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Countless gods, lords, archangels and angels of the Mother of All

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The Names of the Eternal Realms All Come from Above (111,11-112,19)


" All the names came from the original source. That is the one who

united with thought, and at once powers appeared, called gods. From

their wisdom the gods of gods revealed gods, and from their wisdom

<the gods> revealed lords, and from their thoughts the lords of lords

revealed lords, and from their power the lords revealed archangels,

and from their words the archangels revealed angels, and from them

came ideas, with structure and form and names for all the aeons

and their worlds.


" The immortals whom I have described, all of them, have authority

from the immortal Human, who is called silence, because by reflecting

without speaking the entire majesty of silence was perfected. For the

imperishable beings had authority, and each created a great kingdom

in the eighth realm, and thrones and temples and firmaments for their

own majesties. All these came to be by the will of the Mother of all. "


The Nag Hammadi Scriptures (The International Edition)

Edited by Marvin Meyer; Advisory Board: Wolf-Peter Funk, Paul-Hubert


James M. Robinson; Introduction by Elaine H. Pagels

The Wisdom of Jesus Christ, p.294

HarperCollins Publishers - New York


ISBN-10: 0-06-052378-6



God and Gods of Hinduism


" Devotion to God and the Gods of Hinduism is known as Bhakti. It is

an entire realm of knowledge and practice unto itself, ranging from

the childlike wonder of the unknown and the mysterious to the deep

reverence which comes with understanding of esoteric interworkings of

the three worlds. Hinduism views existence as composed of three

worlds. The First World is the physical universe; the Second World is

the subtle astral or mental plane of existence in which the devas,

angels and spirits live; and the Third World is the spiritual

universe of the Mahadevas, “great shining beings,” our Hindu Gods.

Hinduism is the harmonious working together of these three worlds.


The most prevalent expression of worship for the Hindu comes as

devotion to God and the Gods. In the Hindu pantheon there are said to

be three hundred and thirty-three million Gods. Hindus believe in one

Supreme Being. The plurality of Gods are perceived as divine

creations of that one Being. So, Hinduism has one supreme God, but it

has an extensive hierarchy of Gods. Many people look at the Gods as

mere symbols, representations of forces or mind strata, or as various

Personifications generated as a projection of man's mind onto an

impersonal pure Beingness. Many Hindus have been told over and over

that the Gods are not really beings, but merely symbols of spiritual

matters, and unfortunately many have accepted this erroneous notion

about the Gods. In reality, the Mahadevas are individual soul beings,

and down through the ages ordinary men and women, great saints and

sages, prophets and mystics in all cultures have inwardly seen,

heard, and been profoundly influenced by these superconscious inner

plane beings. Lord Ganesha is such a being. He can think just as we

can think. He can see and understand and make decisions — so vast in

their implications and complexity that we could never comprehend them

with our human faculties and understanding.


" Great indeed are the Gods who have sprung out of Brahman. " — Atharva



Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

(Himalayan Academy, 1998, www.hinduismtoday.)



The Universal Mother


“Namoh raaj raajay svarang param bridhay.

Namoh sastr-paanay. Namoh astr-maanay.

Namoh param giaataa. Namoh lok maataa.

Obeisance to the Ruler of Kings, Highest of All.

Obeisance to the Wielder of Weapons, to the Pride of arms.

Obeisance to the Omniscient. Obeisance to the Universal Mother.”


Jaap Sahib (stanza 51)


Dr. Santokh Singh, Nitnaym Baanees,

Sikh Resource Centre, 1992, p.76.



“212. Sri Maharupa — The Supreme Form. The space, and time, matter

and energy, mind and life are manifestations of consciousness. But

Shri Lalita Parameswari is the supremest form which embraces all


213. Sri Maha-Pujya — Worshipped by the Highest, i.e., Trimurtis.

216. Sri Maha-Sattva — The Supremest Existence or Energy.

217. Sri Maha-Saktih — The great Power.

220. Sri Mahaisvarya — Having greatest dominion or kingdom.

279. Sri Bhagavati — Worshipped by everybody including Devas and

possessor of the six good qualities name, 1. Good things of life, 2.

Charity, 3. Fame, 4. Name, 5. Wisdom, 6. Discrimination, according to


297. Sri Hari-Brahmendra-sevita: served by Visnu, Brahma and Indra

since She is their Overlord. The name implies the futility of praying

to Visnu and to others who themselves serve Sri-Lalita.

306. Sri Rajni — Crowned Queen.

369. Sri Para-Devata — The Ultimate Godhead to be meditated upon.

396. Sri Paramesvari — The Ultimate Ruler.

429. Sri Nihsima-mahima — Unbounded greatness or limitless power.

463. Sri Suranayika — Leader of gods.

558. Sri Kamalaksa Nisevita — worshipped by Sri Maha-Visnu.

569. Sri Nikhilesvari — Queen of All.

572. Sri Para-saktih — The Ultimate Power. The energy manifested in

every matter is She, the Power, the Ruler of this Universe. The Great

Lord possesses that Power.

607. Sri Devesi — Queen of Devas, i.e., the Ruler of all Divine



Sri Lalita Sahasranama,

C. Suryanarayana Murthy, Associated Advertisers & Printers, 1989.



The entire Universe is the form of the One Lord. She Herself is the

trade, and She Herself is the trader.

How rare is that one who is blessed with such spiritual wisdom.

Wherever I go, there I see Her.

She manifests many forms, while still unmanifest and absolute, and

yet She has One Form.

She Herself is the water, and She Herself is the waves.

She Herself is the temple, and She Herself is selfless service.

She Herself is the worshipper, and She Herself is the idol.

She Herself is the Yoga; She Herself is the Way. Nanak's God is

forever liberated.

She Herself creates, and She Herself supports.

She Herself causes all to act; She takes no blame Herself.

She Herself is the teaching, and She Herself is the teacher.

She Herself is the splendor, and She Herself is the experiencer of it.

She Herself is silent, and She Herself is the speaker.

She Herself is undeceivable; She cannot be deceived. |

She Herself is hidden, and She Herself is manifest.

She Herself is in each and every heart; She Herself is unattached.

She Herself is absolute, and She Herself is with the Universe.

Says Nanak, all are beggars of God.

She places the one who strays back on the Path; such a Guru is found

by great good fortune.

Meditate, contemplate the Name of the Lord, O mind.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib

(Raag Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl, Fourth House, p. 803.)



" Today is the nineteenth Sahasrara Day, if you count the day the

Sahasrara was opened as the first. I have to tell you the story about

the Sahasrara Day, about which it was decided long time back, before

I incarnated. They had a big meeting in the heavens. All the thirty-

five crores of gods, the Deities, were there present to decide what

is to be done. This is the ultimate that we have to do to human

beings — to open their Sahasrara, to open their awareness to the

Spirit, to the real Knowledge of the Divine, to remove the darkness

of ignorance. And it had to be spontaneously because it has to work

the living force of God. Also it had to be very quick.


So all the Gods requested that I, the Adi Shakti, has to take the

birth. They all tried their best. They did whatever was possible. The

saints were made by them but very few. They incarnated and people

made religions out of them which were perverted and brought them a

bad name. No Reality in those religions. These religions were money

oriented or power-oriented. There was no Divine Force working,

actually it was all anti-divine. How to now turn human beings away

from these superficial religions, these perverted paths of

destruction? How to tell them about all these established

organizations? For ages they have been ruling, making money, making



It was a tremendous task; it had to be done with great patience and

Love. It was very delicate work also because they believed in those

religions — innocent people, simple people — to blast them that this

is all nonsense, they are not religions, they are against the

Incarnations, against all the prophets, against all the saints.

That's why all the real saints had to suffer.


It's a powerful work that was to be done, and that's why the Adi

Shakti had to take birth on this Earth. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Fregene, Italy — May 8, 1988



" This is the first time the Puja of the Adi Shakti is being done. All

the Shaktis arise from the Adi Shakti. And also the Shaktis of

Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. All these Shaktis get absorbed

back in Her. Only the Adi Shakti can do this work because She has

supremacy over all the Chakras. She is the One who controls the

various permutations and combinations of the Chakras...


Till mankind does not get Self-Realization till then he cannot go

straight for very long. After Lord Jesus Christ the ordinary people

started following the religion started by Paul and then everything

started going wrong. In this way in every religion things went wrong

because religion became difficult and inaccessible. In Modern Times

people spoke very wrongs things about Kundalini.


Now the question arose how mankind should be told that there is God,

there is Truth, and it is in the form of the Spirit. So it was

necessary for the Adi Shakti to incarnate because only She could do

this work. She had to come amongst mankind and take the birth of a

human being, by which She could understand what are the problems and

faults in human beings...


This new Job was such that all the Deities, the saints, the

Incarnations and all great people had to come. They had to come into

the bodily form of the Adi Shakti who had to incarnate. And that is

why this Incarnation has come, that the whole world can rise, can

evolve. The Divine which has made this Universe, this world, would

never want His creation be destroyed at the hands of humans. And that

is why this Work is so tremendous. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Calcutta, India — April 4, 1990

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