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A resurrection of a dead corpse brings the person back into the world of the creator

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" It will strike many readers as odd that the Gospel of Judas ends

where it does, with the so-called betrayal. But it makes perfect

sense given the views otherwise advanced in the book. The death of

Jesus is a forgone conclusion: All that is needed is the means by

which it will occur, and Judas does his part in making sure it will

happen. That is why he 'exceeds " all the others.


There will be no resurrection. This is perhaps the key point of all.

Jesus will not be raised from the dead in this book. Why would he be?

The entire point of salvation is to escape this material world. A

resurrection of a dead corpse brings the person back into the world

of the creator. Since the point is to allow the soul to leave this

world behind and to enter into " that great and holy generation " —that

is, the divine realm that transcends this world—a resurrection of the

body is the very last thing that Jesus, or any of his true followers,

would want.


View of Salvation

That, of course, is the goal of Jesus' true followers as well. This

world and all its trappings are to be transcended. That can occur

when the soul learns the truth of its origin and destination, and

then escapes from the material prison of the body.


This teaching becomes clear in a key conversation between Judas and

Jesus, in which " this " generation—that is, the race of people here on

earth—is contrasted with " that " generation, the realm of the divine

beings. Some people belong to this generation, some to that one.

Those with the divine element within belong to that one; only they

can be saved when they die. When the others—of " " this " generation—

die, that will be the end of their story. As Jesus says,


The souls of every human generation will die. When these people

[i.e., those who belong to the realm above], however, have completed

the time of the kingdom and the spirit leaves them, their bodies will

die but their souls will be alive, and they will be taken up.


In this way of understanding, humans consist of a body, a spirit, and

a soul. The body is the material part that clothes the inner soul,

which is the real essence of the person. The spirit is the force that

animates the body, giving it life. When the spirit leaves the body,

the body dies and ceases to exist. For those who belong only to this

human realm, the soul then dies as well. As Jesus later says, " It is

impossible to sow seed on [rock] and harvest its fruits. " In other

words, without a spark of the divine within, there will be no ongoing

life. But for those who belong to the realm above, the soul lives on

after death and is taken up to its heavenly home. "


The Gospel of Judas, pp. 110-2

National Geographic 2006

ISBN-10: 1-4262-0042-0

ISBN-13: 978-1-4262-0042-7



" The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every

human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the

projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of

the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or

you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena. So the Kundalini is

the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the projection

of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of love is the power of the

Primordial Mother, which creates and evolves, and does all the living

work. "


Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi




The Betrayer's Gospel

By Eduard Iricinschi, Lance Jenott, Philippa Townsend


" The text is identified on the first page as " The secret account of

the revelation that Jesus spoke in conversation with Judas Iscariot "

shortly before the days leading up to Passover, when Judas

collaborated with the Jewish authorities. The gospel begins by

telling us:


When Jesus appeared upon the earth he performed signs and great

wonders for the salvation of humanity, because some were walking in

the path of righteousness and others in the path of their

transgression. Now the Twelve were called as disciples, and he began

to speak with them about the mysteries above the world and those

things which will happen at the end.[2]


The gospel is then divided into three scenes. In the first scene,

Jesus comes upon the twelve disciples as they are sitting together,

giving thanks over their bread, and he laughs. They ask why he is

laughing at their thanksgiving, saying they have " done what is

right, " and he replies that he is not laughing at them, but that they

are doing the will of their God. Confused, they reply that he is the

son of their God; but he tells them, " Truly I say to you, no race of

the people that are among you will know me. " When they heard

this, " the disciples became angry and infuriated and began

blaspheming against him in their hearts. "


What does Jesus mean by apparently dissociating himself from " their

God " ? As the editors of the Gospel of Judas point out, we can

understand Jesus' remarks in the light of similar texts from Nag

Hammadi. These attempt to explain the imperfect nature of our world

by attributing its creation not to the true God but to a lower,

malicious divinity, identified with the God of Israel. Later the

Gospel of Judas gives us more detail about its cast of cosmic

characters, but at this point, Jesus' comments make it clear that the

disciples are mistakenly worshiping an inferior being rather than the

highest god, an accusation that understandably upsets them.

Recognizing their indignation, Jesus issues a challenge: " Let any one

of you who is strong enough among human beings bring out the perfect

human and stand before my face. " The text continues:


They all said, " We have the strength. "

But their spirits did not dare to stand before him, except for Judas

Iscariot. He was able to stand before him, but he could not look him

in the eyes, and he turned his face away.

Judas said to him, " I know who you are and where you have come from.

You are from the immortal realm of Barbelo. And I am not worthy to

utter the name of the one who has sent you. "


Barbelo, according to some Nag Hammadi texts, is the divine virgin

mother and the partner of the true God. By identifying Jesus as from

the " realm of Barbelo, " Judas makes it clear that he alone

understands who Jesus is and that he has been sent by the highest

divinity. Jesus is impressed enough with Judas' spiritual

perceptiveness to take him aside for special revelations: " Step away

from the others and I shall tell you the mysteries of the kingdom. It

is possible for you to reach it, but you will grieve a great deal. "

Judas then asks when Jesus will tell him these things, but Jesus

leaves, keeping Judas—and the reader—in suspense.


In the second scene, Jesus appears to the disciples again and when

they ask where he went when he left them, he replies, " I went to

another great and holy race. " His disciples are once again confused

and ask, " Lord, what is the great and holy race, exalted above us,

which is not in these realms? " Jesus laughs and replies, " Why are you

thinking in your hearts about the strong and holy race? Truly I say

to you, no one born of this realm will see that race. " The word

for " race " here is translated by the editors of the gospel

as " generation, " but " race " is in fact a more natural translation and

fits with both Jewish and early Christian descriptions of themselves

as a race or a people.


The disciples are again understandably upset at Jesus' seemingly

dismissive words—are they not to be a part of the holy people?—but

worse criticism of them is still to come. They ask Jesus to interpret

a vision they have had, in which they saw twelve wicked priests

making sacrifices at an altar:


Some sacrifice their very own children, others their wives, all the

while praising and behaving with humility toward one another; some

sleep with men, some murder, some commit many sins and

transgressions. The people who are standing over the altar are

invoking your name.


Jesus' interpretation is less than flattering to the disciples:


It is you who were conducting the services at the altar that you saw.

That god is the one you serve, and you are the twelve men whom you

saw. The animals you saw being brought as sacrifices, this is the

crowd whom you are leading astray upon that altar.


Here the critical portrayal of the twelve disciples draws on

ambiguities that are already apparent in the canonical gospels,

developing them in new directions. In the New Testament, after all,

the disciples frequently come across as rather dim, petty, and

fickle; they misunderstand parables, fall asleep in the garden of

Gethsemane, and disown Jesus as he faces death. Even so, the

resurrected Jesus ultimately bestows authority on them and in the end

they become faithful missionaries of his message. By the second

century, the apostolic succession—the doctrine that religious

authority had been passed on from the apostles through an unbroken

succession of bishops—was well established, and bishops claimed to

have inherited their authority directly from the disciples, excluding

Judas of course. The extremely negative depiction of the apostles in

the Gospel of Judas (which only increases as the text continues)

along with the elevation of Judas, the one disciple whom church

authorities did not claim as their forebear, must therefore have been

intended to criticize the bishops themselves. After all, if the

bishops' authority was inherited from a group of people who had

worshiped the wrong god and had never learned Jesus' secret

teachings, it was surely illegitimate. "


The Betrayer's Gospel

By Eduard Iricinschi, Lance Jenott, Philippa Townsend

The Gospel of Judas from Codex Tchacos

edited by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst

National Geographic, 185 pp.,



[2] All translations of the Gospel of Judas are by the authors and in

some cases differ from the recently published translation.




" Of course there are some absurd things which grew with

misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are

common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims

believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their graves

and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the

Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to

think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred years.

Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the

soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human

beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection.


Who will tell them? No one can talk to them. As soon as one wants to

talk one can be killed. This is the only way they know - how to kill. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



“But these are special time, the Blossom Time. They call it the Last

Judgment, you can call it the Resurrection Time, you can call it the

Qiyamah, they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out

of their graves and will get their Resurrection. I mean what is left

to the graves is nothing but a few stones and a few bones. No. All

these souls which are dead will take their birth, take human body and

take their Realization in these special times. This is a sensible

thing to say and is also happening. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" We are now in the Blossom Time, as I call it, because many flowers

are born and they are to become the fruits. This is the Resurrection

Time, which is described in all the scriptures. But it’s not like

this, the way they had described us. Something wrong with them that

all the dead bodies who are in the graves will come out of the

graves. I mean, how much is left out of them, God knows. Must be some

bones or maybe some skulls there. So they’ll come out of the graves

and they will get their Resurrection!!!? This is a very wrong idea.


Once I happened to meet a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told

Me, " I want to die for my religion, for God’s sake. " I said, " But

why? Who told you to die? " He said, " Now, if I die in the name of

God, I’ll be resurrected. " I said, " It’s all wrong. That’s not the

way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this

way that at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All

these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected. As

human beings they’ll have to come. "


That’s why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of

cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer,

weird, funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such

a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have

their chance of Resurrection. But how many will come? That’s the

point. How many are going to come? "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Philadelphia, USA — October 15, 1993



" There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the

Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This is

not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think of

this - What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few bones.

And if these bones came out how can you give them Realization? Think

of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

India - December 25, 1993



" It’s a very serious thing they have done against Christ. And still

going on. Still this Catholic Church, though being exposed so much,

is still going on - in India also, all over. It’s stupid. This

Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name have

they brought to Christ, one should see. The first and foremost thing

He has said that you must enter into the Kingdom of God, that you

must be born again.


So it’s all mental: You are born again. You have a certificate. We

are born again. Finished. So this mental attitude of the West is

responsible for killing the great Incarnation of Christ, so I think

it’s another crucifixion. Mentally, you cannot understand

spirituality. "


Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" You do not judge God from the people who talk about God. Anybody can

talk about God because they think there is no law that can catch

them. They can talk for Him, against Him, or they can do what they

like. They can even make money by talking against God and against all

the Prophets. So, first of all, we have to be a little independent to

be free. "


Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi

First, Know Thyself, London, U.K. - August 1, 1989



" Pope is another horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have

another one which is of Canterbury sitting there. All of them are

false gurus - know nothing about Kundalini, don't know anything of



So they want to propound that they are the solution, achieving

nothing, spoiling the name of Christ, and doing all kinds of things

against Him stupidly, without knowing the Divine. "


Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Gmunden, Austria - July 6, 1986

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