

the unity of the human race. Muhammad had managed to redefine the concept of

nobility in Arabia, replacing it with a more universal, compassionate, and

self-effacing ideal.


But were the Quraysh ready for this? Muhammad issued a general amnesty. Only

about ten people were put on the Black List; they included 'Ikrimah (but not

Safwan, for some reason), and those who had spread anti-Muslim propaganda or

injured the Prophet's family. Some of these miscreants asked for pardon,

however, and they seem to have been spared. After his speech beside the Kabah,

Muhammad withdrew to Mount Safa and invited the people of Mecca to swear fealty.

One by one, the Quraysh filed up to Muhammad, who sat flanked by 'Umar and Abu

Bakr. (p.202) One of the women who came before him was Hind, Abu Sufyan's wife,

who was on the Black List for her mutilation of Hamzah's body after the battle

of Uhud. She remained defiant. " Forgive me what is past, " she said, with no hint

of apology, " and God will forgive you! " Muhammad asked her if she would

undertake not to commit adultery, theft, or infanticide. Would she promise not

to kill her children? To this Hind replied: " I brought them up when they were

little, but you killed them on the day of Badr when they were grown up. "

Muhammad tacitly conceded the point. [41] Hind decided to convert to Islam,

telling Muhammad that he could not continue to proceed against her now that she

was a professing Muslim. The Prophet smiled and told her that of course she was

free. Soon, Hind would see her husband and sons given important office in the

ummah as a reward for Abu Sufyan's cooperation.


Relatives of Safwan and 'Ikrimah begged for their lives; Muhammad promised that,

if they accepted his leadership, they were free to enter Mecca. Both decided to

return and 'Ikrimah was the first to accept Islam. Muhammad greeted him

affectionately and forbade anybody to vilify his father, Abu Jahl. Safwan and

Suhayl both swore fealty to Muhammad but could not yet make the Muslim

profession of faith--though they changed their minds a few days later.


Once Muhammad had secured the city, he had to deal with the tribes of Hawazin

and Thaqif, who had mustered an army of twenty thousand men at nearby Ta'if.

Muhammad managed to defeat them at the battle of Hunayn at the end of January

630 and the Hawazin joined Muhammad's confederacy. (p.203) The Muslims were not

able to take Ta'if itself, but the city became so isolated through the loss of

its chief Bedouin ally that is was forced to capitulate a year later. When he

divided the booty after his victory at Hunayn, Muhammad gave Abu Sufyan, Suhayl,

and Safwan the lion's share. Safwan was so overcome that he instantly made his

surrender. " I bear witness that no soul could have such goodness as this, if it

were not the soul of the Prophet, " he cried. " I bear witness that there is no

god but Allah and that you are his Messenger. " [42] Suhayl followed his example.


Some of the Helpers were offended by this apparent favoritism. Did it mean that

Muhammad would abandon them, now that he had been reunited with his own tribe?

Muhammad instantly reassured them by making a moving speech, which reduced many

of them to tears. He would never forget their generosity to him while he was a

mere refugee, and promised that--far from settling in Mecca--he would make

Medina his home for the rest of his life. " Are you not satisfied that other men

should take away flocks and herds while you take back with you the apostle of

God? " he asked. " If all men went one way and the Helpers another, I should take

the way of the Helpers. God have mercy on the Helpers, their sons and their

sons' sons. " [43]


It was a strange conquest, and an impartial observer might have wondered why the

Muslims and the Quraysh had fought at all. [44] Muhammad kept his word and

returned to Medina with the Emigrants and Helpers. He did not attempt to rule

Mecca himself; nor did he replace the Qurayshan officials with his own

companions; nor did he establish a purist Islamic regime. (p.204) All former

dignitaries kept their positions in the Haram, and the assembly and the status

quo remained intact. His most hated enemies were not only reinstated but

promoted and showered with gifts. When Muhammad was about to reassign the most

prestigious function of the Haram--that of providing water to the pilgrims--to

the notable who had just given him the keys of the Kabah, Muhammad asked him:

" You can surely see now that this key is in my hand, that I can assign it to

whomever I want? " The notable, thinking that the office would now go to one of

the Muslims, cried in anguish: " Then, the glory and might of Quraysh is gone! "

Muhammad promptly replied, as he handed back the key: " To the contrary, today it

is entrenched and glorious! " [45]


Muhammad (Prophet For Our Time)

Chapter 5, 'Salam', p. 201-204

Karen Armstrong

Harper Perennial - London, New York, Toronto and Sydney

ISBN-13 978-0-00-723248-2

ISBN-10 0-00-723248-9




[41] Abu Ja'far at-Tabari, 'Tariq ar-Rasul wa'-Muluk', 1642, in Guillaume, 'Life

of Muhammad', 553.


[42] Lings, 'Muhammad', 311.


[43] Ibn Ishaq, 'Sirat Rasul Allah', 886, in Guillaume, 'Life of Muhammad'.


[44] Bamyeh, 'Social Origins of Islam', 227-29.


[45] Waqidi, 837-38, in Bamyeh, 'Social Origins of Islam', 228.

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