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“Jesus presented ... a way of salvation and enlightenment based upon knowledge of the self and the divine.

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" As I have tried to show in this essay, the Gospel of Judas appears

to be an early Christian Sethian gospel with teachings of Jesus

presented to Judas Iscariot, to announce a way of salvation and

enlightenment based upon knowledge of the self and the divine. The

message of the Gospel of Judas is that, just as Jesus is a spiritual

being who has come from the above and will return to glory, so also

the true followers of Jesus are people of the soul, whose being and

destiny are with the divine. Already those who know themselves can

live in the strength of the inner person, the " perfect human "

mentioned by Jesus in his comments to the disciples (35). At the end

of their mortal lives, people who belong to the great generation of

Seth will abandon everything of this mortal world, in order to free

the inner person and liberate the soul. "


The Gospel of Judas, pages 166

National Geographic, April 6, 2006

ISBN-10: 1426200420

ISBN-13: 978-1426200427



" The verses repeatedly stress that " the Kingdom " is within us—and

not, as the Church has insisted, in the heavens barred to

the " sinner " by Saint Peter. One reason for the Curch's vehement

opposition to the Thomas gospel was the inclusion of Jesus' repeated

warning to us not to entrust our spiritual development and well-being

to others, be they priests, politicians or prophets. "


Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages,

Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 51.



" And now, in the last quarter of the century, there is a renewed

interest in the esoteric, but this is of a more mature, spiritual

nature than was shown by the sensational spiritualism of the earlier

period. Esoteric thought, it seems, is not immune to a renewed surge

of energy and looks like being stimulated into a re-evaluation of its

beliefs, just at a time when the rest of humanity will have to

question theirs.


Through Alice Bailey, " The Tibetan " predicted that in the first

quarter of the 21st century there will be a restoration of the

Ancient Mysteries, which have been debased by Black Magic. These will

now be expressed at a higher level. This is part of the " Great Plan "

and will pave the way for an event described as " Externalization of

the Hierarchy " , when those on earth who are spiritually advanced will

work consciously with the brotherhood to help humanity.


The effect of this surge in our spiritual evolution is predicted to

be dramatic, especially for those who are unprepared. Such people

will resist the changes, clinging all the more desperately to their

materialistic values.


" The Mysteries will be restored in other ways also, for they contain

much besides which the Masonic rites can reveal or that religious

rituals and ceremonies can disclose … The Mysteries will restore

colour and music as they essentially are to the world … in such a

manner that the creative art of today will be to this new creative

art what a child's building of wooden blocks is to a great cathedral

such as Durham or Milan. The Mysteries, when restored, will make

real — in a sense incomprehensible to you at present — the nature of

religion, the purpose of science and the goal of education. These are

not what you think today ... "


Beyond these sensational claims of a world-wide re-awakening to the

Ageless Wisdom is the fundamental belief shared by many of the

esoteric and religious traditions that man must first demonstrate the

will to develop, before the benign forces — whether we imagine them

to be " Hidden Masters, " our own Higher Self or a Messiah — are

allowed to intervene to help us. " "


Paul Roland, Revelation: Wisdom of the Ages,

Ulysses Press, 1995, p. 133



" The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every

human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the

projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of

the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or

you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena. So the Kundalini is

the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the projection

of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of love is the power of the

Primordial Mother, which creates and evolves, and does all the living

work. " - Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi



Question: How does one discard all the organization and useless

activities (of Sahaja Yoga) and seek her (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti)

only in the Sahastrara (Kingdom of God)?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am still unable to rid myself of catches and other chakra

problems despite years of daily (Sahaja Yoga) footsoaking and

treatments. What do I do now?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am far from a Sahaja Yoga collective. How do I continue

practicing Sahaja Yoga?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My collective leader has told me to leave Sahaja Yoga due

to some personal problems. What do I do now?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Despite being years in Sahaja Yoga I do not agree with what

our leaders are doing. I am thinking of leaving my collective. Can

you suggest something that will help me continue on my own?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Muslim who absolutely am against worshipping of any

idol or image. How then is Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji compatible

with Islam?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: We are devout Christians who are very uncomfortable with

Hindu rituals, and see the same in Sahaja Yoga. Is there any way we

can do without such rituals?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: You loudly claim on your website that all religions and

holy scriptures preach the same message. I don't see such evidence.

What have you got to say?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to meditate on anything non-Christian but

agree that the Holy Spirit is feminine. How do I only worship the

Holy Spirit but not the Adi Shakti?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My parents and husband are against worshipping Shri Mataji.

How can I solve this serious family problem but still continue to

practice Sahaja Yoga without their knowledge?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I completely agree with your belief that if you have to

take a single step in any direction to seek the Divine you are going

the wrong way. How and why did you reach this incredible conclusion

only now despite spending so many years meditating, checking the

scriptures and listening to Shri Mataji's speeches?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: How can we spread Shri Mataji's message successfully? So

many have failed all these years and Sahaja Yoga is very slow. Most

of the seekers have never heard of Shri Mataji. Other than Her Divine

Message what can we teach new seekers that will attract them?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to follow any religious organization or yoga

teacher but still am interested in spirituality. You think that is


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: My mother-in-law is totally against Shri Mataji and regards

Her as just another false guru. But I know Shri Mataji is the Adi

Shakti and want to continue. However, i do not want to antagonize my

mother-in-law. Any suggestions?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Sikh. I am completely against any Hindu ritual or

worshipping of their idols and gods. Sikhism is completely against

such practices. But Sahaja Yoga is also so full of such rituals and

gods. What have you got to say, being a Sikh yourself?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am getting somewhat ridiculed for my own spiritual

experiences regarding the crown chakra and the divine feminine.

People think I'm weird by emphasizing that the Devi is the true

nature of brahman and it is creating doubt about my path (despite my

own experiences). Should I continue with my meditations and ignore

them or try to explain to them? What do you suggest?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: There is so much information about yoga and meditation. I

am so confused and do not know which path to take. What then is the

truth? How do I attain it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have been in Sahaja Yoga for years but still do not know

what is Self-realization. Can you tell me in detail what you

understand by it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have been a SY for many years and some of us find shoe-

beating and some rituals quite absurd. You also are against them. How

then can we solve our subtle system problems without such treatments?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am a Muslim living in Pakistan who want to practice

Sahaja Yoga. But there are no centers here. How can I continue?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What will happen after Shri Mataji passes away? Will She

still be in the photograph? Where will the vibrations come from then?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I have just started meditating on Shri Mataji in the

Sahasrara but find it very difficult. Is there a better way?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I do not want to join Sahaja Yoga but believe in a number

of Shri Mataji's teachings. Can you help me?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I am an established SYogini who am concerned at the way the

organization is heading. However, I still want to spread Shri

Mataji's teachings. What do you suggest I tell others?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: I want to practice meditation but find it impossible to

stop the thoughts. I value you opinion. If you don't mind my asking,

but how do you do it?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What is the shortest and surest route to realize God?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Some religions claim that humans are divine in nature and

that liberation is from within. Can you tell me how all this is

realized in such a hectic and materialistic world?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: As a SY I am concerned that after Shri Mataji takes

Mahasamadhi there will great grief and sense of loss. How can I cope

with this eventuality and continue my faith and devotion? Do I

continue to meditate on Her photo even though She is not physically

present anymore?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Jagbir, you are already telling us to discard Shri Mataji's

photo and meditate on Her is the Sahasrara. A number of SYs have been

offended by this and have left the forum. What makes you so sure you

are right?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: What is the most profound and deepest enlightenment you

have discovered after all these years, based on the teachings of Shri

Mataji? She also claims that all religions teach the same truth about

the spirit. How is that so given all the religious differences and

centuries-old rivalry?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: Hi, man-made religions, sects and denominations are wide

spread. So much misdeeds and divisions are committed and blood is

shed in the name of God and religion. Is there a way to make humans

realize that they are all worshipping the One and same Creator, no

matter how different religious organizations have made God to be?


Answer: Silence on Self



Question: It seems that religions are all preaching about a God that

is to be found only in their organizations. Why then is it that the

Divine can only be realized through one's own experience? What and

where is God then?


Answer: Silence on Self

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