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Did Jesus teach bodily resurrection of the dead?

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Do not marvel at this, for an hour is coming in which all who are in the graves

shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; those who did the good deeds to a

resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of

judgment. (John 5:28-29)



(p.358) This age of logic, having struggled out of a long dark night of

superstition, belies belief in a literal interpretation of Christ's words in

this verse. The word " graves " used by Jesus gave Biblical interpreters of little

or no direct intuitional perception the thought that after death man's soul

waits with its cold corpse entombed, able to rise only on Resurrection Day when

archangel Gabriel blows his trumpet. It appears that for twenty centuries

Gabriel has not sounded his trumpet, because the skeletons of millions can be

found still in their graves.[1]


This misconception of resurrection, that God would keep living souls

refrigerated for years beneath the cold sod, and then suddenly warm them up to

be sent to Hades or Heaven, is baseless, revolting, injurious, and unreasonable.


If that is the plan, what injustice it is that sinners and the virtuous alike,

without discrimination, have been kept waiting for centuries. Surely the just

law of cause and effect has something better to offer those who strived

sincerely to live a righteous life. Are we to believe that an autocratic God,

without rhyme or reason, dumps all souls after death under a clod of earth and

keeps them sleeping peacefully or dreaming in nightmares for centuries until His

mood suddenly chooses to command Gabriel to blow the trumpet and wake the dead?

And what of those highly spiritual souls whose bodies are not buried but were

cremated and the ashes scattered in the winds and seas?


(p.359) If Gabriel sounds the trumpet tomorrow, souls who died today would wake

up after only a few hours, along with the souls who have been dead for centuries

before the time of Christ. To drug immortal souls with the sleep of death for

centuries, to gag their expression in the gloom of the tomb for aeons, to

chloroform their intelligence for millenniums, and then suddenly wake them up

and sort them out for Heaven and Hades, is an untenable conception to ascribe to

a just and loving God.


How would God select from the various grades of dead sinners and the various

degrees of virtuous people, and the babies who have had no time to be either

virtuous or evil, which ones are to go eternally to Heaven and which eternally

to Hades? From such a medley of imperfect, half-perfect, and neutral souls no

divine justice could perform any reasonable selections. If God arbitrarily makes

persons of reasonable or unreasonable mentality, souls predisposed to be either

good or bad, nudged by a favorable or unfavorable earthly inheritance, and

endows babies with reason and then lets them die before they can express their

potentials, just for the sake of variety, then this earth is a hopeless mess,

and its creatures hapless puppets dancing on strings of chance. Our common sense

tells us that there must be a wiser purpose from a Creator who is wisdom itself.

The reason and free choice of every human being must have time and equal

opportunity to evolve and express the full God-given divinity of the soul.


The true meaning of these verses becomes clear when understood in the light of

the law of karma and reincarnation, according to which the Christ Intelligence

immanent in the Holy Ghost Vibration ( " his voice " ) judges the fate of each human

being after death. This " voice, " or Gabriel's trumpet, signals the transition,

governed by cosmic law, from one vibratory state of existence to another.[2]


The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within

You) Volume 1, Discourse 21, pg. 358-359

Paramahansa Yogananda

Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881






[1] The traditional Christian belief that the Resurrection on the last day will

be heralded by the angel Gabriel blowing his trumpet is not specifically

mentioned in the Bible. In various New Testament passages, the Resurrection is

said to be heralded by an (un-named) angel sounding a celestial trumpet or by

the voice of Christ (as in the verses explained in this Discourse), or both. For

example, in Matthew 24:30-31, speaking of " the end of the world, " Jesus says:

" He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet.... " Saint Paul wrote

that at the time of the Resurrection " the trumpet shall sound " (1 Corinthians

15:52), and also of the Lord's coming " with the voice of the archangel, and with

the trump of God... " (1 Thessalonians 4:126-17).


[2] Man need not wait for death to be uplifted by the " voice " of Cosmic

Vibration of 'Aum' or Amen (Holy Ghost): Through scientific techniques of

meditation he may commune with the Holy Ghost vibration of 'Aum' or Amen,

experiencing the celestial consciousness spoken of by Saint John in the Book of



" I was in the Spirit (spiritual consciousness) on the Lord's day (the day of

contacting the divine realms of truth) and I heard behind me (in the subtle

center of spiritual consciousness in the medulla oblongata, 'behind' or in the

back of the head) a great voice like the sound of a trumpet (the great, blissful

sound of 'Aum')....


" After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and

the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me,

said, " Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these

things. " (Revelation 1:10; 4:1).

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Dear Violet,


Thank you for this excellent article that defends Shri Mataji's Advent

and Message, and shreds to pieces the fundamental belief of Jews,

Christians and Muslims of their 'graves opening up' to be resurrected:




That is why the homepage reads:


" Should the high priests of organized religions fail to challenge

this site, a forgone conclusion of which we are absolutely assured,

they should refrain from further misleading and dividing fellow

beings on religious, spiritual and mystical issues that are beyond

their present comprehension. The millennia-old rule of the

patriarchal priestly class is definitely over. The religious elite

should begin to realize that the sun is now setting on their evening

empires which are crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is

breaking the Dawn of the Divine Feminine that will awaken the human

race from their long spiritual slumber. "


i truly appreciate all you have done,



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Dear Jagbir,


Thanks, and you're welcome, and thanks for all that you are doing, also.


The empires of the high priests of organized religions are crumbling into sand,

due to the timely reaping of the seeds they had sown. Their spiritual ignorance

had over the millennia led them to delete at least 99.9% reference to - and -

evidence for, the Divine Feminine. The knowledge of the Divine Feminine became

lost to the memory, conscience and consciousness of human beings. The Divine

Feminine/Holy Spirit became an 'It' - an intangible, mysterious force, that not

much was known about.


So, who are these ignorant high priests, anyway? Who are they really following,

if not the Divine Feminine/Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ also followed? Shri

Mataji, like Jesus Christ, has blasted all those who call themselves 'high' -

due really to their spiritual ignorance, for anyone spiritually knowledgeable

does not consider themselves 'high' or 'low' but in union with the Divine.


The bottom line is that people are increasingly not needing the religions of the

high priesthoods, when the light and truth of the Divine Feminine/Holy Spirit is

shining as never before and enlightening their way!





, " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet,


> Thank you for this excellent article that defends Shri Mataji's Advent

> and Message, and shreds to pieces the fundamental belief of Jews,

> Christians and Muslims of their 'graves opening up' to be resurrected:


> http://adishakti.org/_/as_in_earlier_gnostic_religion_resurrection.htm


> That is why the homepage reads:


> " Should the high priests of organized religions fail to challenge

> this site, a forgone conclusion of which we are absolutely assured,

> they should refrain from further misleading and dividing fellow

> beings on religious, spiritual and mystical issues that are beyond

> their present comprehension. The millennia-old rule of the

> patriarchal priestly class is definitely over. The religious elite

> should begin to realize that the sun is now setting on their evening

> empires which are crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is

> breaking the Dawn of the Divine Feminine that will awaken the human

> race from their long spiritual slumber. "


> i truly appreciate all you have done,


> jagbir


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