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What did Jesus (and the Comforter) ask people to believe? - 6

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" The Kingdom of God that we were promised is at hand. This is not a

phrase out of a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of

the experience of the highest Truth which is Absolute, now

manifesting itself in ordinary people at this present moment. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



The preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom that Shri Jesus refers to

has nothing to do with the smoke and mirrors conjured by the

guardians of various churches — absolutely nothing! It is the Kingdom

of God which is within, clearly explained by the Great Adi Shakti

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It is this Kingdom which will be preached

to all the nations. It is this Kingdom which all the nations will be

called to witness. It is this Kingdom which every Hindu, Buddhist,

Jew, Christian, Muslim, and others in all the lands will be asked to

seek. Each and every soul born on Earth will know about this Kingdom

and this will go on for generation after generation after generation

until each and every soul born on this Earth since the beginning of

time knows the existence of the Kingdom within. Then one day, when

there are no more beings desirous of redemption left, the remaining

rebellious Antichrist elements — intoxicated by power, pride and

arrogance as they wallow in gluttony, sin and sodomy — will be

annihilated. That shall be the End. That shall be the Second Coming!


Not a single soul will escape or plead innocence by reason of

ignorance. They will take rebirth after rebirth after rebirth till

they become aware of the Resurrection, and be subject to the Last



In the meantime, those who hear about the Good News of the present

Resurrection will be subject to the Last Judgment. This Gospel of the

Kingdom of God within will be preached to all nations and peoples of

many tongues, till the End! The Last Judgment is taking place as

these lines are being read.


So it was written and so it shall be done. Amen!



" You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with

your friends, and you have to tell them, " You better all get

realized. " The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified

Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction.

And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any

Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to

hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will

enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of

God here, as I say, in the Seventh Chakra. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — October 6, 1981



" You are arriving at that point where your destruction is sure

because you have to become the spirit. You have to rise in spiritual

life and if your movement is downward who can help you? This is a

very interesting Time as I have told you — is the Time of Judgment —

and at this Time we have to be careful that we are our own judges. "


Shri Mataji Devi

The Main Qualities To Imbibe, Cabella, Italy — Oct 5, 1997



" So this is the eleventh Power of Destruction. He (Lord Jesus Christ)

has the Power called Samhara Shakti by which He kills people. So

before killing them and finishing them off, in the Compassion of your

Mother we have to first try to transform them. If they cannot be

transformed then its alright; then let Ekadesha take over. So these

eleven very great destructive Powers will be used by the Kalki, the

One who is going to manifest on a White Horse. Before that today is a

very Great Day that these Powers we are going to use for

transformation. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Ekadesha Rudra Puja, New York, USA — September 17, 1983



" Today the people from all over the world, forgetting their races,

their caste, communities, religions, their nationalities are singing

together the praise of God — Is My dream has come true today. We have

to believe in the Totality, in the Universality. This Universe is

One. God has not made them separate. All religions are One, coming

from the same Source. So we believe in every religion. We follow

every religion.


And the whole concept of nations is also mythical. The whole world

was made One with lots of rivers, mountains and sea. We have divided

them. We have made all these differences — higher, lower, East and

West. Look at the sun; it moves in all directions. Look at the Mother

Earth; it revolves all the nations. It does not only revolve one

nation. It's our myth.


We should get out of minds so that this dream of Mine will cover the

whole Universe one day. Today I'm feeling extremely happy to see all

of you together to finish all the wars, all the violence, all the

immorality, all the deceitfulness, all that is wrong against, is

destructful to human beings and to create complete benevolence in

this world. . . .


You go as messengers of Peace, Love, Bliss and tell them that there

is an All-Pervading Power which is everywhere, in every nation, in

every person, in every human being. It can vibrate. So, nobody should

think they are individuals, separated by any such small nonsensical

thing. We are all One, living in the Ocean of God's. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas, India — December 25, 1991



May the Great Adi Shakti be victorious again!


May the Great Divine Mother vanquish all the forces of Evil!


May the Great Primordial Mother destroy all falsehood from the face

of this Earth!


May the Great Durga Mata annihilate all the raksasas (demons) in the

guise of false gurus on this Earth!


May all the forces arraigned against Her be sufficiently warned of

the Cosmic Forces gathering for the Final Battle!


May the entire Armageddon Army be powerless to even bend a single

hair of the Great Universal Mother!


May Her ancient spiritual warriors, armed to the teeth with the

mighty Truth and descending on their tortured Mother Earth in ever

increasing numbers, rise and spread the Message of the Promised



May the Good News bring Hope, Joy and Eternal Life to all humankind.


May the Night of Power be more rewarding than a Thousand Months of



May the Spirit in all hearts unite His Human Family and heal His



May the conches blown by Her ancient spiritual warriors awaken

humanity to the Call of the Last Judgment!


May Peace reign on Earth until the Day of Noise and Clamor!


May Her Warning bring gloom, fear and death to all the forces of the

Antichrist and destroy their external Idols!


May the Mighty War against the Armageddon Army now begin in earnest!


May the Great Holy Spirit be victorious!


May the Great Ruh of Allah be victorious again!


May the Great Adi Shakti be victorious again and again!



, " violettubb " <violettubb



> What did Jesus ask people to " believe " ?


> ...Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and

saying, " The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent and

believe the gospel. " (Mark 1:14-15)


> (p.378) Jesus' exhortation to " believe the gospel " does not refer to study of

or belief in scriptural writings per se.[1] In the original Greek in which the

New Testament was written, the word used for gospel is 'euangelion', " good news "

or " good message. " As used by Jesus it expressed the " good message, " the

revelations of truth, he was bringing to man from God.


> When Jesus said to " believe the gospel, " he meant more than a casual mental

acceptance of his message. Belief in general is that conditional receptive

attitude of mind that must precede an experience in order to cognize it. One

must have sufficient belief in a concept in order to put it to the test, without

which one cannot possibly verify its validity. (p.379) If a man is thirsty and

is advised to quench his thirst with the water from a nearby good well, he must

believe in that advice sufficiently to make the effort to go to the well and

drink from it.


> Similarly, Jesus emphasizes that truth-seeking souls must not only repent of

the foolishness of following unsatisfying material ways of living, and believe

in the truths experienced by him through God; they must also act accordingly

that they might realize those truths for themselves.


> To be an orthodox unquestioning believer in any spiritual doctrine, without

the scrutiny of experimentation to prove it to oneself, is to be ossified with

dogmatism. Jesus did not ask the people merely to believe in his message, but to

keep faith in his divine revelations with the assurance that by believing in,

and hence concentrating upon, the gospel, they would surely and ultimately

experience within themselves the truths in those revelations. Belief is wasted

on false doctrines; but truth poured out to man through the authority of

God-realized saints is worthy of belief and sure to produce divine realization.


> Even on the authority of the fame of scriptural text, one cannot judge what it

teaches, for various are the meanings and consequent distortions drawn from holy

writ, some of which defy the laws of both reason and wisdom. Also, who can deny

what errors might have come down through the centuries in the form of

mistranslations or mistakes made by scribes? The Bible and the Vedas may well be

inspired texts that came from heaven, but the ultimate test of truth is one's

own realization, direct experience received through the medium of the soul's

omniscient intuition.


> The Second Coming of Christ (The Resurrection of the Christ Within

> You) Volume 1, Discourse 22, pg. 378-379

> Paramahansa Yogananda

> Printed in the United States of America 1434-J881

> ISBN-13:978-0-87612-557-1

> ISBN-10:0-87612-557-7


> Notes:


> [1] " While two of the New Testament gospels use the word 'gospel' (it is

missing in Luke and John), they use it to indicate not the written works

themselves, but rather the message preached either by Jesus (in Matthew) or

about him (in Mark). Not until the middle of the second century are documents

about the words and deeds of Jesus called gospels. " - Robert J. Miller, ed.,

'The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version' (HarperSanFrancisco, 1994).


> " The English word 'gospel' is a descendant of the Anglo-Saxon word 'godspel'

or 'good news'. 'Godspel' was an accurate equivalent of the original Greek word

'euangelion', literally a 'good message' or 'good tidings'. And the oldest

surviving Greek manuscript copies of the four canonical gospels bear only the

headings According to Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John (the four books together

comprise the whole of the single 'gospel'; and the word 'canonical' derives from

the Greek 'kanon' or 'measuring rod' and indicates, in this case, those few

gospels that were approved as holy scriptures by the orthodox church of the late

second century). " - Reynolds Price, 'Three Gospels' (New York: Simon and

Shuster, 1997). ('Publisher's Note')


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