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i hope, just like Yogi Mahajan, you all too fade away

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> What is the bet that they are even now convincing themselves that

> Shri Mataji has not terminated all their WCASY positions, lol.



Dear Violet,


i believe they are convincing themselves, and that is easy - She is

on medication, old, was coerced, has no knolwedge what She is

signing, etc, etc, ..... all part of an Australian plot and coup in

revenge for the way WCASY expelled their pro-Guido hero Avinash a few

years ago.


The fact that three out of the four co-signers are Australians (Kay

McHugh, Robert Hunter and Christine Harbor) will only add to their



Do you know what has happened Violet? The entire WCASY cabal has been

wiped out!!!!! They will be gone forever if they do not fight back.

That is beacuse the new WC members will never let them have any

council seats, wary as they will be of their assassination goons.

And where is Sir C.P.?


So 2010 is going to an epic power struggle. From what i can see it

looks as if WCASY members went down under because of Down Under. A

deeply divided SY is now going to see even wider rifts ...... chasms

the size of the Grand Canyon. But most SY collectives have been mini

Grand Canyons for years.


So i must sit back and enjoy the final curtain falling on the WCASY

circus. They have faslely accused me of going against Shri Mataji

(for reasons or incidents never stated and yet unknown till today).

And accusing my children of being possessed? i hope, just like Yogi

Mahajan, you all too fade away.


regards to all,






, " violettubb " <violettubb



> , " adishakti_org " <adishakti_org@>


> >

> > The Third Advent by Gregoire de Kalbermatten - New iPhone ebook

> > Ajax, CA Nov 28, 2009 in iPhone

> >

> > [prMac.com] Bronx, New York - daisyamerica LLC and Adelante

> > Consulting Inc. have announced the release of the ebook application

> > for iPhone and iPod touch: " The Third Advent " by Gregoire de

> > Kalbermatten. The Third Advent takes the reader on a journey through

> > 6000 years of politics, economics, philosophy and religion, to bring

> > forth a message of hope for the future that is as practical as it is

> > profound.

> >

> > Our current world turmoil is undoubtedly a reflection of the complex

> > imbalances that afflict every level of our global society, and many

> > fear that mankind is doomed to failure. Yet the author contends that

> > we are on the threshold of a complete transformation: that

> > individually, we can change the core of our being and thence the

> > world itself. With remarkable candor, Gregoire de Kalbermatten takes

> > us along his own event-filled path to enlightenment, a path which

> > ended at the feet of one many know as the greatest spiritual Master

> > of our time.

> >

> > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has introduced to the world an astonishingly

> > simple method of inner transformation through Sahaja Yoga: a method

> > with far-reaching and profound implications for our ability to rise,

> > phoenix-like, from the ashes of our past foibles. Her teachings are

> > presented here against the background of an astute, scholarly and

> > entertaining probe into the history, ancient and modern, of man's

> > search for his true Self.

> >

> > The author also discusses how the principles of Sahaja Yoga can be

> > integrated into business practices at the corporate level, resulting

> > in greater prosperity for all. The Third Advent is a work of great

> > originality. It proposes and describes a new category of perception,

> > which balances, heals and connects us to the primordial power of life

> > itself. The iPhone application tries to replicate the usual book

> > reading experience adding new features: keeping track of the last

> > page read, customizable font family and size, etc.

> >

> > Device Requirements:

> > * iPhone or iPod touch running iPhone OS 2.0 or later

> >

> > Pricing and Availability:

> > The application can be downloaded for free from here and includes the

> > first three chapters. The rest of the chapters can be purchased for

> > $3.99 (USD).

> >

> > daisyamerica

> > The Third Advent 1.0

> > Purchase and Download

> > Screenshot

> > App Icon

> >

> > daisyamerica LLC is an independent publishing company from Riverdale,

> > New York. Adelante Consulting Inc. is an iPhone software development

> > company based in Ajax, ON (Canada). Copyright © 2009 Adelante

> > Consulting Inc. . Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone

> > and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or

> > other countries.

> >

> > ###

> >

> > Dragos Ionel

> > Media Contact

> > Adelante Consulting Inc.

> > 647-200-3737

> > Canada

> >

> > -----------

> >

> > Dear believers of the Resurrection,

> >

> > Before i comment on the latest 2010 bombshell of a speech by Shri

> > Mataji i would like to draw the attention to the type of weeds She is

> > trying to eradicate from Her Garden. To dare claim that " Sahaja Yoga

> > can be integrated into business practices at the corporate level " is

> > tantamount to challenging Shri Jesus's declaration that " It is easier

> > for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to

> > enter into the kingdom of God. " (Matthew 19:24)

> >

> > But Gregoire and his World Council company will use all the means

> > available to $ell the $Y$$R. For just US$3.99 it " can be integrated

> > into business practices at the corporate level " , and millions of

> > businesses can find the true Self for billions of their customers.

> > (Maybe Gregoire and his World Council cabal missed this part):

> >

> > " On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began

> > driving out those who were buying and selling there.

> > He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of

> > those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise

> > through the temple courts.

> > And as he taught them, he said, " Is it not written: " 'My house will

> > be called a house of prayer for all nations'?

> > But you have made it 'a den of robbers.' " Mark 11:15-17

> >

> > i would like to put that last sentence in today's context:

> >

> > But you have made WCASY into 'a den of robbers' who use the SYSSR to

> > rob innocent human beings of their salvation and souls.

> >

> > Shri Mataji has now completely rooted out these weeds that were not

> > only suffocating Her Garden but making it almost unrecognizable i.e.,

> > seekers thought it was a rubbish dump covered with overgrowth, and

> > just passed by.

> >

> > And now about the 2010 bombshell that rids Sahaja Yoga of this 'den

> > of robbers'. Unprecedented as it is, almost matching Her 2008 Guru

> > Puja Speech, there are some disturbing signs of possible future

> > danger, resistance and 'coup' from these robbers. (By 'robbers' i mean

> > the founding fathers who for decades tenaciously held on to their

> > self-generating cabal of papal positions.) The disturbing signs are:

> >

> > i) there is no sign of Her letter ordering immediate removal of all

> > World Council members

> > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/shri_mataji_3_jan_2010.jpg

> >

> > on the official SY website under their control:

> > http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_814_2010.asp

> >

> > This is unlike the elaborate maneuvers they negotiated in order to

> > legitimize Sir C.P.'s infamous handing over of Shri Mataji's Will to

> > them. Remember their June 18, 2006 'Historic video affirming the role

> > of The World Council Of Sahaja Yoga' on their website?

> >

> > ii) the reading, approval and signing of the letter by Shri Mataji was

> > done in the presence of four SYs, and no WC member was invited! This

> > is most telling i.e., Shri Mataji has actually expelled the entire WC

> > members! The entire leadership since the early 1980s has been

> > removed. Look at it anyway you want but the four SYs had to bear

> > witness to ensure their eviction. And the SYs have had to pass Her

> > letter through ordinary SYs and channels to get around the official

> > www.sahajyoga.org ban.

> >

> > The old guard will not take this 'humiliation' lying down, and their

> > removal of Her letter from the official SY website is their first

> > salvo. (Remember how they edited out the most important elements of

> > Shri Mataji's 2008 Guru Puja speech. It is no different now.)

> >

> > For me this unprecedented move by Shri Mataji is one of the best news

> > ever, and calls for celebration. It rids Sahaja Yoga of a cabal of

> > robbers who, with their papal powers, prevented humanity from hearing

> > Shri Mataji's message of salvation. That is why Shri Mataji's and

> > Jesus' speech convey almost the same meaning: " But you have made

> > it 'a den of robbers.' "

> >

> > i list those robbers guilty of crimes against humanity:

> >

> > Members ( All designated as World Leaders):

> >

> > Rajesh Shah

> > Gregoire de Kalbermatten

> > David Spiro

> > Vijay Nalgirkar

> > Manoj Kumar

> > Eduardo Marino

> > Wolfgang Hackl

> > Majid Golpour

> > Phillip Zeiss

> > Arneau de Kalbermatten

> > Nese Algan

> > Ivan Tan

> > Karan Khurana

> > Alex Henshaw

> > Aldo Gandolfi

> > Rajiv Kumar

> > Brian Wells

> > David Dunphy

> > Zafar Rashid

> > Bohdan Shehovich

> > Gagan Ahluwalia

> > Paul Ellis

> > Alan Wherry

> > Alan Pereira

> > Sandeep Gadkary

> > Mihaela Balasescu

> > Viktor Bondar

> > Dmitry Korotaev

> > Alexander Solodyankin

> > Chris Kyriacou

> > Bokwe James Mafuna

> >

> > Having said that, it does not mean that those taking over will change

> > for the better and be honest and upfront. We will wait and see if

> > these new brooms do a better job. i have my doubts as the SYSSR is a

> > decades-old collective mindset.

> >

> > But i am going to rejoice, and watch how these disgraced robbers of

> > truth will try to infiltrate back into the Temple. This fight for

> > truth is not over folks. But we have gained much strength. i never

> > expected Shri Mataji to rid Sahaja Yoga of the World Council members,

> > just as i never expected Her 2008 granting of unprecedented powers to

> > all SYs to spread Her Message. Indeed She has now given us much more

> > strength, hope, comfort and confidence that we will succeed even when

> > She is no more with us. Please rejoice!

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >



> Dear Jagbir and All,


> Well said, Jagbir! From the perspective of a Sahaja Yogi, it is difficult to

comprehend why Sahaja Yogis want to remain WCASY members forever anyway. Except,

as Shri Mataji explained many times with regard to religions/religious rulers,

that they stand to gain something out of it, like a prestigious position, power,

or money in whatever combination it might be. As Sahaja Yogis, we know that the

best people for such a position are those who are pure in heart, who will not

succumb to the temptation for personal gain. That is a rare quality, the quality

of a spiritually advanced and true Yogi.


> Now, it looks like we are going to see a change of WCASY membership. The

question is: " Will the current WCASY members graciously step down? Or, will they

put up a fight to retain their coveted positions, even when their Goddess has

clearly written, in the latter part of the document and witnessed by four Sahaja

Yogis, that:


> " ...I hereby terminate the membership of all present members of the World

Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga with immediate effect. They have

already served for more than six years. I intend to appoint new members from all

parts of the world shortly. "


> Jagbir, you say that:


> " But i am going to rejoice, and watch how these disgraced robbers of truth

will try to infiltrate back into the Temple. This fight for truth is not over

folks. But we have gained much strength. i never expected Shri Mataji to rid

Sahaja Yoga of the World Council members, just as i never expected Her 2008

granting of unprecedented powers to all SYs to spread Her Message. Indeed She

has now given us much more strength, hope, comfort and confidence that we will

succeed even when She is no more with us. Please rejoice! "


> That is so true, and i am rejoicing with you, Jagbir! i am also sure there are

many others likewise rejoicing - both inside of, and outside of the

organisation. Frankly, it is a relief to get rid of this cabal. Lets not forget

their reputation, that they had the gall to try and get Shri Mataji to shut down

http://www.adishakti.org/ when Shri Mataji had approved of your work at least

three times, i believe it was. But these robbers of the truth had convinced

themselves otherwise. What is the bet that they are even now convincing

themselves that Shri Mataji has not terminated all their WCASY positions, lol.


> Yes, we have a lot to rejoice about! Shri Mataji is ensuring that Sahaja Yoga

will be established before She leaves.


> regards to all,


> violet


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Dear Jagbir,


Firstly, we have four signatories who are - Dr. Cristina Harbor, Hari Gaikwad,

Kay McHugh and Shrinivas Reddy. And then we have Robert Hunter who sends an

email to all Sahaja Yogis worldwide from robert.hunter

saying that he has been asked by Shri Mataji to ensure the circulation of Her

message to all yogis. (Btw. isn't that the new foundation Shri Mataji created

recently?) i believe he must be the Robert Hunter from the Sydney Collective. i

know of Kay McHugh from the Sydney collective. i thought Dr. Cristina Harbor was

from the Perth collective, but after doing some research in old SY Newsletters,

i see that i got her confused with a Christine Driver - so i am not sure which

country Dr. Cristina Harbor comes from. (If anyone knows, it would be

appreciated.) i got a surprise though, when in my research i found that Hari

Gaikwad was in Group 1 of the 1999 Sydney Puja Roster, so he comes from Sydney

too, which i did not know! So whichever way we look at it, Australians are

well-represented here, considering that Sahaja Yoga is a worldwide organisation.


> So 2010 is going to an epic power struggle. From what i can see it

> looks as if WCASY members went down under because of Down Under. A

> deeply divided SY is now going to see even wider rifts ...... chasms

> the size of the Grand Canyon. But most SY collectives have been mini

> Grand Canyons for years.


It looks like it, Jagbir. Yes, well we have Kay McHugh and Hari Gaikwad (along

with message sender Robert Hunter, i believe) from Down Under. Yes, it is going

to be wider rifts we will see in future - more like chasms, as you say,

especially if present WCASY members don't leave willingly. But even if they do,

they may be quite unhappy about it. If they had been true to Shri Mataji's Will,

they would have seen this coming though, surely! But they were blind leaders not

knowing where they were leading their flock. i mean, it couldn't continue in the

blatant unbelievable way it was going with them teaming up with Sir C.P. and all



> So i must sit back and enjoy the final curtain falling on the WCASY

> circus. They have falsely accused me of going against Shri Mataji

> (for reasons or incidents never stated and yet unknown till today).

> And accusing my children of being possessed? i hope, just like Yogi

> Mahajan, you all too fade away.


Jagbir, we knew this day had to come and yet i still find it a real shock now

that it has happened! And you have said the same. i think it has totally taken

everyone by surprise. i will bet that many SYs will be jubilant and not

necessarily quietly, either - because now they won't have to fear this highly

jumped up management cabal that tried to shut everyone up, including yourself

and myself, and many other SYs inside and outside of the organisation. They were

absolute control freaks! In that regard, once they fade away, there should be a

relaxed breath of fresh air in the organisation and hopefully a real change for

the better. i am pleased especially for you, too, Jagbir, that you can finally

sit back and enjoy this breath of fresh air that Shri Mataji has created by

standing down the high and mighty ones who have also dared to falsely accuse you

and your children for no valid reason.


Also, because this time all the SYs are being informed of Shri Mataji's Letter

and with four signatories to back it up, these robbers of the truth won't be

able to say it is a forgery this time. Therefore, the writing is on the wall

that they are going to lose their power base if they try to fight Shri Mataji

over this. Once they lose their power base, they are finished. Yes, lets hope

they fade away just like Yogi Mahajan did. Whichever way you look at it, this

has to be a new opportunity, a new day, for Sahaja Yoga. Lets hope they rise up

to the challenge!


regards to all,






, " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> > What is the bet that they are even now convincing themselves that

> > Shri Mataji has not terminated all their WCASY positions, lol.

> >


> Dear Violet,


> i believe they are convincing themselves, and that is easy - She is

> on medication, old, was coerced, has no knowledge what She is

> signing, etc, etc, ..... all part of an Australian plot and coup in

> revenge for the way WCASY expelled their pro-Guido hero Avinash a few

> years ago.


> The fact that three out of the four co-signers are Australians (Kay

> McHugh, Robert Hunter and Christine Harbor) will only add to their

> suspicion.


> Do you know what has happened Violet? The entire WCASY cabal has been

> wiped out!!!!! They will be gone forever if they do not fight back.

> That is because the new WC members will never let them have any

> council seats, wary as they will be of their assassination goons.

> And where is Sir C.P.?


> So 2010 is going to an epic power struggle. From what i can see it

> looks as if WCASY members went down under because of Down Under. A

> deeply divided SY is now going to see even wider rifts ...... chasms

> the size of the Grand Canyon. But most SY collectives have been mini

> Grand Canyons for years.


> So i must sit back and enjoy the final curtain falling on the WCASY

> circus. They have falsely accused me of going against Shri Mataji

> (for reasons or incidents never stated and yet unknown till today).

> And accusing my children of being possessed? i hope, just like Yogi

> Mahajan, you all too fade away.


> regards to all,


> jagbir




> , " violettubb " <violettubb@>


> >

> > , " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > The Third Advent by Gregoire de Kalbermatten - New iPhone ebook

> > > Ajax, CA Nov 28, 2009 in iPhone

> > >

> > > [prMac.com] Bronx, New York - daisyamerica LLC and Adelante

> > > Consulting Inc. have announced the release of the ebook application

> > > for iPhone and iPod touch: " The Third Advent " by Gregoire de

> > > Kalbermatten. The Third Advent takes the reader on a journey through

> > > 6000 years of politics, economics, philosophy and religion, to bring

> > > forth a message of hope for the future that is as practical as it is

> > > profound.

> > >

> > > Our current world turmoil is undoubtedly a reflection of the complex

> > > imbalances that afflict every level of our global society, and many

> > > fear that mankind is doomed to failure. Yet the author contends that

> > > we are on the threshold of a complete transformation: that

> > > individually, we can change the core of our being and thence the

> > > world itself. With remarkable candor, Gregoire de Kalbermatten takes

> > > us along his own event-filled path to enlightenment, a path which

> > > ended at the feet of one many know as the greatest spiritual Master

> > > of our time.

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has introduced to the world an astonishingly

> > > simple method of inner transformation through Sahaja Yoga: a method

> > > with far-reaching and profound implications for our ability to rise,

> > > phoenix-like, from the ashes of our past foibles. Her teachings are

> > > presented here against the background of an astute, scholarly and

> > > entertaining probe into the history, ancient and modern, of man's

> > > search for his true Self.

> > >

> > > The author also discusses how the principles of Sahaja Yoga can be

> > > integrated into business practices at the corporate level, resulting

> > > in greater prosperity for all. The Third Advent is a work of great

> > > originality. It proposes and describes a new category of perception,

> > > which balances, heals and connects us to the primordial power of life

> > > itself. The iPhone application tries to replicate the usual book

> > > reading experience adding new features: keeping track of the last

> > > page read, customizable font family and size, etc.

> > >

> > > Device Requirements:

> > > * iPhone or iPod touch running iPhone OS 2.0 or later

> > >

> > > Pricing and Availability:

> > > The application can be downloaded for free from here and includes the

> > > first three chapters. The rest of the chapters can be purchased for

> > > $3.99 (USD).

> > >

> > > daisyamerica

> > > The Third Advent 1.0

> > > Purchase and Download

> > > Screenshot

> > > App Icon

> > >

> > > daisyamerica LLC is an independent publishing company from Riverdale,

> > > New York. Adelante Consulting Inc. is an iPhone software development

> > > company based in Ajax, ON (Canada). Copyright © 2009 Adelante

> > > Consulting Inc. . Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone

> > > and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or

> > > other countries.

> > >

> > > ###

> > >

> > > Dragos Ionel

> > > Media Contact

> > > Adelante Consulting Inc.

> > > 647-200-3737

> > > Canada

> > >

> > > -----------

> > >

> > > Dear believers of the Resurrection,

> > >

> > > Before i comment on the latest 2010 bombshell of a speech by Shri

> > > Mataji i would like to draw the attention to the type of weeds She is

> > > trying to eradicate from Her Garden. To dare claim that " Sahaja Yoga

> > > can be integrated into business practices at the corporate level " is

> > > tantamount to challenging Shri Jesus's declaration that " It is easier

> > > for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to

> > > enter into the kingdom of God. " (Matthew 19:24)

> > >

> > > But Gregoire and his World Council company will use all the means

> > > available to $ell the $Y$$R. For just US$3.99 it " can be integrated

> > > into business practices at the corporate level " , and millions of

> > > businesses can find the true Self for billions of their customers.

> > > (Maybe Gregoire and his World Council cabal missed this part):

> > >

> > > " On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began

> > > driving out those who were buying and selling there.

> > > He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of

> > > those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise

> > > through the temple courts.

> > > And as he taught them, he said, " Is it not written: " 'My house will

> > > be called a house of prayer for all nations'?

> > > But you have made it 'a den of robbers.' " Mark 11:15-17

> > >

> > > i would like to put that last sentence in today's context:

> > >

> > > But you have made WCASY into 'a den of robbers' who use the SYSSR to

> > > rob innocent human beings of their salvation and souls.

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji has now completely rooted out these weeds that were not

> > > only suffocating Her Garden but making it almost unrecognizable i.e.,

> > > seekers thought it was a rubbish dump covered with overgrowth, and

> > > just passed by.

> > >

> > > And now about the 2010 bombshell that rids Sahaja Yoga of this 'den

> > > of robbers'. Unprecedented as it is, almost matching Her 2008 Guru

> > > Puja Speech, there are some disturbing signs of possible future

> > > danger, resistance and 'coup' from these robbers. (By 'robbers' i mean

> > > the founding fathers who for decades tenaciously held on to their

> > > self-generating cabal of papal positions.) The disturbing signs are:

> > >

> > > i) there is no sign of Her letter ordering immediate removal of all

> > > World Council members

> > > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/shri_mataji_3_jan_2010.jpg

> > >

> > > on the official SY website under their control:

> > > http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_814_2010.asp

> > >

> > > This is unlike the elaborate maneuvers they negotiated in order to

> > > legitimize Sir C.P.'s infamous handing over of Shri Mataji's Will to

> > > them. Remember their June 18, 2006 'Historic video affirming the role

> > > of The World Council Of Sahaja Yoga' on their website?

> > >

> > > ii) the reading, approval and signing of the letter by Shri Mataji was

> > > done in the presence of four SYs, and no WC member was invited! This

> > > is most telling i.e., Shri Mataji has actually expelled the entire WC

> > > members! The entire leadership since the early 1980s has been

> > > removed. Look at it anyway you want but the four SYs had to bear

> > > witness to ensure their eviction. And the SYs have had to pass Her

> > > letter through ordinary SYs and channels to get around the official

> > > www.sahajyoga.org ban.

> > >

> > > The old guard will not take this 'humiliation' lying down, and their

> > > removal of Her letter from the official SY website is their first

> > > salvo. (Remember how they edited out the most important elements of

> > > Shri Mataji's 2008 Guru Puja speech. It is no different now.)

> > >

> > > For me this unprecedented move by Shri Mataji is one of the best news

> > > ever, and calls for celebration. It rids Sahaja Yoga of a cabal of

> > > robbers who, with their papal powers, prevented humanity from hearing

> > > Shri Mataji's message of salvation. That is why Shri Mataji's and

> > > Jesus' speech convey almost the same meaning: " But you have made

> > > it 'a den of robbers.' "

> > >

> > > i list those robbers guilty of crimes against humanity:

> > >

> > > Members ( All designated as World Leaders):

> > >

> > > Rajesh Shah

> > > Gregoire de Kalbermatten

> > > David Spiro

> > > Vijay Nalgirkar

> > > Manoj Kumar

> > > Eduardo Marino

> > > Wolfgang Hackl

> > > Majid Golpour

> > > Phillip Zeiss

> > > Arneau de Kalbermatten

> > > Nese Algan

> > > Ivan Tan

> > > Karan Khurana

> > > Alex Henshaw

> > > Aldo Gandolfi

> > > Rajiv Kumar

> > > Brian Wells

> > > David Dunphy

> > > Zafar Rashid

> > > Bohdan Shehovich

> > > Gagan Ahluwalia

> > > Paul Ellis

> > > Alan Wherry

> > > Alan Pereira

> > > Sandeep Gadkary

> > > Mihaela Balasescu

> > > Viktor Bondar

> > > Dmitry Korotaev

> > > Alexander Solodyankin

> > > Chris Kyriacou

> > > Bokwe James Mafuna

> > >

> > > Having said that, it does not mean that those taking over will change

> > > for the better and be honest and upfront. We will wait and see if

> > > these new brooms do a better job. i have my doubts as the SYSSR is a

> > > decades-old collective mindset.

> > >

> > > But i am going to rejoice, and watch how these disgraced robbers of

> > > truth will try to infiltrate back into the Temple. This fight for

> > > truth is not over folks. But we have gained much strength. i never

> > > expected Shri Mataji to rid Sahaja Yoga of the World Council members,

> > > just as i never expected Her 2008 granting of unprecedented powers to

> > > all SYs to spread Her Message. Indeed She has now given us much more

> > > strength, hope, comfort and confidence that we will succeed even when

> > > She is no more with us. Please rejoice!

> > >

> > > regards to all,

> > >

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > Well said, Jagbir! From the perspective of a Sahaja Yogi, it is difficult to

comprehend why Sahaja Yogis want to remain WCASY members forever anyway. Except,

as Shri Mataji explained many times with regard to religions/religious rulers,

that they stand to gain something out of it, like a prestigious position, power,

or money in whatever combination it might be. As Sahaja Yogis, we know that the

best people for such a position are those who are pure in heart, who will not

succumb to the temptation for personal gain. That is a rare quality, the quality

of a spiritually advanced and true Yogi.

> >

> > Now, it looks like we are going to see a change of WCASY membership. The

question is: " Will the current WCASY members graciously step down? Or, will they

put up a fight to retain their coveted positions, even when their Goddess has

clearly written, in the latter part of the document and witnessed by four Sahaja

Yogis, that:

> >

> > " ...I hereby terminate the membership of all present members of the World

Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga with immediate effect. They have

already served for more than six years. I intend to appoint new members from all

parts of the world shortly. "

> >

> > Jagbir, you say that:

> >

> > " But i am going to rejoice, and watch how these disgraced robbers of truth

will try to infiltrate back into the Temple. This fight for truth is not over

folks. But we have gained much strength. i never expected Shri Mataji to rid

Sahaja Yoga of the World Council members, just as i never expected Her 2008

granting of unprecedented powers to all SYs to spread Her Message. Indeed She

has now given us much more strength, hope, comfort and confidence that we will

succeed even when She is no more with us. Please rejoice! "

> >

> > That is so true, and i am rejoicing with you, Jagbir! i am also sure there

are many others likewise rejoicing - both inside of, and outside of the

organisation. Frankly, it is a relief to get rid of this cabal. Lets not forget

their reputation, that they had the gall to try and get Shri Mataji to shut down

http://www.adishakti.org/ when Shri Mataji had approved of your work at least

three times, i believe it was. But these robbers of the truth had convinced

themselves otherwise. What is the bet that they are even now convincing

themselves that Shri Mataji has not terminated all their WCASY positions, lol.

> >

> > Yes, we have a lot to rejoice about! Shri Mataji is ensuring that Sahaja

Yoga will be established before She leaves.

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > violet

> >


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, " violettubb " <violettubb



> Dear Jagbir,


> Firstly, we have four signatories who are - Dr. Cristina Harbor, Hari Gaikwad,

Kay McHugh and Shrinivas Reddy. And then we have Robert Hunter who sends an

email to all Sahaja Yogis worldwide from robert.hunter saying that he has

been asked by Shri Mataji to ensure the circulation of Her message to all yogis.

(Btw. isn't that the new foundation Shri Mataji created recently?) i believe he

must be the Robert Hunter from the Sydney Collective. i know of Kay McHugh from

the Sydney collective. i thought Dr. Cristina Harbor was from the Perth

collective, but after doing some research in old SY Newsletters, i see that i

got her confused with a Christine Driver - so i am not sure which country Dr.

Cristina Harbor comes from. (If anyone knows, it would be appreciated.) i got a

surprise though, when in my research i found that Hari Gaikwad was in Group 1 of

the 1999 Sydney Puja Roster, so he comes from Sydney too, which i did not know!

So whichever way we look at it, Australians are well-represented here,

considering that Sahaja Yoga is a worldwide organisation.


> > So 2010 is going to an epic power struggle. From what i can see it

> > looks as if WCASY members went down under because of Down Under. A

> > deeply divided SY is now going to see even wider rifts ...... chasms

> > the size of the Grand Canyon. But most SY collectives have been mini

> > Grand Canyons for years.


> It looks like it, Jagbir. Yes, well we have Kay McHugh and Hari Gaikwad (along

with message sender Robert Hunter, i believe) from Down Under. Yes, it is going

to be wider rifts we will see in future - more like chasms, as you say,

especially if present WCASY members don't leave willingly. But even if they do,

they may be quite unhappy about it. If they had been true to Shri Mataji's Will,

they would have seen this coming though, surely! But they were blind leaders not

knowing where they were leading their flock. i mean, it couldn't continue in the

blatant unbelievable way it was going with them teaming up with Sir C.P. and all



> > So i must sit back and enjoy the final curtain falling on the WCASY

> > circus. They have falsely accused me of going against Shri Mataji

> > (for reasons or incidents never stated and yet unknown till today).

> > And accusing my children of being possessed? i hope, just like Yogi

> > Mahajan, you all too fade away.


> Jagbir, we knew this day had to come and yet i still find it a real shock now

that it has happened! And you have said the same. i think it has totally taken

everyone by surprise. i will bet that many SYs will be jubilant and not

necessarily quietly, either - because now they won't have to fear this highly

jumped up management cabal that tried to shut everyone up, including yourself

and myself, and many other SYs inside and outside of the organisation. They were

absolute control freaks! In that regard, once they fade away, there should be a

relaxed breath of fresh air in the organisation and hopefully a real change for

the better. i am pleased especially for you, too, Jagbir, that you can finally

sit back and enjoy this breath of fresh air that Shri Mataji has created by

standing down the high and mighty ones who have also dared to falsely accuse you

and your children for no valid reason.


> Also, because this time all the SYs are being informed of Shri Mataji's Letter

and with four signatories to back it up, these robbers of the truth won't be

able to say it is a forgery this time. Therefore, the writing is on the wall

that they are going to lose their power base if they try to fight Shri Mataji

over this. Once they lose their power base, they are finished. Yes, lets hope

they fade away just like Yogi Mahajan did. Whichever way you look at it, this

has to be a new opportunity, a new day, for Sahaja Yoga. Lets hope they rise up

to the challenge!


> regards to all,


> violet


P.S. i just checked my emails and Nicole has informed me that Cristina Harabor

is a Romanian doctor who lives in Canada. i am very happy to know that one of

the signatories comes from Canada - the Land of the Vishuddhi. Thanks for your

prompt information, Nicole!



> , " adishakti_org " <adishakti_org@>


> >

> > > What is the bet that they are even now convincing themselves that

> > > Shri Mataji has not terminated all their WCASY positions, lol.

> > >

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > i believe they are convincing themselves, and that is easy - She is

> > on medication, old, was coerced, has no knowledge what She is

> > signing, etc, etc, ..... all part of an Australian plot and coup in

> > revenge for the way WCASY expelled their pro-Guido hero Avinash a few

> > years ago.

> >

> > The fact that three out of the four co-signers are Australians (Kay

> > McHugh, Robert Hunter and Christine Harbor) will only add to their

> > suspicion.

> >

> > Do you know what has happened Violet? The entire WCASY cabal has been

> > wiped out!!!!! They will be gone forever if they do not fight back.

> > That is because the new WC members will never let them have any

> > council seats, wary as they will be of their assassination goons.

> > And where is Sir C.P.?

> >

> > So 2010 is going to an epic power struggle. From what i can see it

> > looks as if WCASY members went down under because of Down Under. A

> > deeply divided SY is now going to see even wider rifts ...... chasms

> > the size of the Grand Canyon. But most SY collectives have been mini

> > Grand Canyons for years.

> >

> > So i must sit back and enjoy the final curtain falling on the WCASY

> > circus. They have falsely accused me of going against Shri Mataji

> > (for reasons or incidents never stated and yet unknown till today).

> > And accusing my children of being possessed? i hope, just like Yogi

> > Mahajan, you all too fade away.

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> > , " violettubb " <violettubb@>


> > >

> > > , " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > The Third Advent by Gregoire de Kalbermatten - New iPhone ebook

> > > > Ajax, CA Nov 28, 2009 in iPhone

> > > >

> > > > [prMac.com] Bronx, New York - daisyamerica LLC and Adelante

> > > > Consulting Inc. have announced the release of the ebook application

> > > > for iPhone and iPod touch: " The Third Advent " by Gregoire de

> > > > Kalbermatten. The Third Advent takes the reader on a journey through

> > > > 6000 years of politics, economics, philosophy and religion, to bring

> > > > forth a message of hope for the future that is as practical as it is

> > > > profound.

> > > >

> > > > Our current world turmoil is undoubtedly a reflection of the complex

> > > > imbalances that afflict every level of our global society, and many

> > > > fear that mankind is doomed to failure. Yet the author contends that

> > > > we are on the threshold of a complete transformation: that

> > > > individually, we can change the core of our being and thence the

> > > > world itself. With remarkable candor, Gregoire de Kalbermatten takes

> > > > us along his own event-filled path to enlightenment, a path which

> > > > ended at the feet of one many know as the greatest spiritual Master

> > > > of our time.

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has introduced to the world an astonishingly

> > > > simple method of inner transformation through Sahaja Yoga: a method

> > > > with far-reaching and profound implications for our ability to rise,

> > > > phoenix-like, from the ashes of our past foibles. Her teachings are

> > > > presented here against the background of an astute, scholarly and

> > > > entertaining probe into the history, ancient and modern, of man's

> > > > search for his true Self.

> > > >

> > > > The author also discusses how the principles of Sahaja Yoga can be

> > > > integrated into business practices at the corporate level, resulting

> > > > in greater prosperity for all. The Third Advent is a work of great

> > > > originality. It proposes and describes a new category of perception,

> > > > which balances, heals and connects us to the primordial power of life

> > > > itself. The iPhone application tries to replicate the usual book

> > > > reading experience adding new features: keeping track of the last

> > > > page read, customizable font family and size, etc.

> > > >

> > > > Device Requirements:

> > > > * iPhone or iPod touch running iPhone OS 2.0 or later

> > > >

> > > > Pricing and Availability:

> > > > The application can be downloaded for free from here and includes the

> > > > first three chapters. The rest of the chapters can be purchased for

> > > > $3.99 (USD).

> > > >

> > > > daisyamerica

> > > > The Third Advent 1.0

> > > > Purchase and Download

> > > > Screenshot

> > > > App Icon

> > > >

> > > > daisyamerica LLC is an independent publishing company from Riverdale,

> > > > New York. Adelante Consulting Inc. is an iPhone software development

> > > > company based in Ajax, ON (Canada). Copyright © 2009 Adelante

> > > > Consulting Inc. . Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone

> > > > and iPod are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or

> > > > other countries.

> > > >

> > > > ###

> > > >

> > > > Dragos Ionel

> > > > Media Contact

> > > > Adelante Consulting Inc.

> > > > 647-200-3737

> > > > Canada

> > > >

> > > > -----------

> > > >

> > > > Dear believers of the Resurrection,

> > > >

> > > > Before i comment on the latest 2010 bombshell of a speech by Shri

> > > > Mataji i would like to draw the attention to the type of weeds She is

> > > > trying to eradicate from Her Garden. To dare claim that " Sahaja Yoga

> > > > can be integrated into business practices at the corporate level " is

> > > > tantamount to challenging Shri Jesus's declaration that " It is easier

> > > > for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to

> > > > enter into the kingdom of God. " (Matthew 19:24)

> > > >

> > > > But Gregoire and his World Council company will use all the means

> > > > available to $ell the $Y$$R. For just US$3.99 it " can be integrated

> > > > into business practices at the corporate level " , and millions of

> > > > businesses can find the true Self for billions of their customers.

> > > > (Maybe Gregoire and his World Council cabal missed this part):

> > > >

> > > > " On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began

> > > > driving out those who were buying and selling there.

> > > > He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of

> > > > those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise

> > > > through the temple courts.

> > > > And as he taught them, he said, " Is it not written: " 'My house will

> > > > be called a house of prayer for all nations'?

> > > > But you have made it 'a den of robbers.' " Mark 11:15-17

> > > >

> > > > i would like to put that last sentence in today's context:

> > > >

> > > > But you have made WCASY into 'a den of robbers' who use the SYSSR to

> > > > rob innocent human beings of their salvation and souls.

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji has now completely rooted out these weeds that were not

> > > > only suffocating Her Garden but making it almost unrecognizable i.e.,

> > > > seekers thought it was a rubbish dump covered with overgrowth, and

> > > > just passed by.

> > > >

> > > > And now about the 2010 bombshell that rids Sahaja Yoga of this 'den

> > > > of robbers'. Unprecedented as it is, almost matching Her 2008 Guru

> > > > Puja Speech, there are some disturbing signs of possible future

> > > > danger, resistance and 'coup' from these robbers. (By 'robbers' i mean

> > > > the founding fathers who for decades tenaciously held on to their

> > > > self-generating cabal of papal positions.) The disturbing signs are:

> > > >

> > > > i) there is no sign of Her letter ordering immediate removal of all

> > > > World Council members

> > > > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/shri_mataji_3_jan_2010.jpg

> > > >

> > > > on the official SY website under their control:

> > > > http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_814_2010.asp

> > > >

> > > > This is unlike the elaborate maneuvers they negotiated in order to

> > > > legitimize Sir C.P.'s infamous handing over of Shri Mataji's Will to

> > > > them. Remember their June 18, 2006 'Historic video affirming the role

> > > > of The World Council Of Sahaja Yoga' on their website?

> > > >

> > > > ii) the reading, approval and signing of the letter by Shri Mataji was

> > > > done in the presence of four SYs, and no WC member was invited! This

> > > > is most telling i.e., Shri Mataji has actually expelled the entire WC

> > > > members! The entire leadership since the early 1980s has been

> > > > removed. Look at it anyway you want but the four SYs had to bear

> > > > witness to ensure their eviction. And the SYs have had to pass Her

> > > > letter through ordinary SYs and channels to get around the official

> > > > www.sahajyoga.org ban.

> > > >

> > > > The old guard will not take this 'humiliation' lying down, and their

> > > > removal of Her letter from the official SY website is their first

> > > > salvo. (Remember how they edited out the most important elements of

> > > > Shri Mataji's 2008 Guru Puja speech. It is no different now.)

> > > >

> > > > For me this unprecedented move by Shri Mataji is one of the best news

> > > > ever, and calls for celebration. It rids Sahaja Yoga of a cabal of

> > > > robbers who, with their papal powers, prevented humanity from hearing

> > > > Shri Mataji's message of salvation. That is why Shri Mataji's and

> > > > Jesus' speech convey almost the same meaning: " But you have made

> > > > it 'a den of robbers.' "

> > > >

> > > > i list those robbers guilty of crimes against humanity:

> > > >

> > > > Members ( All designated as World Leaders):

> > > >

> > > > Rajesh Shah

> > > > Gregoire de Kalbermatten

> > > > David Spiro

> > > > Vijay Nalgirkar

> > > > Manoj Kumar

> > > > Eduardo Marino

> > > > Wolfgang Hackl

> > > > Majid Golpour

> > > > Phillip Zeiss

> > > > Arneau de Kalbermatten

> > > > Nese Algan

> > > > Ivan Tan

> > > > Karan Khurana

> > > > Alex Henshaw

> > > > Aldo Gandolfi

> > > > Rajiv Kumar

> > > > Brian Wells

> > > > David Dunphy

> > > > Zafar Rashid

> > > > Bohdan Shehovich

> > > > Gagan Ahluwalia

> > > > Paul Ellis

> > > > Alan Wherry

> > > > Alan Pereira

> > > > Sandeep Gadkary

> > > > Mihaela Balasescu

> > > > Viktor Bondar

> > > > Dmitry Korotaev

> > > > Alexander Solodyankin

> > > > Chris Kyriacou

> > > > Bokwe James Mafuna

> > > >

> > > > Having said that, it does not mean that those taking over will change

> > > > for the better and be honest and upfront. We will wait and see if

> > > > these new brooms do a better job. i have my doubts as the SYSSR is a

> > > > decades-old collective mindset.

> > > >

> > > > But i am going to rejoice, and watch how these disgraced robbers of

> > > > truth will try to infiltrate back into the Temple. This fight for

> > > > truth is not over folks. But we have gained much strength. i never

> > > > expected Shri Mataji to rid Sahaja Yoga of the World Council members,

> > > > just as i never expected Her 2008 granting of unprecedented powers to

> > > > all SYs to spread Her Message. Indeed She has now given us much more

> > > > strength, hope, comfort and confidence that we will succeed even when

> > > > She is no more with us. Please rejoice!

> > > >

> > > > regards to all,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > >

> > > Well said, Jagbir! From the perspective of a Sahaja Yogi, it is difficult

to comprehend why Sahaja Yogis want to remain WCASY members forever anyway.

Except, as Shri Mataji explained many times with regard to religions/religious

rulers, that they stand to gain something out of it, like a prestigious

position, power, or money in whatever combination it might be. As Sahaja Yogis,

we know that the best people for such a position are those who are pure in

heart, who will not succumb to the temptation for personal gain. That is a rare

quality, the quality of a spiritually advanced and true Yogi.

> > >

> > > Now, it looks like we are going to see a change of WCASY membership. The

question is: " Will the current WCASY members graciously step down? Or, will they

put up a fight to retain their coveted positions, even when their Goddess has

clearly written, in the latter part of the document and witnessed by four Sahaja

Yogis, that:

> > >

> > > " ...I hereby terminate the membership of all present members of the World

Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga with immediate effect. They have

already served for more than six years. I intend to appoint new members from all

parts of the world shortly. "

> > >

> > > Jagbir, you say that:

> > >

> > > " But i am going to rejoice, and watch how these disgraced robbers of truth

will try to infiltrate back into the Temple. This fight for truth is not over

folks. But we have gained much strength. i never expected Shri Mataji to rid

Sahaja Yoga of the World Council members, just as i never expected Her 2008

granting of unprecedented powers to all SYs to spread Her Message. Indeed She

has now given us much more strength, hope, comfort and confidence that we will

succeed even when She is no more with us. Please rejoice! "

> > >

> > > That is so true, and i am rejoicing with you, Jagbir! i am also sure there

are many others likewise rejoicing - both inside of, and outside of the

organisation. Frankly, it is a relief to get rid of this cabal. Lets not forget

their reputation, that they had the gall to try and get Shri Mataji to shut down

http://www.adishakti.org/ when Shri Mataji had approved of your work at least

three times, i believe it was. But these robbers of the truth had convinced

themselves otherwise. What is the bet that they are even now convincing

themselves that Shri Mataji has not terminated all their WCASY positions, lol.

> > >

> > > Yes, we have a lot to rejoice about! Shri Mataji is ensuring that Sahaja

Yoga will be established before She leaves.

> > >

> > > regards to all,

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> >


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