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The Savior said: I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last.

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The View of God in the Gospel

At the outset of the gospel it is clear that the God of Jesus is not

the creator god of the Jews. In one of the opening scenes, Jesus

finds the disciples gathered together " in pious observance. "

Literally, the Coptic says that the disciples were " engaged in

practices with respect to God. " They were sharing an eucharistic

meal, in which they were thanking God for their food. One would

expect Jesus to respect this religious act. But instead he begins to

laugh. The disciples don't see what is funny: " Why are you laughing

at our prayer of thanksgiving? We have done what is right. " Jesus

replies that they don't know what they are really doing: By giving

thanks for their food, they are praising their god—that is, not the

God of Jesus. Now the disciples are befuddled: " Master, you are … the

son of our god. " No, it turns out, he is not. Jesus responds that no

one of their " generation " will know who he really is.


The disciples do not take kindly to this rebuke and " start getting

angry and raging and blaspheming against him in their hearts. " Jesus

proceeds to upbraid them and speaks again about " your god who is

within you. " At play here are several key themes, which repeat

throughout the narrative: The disciples of Jesus do not know who he

really is; they worship a God who is not Jesus' father; they don't

understand the truth about God. Judas, the only one who truly

understands, declares that Jesus has come from " the immortal realm of

Barbelo, " that is, from the realm of the true immortal divine beings,

not from the lower realm of the creator god of the Jews.


This understanding of the creator god as an inferior deity is most

clearly stated in the myth that Jesus expounds privately to Judas

later in the text. According to proto-orthodox writers such as

Irenaeus (I call him " proto-orthodox " because he embraced views that

at a later date would come to be called orthodox), there is only one

God and he is the one who made all that exists, in heaven and earth.

Not for this text, though. The complexities of the myth that Jesus

reveals to Judas may seem befuddling, but its gist is clear. Even

before the creator god came into being, there were enormous numbers

of other divine beings: seventy-two aeons, each with a " luminary " and

each with five firmaments of the heavens (for a total of 360

firmaments), along with countless angels worshipping each one.

Moreover, this world belongs to the realm of " perdition " or, as the

word could also be translated, " corruption. " It is not the good

creation of the one true God. Only after all the other divine

entities come into existence does the God of the Old testament—named

El—come into being, followed by his helpers, the blood-stained rebel

Yaldabaoth and the fool Saklas. These latter two created the world,

and then humans.


When the disciples worship " their God, " it is the rebel and fool they

worship, the makers of this bloody, senseless material existence.

They do not worship the true God, the one who is above all else, who

is all-knowing, all-powerful, entirely spirit, and completely removed

from this transient world of pain and suffering created by a rebel

and a fool. It is no wonder that Iranaeus found this text so

offensive. It claimed to represent the views of Jesus, yet its views

are a complete mockery of Iraneaus's most cherished beliefs.


The View of Christ

Throughout his text, Jesus speaks of the twelve disciples and " their

God. " It is clear that Jesus does not belong to the god of this world—

one of his goals, in fact, is to reveal the inferiority and moral

turpitude of this god, before returning to the divine realm, the

perfect world of the Spirit, after leaving his mortal body.


For this text, then, Jesus is not a normal human being. The first

indication of this is that he " appeared " on earth. This already

suggests that he came from another realm. And since he spends much of

the gospel revealing the " secret mysteries " about the immortal world

of true divinity, the natural assumption is that this other realm is

where he originated.


His unique character is hinted at in the next comment about

him: " Often he did not appear to his disciples as himself, but he

was found among them as a child. " Scholars who are familiar with a

range of early Christian literature will have no trouble

understanding this allusion. A number of Christian writings outside

the New Testament portray Jesus as a " docetic " being—that is, as one

who looked human only because it was an appearance (docetic comes

from the Greek word dokeo, which means to " seem " or to " appear " ). As

a divine being, Jesus could take on whatever shape he wanted. In some

early Christian writings, Jesus could appear as an old man or a child—

simultaneously, to different people! (This can be found, for example,

in a noncanonical book called the Acts of John.) So too here: Jesus

did not have a real fleshy body, but could assume appearances at

will. "


The Gospel of Judas, pages 104-7

National Geographic, April 6, 2006

ISBN-10: 1426200420

ISBN-13: 978-1426200427



I am the Alpha (the beginning as Shri Ganesha) and the Omega (end as

Shri Kalki i.e., Second Coming).


I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and last.

Blessed are they who do His commandments, that they may have right to

the Tree of Life,

And may enter in through the Gates of the City.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,

and idolaters, and whosoever love and makes a lie.

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto thee these things in the


I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him that hears say,


And let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will, let him take

the Waters of Life freely.


Revelations 22:13-17



Tree of Life - The subtle system consisting of nadis, chakras and



Gates - The very narrow Agnya chakra located at the optic chiasma

where resides the Universal Savior Shri Jesus Christ;


City - The Sahasrara, Thousand-Petalled Lotus, or Kingdom of God;


Churches - " Once there was a single Christian group, Jesus of

Nazareth's tiny band of twelve apostles; now there are thousands. It

has been estimated that there are some twenty-two thousand separate

and distinct Christian groups around the world. " (Charles Templeton,

Farewell to God, The Canadian Publishers, 1996 p. 130.)






Waters of Life - " . . . water is a very holy thing. . . This is the

time of Aquarius means the Kundalini is made of Divine Water. " Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi, Gruha Lakshmi, Diwali Puja, U.K. — November 1,




“Before creation the Christ walked with the Father God and Mother God

in Akasha.1 . . . Without Christ there is no light. Through Christ

all life was manifest; and so through Him all things were done, and

naught was done in forming worlds or populating worlds without the

Christ. Christ is the Logos of Infinities and through the Word alone

are Thought and Force made manifest. . . . Through Christ, the

protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man, the angel and

the cherubin took up their stations on the planes of life. Through

Christ they are preserved; and if they fall it is Christ who lifts

them up; and if they sell themselves to sin the Christ redeems. Now

Christ, the universal Love, pervades all spaces of infinity, and so

there is no end of Love. From the great heart of Love countless

spirits were sent forth to demonstrate the height, the depth, the

width, the boundlessnesss of Love. To every world and star and moon

and sun a master spirit of this Love divine was sent; and all were

full anointed with the oil of helpfulness, and each became a

Christ. . . . Perfection is the ultimate of life. A seed is perfect

in its embryonic life, but it is destined to unfold, to grow. Into

the soil of every plane these seeds, which were the Thoughts of God,

were cast — the seeds of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, of

man, of angel, of cherubim, and they who sowed the seeds, through

Christ, ordained that they should grow, and should return at last, by

effort of countless years, to the great granary of thought, and each

to be a perfection of its kind. . . . Thus Christ made manifest

Love’s power to save; but men forgot too soon, and so Christ must

manifest again, and then again.2 And ever since man took his place in

form of flesh the Christ has been manifest in flesh at the beginning

of every age. . . . In many respects Jesus was a remarkable child,

for by ages of strenuous preparation he was qualified to be an

Avatara, a Saviour of the world, and from childhood He was endowned

with superior wisdom and was conscious of the fact that He was

competent to lead the race into the higher ways of spiritual living.

(pp. 12-13)....


Among Dowling’s manuscripts there was one called “The Cusp of the

Ages” describing the transfer of dominion from the Piscean Age to the

Aquarian Age. It was published by Eva S. Dowling in the introduction

to this gospel. Here is the description of the new era.


“This age will be an age of splendour and light, because it is the

home age of the Holy Breath; and the Holy Breath will testify anew

for Christ, the Logos of the eternal Love. At first of every age this

Logos is made manifest in flesh so man can see and know and

comprehend a Love that is not narrow, circumscribed.” ”


(1. “The Book of God’s Remembrance,” is known under the name of

Akasha Records by the Hebrew sages [apud Kersten, p. 20]; 2. First as

Shri Ganesha, second as Shri Jesus and then again as Shri Kalki.)


Dan Costian, Bible Enlightened

Computex Graphics, 1995, p. 259-61.



" I had told you long time back that how we can prove that Christ was

Ganesha. And He was the Logos. He was, what we call the Brahmanand,

the First Sound....


So as you worship Ganesha, you must worship Christ in the same manner

for all those who worship Ganesha. I have seen that Hindus, they're

stuck to Ganesha and Christians are stuck to Christ. Even after

coming to Sahaja Yoga they carry those traits. Ganesha is all right

up to a point and then it is important that we must pray to His

Incarnation that is Christ.


In the same way, those who worship Christ must also worship Ganesha

because He's the Source, He's the potential of Christ. All this falls

in the Divine Plan, done with Divine Discretion. Everything was done

so beautifully, but as I told you, human beings are good at

massacring anything that is beautiful and that's how it has happened.

It's very, very sad and on His birthday, today, we have to decide

that He is to be born within us, again in a proper way, that He's the

Alpha and the Omega. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Express Christ In Your Life, Christmas Puja,

Ganapatipule, India — December 25, 1992

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