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The Day the Devi Blew the Conch

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Dear Jagbir (and All),


Apart from the purpose for which Rajesh has written his letter to Sir C.P.,

there is some startlingly revealing information in it - regarding which i would

like to comment, [in square brackets], below.










Thursday, January 07, 2010 8:11 PM



Respected Shri Shrivastavaji,




I trust you are well. I very much pray and hope Param Pujya Shri Mataji is well

too. My most respectful Pranams to Her.


I'm aware She has chosen not to speak for many months and I deeply desire Her

Divine darshan.


[Rajesh says in the abovementioned paragraph that Shri Mataji has " chosen not to

speak for many months " [to himself and/or other now ex-WCASY members]. The

operative phrase here is 'to choose' - whose meaning is that Shri Mataji can

choose to speak or or not to speak, depending upon whether Shri Mataji wishes to

speak, or not.


About Shri Mataji's Silence, the question begs to be asked: After all that Shri

Mataji has said and done, why should She or would She wish to speak to those who

didn't distinguish/make up their minds/discriminate clearly as to Who the

Incarnation is, here! Why should the Devi choose to speak to those who vacillate

- going from Shri Mataji to Sir C.P. and back again. There is no stability,

loyalty or faith in the Devi in such vacillation!]


I was born imperfect and to this date accept my imperfections and many grievous

flaws. However, the divine darshan of Param Pujya Shri Mataji has been the

greatest blessing of this life time. I have no words to thank Her for all the

Kindness, Grace and Love that She has shown towards me. No human being is even

capable of demonstrating so much love. She has fed me food with her own hand

from Her own thali which was offered to Her after a Puja. She has given me the

wisdom and discretion to understand and feel the subtle spirit.


She has given me the joy of companionship of other Sahajayogis becoming

thoughtlessly aware and enjoying their pure love. She has bestowed the

indescribable happiness that comes with collective worship of Her Divine Lotus

Feet and from collective mediation. She has awakened in me the confidence and

the ability pray to Her for giving realization to others. She has shown me the

ways in which I can improve my daily life. All these words are insufficient to

express the feelings I have, or the feelings millions of Her devotees have for



This letter you Respected Sir, will not like. I have chosen to take the risk of

placing myself in your extreme displeasure but I believe it is my duty to you

and to the family of Param Pujya Shri Mataji to tell you how I feel.


I have respected you and your achievements with great fervour, written articles

praising you, organized seminars for your book on corruption and received always

in return from you the love of a father which I greatly value. It is out of all

of those emotions, including pride in your world recognized capabilities that I

feel totally compelled to write to you this open letter copied to all the

members of the World Council and to family members whose email IDs I have.


Most of those who had been commanded by Her to serve on the World Council have

given many years of their lives, their own resources and faced opposition from

their families for surrendering to Her. They have never asked for anything for

themselves in terms of position nor sought special personal gain. They have been

scrupulously honest and shown the greatest of deference and respect for the

family members of Param Pujya Shri Mataji.


[The visual image i get from the preceding paragraph is one of a very unhappy

dog with his tail hanging down between his legs. It is true that Rajesh and the

other now 'ex-WCASY members' are going to feel very down and sorry for

themselves. But Shri Mataji had warned them several times regarding Sir C.P.

Surprisingly, further along in this letter Rajesh states that many years ago

Shri Mataji had warned some of them that Sir C.P. would do his utmost to destroy

Sahaja Yoga!!!! And what about the letter where Shri Mataji wrote that Sir C.P.

should have no say over Her health matters or over the running of Sahaja Yoga?!

Surely, to be forewarned by the Devi is to be forearmed, isn't it! So, why

didn't they all listen to Her? What is the point of worshipping Her as " Param

Pujya Shri Mataji " when they don't even listen to Her?!]


You too have given me great respect as have all members of the family been

generous with their love and affection. I can with total conviction say that I

have also followed my dharma of being respectful and always happily and gladly

been available for any personal task that was needed by any family member. I

have not been alone in this and others have done the same because of their

intense love for Param Pujya Shri Mataji. They are amongst those who have been

summarily dismissed now and maligned over the last few years by you. Please

understand we are all part of Her Collective and when you hurt one you hurt all.


[Rajesh states in the above paragraph that he and others have been available for

any personal task that was needed by any family member. Then later on in this

letter, Rajesh says that they all got sucked in by Sir C.P.'s qualities of

charm, intelligence, articulation, legal acumen, anger and great skills. Why

does a Sahaja Yogi get sucked in by someone's charm, intelligence, articulation,

legal acumen - and anger - (no recognition of ego in the 'anger'?!) So, this is

the Great Collective Wake-Up Time, folks!!!!}


Many years ago Param Pujya Shri Mataji warned some of us that you

will do your utmost to destroy Sahaja Yoga. We who had heard this

could not believe it and out of deference to you kept quiet. She, as

always, is right. For the last few years it is apparent to most of

us that you are bent on doing so. You have used your charm,

intelligence, articulation, legal acumen, anger and great skills to

create discord amongst the collective. You have accepted adulation

and flattery stretched to the limit so as to place yourself in Her

category of divinity which you cannot be.


[The SYs were foolish to adulate Sir C.P. since he was not the Incarnation. As

far as flattery is concerned, that is not a genuine trait of a SY. It does not

come from the heart, but is more of a " pat me on the back, and I will pat you on

the back! " ]


Let me ask you some questions Respected Sir.


[After not being respectful to the meaning of Sahaja Yoga, that is to their

Higher Self/Spirit within, how can they expect Sir C.P. to respect them?!]


1. You have taken medical opinions many years ago to take over all

legal rights of Param Pujya Shri Mataji who is a world figure. Was

this justified and what was the need to do so? Can you explain that?


[so, Sir C.P. had taken over the legal rights of Shri Mataji!!!]


2. When the World council was formed did not Param Pujya Shri Mataji

Herself without a moment's hesitation order Arneau to be the



[i can't recall the exact details of a post some time ago, but i think it was

that a few of them got positions, and then they saw that Arneau hadn't gotten

one, and someone suggested he should get a position too, so Shri Mataji said he

could coordinate them all. Shri Mataji was being nice. But, to say that Shri

Mataji " ordered " it as if it was the most crucial thing for Sahaja Yoga, is, i

think, a bit of an exaggeration.]


3. Did you ever allow this world council to function the way you

yourself told me: " now Her work is done. All of you have to take

Sahaja Yoga forward " ?


[Why was Sir C.P. in charge of the World Council in the first place? Surely it

couldn't have happened if he wasn't enabled somehow?! Firstly they flatter,

adulate, and do personal favours for Sir C.P. and family, and the next thing -

he becomes in charge of the World Council!]


4. Have you allowed this council to ever exercise any authority in

matters relating to funds or appointments of committees in each

country which would have been the enablers for advancing Sahaja Yoga?


[What????!!! This was going on???!!!]


5. How do you think they could have done any advancement of Sahaja

Yoga when you constantly denigrated the coordinator appointed by

Param Pujya Shri Mataji?


[Again, i think it takes two to tango. First they adulated and flattered and did

personal favours for Sir C.P and family and the next thing you know - they give

their power to Sir C.P.!]


6. How could we have increased our collective depth with your

obsessive and constant criticism of the American sahajayogis?


[Again, who must have been collusive in enabling Sir C.P. to be in that position

in the first place? Sir C.P could not have done it on his own without some help.

Shri Mataji did not help him to that position!]


7. What was the need to totally wreck the unity of the World Council

by your fanatic insistence on transferring the IP donated by Param

Pujya Shri Mataji for world benefit into some form of family control

and family benefit?


[so that is what Sir C.P. did???!!!]


8. Have you, Respected Sir, or Kalpanadidi or Sadhanadidi given

realisation to even one person? When you have not, what right do you

have to try and control Sahaja Yoga?


[but the horse had already bolted! Why didn't they think about the fact that

neither Sir C.P., Kalpana or Sadhana had given realisation to anyone - before

they succumbed to the charms of Sir C.P., giving their power over to him?!]


9. Can the four persons who are witnesses to the recently circulated

document of Jan 3 put their hands towards Param Pujya Shri Mataji and

ask in their hearts if this was actually demanded by Her and say



[They wouldn't have signed the document if Shri Mataji hadn't approved it -

which is why there are four (4) witnesses to bear claim to the occurrence. In

fact, that is why it requires four people! One person is known by Nicole who

knows they are a very upstanding yogi, and one is known by me, and i know they

were very, very well respected and absolutely upstanding and genuine. But isn't

it a case here of the pot calling the kettle black?!]


10. The language of Param Pujya Shri Mataji is full of compassion and

love and thousands of Her lectures and letters are testimony to

that. Do any of these many past communications drafted by you and

bearing Her signature remotely resemble how She would put forward Her

message? Is this the manner with which She would have addressed

those whom She has nurtured, accepted as their Her children and loved

as Her devotees?


[Again, why complain about Sir C.P. when he has received so much help to get

himself where he is? Make someone a bed-fellow and one has to sleep with them -

figuratively speaking! Why cry over spilled milk, when it is too late, now!]


11. Please remember, Respected Sir, not one member, of the dismissed

world council asked to be there. Param Pujya Shri Mataji placed them

there. We did not seek positions of power. The only position we have

prayed for is refuge in Her Divine Lotus Feet. Members of this

Council recently sought respectful dialogue with you and concerned

family members on the role of the collective and the role of the

family. Why was this request not heeded?


[if the only position they wanted was refuge in Her Divine Lotus Feet, they

could have that through the Sahasrara within. Why not go deeper, spiritually?

Why worry so much about Council positions?]


12. Do you really believe that Sahaja Yogis can't see through what

you have done and are doing and that they don't know and believe

that many family members have enriched themselves in various ways by

the contributions of sahaja yogis and want to continue to do so?


[This might be a Wake-Up Call for Sir C.P., maybe?!]


Her powers work in strange and amazing ways and those with egos and

self delusion and especially those who harm the spiritual growth of

Her devotees, will not be successful no matter how protected they

seem. Only total surrender at Her Lotus Feet gives the ultimate

protection. With the assistance of a small set of people, some

members of your family may have begun to believe they can don the

mantle of our Divine Param Pujya Shri Mataji.


[Another Wake-up Call for Sir C.P. and daughters, maybe? But again, where was

all this 'awareness' in the beginning to prevent such a situation from

happening? What is the wisdom in being 'wise after the fact'?]


Yet still,tens of thousands of Sahaja Yogis will be there at your

service to pour all their positive vibrations full of pure love into

you and other family members. For this to happen you must

demonstrate pure desire to surrender to the Divine Lotus feet of

Param Pujya Shri Mataji. You must desire to be part of the

collective in which there is no place for egotism or chanakya style

power politics of control and pitting one person against another.


[i find it ironic that an ex-WCASY member can preach to Sir C.P. about power

politics of control and pitting one person against another, when that is the

same kind of style that the WCASY had been doing?!]


You can achieve divinity, but only through total and complete

surrender and being part of the collective and with Her Grace and Her

Grace alone, and not by being merely a family member.


[How true!!!]


Whether you choose to believe it or not, all of the above, including

the harshness for which I beg forgiveness, is to still try and

beseech you to use your extraordinary wisdom and let harmony return

to the collective as She would have desired.


[Fair enough, but i think maybe too much water has already gone under the bridge

for that to occur.]


I would still like to remain your caring son, if you still allow me

to be so, but only as a member of the collective which is surrendered

to the Divine Lotus Feet of Param Pujya Shri Mataji and Her alone.


[unfortunately for the ex-WCASY crowd, spirituality and power politics do not

mix. Only very humble people can be true leaders, and that is one thing they

will have perhaps, at long last, have found out.]


Through this letter, Respected Sir, I appeal to my Brothers and

Sisters in Sahaja Yoga to also communicate with you or any other

family member and share their own passion for the work of Param Pujya

Shri Mataji and respect for the good name of the family and their

genuine desire to want to restore it to greater glory.


Yours respectfully,





3 January, 2010 is the Day the Devi Blew the Conch. Who is with Her? What is

there to argue about? What is there to recriminate about? The Devi has spoken. A

new Council will be formed. Just enjoy!


regards to all,



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It really is shocking news! would never have found out if not for visiting this

forum. Thanks.



Hui Hua


, " violettubb " <violettubb



> Dear Jagbir (and All),


> Apart from the purpose for which Rajesh has written his letter to Sir C.P.,

there is some startlingly revealing information in it - regarding which i would

like to comment, [in square brackets], below.


> thanks,


> violet



> -

> xxxxxxx

> sircps

> Thursday, January 07, 2010 8:11 PM



> Respected Shri Shrivastavaji,


> Pranams.


> I trust you are well. I very much pray and hope Param Pujya Shri Mataji is

well too. My most respectful Pranams to Her.


> I'm aware She has chosen not to speak for many months and I deeply desire Her

Divine darshan.


> [Rajesh says in the abovementioned paragraph that Shri Mataji has " chosen not

to speak for many months " [to himself and/or other now ex-WCASY members]. The

operative phrase here is 'to choose' - whose meaning is that Shri Mataji can

choose to speak or or not to speak, depending upon whether Shri Mataji wishes to

speak, or not.


> About Shri Mataji's Silence, the question begs to be asked: After all that

Shri Mataji has said and done, why should She or would She wish to speak to

those who didn't distinguish/make up their minds/discriminate clearly as to Who

the Incarnation is, here! Why should the Devi choose to speak to those who

vacillate - going from Shri Mataji to Sir C.P. and back again. There is no

stability, loyalty or faith in the Devi in such vacillation!]


> I was born imperfect and to this date accept my imperfections and many

grievous flaws. However, the divine darshan of Param Pujya Shri Mataji has been

the greatest blessing of this life time. I have no words to thank Her for all

the Kindness, Grace and Love that She has shown towards me. No human being is

even capable of demonstrating so much love. She has fed me food with her own

hand from Her own thali which was offered to Her after a Puja. She has given me

the wisdom and discretion to understand and feel the subtle spirit.


> She has given me the joy of companionship of other Sahajayogis becoming

thoughtlessly aware and enjoying their pure love. She has bestowed the

indescribable happiness that comes with collective worship of Her Divine Lotus

Feet and from collective mediation. She has awakened in me the confidence and

the ability pray to Her for giving realization to others. She has shown me the

ways in which I can improve my daily life. All these words are insufficient to

express the feelings I have, or the feelings millions of Her devotees have for



> This letter you Respected Sir, will not like. I have chosen to take the risk

of placing myself in your extreme displeasure but I believe it is my duty to you

and to the family of Param Pujya Shri Mataji to tell you how I feel.


> I have respected you and your achievements with great fervour, written

articles praising you, organized seminars for your book on corruption and

received always in return from you the love of a father which I greatly value.

It is out of all of those emotions, including pride in your world recognized

capabilities that I feel totally compelled to write to you this open letter

copied to all the members of the World Council and to family members whose email

IDs I have.


> Most of those who had been commanded by Her to serve on the World Council have

given many years of their lives, their own resources and faced opposition from

their families for surrendering to Her. They have never asked for anything for

themselves in terms of position nor sought special personal gain. They have been

scrupulously honest and shown the greatest of deference and respect for the

family members of Param Pujya Shri Mataji.


> [The visual image i get from the preceding paragraph is one of a very unhappy

dog with his tail hanging down between his legs. It is true that Rajesh and the

other now 'ex-WCASY members' are going to feel very down and sorry for

themselves. But Shri Mataji had warned them several times regarding Sir C.P.

Surprisingly, further along in this letter Rajesh states that many years ago

Shri Mataji had warned some of them that Sir C.P. would do his utmost to destroy

Sahaja Yoga!!!! And what about the letter where Shri Mataji wrote that Sir C.P.

should have no say over Her health matters or over the running of Sahaja Yoga?!

Surely, to be forewarned by the Devi is to be forearmed, isn't it! So, why

didn't they all listen to Her? What is the point of worshipping Her as " Param

Pujya Shri Mataji " when they don't even listen to Her?!]


> You too have given me great respect as have all members of the family been

generous with their love and affection. I can with total conviction say that I

have also followed my dharma of being respectful and always happily and gladly

been available for any personal task that was needed by any family member. I

have not been alone in this and others have done the same because of their

intense love for Param Pujya Shri Mataji. They are amongst those who have been

summarily dismissed now and maligned over the last few years by you. Please

understand we are all part of Her Collective and when you hurt one you hurt all.


> [Rajesh states in the above paragraph that he and others have been available

for any personal task that was needed by any family member. Then later on in

this letter, Rajesh says that they all got sucked in by Sir C.P.'s qualities of

charm, intelligence, articulation, legal acumen, anger and great skills. Why

does a Sahaja Yogi get sucked in by someone's charm, intelligence, articulation,

legal acumen - and anger - (no recognition of ego in the 'anger'?!) So, this is

the Great Collective Wake-Up Time, folks!!!!}


> Many years ago Param Pujya Shri Mataji warned some of us that you

> will do your utmost to destroy Sahaja Yoga. We who had heard this

> could not believe it and out of deference to you kept quiet. She, as

> always, is right. For the last few years it is apparent to most of

> us that you are bent on doing so. You have used your charm,

> intelligence, articulation, legal acumen, anger and great skills to

> create discord amongst the collective. You have accepted adulation

> and flattery stretched to the limit so as to place yourself in Her

> category of divinity which you cannot be.


> [The SYs were foolish to adulate Sir C.P. since he was not the Incarnation. As

far as flattery is concerned, that is not a genuine trait of a SY. It does not

come from the heart, but is more of a " pat me on the back, and I will pat you on

the back! " ]


> Let me ask you some questions Respected Sir.


> [After not being respectful to the meaning of Sahaja Yoga, that is to their

Higher Self/Spirit within, how can they expect Sir C.P. to respect them?!]


> 1. You have taken medical opinions many years ago to take over all

> legal rights of Param Pujya Shri Mataji who is a world figure. Was

> this justified and what was the need to do so? Can you explain that?


> [so, Sir C.P. had taken over the legal rights of Shri Mataji!!!]


> 2. When the World council was formed did not Param Pujya Shri Mataji

> Herself without a moment's hesitation order Arneau to be the

> coordinator?


> [i can't recall the exact details of a post some time ago, but i think it was

that a few of them got positions, and then they saw that Arneau hadn't gotten

one, and someone suggested he should get a position too, so Shri Mataji said he

could coordinate them all. Shri Mataji was being nice. But, to say that Shri

Mataji " ordered " it as if it was the most crucial thing for Sahaja Yoga, is, i

think, a bit of an exaggeration.]


> 3. Did you ever allow this world council to function the way you

> yourself told me: " now Her work is done. All of you have to take

> Sahaja Yoga forward " ?


> [Why was Sir C.P. in charge of the World Council in the first place? Surely it

couldn't have happened if he wasn't enabled somehow?! Firstly they flatter,

adulate, and do personal favours for Sir C.P. and family, and the next thing -

he becomes in charge of the World Council!]


> 4. Have you allowed this council to ever exercise any authority in

> matters relating to funds or appointments of committees in each

> country which would have been the enablers for advancing Sahaja Yoga?


> [What????!!! This was going on???!!!]


> 5. How do you think they could have done any advancement of Sahaja

> Yoga when you constantly denigrated the coordinator appointed by

> Param Pujya Shri Mataji?


> [Again, i think it takes two to tango. First they adulated and flattered and

did personal favours for Sir C.P and family and the next thing you know - they

give their power to Sir C.P.!]


> 6. How could we have increased our collective depth with your

> obsessive and constant criticism of the American sahajayogis?


> [Again, who must have been collusive in enabling Sir C.P. to be in that

position in the first place? Sir C.P could not have done it on his own without

some help. Shri Mataji did not help him to that position!]


> 7. What was the need to totally wreck the unity of the World Council

> by your fanatic insistence on transferring the IP donated by Param

> Pujya Shri Mataji for world benefit into some form of family control

> and family benefit?


> [so that is what Sir C.P. did???!!!]


> 8. Have you, Respected Sir, or Kalpanadidi or Sadhanadidi given

> realisation to even one person? When you have not, what right do you

> have to try and control Sahaja Yoga?


> [but the horse had already bolted! Why didn't they think about the fact that

neither Sir C.P., Kalpana or Sadhana had given realisation to anyone - before

they succumbed to the charms of Sir C.P., giving their power over to him?!]


> 9. Can the four persons who are witnesses to the recently circulated

> document of Jan 3 put their hands towards Param Pujya Shri Mataji and

> ask in their hearts if this was actually demanded by Her and say

> `yes'?


> [They wouldn't have signed the document if Shri Mataji hadn't approved it -

which is why there are four (4) witnesses to bear claim to the occurrence. In

fact, that is why it requires four people! One person is known by Nicole who

knows they are a very upstanding yogi, and one is known by me, and i know they

were very, very well respected and absolutely upstanding and genuine. But isn't

it a case here of the pot calling the kettle black?!]


> 10. The language of Param Pujya Shri Mataji is full of compassion and

> love and thousands of Her lectures and letters are testimony to

> that. Do any of these many past communications drafted by you and

> bearing Her signature remotely resemble how She would put forward Her

> message? Is this the manner with which She would have addressed

> those whom She has nurtured, accepted as their Her children and loved

> as Her devotees?


> [Again, why complain about Sir C.P. when he has received so much help to get

himself where he is? Make someone a bed-fellow and one has to sleep with them -

figuratively speaking! Why cry over spilled milk, when it is too late, now!]


> 11. Please remember, Respected Sir, not one member, of the dismissed

> world council asked to be there. Param Pujya Shri Mataji placed them

> there. We did not seek positions of power. The only position we have

> prayed for is refuge in Her Divine Lotus Feet. Members of this

> Council recently sought respectful dialogue with you and concerned

> family members on the role of the collective and the role of the

> family. Why was this request not heeded?


> [if the only position they wanted was refuge in Her Divine Lotus Feet, they

could have that through the Sahasrara within. Why not go deeper, spiritually?

Why worry so much about Council positions?]


> 12. Do you really believe that Sahaja Yogis can't see through what

> you have done and are doing and that they don't know and believe

> that many family members have enriched themselves in various ways by

> the contributions of sahaja yogis and want to continue to do so?


> [This might be a Wake-Up Call for Sir C.P., maybe?!]


> Her powers work in strange and amazing ways and those with egos and

> self delusion and especially those who harm the spiritual growth of

> Her devotees, will not be successful no matter how protected they

> seem. Only total surrender at Her Lotus Feet gives the ultimate

> protection. With the assistance of a small set of people, some

> members of your family may have begun to believe they can don the

> mantle of our Divine Param Pujya Shri Mataji.


> [Another Wake-up Call for Sir C.P. and daughters, maybe? But again, where was

all this 'awareness' in the beginning to prevent such a situation from

happening? What is the wisdom in being 'wise after the fact'?]


> Yet still,tens of thousands of Sahaja Yogis will be there at your

> service to pour all their positive vibrations full of pure love into

> you and other family members. For this to happen you must

> demonstrate pure desire to surrender to the Divine Lotus feet of

> Param Pujya Shri Mataji. You must desire to be part of the

> collective in which there is no place for egotism or chanakya style

> power politics of control and pitting one person against another.


> [i find it ironic that an ex-WCASY member can preach to Sir C.P. about power

politics of control and pitting one person against another, when that is the

same kind of style that the WCASY had been doing?!]


> You can achieve divinity, but only through total and complete

> surrender and being part of the collective and with Her Grace and Her

> Grace alone, and not by being merely a family member.


> [How true!!!]


> Whether you choose to believe it or not, all of the above, including

> the harshness for which I beg forgiveness, is to still try and

> beseech you to use your extraordinary wisdom and let harmony return

> to the collective as She would have desired.


> [Fair enough, but i think maybe too much water has already gone under the

bridge for that to occur.]


> I would still like to remain your caring son, if you still allow me

> to be so, but only as a member of the collective which is surrendered

> to the Divine Lotus Feet of Param Pujya Shri Mataji and Her alone.


> [unfortunately for the ex-WCASY crowd, spirituality and power politics do not

mix. Only very humble people can be true leaders, and that is one thing they

will have perhaps, at long last, have found out.]


> Through this letter, Respected Sir, I appeal to my Brothers and

> Sisters in Sahaja Yoga to also communicate with you or any other

> family member and share their own passion for the work of Param Pujya

> Shri Mataji and respect for the good name of the family and their

> genuine desire to want to restore it to greater glory.


> Yours respectfully,


> Rajesh



> 3 January, 2010 is the Day the Devi Blew the Conch. Who is with Her? What is

there to argue about? What is there to recriminate about? The Devi has spoken. A

new Council will be formed. Just enjoy!


> regards to all,


> violet


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Hello All,I haven't been on this forum for a long time (been busy). I still find it absurd that SY's bow to Sir C.P. Someone recently stated to me that he had "heard Shri Mataji say" recently, then he added "Shri Mataji through Sir C.P.". I rolled my eyes, which if he noticed, I suppose gave me away as a Sir C.P. non-believer. I thought SYs were supposed to know the truth by feeling vibrations. I still use that technique myself. If they were true SYs they would know that Sir C.P. taking over SY is not a good idea and they would know that he does NOT speak for Shri Mataji. I can only believe that the SYs who are "following" Sir C.P. must be getting something, that they determine, of value by buying into this Sir C.P. is a saint nonsense. The real shame is that so many SYs actually believe it.

How incredibly blind can a person be?I'm going to have a good laugh now. It does absolutely no good to write a letter to Sir C.P. He has taken over; the only way around it is to continue to spread "Her word", meditate as "She" taught us to and DO NOT under any circumstances contribute monetarily to SY, Vishwa Nirmala Dharma or any other organization connected to SY.All the love,Suzy.P.S. I apologize if this sounds too angry. --- On Mon, 1/11/10, wahbar <rondosky wrote:wahbar <rondosky Re: The Day the Devi Blew the Conch Date: Monday, January 11, 2010, 9:09 AM



It really is shocking news! would never have found out if not for visiting this forum. Thanks.



Hui Hua


adishakti_sahaja_ yoga@ .com, "violettubb" <violettubb@ ...> wrote:


> Dear Jagbir (and All),


> Apart from the purpose for which Rajesh has written his letter to Sir C.P., there is some startlingly revealing information in it - regarding which i would like to comment, [in square brackets], below.


> thanks,


> violet



> -

> xxxxxxx

> sircps

> Thursday, January 07, 2010 8:11 PM



> Respected Shri Shrivastavaji,


> Pranams.


> I trust you are well. I very much pray and hope Param Pujya Shri Mataji is well too. My most respectful Pranams to Her.


> I'm aware She has chosen not to speak for many months and I deeply desire Her Divine darshan.


> [Rajesh says in the abovementioned paragraph that Shri Mataji has "chosen not to speak for many months" [to himself and/or other now ex-WCASY members]. The operative phrase here is 'to choose' - whose meaning is that Shri Mataji can choose to speak or or not to speak, depending upon whether Shri Mataji wishes to speak, or not.


> About Shri Mataji's Silence, the question begs to be asked: After all that Shri Mataji has said and done, why should She or would She wish to speak to those who didn't distinguish/ make up their minds/discriminate clearly as to Who the Incarnation is, here! Why should the Devi choose to speak to those who vacillate - going from Shri Mataji to Sir C.P. and back again. There is no stability, loyalty or faith in the Devi in such vacillation! ]


> I was born imperfect and to this date accept my imperfections and many grievous flaws. However, the divine darshan of Param Pujya Shri Mataji has been the greatest blessing of this life time. I have no words to thank Her for all the Kindness, Grace and Love that She has shown towards me. No human being is even capable of demonstrating so much love. She has fed me food with her own hand from Her own thali which was offered to Her after a Puja. She has given me the wisdom and discretion to understand and feel the subtle spirit.


> She has given me the joy of companionship of other Sahajayogis becoming thoughtlessly aware and enjoying their pure love. She has bestowed the indescribable happiness that comes with collective worship of Her Divine Lotus Feet and from collective mediation. She has awakened in me the confidence and the ability pray to Her for giving realization to others. She has shown me the ways in which I can improve my daily life. All these words are insufficient to express the feelings I have, or the feelings millions of Her devotees have for Her.


> This letter you Respected Sir, will not like. I have chosen to take the risk of placing myself in your extreme displeasure but I believe it is my duty to you and to the family of Param Pujya Shri Mataji to tell you how I feel.


> I have respected you and your achievements with great fervour, written articles praising you, organized seminars for your book on corruption and received always in return from you the love of a father which I greatly value. It is out of all of those emotions, including pride in your world recognized capabilities that I feel totally compelled to write to you this open letter copied to all the members of the World Council and to family members whose email IDs I have.


> Most of those who had been commanded by Her to serve on the World Council have given many years of their lives, their own resources and faced opposition from their families for surrendering to Her. They have never asked for anything for themselves in terms of position nor sought special personal gain. They have been scrupulously honest and shown the greatest of deference and respect for the family members of Param Pujya Shri Mataji.


> [The visual image i get from the preceding paragraph is one of a very unhappy dog with his tail hanging down between his legs. It is true that Rajesh and the other now 'ex-WCASY members' are going to feel very down and sorry for themselves. But Shri Mataji had warned them several times regarding Sir C.P. Surprisingly, further along in this letter Rajesh states that many years ago Shri Mataji had warned some of them that Sir C.P. would do his utmost to destroy Sahaja Yoga!!!! And what about the letter where Shri Mataji wrote that Sir C.P. should have no say over Her health matters or over the running of Sahaja Yoga?! Surely, to be forewarned by the Devi is to be forearmed, isn't it! So, why didn't they all listen to Her? What is the point of worshipping Her as "Param Pujya Shri Mataji" when they don't even listen to Her?!]


> You too have given me great respect as have all members of the family been generous with their love and affection. I can with total conviction say that I have also followed my dharma of being respectful and always happily and gladly been available for any personal task that was needed by any family member. I have not been alone in this and others have done the same because of their intense love for Param Pujya Shri Mataji. They are amongst those who have been summarily dismissed now and maligned over the last few years by you. Please understand we are all part of Her Collective and when you hurt one you hurt all.


> [Rajesh states in the above paragraph that he and others have been available for any personal task that was needed by any family member. Then later on in this letter, Rajesh says that they all got sucked in by Sir C.P.'s qualities of charm, intelligence, articulation, legal acumen, anger and great skills. Why does a Sahaja Yogi get sucked in by someone's charm, intelligence, articulation, legal acumen - and anger - (no recognition of ego in the 'anger'?!) So, this is the Great Collective Wake-Up Time, folks!!!!}


> Many years ago Param Pujya Shri Mataji warned some of us that you

> will do your utmost to destroy Sahaja Yoga. We who had heard this

> could not believe it and out of deference to you kept quiet. She, as

> always, is right. For the last few years it is apparent to most of

> us that you are bent on doing so. You have used your charm,

> intelligence, articulation, legal acumen, anger and great skills to

> create discord amongst the collective. You have accepted adulation

> and flattery stretched to the limit so as to place yourself in Her

> category of divinity which you cannot be.


> [The SYs were foolish to adulate Sir C.P. since he was not the Incarnation. As far as flattery is concerned, that is not a genuine trait of a SY. It does not come from the heart, but is more of a "pat me on the back, and I will pat you on the back!"]


> Let me ask you some questions Respected Sir.


> [After not being respectful to the meaning of Sahaja Yoga, that is to their Higher Self/Spirit within, how can they expect Sir C.P. to respect them?!]


> 1. You have taken medical opinions many years ago to take over all

> legal rights of Param Pujya Shri Mataji who is a world figure. Was

> this justified and what was the need to do so? Can you explain that?


> [so, Sir C.P. had taken over the legal rights of Shri Mataji!!!]


> 2. When the World council was formed did not Param Pujya Shri Mataji

> Herself without a moment's hesitation order Arneau to be the

> coordinator?


> [i can't recall the exact details of a post some time ago, but i think it was that a few of them got positions, and then they saw that Arneau hadn't gotten one, and someone suggested he should get a position too, so Shri Mataji said he could coordinate them all. Shri Mataji was being nice. But, to say that Shri Mataji "ordered" it as if it was the most crucial thing for Sahaja Yoga, is, i think, a bit of an exaggeration. ]


> 3. Did you ever allow this world council to function the way you

> yourself told me: "now Her work is done. All of you have to take

> Sahaja Yoga forward "?


> [Why was Sir C.P. in charge of the World Council in the first place? Surely it couldn't have happened if he wasn't enabled somehow?! Firstly they flatter, adulate, and do personal favours for Sir C.P. and family, and the next thing - he becomes in charge of the World Council!]


> 4. Have you allowed this council to ever exercise any authority in

> matters relating to funds or appointments of committees in each

> country which would have been the enablers for advancing Sahaja Yoga?


> [What????!!! This was going on???!!!]


> 5. How do you think they could have done any advancement of Sahaja

> Yoga when you constantly denigrated the coordinator appointed by

> Param Pujya Shri Mataji?


> [Again, i think it takes two to tango. First they adulated and flattered and did personal favours for Sir C.P and family and the next thing you know - they give their power to Sir C.P.!]


> 6. How could we have increased our collective depth with your

> obsessive and constant criticism of the American sahajayogis?


> [Again, who must have been collusive in enabling Sir C.P. to be in that position in the first place? Sir C.P could not have done it on his own without some help. Shri Mataji did not help him to that position!]


> 7. What was the need to totally wreck the unity of the World Council

> by your fanatic insistence on transferring the IP donated by Param

> Pujya Shri Mataji for world benefit into some form of family control

> and family benefit?


> [so that is what Sir C.P. did???!!!]


> 8. Have you, Respected Sir, or Kalpanadidi or Sadhanadidi given

> realisation to even one person? When you have not, what right do you

> have to try and control Sahaja Yoga?


> [but the horse had already bolted! Why didn't they think about the fact that neither Sir C.P., Kalpana or Sadhana had given realisation to anyone - before they succumbed to the charms of Sir C.P., giving their power over to him?!]


> 9. Can the four persons who are witnesses to the recently circulated

> document of Jan 3 put their hands towards Param Pujya Shri Mataji and

> ask in their hearts if this was actually demanded by Her and say

> `yes'?


> [They wouldn't have signed the document if Shri Mataji hadn't approved it - which is why there are four (4) witnesses to bear claim to the occurrence. In fact, that is why it requires four people! One person is known by Nicole who knows they are a very upstanding yogi, and one is known by me, and i know they were very, very well respected and absolutely upstanding and genuine. But isn't it a case here of the pot calling the kettle black?!]


> 10. The language of Param Pujya Shri Mataji is full of compassion and

> love and thousands of Her lectures and letters are testimony to

> that. Do any of these many past communications drafted by you and

> bearing Her signature remotely resemble how She would put forward Her

> message? Is this the manner with which She would have addressed

> those whom She has nurtured, accepted as their Her children and loved

> as Her devotees?


> [Again, why complain about Sir C.P. when he has received so much help to get himself where he is? Make someone a bed-fellow and one has to sleep with them - figuratively speaking! Why cry over spilled milk, when it is too late, now!]


> 11. Please remember, Respected Sir, not one member, of the dismissed

> world council asked to be there. Param Pujya Shri Mataji placed them

> there. We did not seek positions of power. The only position we have

> prayed for is refuge in Her Divine Lotus Feet. Members of this

> Council recently sought respectful dialogue with you and concerned

> family members on the role of the collective and the role of the

> family. Why was this request not heeded?


> [if the only position they wanted was refuge in Her Divine Lotus Feet, they could have that through the Sahasrara within. Why not go deeper, spiritually? Why worry so much about Council positions?]


> 12. Do you really believe that Sahaja Yogis can't see through what

> you have done and are doing and that they don't know and believe

> that many family members have enriched themselves in various ways by

> the contributions of sahaja yogis and want to continue to do so?


> [This might be a Wake-Up Call for Sir C.P., maybe?!]


> Her powers work in strange and amazing ways and those with egos and

> self delusion and especially those who harm the spiritual growth of

> Her devotees, will not be successful no matter how protected they

> seem. Only total surrender at Her Lotus Feet gives the ultimate

> protection. With the assistance of a small set of people, some

> members of your family may have begun to believe they can don the

> mantle of our Divine Param Pujya Shri Mataji.


> [Another Wake-up Call for Sir C.P. and daughters, maybe? But again, where was all this 'awareness' in the beginning to prevent such a situation from happening? What is the wisdom in being 'wise after the fact'?]


> Yet still,tens of thousands of Sahaja Yogis will be there at your

> service to pour all their positive vibrations full of pure love into

> you and other family members. For this to happen you must

> demonstrate pure desire to surrender to the Divine Lotus feet of

> Param Pujya Shri Mataji. You must desire to be part of the

> collective in which there is no place for egotism or chanakya style

> power politics of control and pitting one person against another.


> [i find it ironic that an ex-WCASY member can preach to Sir C.P. about power politics of control and pitting one person against another, when that is the same kind of style that the WCASY had been doing?!]


> You can achieve divinity, but only through total and complete

> surrender and being part of the collective and with Her Grace and Her

> Grace alone, and not by being merely a family member.


> [How true!!!]


> Whether you choose to believe it or not, all of the above, including

> the harshness for which I beg forgiveness, is to still try and

> beseech you to use your extraordinary wisdom and let harmony return

> to the collective as She would have desired.


> [Fair enough, but i think maybe too much water has already gone under the bridge for that to occur.]


> I would still like to remain your caring son, if you still allow me

> to be so, but only as a member of the collective which is surrendered

> to the Divine Lotus Feet of Param Pujya Shri Mataji and Her alone.


> [unfortunately for the ex-WCASY crowd, spirituality and power politics do not mix. Only very humble people can be true leaders, and that is one thing they will have perhaps, at long last, have found out.]


> Through this letter, Respected Sir, I appeal to my Brothers and

> Sisters in Sahaja Yoga to also communicate with you or any other

> family member and share their own passion for the work of Param Pujya

> Shri Mataji and respect for the good name of the family and their

> genuine desire to want to restore it to greater glory.


> Yours respectfully,


> Rajesh



> 3 January, 2010 is the Day the Devi Blew the Conch. Who is with Her? What is there to argue about? What is there to recriminate about? The Devi has spoken. A new Council will be formed. Just enjoy!


> regards to all,


> violet


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