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Spin doctor Gregoire: Sir CP, I am sorry for our successful plot to assassinate you and family

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De :Gregoire de Kalbermatten (gregoire.dekalbermatten)

Envoyé : 10 janvier 2010 16:07:28

À : theworldcouncil; countryleaders

Cc : Chandrika Prasad Srivastava (sircps)


Dear Sisters,

Dear Brothers,

Jai Shri Mataji.


This morning I was made aware by mails from friends that one of my messages

addressed to a very small number of selected persons had been leaked together

with the cover message which I wrote . I investigated the matter and found the

person responsible for this leak, who apologised to me. He also had sent it to a

restricted group without my permission and this is the origin of the message

that has now become part of the public domain.


Please note that by now many Sahaja Yogis will have received a letter addressed

to Sir CP by Rajesh Shah. This letter was not intended for limitless

circulation, but as events have unfolded it could have been received by Sahaja

Yogis from your collectivity.



, " adishakti_org "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear All,


> i just realized from the date of Rajesh's email to Sir C.P. that it is NOT a

premature reaction but, on the contrary, a premeditated attack.


> -

> xxxxxxx

> sircps

> Thursday, January 07, 2010 8:11 PM


> This attack on Sir CP, originating from America, came AFTER the

> second January 6, 2010 letter of Shri Mataji's. (My apologies for the error

but my computer is being repaired and i did not have time to

> check the facts.) So it is not a premature reaction but anger to the

> extermination of the WCASY cabal by Sir CP.


> So the expelled WC members have indeed hired spin doctors and hitmen

> to rid SY of Sir CP. That American and Canadian leaders/SYs have

> joined forces in co-ordinating that attack on Sir CP confirms that.

> They want to get rid of the very person who, during an event hailed as

historic, handed over Shri Mataji's Will and Power to WCASY. (i am

> sure Julius Caeser will give them a standing ovation.)


> i just want to take in the facts that are coming in bits and pieces

> before making a dossier on this magnificent gift that exposes the

> character of the maggots feeding on the rotting carcas. At last we

> have the evidence to expose these maggots whose stench i have been

> smelling for years. Thanks Rajesh and company for giving the facts

> that mirror, without a doubt, your inherent rottenness too. What

> could i have done to expose the moral, spiritual and financial

> corruption of WCASY, Sir CP, and your cronies without fools and

> hypocrites like you?


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> , " adishakti_org " <adishakti_org@>


> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i wanted to name the post " Expelled WC members prematurely hired spin

doctors and hitmen to rid SY of Sir CP " to reflect the latest letter from Shri

Mataji dated January 6th, 2010:

> >

> > http://adishakti.org/pdf_files/shri_mataji_6_jan_2010.jpeg

> >

> > On second thoughts, i decided not to. The present tile is better.

> >

> > i believe we would not have the highly sensitive and damaging

> > information of Rajesh's letter otherwise i.e. it was a premature

> > reaction (that will now require more spin doctors and damage-control).

> >

> > But the immense damage to SY, just like Sir CP public display of Shri

Mataji's medical file and history, is irreversible. This washing of SY's dirty

linen in public by persons closest to Sir CP exposes its

> > soiled nature. Sir CP and daughters are going to be mighty mad to

> > find out what those closest think about them - bossing around,

> > addicted to flatery and adulation, guilty of financial embezzlement.

> >

> > In fact Rajesh and company have clearly spelled out that Sir C.P. and " many

family members have enriched themselves in various ways by the contributions of

sahaja yogis and want to continue to do so " i.e.,

> > they are so greedy for money that they will continue embezzling the coffers

of the SY organization. It cannot get worse that this, can it?

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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