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Shri Mataji's astrology chart

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Dear All,


For some reason the link to Shri Mataji's astrology chart is not opening up, so

here is her astrology chart again:


1981 Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


[Horoscope Reading of Shri Mataji which appeared in the Jan-Feb 1981 issue of

Nirmala Yoga]:


" MATAJI was born at Nagpur at 12.09 p.m., I.S.T. (noon time) on 21st March 1923.

At this moment, taking into consideration the local time of Nagpur, the Sun was

exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and being in the zero degree of Aries or

the 30th degree of Pisces, the Sun in that position made a Rajayoga (i.e. an

aspect for leadership and prominence in life), which has endowed her with the

Sun's glamour and power.


Her rising sign is Cancer and the Ascendent is in the 8th degree. The Ascendant

in Cancer makes her a Mother of the Universe, a Jaganmata, as the Ascendant is

strongly aspected by five planets, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars and the Moon,

while it is occupied by Pluto, which itself forms grand trines with three of the

five planets and sextiles with the other two. Her spiritual powers arise mainly

from this combination of aspects in the angles of the chart, also, the position

of the planet of spiritual life viz. Neptune in the second house indicates that

her wealth accumulation is spiritual. It is interesting to note that the current

position of Neptune in the transit is near the cusp of the sixth house. This

shows that her main work in the years to come will be solely in this field.


The Lord of the Ascendant Moon, is exalted in Taurus strongly posited in the

11th house, conjunct Mars, which is Lakshmi-Yoga and invest her with divinity.

She is thus the incarnation of Mahalaxmi. She is destined to live richly like a

Goddess. Her aristocratic origin is further indicated by the exalted Saturn in

the 4th house, who being the lord of the 7th house (Capricorn) has brought her

into matrimonial union with an eminent official. This same Saturn makes for

vairagya, i.e. distaste for worldly life and renunciation.


Jupiter strongly aspected in the 5th house, makes her a Mother-Teacher and as he

is trined by three powerful planets and squared by two and opposed by two,

Mataji will have a most eventful life as a World Teacher. It will all bring a

great renown, an enormous following all over the world, a lot of conflict with



Saturn, strong in the 4th house, gives much longevity, great distinction towards

the end of life, a lot of power both spiritual and temporal, although it

inclines her to some solitude also in old age.


International fame is indicated by the presence of a strong Uranus in the 9th

house, trined by Jupiter, Pluto and sextiled by Mars and Moon. Also, the

Mercury-Uranus conjunction gives Mataji great eloquence and invincibility as a



The T-square formations between Moon - Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune,

indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be hindered by obstructive

activities of evil and negative forces. Also Mataji might have to steer through

conflicting loyalties and aims of some of her so-called followers who are

enemies in disguise. But despite all this, she will find her way to the goal of

her life, viz., universal Self-Realisation!


Altogether, a great and powerful chart of a truly Divine personality. "


Nirmala Yoga - Jan-Feb 1981 (end)




1991 Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


[Horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – by Lalit Bhandari given during the tour

of Australia – 22 October 1991]:


Shri Ganeshaya Namah, I seek the blessings of Lord Shri Ganesha...


While making the comparative study and analysis of horoscopes of different

Divine personalities a very pleasant and astounding observation has been made.

This study has been described in great detail with specific analysis of the

horoscope of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The Divine personalities studied are Lord

Krishna, Lord Buddha, Lord Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Guru Nanak Dev, Shri

Chaitanya Maha-Prabhu, Advi Shankarancharya and Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The

data on the horoscopes for all others is taken from notable horoscopes by Shri

B.V. Raman, the world famous astrologer.


It is observed from the various planetary combinations that the following

combinations are very rare and are indicative of the Divinity of the person.

These are:


1. Gajkesari Yoga or 5th, 9th position of the Moon and Jupiter - This indicates

past Punyas, Punya Sanchaya or highly religious past lives.


2. Saturn aspects the Lagna - it shows the concern for the Masses and the

ability for Tapasya – Penance.


3. Ketu the Mokshakarak planet should be in the 9th Dharmasthana showing the

Dharma that is established within and not outwardly... and the truthfulness.

This planet gives the capacity to go all alone.


4. Lagna being aspected by Jupiter and Lagnesh aspected by Jupiter is an added

strength giving one the capacity to become world Guru (Jagatguru).


5. Venus or Mercury is the ruling planet in all the cases. If both are there it

is excellent because both the planets are Dnyan Karak.


It may be noted that these combinations are present in the horoscopes of all the

abovementioned personalities in different quantums (Ansha). In case of Shri

Mataji all these combinations are present in full strength. No.4 combination and

No.5 combination is particularly observed to be very strong in case of Shri

Mataji as compared to others. Shri Mataji is born in Gemini Lagna (whose Lord is

Mercury) with Moon in Bharani Nakshatra (whose Lord is Venus), which means She

is under the ruling aspect of Mercury and Venus.


Shri Mataji is born, 21 – 03 – 1923

13 years and 11 month balance of Venus Dasha.

Meaning Pleasant and Happy Childhood + 11 . 13

21- 02 – 1937


Thereafter Sun's period for 6 years

Indicates Tapa-Period; spiritual and

Political activity of Intense Nature + 6

21 - 02 - 1943


Thereafter Moon Period for 10 years

Indicating clear headedness and deep

Contemplation of Mass enlightenment

(Political and Spiritual Activity) + 10

21 - 02 - 1953


Then Mars period of 7 years

Indicating Traveling and lot of Changes + 7

21 - 02 - 1960


Then Rahu's period of 18 years

Rahu is a Divine planet giver of Intricate

Knowledge of Brahma. Inner soul searching,

Search for En Masse awakening + 18

21 – 02 - 1978


Then Jupiter's period of 16 years

Spreading of Sahaja Yoga – the Guru

Principle throughout the world + 16

21 - 02 - 1994


Thereafter Saturn will govern for 19 years

When it will spread Sahaja Yoga in the

Whole world. Saturn means the masses, the

Virata and Shri Mataji will witness Kalki

(Mercury) Power manifesting over the whole World. + 19

21 – 02 - 2013


According to the birth horoscope and Sahaja Horoscope of 5-5-1970 Jupiter passed

through Libra. Jupiter will again pass through Libra in 1993 and Sahaja Yoga

will blossom in the entire world.


Shri Mataji is born with Rahu Nakshatra in Ascendant – Mercury (Gemini) and Moon

in Bharanj (Venus) Nakshatra, clearly indicates that Rahu means Films, TV,

Radio, (that is either principle) and Venus means Music, file personalities,

artists can help. Mercury is the ruling planet of the present day politics

(Sahaja can enter through present political system).


In the early Indian Politics at the time of Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mahatma

Gandhi, the ruling planet was Venus. Thereafter the ruling planet of Indian

politics has been Mercury as all the important events took place on Wednesday.

It may be noted here that Shri Mataji has both Venus and Mercury as Her ruling

planets. Thus She has full sway over the past and future of Indian Politics.


1. Three planets, Saturn, Sun, Moon are ucch abhilashi – Exaltation

2. Saturn, Jupiter are retrograde (Vakri) – Double strength


Venus is totally free from any malefic aspects giving her the name of

Nishklankavtar with (10-5 deg.) Divine combinations. Just pointing to us who She



I bow to the Almighty God Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who is the Nishklank Avtar

which our Puranas are speaking from centuries.


Lalit Bhandari



This is further confirmed from the horoscope of 5.5.1970 (Sahaja horoscope),

which is almost identical with Shri Mataji's horoscope, having Gajkesri with

Jupiter in Libra, Saturn aspecting Sahaja Lagna, Sun exalted. From this we see

that from 15 August 1990 Sun's period is up until 15 August 1996 during which

all great souls will be attracted to Sahaja Yoga and have their inner (spiritual

ascent) purification and then from 15 August 1996 for 10 years the Moon's Dasa

is starting... that is it goes to the Masses, and the work is completed up until

15th August 2006.


(Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 February, 1995)


/message/9008?unwrap=1 & var=1 & \



Happy Christmas to all,






, " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> , " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org@>


> >

> > from Jxxx Oxxxxxxxxx

> > to www.adishakti.org@,

> > date Jan 16, 2008 9:46 AM

> > subject Seeking an ad on your Mayan prophecy page

> >

> > Thanks for your great page on Mayan prophecy and the end times over

> > at http://www.adishakti.org/mayan_end_times_prophecy_12-21-2012.htm. I think

you've built a great resource and I am writing to ask if I could buy a text ad

on that page. I can pay 35 dollars for the ad, or several hundred for a multi

page deal. Do you do paypal?

> >

> > Cheers,

> > Jxxx Oxxxxxxxxx

> >

> >

> > Hi Oxxxxxxxxxx,

> >

> > i am flattered that you have high regards for the Mayan prophecy

> > pages and wish to advertise there. i am sorry as i want to keep the

> > site free of any financial gain or motivation. i hope you understand my

position. Thank you for your generous offer.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> > jagbir

> >


> Dear All,


> May we all have a special meditation and desire Feb. 21, 2006 that

> Satya Yuga ushers exactly seven years from date. i assure all that

> we can fulfill Shri Mataji's Vision by 2-21-2013 and we have ample

> time. i have pasted the previous posts to remind all that we should

> now collectively work 24/7 to usher Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth.

> And what a better way to start than to seek the blessings of Shri

> Ganesha on this most auspicious 2-21-2006. Great deeds and difficult

> tasks can be accomplished by seeking His blessings on a Tuesday.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,


> jagbir



> " my2pai " <my2pai@>

> Thu Dec 8, 2005 6:36 am

> Shri Mataji's Horoscope, The Tribulation and Satya Yuga


> Dear All,


> According to the horoscope of Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga would have

> spread throughout the world and Shri Mataji would witness the Kalki

> power manifesting over the whole world by February 21st, 2013. (For

> the horoscope of Shri Mataji, see

> http://adishakti.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=448 or for the audio

> file, http://bharat.ru/articles/eng/sy )


> The date February 21st, 2013 is very significant and it closely

> corresponds with the date of December 21st, 2012, which the ancient

> Maya believed to be the Earth's final day. Although separated by two

> months, these two dates probably point to the same momentous and

> epochal event. The Maya claimed that this future end-time could

> include a catastrophic magnetic pole reversal of the planet Earth, a

> solar shift, a Venus transit and mounting earthquakes, among other

> catastrophes. On the other hand, other experts claim that the Mayans

> might not have claimed that the year 2012 would necessarily be

> the " end of days, " but perhaps just the end of an age. Many cycles

> are said to begin on that same date. The belief is that Mother Earth

> as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency or

> consciousness and a new and special era will begin. The preparation

> for this new age is now in the womb of the Mother Earth, so to

> speak, and the process of change is bringing transcendental

> manifestations, which as Sahaja Yogis we can all bear witness.


> The Mayan calendar is recognized as the world's most accurate

> calendar, more so than the Gregorian system in use today. Its

> accuracy is said to be such that the Mayan calendar will need to be

> adjusted by only one day in 380,000 years. From astronomical

> observations measuring the precession of the equinoxes and

> solstices, the ancient Mayan or pre-Maya determined the date of

> December 21st, 2012, as the end of their Long Count Calendar, the

> end of time. This end-date of the Long Count Calendar in 2012, this

> precession of the equinoxes indeed pinpoints a rare alignment in a

> vast cycle of time. On December 21st, 2012, the galactic equator,

> the mid-point of our galaxy, will cross the ecliptic path of the

> sun, creating a rare conjunction of the winter solstice.


> A new precessional cycle is a very significant event indeed. It

> happens only once every 25,800 years. The classical Maya who

> apparently were masters of large cycles of time, believed that a

> precessional cycle marked a specific time of spiritual evolution.

> Thus, a new cycle of spiritual evolution is now beginning as marked

> by their 2012 calendar end-point. Also, this is the date on which

> the earth will pass over from Pisces and the new Age of Aquarius

> will truly begin; in Sahaj terminology this date will herald the

> start of Satya Yuga. Below is a passage showing how the onset of

> Satya Yuga is described in the Devi Bhagavatam. Note that when Satya

> Yuga is truly established, in the words of the Devi Bhagavatam, "

> ...and all will meditate on the Devî. " Can anybody doubt that

> eventual victory will belong to the Divine Mother?


> " O Nârada! Thus, when the Kali will have its full play, the whole

> world will be filled with Mlechchas, the trees will be one hand high

> and the men will be of the size of a thumb. Then the most powerful

> Bhagavân Nârâyana will incarnate in His part in the house of a

> Brâhmin named Visnujas'â as his son. Mounted on a long horse,

> holding a long sword He will make the world free of the Mlechchas in

> three nights. Then he will disappear from the face of the Earth and

> She will be without any sovereign and be filled with robbers. There

> will be incessant rain, for six nights and it will rain and rain and

> the whole earth will be deluged; no traces of men, houses, and

> trees. After this the Twelve Suns will rise simultaneously and by

> their rays the whole water will be dried up and the earth will

> become level. Thus the dreadful Kali will pass away when the Satya

> Yuga will come back, Tapasyâ and the true religion and Sattva Guna

> will prevail again. The Brâhmins will practise Tapasyâ, they will be

> devoted to Dharma and the Vedas. The women will be chaste and

> religious in every house. Again the wise and intelligent Ksattriyas

> devoted to the Brâhmanas will occupy the royal thrones and their

> might, devotion to Dharma and love for good deeds will increase. The

> Vais'yas will again go on with their trades and their devotion to

> their trade and the Brâhmins will be reestablished. The S'ûdras,

> too, will be again virtuous, and serve the Brâhmins. Again the

> Brâhmins, Ksattriyas, and Vais'yas and their families will have

> Bhakti towards the Devî, be initiated in Devî Mantras and all will

> meditate on the Devî. " (Book 9, Chapter 8) www.sacred-

> texts.com/hin/db/bk09ch08.htm


> The above passage also makes an apparent reference to the

> Tribulation as believed by the fundamentalist Christians when it

> states, allegorically, that, " There will be incessant rain, for six

> nights and it will rain and rain and the whole earth will be

> deluged; no traces of men, houses, and trees. After this the Twelve

> Suns will rise simultaneously and by their rays the whole water will

> be dried up and the earth will become level. Thus the dreadful Kali

> will pass away when the Satya Yuga will come back... " If the

> beginning of 2013 is taken to be the start of Satya Yuga or the

> return of Christ as Kalki, then the seven-year Tribulation could be

> starting very soon.


> So in just a little over seven years from now, to borrow from a

> famous speech, mankind will have its tryst with destiny and then at

> the stroke of the midnight hour, while the rest of the world sleeps

> (both literally and metaphorically), the realized souls of the world

> will awaken to a new world, the new age of enlightenment, the Satya

> Yuga! But on the other hand, if we do not live up to our

> responsibilities over the next seven years and if there is no or

> insufficient spiritual transformation and awakening in mankind, then

> we could all wake up to the nightmare of Tandava! the Dance of

> Sadashiva. The ancient Mayans have foreseen the possible outcomes.

> It is all up to us now as the rest of mankind nonchalantly lays,

> unaware, teetering on the brink.


> C.



> " jagbir singh " <adishakti_org@>

> Thu Dec 8, 2005 8:07 pm

> Re: Shri Mataji's Horoscope, The Tribulation and Satya Yuga


> Dear Chandra,


> This is an eye-opener, for me at least, because i somehow

> missed/overlooked this vital prophecy. Thank you for the audio link

> because it confirms the solemn and dignified ceremony during which

> Her horoscope was read. Your penetrating insight into Her horoscope

> speech could not have come at a better time.


> My pranaam to you for making clear what is really at stake:


> " So in just a little over seven years from now, to borrow from a

> famous speech, mankind will have its tryst with destiny and then at

> the stroke of the midnight hour, while the rest of the world sleeps

> (both literally and metaphorically), the realized souls of the world

> will awaken to a new world, the new age of enlightenment, the Satya

> Yuga! But on the other hand, if we do not live up to our

> responsibilities over the next seven years and if there is no or

> insufficient spiritual transformation and awakening in mankind, then

> we could all wake up to the nightmare of Tandava! the Dance of

> Sadashiva. The ancient Mayans have foreseen the possible outcomes.

> It is all up to us now as the rest of mankind nonchalantly lays,

> unaware, teetering on the brink. "



> And just in case we forget, the very reputation of Shri Mataji is at

> stake too as " according to the horoscope of Shri Mataji, Sahaja Yoga

> would have spread throughout the world and Shri Mataji would witness

> the Kalki power manifesting over the whole world by February 21st,

> 2013. "


> So we have seven years to achieve that goal. I am very happy to hear

> this and will work 24/7, along with all the great souls who

> accompanied the Devi, to bring forth Satya Yuga by February 21st,

> 2013. Chandra, this is really fantastic news that should rejuvenate

> and galvanize us SYs to redouble our efforts to ensure the victory

> of the Divine Mother. With all the emerging technologies we can

> definitely achieve that in seven years ...... and we have ample time

> to finance the whole project too! SEVEN YEARS!!! This is absolutely

> wonderful news.


> Moreover, as the year 2013 approaches, more and more people will

> start talking about this extremely rare and unprecedented cosmic

> alignment. Do we all see the enormous potential and opportunity

> offered to us SYs? Are we able to see the invisible tomorrow so that

> we can finally achieve what looks impossible today?


> We can definitely succeed. All we need is to start planning now to

> ensure we won't miss this unprecedented opportunity of this new

> millennium. The management SYs let the golden opportunity of AD 2000

> pass. We just cannot afford another blunder because this globally

> recognized and widely anticipated time will not come for another

> 25,800 years. As the Guru Granth Sahib exhorts, we must sacrifice

> thun (body), mun (mind) and dhun (wealth) to ensure the Divine

> Mother's final victory. We must all unite to collectively bring

> forth Satya Yuga and awaken all the great souls so that " all will

> meditate on the Devî. "


> Today is indeed a great and joyous day, the first of the many days,

> weeks, months and years leading to February 21st, 2013. Again i must

> thank you Chandra for bringing all this into our collective

> consciousness and attention at a most crucial time. It is indeed al

> up to us now to arouse and awaken the rest of mankind that slumbers

> on, unaware, teetering on the brink.


> Jai Shri Mataji,



> jagbir


> /message/5780


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