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“But why does Jesus say the Paraclete ‘abides with’ them (present tense) though

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" But why does Jesus say the Paraclete `abides with' them (present tense) though

the spirit is not actually available to them until after Jesus' glorification

(7.39)? "



Spirit in the Writings of John: Johannine Pneumatology in Social-

Scientific Perspective


" The role of the Paraclete as subordinate broker facilitates Jesus'

work as broker in that the Paraclete makes Jesus available to a vast

number of clients after Jesus has departed and become separated from

them in time and space...


The Fourth Evangelist stresses the insurmountable divide between God and

humanity more than any other Evangelist. For him, `God is simply

inaccessible in his transcendence' (Haenchen 1984: II, 124, 143). He

makes certain to the reader that no one has ever seen God except the

Son, sent from above (1.18; 6.46). In so doing he accentuates the

dualistic division between the higher and lower `orders', or between

the realm of God and the realm of humanity. As we have seen

throughout the Gospel, Jesus is portrayed within this context as an

ideal broker between the higher and lower orders. And in the Farewell

Discourses, where the theme of Jesus' departure/return to the Father

dominates, Jesus' brokerage role is boldly asserted. In proclaiming

to be the only way to the Father, Jesus topples all other purported

means of attaining access to God. Indeed Jesus' brokerage role is not

only underscored in 14.6, but throughout the Farewell Discourses.

Jesus tells his disciples that those who believe in him (love him,

keep his commandments, abide in him) will receive many different

benefits from the Father, even after his departure: the Father will

send them the Paraclete (14.16, 26; cf. 15.26, 16.7b), the Father

will love them (14.21, 23), the Father will help them bear fruit

(15.2b), the Father will give them whatever they ask in Jesus' name

(15.16; 16.23)...


In John, to love Jesus and keep his commandments, or words (see 8.51-

55; 15.20; 17.6), means to believe in him, to believe he is who he

has claimed to be (Schnackenburg 1980-82: III, 74; Segovia 1985: 485,

489-90). Such faithfulness and loyalty are essential within the

patron-client relationship. Those who exhibit such faithfulness to

Jesus will be privileged with many benefits from the Father. But

those who do not are disqualified from participating in the patronage

of God and are thus incapable of experiencing its benefits. The

Paraclete, or Spirit of Truth, introduced in 14.16, constitutes one

such benefit. Verse 14.16 functions to distinguish the disciples,

God's clients to whom the Paraclete will be sent, from the world who,

because of their unbelief, cannot receive...


Jesus promises to reveal himself to the disciples, and constitutes

its fulfillment. Jesus will be revealed in the Paraclete. But why

does Jesus say the Paraclete `abides with' them (present tense)

though the spirit is not actually available to them until after

Jesus' glorification (7.39)? Probably this is due to the fact that

the spirit abides with Jesus (1.32); therefore, the Paraclete abides

with them in the present because Jesus abides with them, and will

pass on the spirit to them. And Jesus' promise in v.20, `You will

know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you', relates to

Jesus' promise that the Spirit of Truth will be in them. The

preposition in 14.17 should be translated `in' rather than `among'

because of this correspondence with v.20.


What does it mean for Jesus to be in the Father, the Father in Jesus,

Jesus in the disciples, and the Paraclete in the disciples? Modern

authors frequently use the word `indwelling' to denote this network

of relationships, but the term proves vague and the meaning of the

concept is seldom explained in detail. This `indwelling' seems

strangely elusive. Sometimes the term even appears in conjunction

with the word `mystical; or `mysticism', which conjures up a variety

of images to a variety of different people. What does the Fourth

Evangelist mean? Is he referring to a mystical union, a sort of

esoteric inner presence, or, as Dodd suggests, to the most intimate

of relationships, one characterized by love? (Dodd 1960: 199-200).

Does he have in mind a type of spiritual `possession', where a

spiritual presence actually invades and takes over a person? Or does

he apprehend the network of `being in' relationships between God,

Jesus, Spirit and believer from a practical point of view?


Spirit in the Writings of John: Johannine Pneumatology in Social-

Scientific Perspective, pp. 196-202

Tricia Gates Brown (Ph.D)

Continuum; Supplement edition (Jul 1 2004)

ISBN-10: 0567084426

ISBN-13: 978-0567084422



Shri Mataji: " I am the one about which Christ has talked. "


“Normally I don’t tell about Myself but today he exposed me. As soon

as I came I had to tell because it’s not tactful. It’s not tactful to

say anything. It’s better that you discover Me than I tell you

because Christ was crucified, everybody was tortured. I do not want

to hamper My work because it makes no difference by telling you

anything before Realization. It’s better to tell you after

Realization that I am the Holy Ghost – no doubt. I am the one about

which Christ has talked.


I have told them. I had never said this on from a platform and I

told. They have been telling Me, “Mother, You must say that once.” I

said, " In America I’ll declare it.” So today I declare that I am the

Holy Ghost. I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for

your realization.”


Shri Mataji, New York, USA 30 September 1980



" If we follow Him (Jesus) then we cannot be conditioned by anything

because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned,

conditioned by anything...


I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell,

and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to



Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Christmas Puja, Delhi, India — Dec. 24, 1995



" Christ didn't say that, " I am the Destination. " He said, " I'll send

you the Holy Ghost; I'll send you a Comforter; I'll send you a

Redeemer; I'll send you a Councilor. " He talked about the future. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



" The saints were respected, I am telling you in India, real saints

were respected and they made different observations. Now when I read,

say Adi Shankaracharya, I am amazed how he knows so many things about

Me. He knows how My knee looks like, he knows how many lines I have

on My back, how many. I mean it is very amazing how this man knows

everything about Me. That means through his meditative power he could

envisage Me. He never saw Me. The description and everything is so

clear cut.


Now if you say the Thousand Names of the Goddess, thousand names of

the Goddess are so precise, I mean you can verify them in Me. I am

just like that. Whatever it is good or bad, whatever is said about Me

is there, is a fact; and it is the Knowledge of these people is most

remarkable. How did they know that a Goddess is like that? Certain of

My things which I also don't know but they are there, and they have

described. Very surprising. So their meditative power in India was

great. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy — Sep. 27, 1992



802) Sri Puratana


— The Primordial One.

— The Ancient One.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




806) Sri Param-jyotih


— The Ultimate Light.

— " There (in the Great Lotus Forest) the sun, moon and stars do not

shine because She illumines the mind that illumine all of them. "

Kathopanisad 5.15


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




807) Sri Param-dhama


— The Ultimate Light.

— The Ultimate Status.

— 'Yadgatva na nivartante taddhama paramam mama' " The State of

Consciousness from which there is no return is My Ultimate State. "

(Bha. Gi. 16-6)


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




808) Sri Paramanuh


— The Ultimate Atom.

— The Minutest Atom.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




809) Sri Parat-para


— The Ultimate of the Ultimate.

— The Ultimate beyond the Trimurti — Sri Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




814) Sri Amurta


— Beyond sense perception.

— Formless.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




816) Sri Muni-manasa-hamsika


— Ever dwelling in the minds of Yogis.

— The Female Swan in the Lake of the Great Lotus Forest.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




817) Sri Satya-vrata


— Dedicated to the Food of Truth.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




819) Sri Sarvantaryamini


— The Spirit


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




822) Sri Brahma-janani


— The Ultimate Mother of All.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




824) Sri Bahu-rupa


— Of Multiform Manifestations.

— " There are many forms of Her: the divine, human, animal, static and

mobile. Hence She is known as Bahurupa. " Devi-Purana


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




826) Sri Prasavitri


— Entire Creation emanates from Her.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




827) Sri Pracanda


— Angry, Fearful.

— " For fear of Her the wind blows. " Taittiriya Upanisad 2.8


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




828) Sri Ajna


— The Command.

— " In the beginning from My Mouth, By My Command were born. " Linga



Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




831) Sri Pranesvari


—The Ruler of All Forms of Life.

—The Life of Life.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




836) Sri Vira-mata


— The Mother of the Forces battling the forces of evil.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




839) Sri Mukti-nilaya


— The Abode of Liberation.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




840) Sri Mula-vigraha-rupini


— The Primordial Power.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




841) Sri Bhavajna


— The Knower of All Thoughts.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




845) Sri Sastra-sara


— The Power behind all Scriptures.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




846) Sri Mantra-sara


— The Power behind All Mantras.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




848) Sri Udara-kirtih


— The Highest Fame.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




849) Sri Uddama-vaibhava


— Of Infinite Splendour.

— Limitless Greatness.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




851) Sri Janma-mrtyu-tapta-jana-visranti-dayini


— Bestower of Peace and Solace on those consumed by evils of life,


death and old age.

— Endows True Knowledge of their Selves.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




852) Sri Sarvopanisadadudghusta


— Proclaimed by all the Upanisads.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




854) Sri Gambhira


— The Bottomless Lake.

— " The Ultimate Mother is to be visualised as a great and deep lake

of Consciousness, uncomprehended by Space and Time. " Siva Sutra 1.23


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




858) Sri Kalpana-rahita


— Pure Consciousness.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




859) Sri Kastha


— The Final Truth.

— " She is the End and She is the Ultimate Path. " Kathopanisad 3.11


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




861) Sri Kantardha-vigraha


— Having half the form which is Female.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




866) Sri Aja


— The Unborn One.

— The One without Birth.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




870) Sri Antarmukha-samaradhya


— Worshipped by those with Inner Vision.

— Worshipped by those with introspection.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




871) Sri Bahirmukha-sudurlabha


— To be sought within.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




879) Sri Sudha-srutih


— Ambrosial Stream of Bliss.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




880) Sri Samsara-panka-nirmagna- samuddharana-pandita


— Rescues those drowning in Samsara; cycle of births and death.

— " Just as the tusk of Sri Varahavatara rescued the submerged earth,

so also She rescues those drowned in the Sea of Births. " Saundarya-

Lahari 3


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




889) Sri Visvabhramanakarini


— The Prime Mover of the Universe.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




891) Sri Vidrumabha


— The Tree of Knowledge


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




892) Sri Vaisnavi


— Female counterpart of Sri Vishnu bearing Sanka, Cakra and Gada.

— Sri Mahalaksmi, the Power of Sri Vishnu.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




893) Sri Visnurupini


— Sri Vishnu is one of Her Forms.

— The Primordial Power of Sri Mahesha has four different forms.


Sri Lalita Sahasranama

(Sri Lalita Sahasranama, C. S. Murthy, Ass. Advertisers and Printers,




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