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The Savior said, I have said all this to you so that you might shine in light even more brightly than these.

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The Eternal Realms Are Completed (112,19-114,8)


" Then the holy apostles said to him, " Master, Savior, tell us about

those who are in the eternal realms, for we must ask about them. "


The perfect Savior said, " Whatever you ask about I shall tell you.

These beings created hosts of angels, myriads without number, to

serve and glorify them. They created virgin spirits, ineffable

[indescribable] and unchangeable lights, and they are free of

sickness and weakness. There is will, and they come to be at



" Thus the eternal realms were completed, quickly, with the heavens and

firmaments, in the glory of the immortal Human and his companion

Sophia. This is where every realm and the world and those that were

to follow got their ideas for their creation of patterns in the

heavens of chaos and their worlds. All natures, beginning with the

revelation of chaos, are in the light that shines with no shadow but

with indescribable joy and unspeakable praise. They continue

to rejoice over their unfading glory and immeasurable rest, which

cannot be described among all the realms that came to be later and

all their powers. I have said all this to you so that you might shine

in light even more brightly than these. "


The Nag Hammadi Scriptures (The International Edition)

Edited by Marvin Meyer; Advisory Board: Wolf-Peter Funk, Paul-Hubert


James M. Robinson; Introduction by Elaine H. Pagels

The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, p.294

HarperCollins Publishers - New York


ISBN-10: 0-06-052378-6



" One has to know on this point that you have got the Light... You

have to give up all that is falsehood. If you are fully enlightened

you will give up automatically. You don't have to be told. The Spirit

automatically feels responsible that it has to give Light. It has to

tell that you please give Light, because it is Light. Because it is

Eternal Light nothing can kill it. There is a sloka, " It cannot be

killed by anybody, nothing can destroy it. Even if you want to suck

it you cannot. " It is such a powerful Light. You can verify it

whether it is eternal or not. You have to see for yourself you have

such a unique Light within you. In the history of spirituality of

this world so many have got Realization—such a Light in them. How

could these stupid, flimsy, useless conditionings dominate you now,

when you are the carrier of Eternal Light? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Being The Light Of Pure Compassion,

Istanbul, Turkey — November 6, 1994



" As Jesus talks with his three chosen disciples, Matthew asks him to

show him the " place of life, " which is, he says, the " pure light. "

Jesus answers, " Every one [of you] who has known himself has seen

it. " 53 Here again, he deflects the question, pointing the disciple

instead toward his own self-discovery. " (53. Dialogue of the Savior

132.15 — 16, in NHL 233.) "


Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels

Random House, New York, 1989, p. 131



“The Bible is seen to be full of terms about light. Lossky tells us

that " for the mystical theology of the eastern Church these are not

metaphors, rhetorical figures but words expressing a real aspect of

godliness. " " The godly light does not have an abstract and

allegorical meaning. It is a data of the mystical experience. " The

author then referred to " Gnostics " , the highest level of godly

knowledge [that] is an experience (a living) of the noncreated light,

where the experience itself is the light: in lumine tuo videbimus

lumen (in Your Light we shall see light.) "


Eternal, endless, existing beyond time and space, it appeared in the

theophanies of the Old Testament as the Glory of God. The Glory

is " the Uncreated Light, His Eternal Kingdom. " Being bestowed to the

Christians by the Holy Spirit, the energies appear no longer as

external causes but as grace, as inner light. " Makarius the Egyptian

wrote: " It is ... the enlightenment of the holy souls, the steadiness

of the heavenly powers " (Spiritual Homilies V.8.)


" The godly light appears here, in this world, in time. It is

disclosed in the history but it is not of this world; it is eternal,

it means going out from the historical existence: ‘the secret of the

eight day’, the secret of the true knowledge, the fulfillment of the

Gnosis ... It is exactly the beginning of parousia in the holy souls,

the beginning of the revealing at the end of times, when God will be

disclosed to everyone in this distant Light. " ”


Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened, Computex Graphics, 1995, p.415



“ " Lead me from darkness to light, from death to immortality. " This

famed Vedic prayer proclaims the human urge to survive, to conquer

death and to know the joys of illuminated consciousness. People often

pilgrimage to an isolated place in expectation of a vision, be it a

jungle of fauna and foliage or cement and glass. Every person is on a

vision quest. But for all souls, at the time of the great departure,

mahaprasthana, a vision comes as a tunnel of light at the end of

which are beings of divine nature. Many having had the near-death

experience have sworn their testimony of such transforming

encounters. An American woman who " died " during childbirth, but was

brought back to life by quick medical action, recounted: " It was an

incredible energy—a light you wouldn't believe. I almost floated in

it. It was feeding my consciousness feelings of unconditional love,

complete safety and complete, total perfection. And then, and then, a

piece of knowledge came in—it was that I was immortal, indestructible.

I cannot be hurt, cannot be lost, and that the world is perfect. "

Hundreds of people report similar experiences, affirming what Hinduism

has always taught — that death is a blissful, light-filled transition

from one state to another, as simple and natural as changing clothes,

far from the morbid, even hellish alternatives some dread. A Vedic

funeral hymn intones: " Where eternal luster glows, the realm in which

the light divine is set, place me, Purifier, in that deathless,

imperishable world. Make me immortal in that realm where movement is

accordant to wish, in the third region, the third heaven of heavens,

where the worlds are resplendent " (Rig Veda, Aitareya Aranyaka 6-11).”


Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, Jan. 1997

(Himalayan Academy, 1998, www.hinduismtoday.)



“This universal symbol of Light is surely one of the best symbols Man

has found to express the delicate balance that almost all cultures

have tried to maintain, with varying success, between a merely this-

worldly or atheistic attitude and a totally otherworldly or

transcendent attitude. There must be some link between the world of

Men and the world of the Gods, between the material and the

spiritual, the immanent and the transcendent. If this link is of a

substantial nature, pantheism is unavoidable. If the link is

exclusively epistemic, as Indian and many other scholasticisms tend

to affirm, the reality of this world will ultimately vanish. The

symbol of Light avoids these two pitfalls by allowing for a specific

sharing in its nature by both worlds or even by the " three worlds. "


This is the supreme light spoken of in the Rig Veda and in the

Brahmanas; it is mentioned also in the Chandogya Upanishad and in the

well-known prayer of the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: " Lead me from

darkness to light!'' It is also the refulgent light of the golden

vessel stationed in the dwelling place of the Divine: " The

impregnable stronghold of the Gods has eight circles and nine gates.

It contains a golden vessel, turned toward heaven and suffused with

light.'' This light is neither exclusively divine nor exclusively

human, neither merely material nor merely spiritual, neither from

this side only nor from the other. It is precisely this fact

that " links the two shores. " This light is cosmic as well as



Professor Raimundo Panikkar, The Vedic Experience,


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