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Vedic Astrology

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Vedic Astrology



Vedic Astrology has been practised for thousands of years in India

and is a well-respected science recognised by the government of

India. The vaidyas (doctors) of Indian ayurvedic health may consult

the astrological charts of their patients for further information,

as do practitioners of vastu. You can go to Club Cyber Astro for

free calculation of your Vedic astrology chart.

What is the difference between Vedic Astrology and Western



Vedic Astrology is also known as Sidereal Astrology because it

tracks the position of the Sun, Moon and planets against the

position of the stars. Western Astrology is also known as Tropical

Astrology because it tracks the Sun, Moon and planets in relation to

the Earth and its seasonal points.


Over the last millennium, the points where these two different

systems start the astrological year have drifted apart by

approximately 24 degrees. In other words, the Spring or Vernal

Equinox which marks the start of the Zodiac begins at 6º Pisces

rather than at 0º Aries as in the Tropical Zodiac.


The difference between these two starts of the astrological year is

called the ayanamsa. You will find that unless you were born between

the 15th and 20th of the month, your sign will have moved back by

one in Vedic Astrology.


In fact, every 72 years the Vernal Equinox shifts back (or precedes)

by 1º. The Age of Aquarius will start when the Sun rises in Aquarius

on the morning of the Vernal Equinox in about 430 years. Vedic

Astrology will recognise this but Western Astrology will start the

year at 1º Aries. That is not to say that there are not different

systems within Vedic traditions. The official calculations of

ayanamsa are based on the calculations of N. C. Lahiri but there are

also systems in use based on Raman, Krishnamurti and Sri Yukteswar.


Vedic Astrology generally uses the equal house system. There are

also 27 signs based on the movement of the Moon called nakshatras.

Each sign covers about one day. The key planets or grahas are the

Sun (Surya/Ravi), Moon (Chandra/Soma), Mars (Kuja/Mangala), Mercury

(Budha), Jupiter (Guru/Brihaspati), Venus (Sukra), Saturn

(Shani/Sani), Rahu and Ketu (the North and South Nodes of the Moon).

Rahu indicates your material destiny and karma, while Ketu indicates

enlightenment. The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are malefic

planets. The Ascendant is known as the Lagna Rasi.




The Hindu calendar or almanac is known as the panchang. In the

panchang the majority of information is derived from calculations

based on the Moon. This information is used to determine the right

time to celebrate traditional Hindu events and to determine

auspicious and inauspicious days and times to perform or avoid

certain activities. Panchang means five limbs in Sanskrit and this

refers to the five ways used to divide the span of a day -- rashi,

nakshatra, tithi, karana and vara. (See below for lists of the rashi

and nakshatra.) The nakshatra are divided into 4 subsections each of

3 degrees 20 minutes called pada (foot). The Hindu lunar month,

which starts from the day after the full moon and ends on the next

full moon, is divided into a dark and a bright half. Each of these

halves is divided into 15 tithi or lunar days. Each tithi is further

subdivided into 2 parts called karana. The vara are the days of the




Vara or Weekdays Sunday Ravivara Sun

Monday Somvara Moon

Tuesday Mangalvara Mars

Wednesday Budhvara Mercury

Thursday Guruvara Jupiter

Friday Sukravara Venus

Saturday Shanivara Saturn



The Vedic Signs or Rashi (Nirayana/Sidereal) Rashi Western Name

Samvata (lunar month) Dates

1. Mesha Aries Vaishakha 13 Apr - 14 May

2. Vrishabha Taurus Jyeshta 15 May - 14 Jun

3. Mithuna Gemini Ashadha 15 Jun - 14 Jul

4. Kataka Cancer Shravana 15 Jul - 14 Aug

5. Simha Leo Bhadra 15 Aug - 15 Sep

6. Kanya Virgo Ashwina 16 Sep - 15 Oct

7. Tula Libra Kartika 16 Oct - 14 Nov

8. Vrishika Scorpio Mrigasirsa 15 Nov - 14 Dec

9. Dhanus Sagittarius Pausha 15 Dec - 13 Jan

10. Makara Capricorn Magha 14 Jan - 12 Feb

11. Kumbha Aquarius Phalguna 13 Feb - 12 Mar

12. Meena Pisces Chaitra 13 Feb - 12 Apr


The Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions (Moon Signs)



Ashwini (Possessing Horses) - Good time for fast action, getting

more wealth, buying or selling vehicles, travelling, starting


Bharani (Bearing) - Time for unpleasant but necessary duties,

burning things, drilling for water.

Krittika (Cutters) - Time for boldness, audaciousness and warlike

approach, good for driving.

Rohini (Red One) - Good for all new undertakings, marriage, lay

foundations of buildings.

Mrigasira (Deer's Head/Path) - Time for marriage, new friends,

gardening, receiving sacred thread, travel.

Ardra (Moist One) - Time for dirty work, going against others,

fighting back.

Punarvasu (Two Good-Again) - Time for starting over, making repairs,

searching for a home, marrying.

Pushya (Nourishing) - Time for imroving health, parties, music and

dancing, travel but not for marrying.

Aslesha (Clinging) - Good for fighting, getting rid of old and

unwanted things in your life, taking a stand, taking a chance.

Magha (Mighty One) - Time for grandiose actions, taking risks,

influential people.

Purva Phalguni (Former Red One/Fig Tree) - Time for restraining your

enemies, using subterfuge, gamble but don't take physical risks.

Uttara Phalguni (Latter Red One/Fig Tree) - Good for new beginnings,

marriage, new home, promises and vows.

Hasta (Hand) - Time for stabilisation or new approaches, for

enduring results.

Chitra (Bright) - Good for improving health, gardening, new clothes,

repairing mechanical things.

Swati (Self Going) - Good time to make advances and progress in your

affairs, not so good for travelling.

Visakha (Forked One) - Time for construction, land deals, dealing

with cars, healing.

Anuradha (Additional Radha) - Good for marrying, commitments, vows,

holidays, housewarming parties.

Jyeshta (Eldest) - Time for maturity, confronting enemies, asking

for forgiveness.

Mula (Root) - Good for gardening and agriculture, working with

water, breaking agreements.

Purvashada (Former Unconquered) - Good for releasing someone, paying

off debts, forgiveness, not good for travel.

Uttarashada (Latter Unconquered) - Time for planning for the future,

redecoration, new homes, repairs., marriage.

Shravana (Trident) - Time for healing, preventative measures,

religious ceremonies, favourable actions.

Dhanistha (Wealthiest) - Good for travel, new car, self-defence,


Satabisha (100 Healers)- Time for signing contracts for home and

land, good for business deals and health cures.

Purva Bhadrapada (Former Lucky Feet) - Time for dangerous or risky

actions, agriculture, new pets.

Uttara Bhadrapada (Latter Lucky Feet) - Time for commitments, vows,

marriage, new homes.

Revati (Wealthy) - Good for trade and business, marriage, new homes,

religious buildings.

The Vedic Houses House Name Translation Description

First House Tanu Bhava The House of the Body Appearance and basic

disposition, health

Second House Dhana Bhava The House of Wealth Finances, family

happiness, food/drink, study.

Third House Sahaja Bhava The House of Brothers Courage, strength,

effort, neighbours, writing, communication, fun.

Fourth House Matru Bhava The House of the Mother Mother, the home,

education, hobbies, happiness.

Fifth House Putra Bhava The House of Children Romance, intelligence,

speculation, pregnancy, games, business, past-life credit.

Sixth House Ripu Bhava The House of Enemies Competitors, enemies,

weaknesses, injuries, servants, pets, employees.

Seventh House Kalatra Bhava The House of the Partner Marriage, love

affairs, business partnerships, foreign residence or travel for


Eighth House Ayu Bhava The House of Life Life and death, mystical

matters, sex, loss, dreams, wealth of the partner, cheating.

Ninth House Bhagya Bhava The House of Fortune Luck, wisdom,

religion, boss.

Tenth House Dharma Bhava The House of Right Action Career, fame,

reputation, commerce, business, compassion.

Eleventh House Labya Bhava The House of Gains Opportunities, money,

friends, wishes, profits.

Twelfth House Moksha Bhava The House of Enlightenment Loss, poverty,

liberation, sexual pleasures, long journeys, betrayal, self-

sacrifice, confinement.




There are two types of planets in every horoscope anukul-graha which

are favorable planets, and pratikul-graha which are unfavorable

planets. Careful examination by an expert practitioner in both

jyotish and ayurveda can establish which planets are favourable and

can be further influenced to have a beneficial effect by the use of

the appropriate gemstone or metal.


Anukul, or a planet that is beneficially placed in the horoscope is

either strong in its own sign, in a good house, ruler of houses

which will bring positive results, or otherwise has a positive



Pratikul designates a planet that has a negative influence over the

life of a person according to his or her horoscope. For example, a

weakened planet may be in dusthana and be an enemy of the lord of

the lagna. Unfortunately, you cannot improve a pratikul-graha

(negatively disposed planet) by wearing the gem, this only produces

increased suffering.



Gemstones & Metals of the Planets

Planet Precious Gem Semi-Precious Gem Metals

Sun Ruby Star Ruby, Garnet Copper

Moon Pearl Moonstone (Gems)

Mars Red Coral Red Coral, Garnet Gold

Jupiter Yellow Sapphire Golden Topaz Silver

Mercury Emerald Onyx Alloy of Metals

Venus Diamond, White Sapphire White Zircon, White Coral (Pearls)

Saturn Blue Sapphire Amethyst Iron

Rahu Gomedha (Zircon) Gomedha (Zircon)/Agate

Ketu Cat's Eye Cat's Eye/Agate


If you are interested in learning more about Vedic astrology, I can

recommend these books:


Beneath a Vedic Sky


Elements of Vedic Astrology



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