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Re Kayika, Vachika & Manasika (Thought, word and deed)

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Hari Om Dear Babithaji,


Thanks for the mail. The info in your mail was really intersting to read as it gives another dimention on Sri Mookambika Amma's Prabhavam.


Keep posting such info regularly,


Let God Blees u


With Prayers,


Rajasekhar K G


On Behalf Of babitha70Saturday, August 06, 2005 10:56 AM Subject: "Kayika, Vachika & Manasika (Thought, word and deed)Namaste,Please, spare few minits of your time to read the below post.The post once read, will gain more knowledge than anything you have since these years, there are things which even I was not aware other than the normal day to day things. For some the post maybe just another Post but this is not the case even if you are aware i am sure you will like to learn more.Pranam,Babitha.Om Gam Ganapathi Sachidanandaya Vidmahe !Lam Karunyamurthaye Dheemahi !Draam Thannah Sri Guru Prachodayaath !!Mother Goddess in all Her forms is blessing everyone in all the states. What are these 3 states? These are "Kayika, Vachika & Manasika (i.e. thought, word and deed)- sookshma, sthoola and Kaarana, these three are the states (i,e, Gross, Subtle and causal bodies). Normally , it is understood that these three states are applied to"Bala, Youvana and Vriddhapya" (i.e.Childhood, youth and old age). But here, Mother Goddess is blessing in Gross, subtle/astral and causal bodies as well as in the three states of Bala,Youvana and Vriddhapya. She is also blessing the the penances done physically, verbally and mentally. These physical,verbal and mental penances are powerful. Here body also means 'Indriyas" i.e. five senses. "Amma" (Mother) means 'Mercy","compassion" (i.e.daya, karuna), protection. That is why a child in its mother's lap feels secure, protected, cared and loved. One who thinks 'Sthoola' is everything (i.e. one who thinks 'I am this body' /body-consciousness and always thinking of its maintenance and conscious of its beauty , having notions such as fasting would weaken their body and cause ill-health and hence indulge in eating, drinking always, and think that they live to eat) i.e.limiting themselves to the gross level) are demons who are of 'Tamasik' qualities. But it is said "Ya devi Sarva bhutheshu ...." that Goddess mother resides in the form of body. Here, to condemn the body/physical comforts and give liberation to that body, it is said so. Vak and shareera- there is close relationship. Senses and body are also closely related. It has influence and power over 'vak'. Those who indulge in 'shareera tapanam' (i.e always thinking and caring for gross form) , their vak tapas will get destoyed. Mother Goddess graces those who does Shareera tapas, vak tapas and Mano tapas. The most important is controlling the body by which the 'vak' gets controlled automatically resulting in Vak shuddhi, Vak siddhi. Food is to be taken only as much as required to protect the body. There are Mahatmas/Maharshis who take air as food. The frog and snake also live on air as well as they collect and preserve and digest food. Likewise, human beings also earn and preserve riches for their future and think of protecting it always till their death and again because of the 'Vasana' they take birth again in the earth and suffer 'karmas' due to vasanas. The ants also collect and preserve food. There is a "Chaya Simhika' (a demoness or a strange animal the reference of which is made in Ramayana when Hanumantha, in search of Seetha went to Lanka flying over the sea, comes in contact with this 'Chaya Simhika' which through its powers attracted Hanumantha's shadow thinking that He is a fruit to eat. This chaya simhika lives on earth roams about in forest but eat the birds and creatures that live/fly in the sky. It is a peculiar creation of God. Such a facility/quality is available in human body. He can live in forest and eat seafood or creatures that live in sea; living in water/sea can eat the food that is available in forest; living in forest can eat creatures or anything that live in the sky; flying/living in the sky can eat the food available on the earth. But now Man immersed in the sense-pleasures has destroyed his 'vak' powers. He has lost the power of 'vak' i.e. he has lost purity of words/speech 'vak shuddhi' and indulges in saying bad words, abusing others, having 'tamasik qualities', no control over food habits; all these result in vak ashuddhi and losing of honesty in words. Hence of all these tapas i.e. shareera tapas, vak tapas and manasika tapas, manasika tapa is more important than shareerika tapas ; vak tapas is more important than the shareerika tapas. After doing all these tapas for the whole day, and by getting provoked over small trifles in a single moment and speaking or uttering bad words or cursing others will destroy all the results of such penances (tapas) done for the whole day. So by cursing others, it will not only affect others in anyway one will be losing his own strength, energy and power earned by penance. A Maharshi named Kolav, does such a great penance of the three states as mentioned above, for many yugas (ages) in the precincts of Kollur also called Kolapuri, which is situated in the opposite direction of Sahyadri Mountain ranges. The structure, the atmosphere, the surroundings of this place Kollur is very beautiful and in the form of 'Srichakra'. Normally 'tapas' is performed for fulfillment of some wish. Even to merge with God or to become 'Parabrahma' himself is also a wish. When shall this wish be fulfilled? Sri Swamiji says"when the desire/wish dies" (ie when one attains the state of desirelessness). " When does this desire die? After doing the penance"; After doing the penance, if the desire dies, then what is the use of doing penance as it is normally done for fulfillment of desire? This is the question asked by those who possess 'tamasik qualities' says Swamiji. To control desire, tapas should be done. What is this tapas-korike or wish? In fact there is no end to desire; fulfillment of one desire leads to wishing of another desire. Desires need not be essentially for selfish purposes. It could be for attaining 'moksha' or merging with Parabrahma, or for 'Loka kalyana' Now Sri Swamiji explains how Kola Maharshi did penance in that holy place of Kollur, how did Mother Goddess Sri Chamundeswari, Chandi, Durgi came to be known as Mookambika, how did She incarnated in that place and how Lord Shiva Himself created a 'Srichakra' in that holy place. Sri Swamiji sang his new composition:' Kolapuri Mookambika, Leelachari Devaatmika' In the above song is contained the whole story. Kolapuri, Kolhapura and Kollur are three different places and in all the three holy places Mahalakshmi is the presiding deity. Now Kolapura Mahalakshmi's story, Sri Swamiji is narrating. In Kolhapura Mahalakshmi is in the Shakti form and in Kolpuri She is in Vishnu's form and hence called Vaishnavi. Maharshi (sage) Kola,the Brahma-maanasa-putra ( son, born out of the mind of Brahma) did penance for vanquishing of demon Kolasura. This story of Kola Maharshi is an example to show how great men perform penance for vanquishing of demons for the good of the world and desiring nothing for themselves. When the penance is performed for good of the world, such desires are fulfilled immediately but that done for selfish purposes will not be fulfilled. But only Lord Brahma grants the desire done with both the purposes i.e. selfish purpose as well as for the good of others. But here Kola, the noble sage did tapas meditating on Lord Shiva for killing of the demon,Kolasura. This Sahyadri mountain range has spread almost all over Karnataka touching the Tirumal Tirupathi also. That is why Lord Dattatreya wanders in these ranges and in the afternoon goes to Gaya and Prayaga for the holy bath and to Ganagapura for his 'Bhiksha'. That is why Dattareya's Mahima and devotees of Datta are more in number in the south region. When Shiva appears, pleased with the penance of Kola Maharshi and ask him his wish, Kola Maharshi says that this holy placed should be named after him and it should become a 'siddha kshetra' (i.e.a place where tapas are accomplished successfully). and whoever does penance here should get their desires fulfilled . Lord Shiva tells him that the tapas he did will not suffice to fulfil his wish and hence he should perform tapas for a 'Manvantara" (i.e. completion of the 4 yugas successively), till 'Trishakti Mata' comes here to this place to fulfill his wish. He further says that such a situation of Trishakti Mata coming to this place will arise and giving His 'Parthiva Linga' asked Kola Maharshi to meditate Lord Shiva in that 'Parthiva Linga'form. In the Linga purana the powers of worshipping Lord Shiva in various Linga forms like Loha Linga, Shila Linga, Parthiva lingam, chitra Lingam, Mano Lingam is narrated, as a special and powerful worship. It is also given in detail the various aupices/results or fruits that arise out of worshipping of various idols i.e.Devathas which effective curative powers for psychological/mental woes (Manovyadhi/mano vyatha). They also have indicated method of worships for realising the accomplishments. So Kola Maharshi went on with his 'tapas' for several thousands of years. Then a demon by name 'Kamhasura' pleased Shakti Durga by his penance and got granted a boon that no man shall conquer or kill him. After that this demon after conquering so many kingdoms comes to this place Kolapura. Seeing this beautiful and wonderful place he felt like establishing his kingdom there and threw away the Kola Maharshi physically ,who was doing penance mentally. Kola Maharshi was in transcendental state unconscious of his body and mind. Then this demon Kamhasura who was troubling Devathas (Gods) and other saintly persons. Unable to withstand this any more, the Devathas and Rishis prayed to Shakti Durga for killing this demon Kamhasura Herself as he had been torturing and killing innocent rishis and causing them trouble and sufferings without any fear as he knew he could not be killed by any man. Here a peculiar situation of killing her son arises as no purusha (man) could kill him by the powers of the boons She Herself had granted. So She goes Herself to this place, Kolapura in the form of Goddess Bhairavi to kill this demon. Coming to know of this, the demon runs away to 'Rishyamooka' Mountain and indulged in penance. The God Who granted such boon only should do the 'samhara' (vanquishing) also. Like the killing of Bhasmasura, the demon, by Lord Vishnu in Mohini roopa (form). Knowing of Goddess Bhairavi's arrival, all the Devathas started coming to this place and settled there. The Kola Maharshi who was in deep penance, had Darshan of Lord Vishnu before the completion of the stipulated period of penance prescribed by Lord Shiva. Since Kola Maharshi had concentrated and meditated both on Vishnu and Shiva, both the Gods appear. When Vishnu and Shiva comes to that place to bless Kola Maharshi, Lord Brahma also came and all the Devathas also followed the suit. In the meanwhile there arises some trouble. A demon named Mahishasura, elder brother of demon Kamhasura, had started troubling and creating problems for Devathas. Incidentally, he also had the boon of not getting killed by any man by the Goddess. The demon Kamhasura, through his tapas shakti (power of penance) came to know that his brother Mahishasura has created more problems and troubles and for the time being, Kamhasura decided to keep quite till his brother stops creating nuisances. In the meantime, in Kolapura where Goddess Bhairavi had taken residence and Brahma,Vishnu Maheshwara,who also had come pleased with the penance of Kola Maharshi , and the other Devathas, held a Session to think of a way to vanquish Mahishasura first as he was creating more problems than the others. Then when they made 'Sankalpa' together, immediately there emanates Tejas/shakti from the face of the Trinity Gods (Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshwara) and other Devathas from their respective 'Amshas' and all these Tejas/shakti joining together , a most powerful form of Chandi, Goddess Mother arises out of the Celestial fire. That Mother who has come in the form of Chandi devi was given different 'Ayudhas'/Shastras (weapons and armoury) by each of the Trinity Gods and all the Devathas. She leaves to kill Mahishasura. After Her departure, only Vishnu an Shiva along with Kola Maharshi remain there. That place where Kola Maharshi had meditated upon Vishnu and Shiva, came to be called 'Mookambika Parvatha, mountain' and it is like a 'Ardha meru' form, a special 'bhooprasthara' form. When Kola Maharshi was asked by Shiva to utter his wish, Kola Maharshi requested Lord Shiva to stay there permanently. Lord Shiva agrees and stays there. When Lord Shiva stayed there, Lord Vishnu also takes residence in that place. Lord Shiva Himself created 'Srichakra Yantra' and instals there and Lord Vishnu protects it. Mother Goddess Chandi, resided here in the Bhairavi roopa, Vaishnavi Roopa along with Shiva Vishnu and other Devathas and Goddess and other Devathas prays to Lord Shiva. Sri Swamiji sings a Bhajan:"Kolapuri Chakra Rajam Bhaje, Mookambika Chakra Rajam bhaje" After Mahishasura was killed and Goddess came to be called Mahishasuramardini, Lord Shiva pleased asked Her to ask for a boon and She requests Him to merge in the Srichakra yantra he created. Hence, in Kolapuri, this Srichakra Yantra is a specialty as He Himself resides in it. It is in Shiva Shakti merged form. If you recite once the word 'Kolapuri' it is enough to destroy sins. The Devathas now turned their attention towards the demon Kamhasura who was doing penance in 'Rishyamooka' mountains and they prepared to wage war and kill him. At the same time, pleased with the penance of the demon, Lord Shiva also goes to Rishyamooka. In the meantime, Devathas pray to Goddess Mahalakshmi who was in Kolapur to do something before Lord Shiva grants boon to the demon. Then Goddess Mahalakshmi makes him dumb so that he is not able to express his wish. When Lord Shiva asks him to utter his wish, he is unable to do so and the demon comes to know of the cheat these devathas had done for him. He comes to fight against Mother Goddess. Now that her son has come to her place to fight against her, she also had to fight and kill him and gives him 'Moksha' also. Since she made the demon 'mooka' (dumb) She came to be called 'Mookambika'. Those who possess 'tamasik' qualities pray to this Goddess Mookambika, the 'vak' ashuddhi, (impurity of speech, i.e uttering bad/slang language, and abusing others) will get destroyed. That is why the presence of this Sri Yantra in Kolapuri is specially auspicious and those who worship this Sri Yantra will be bestowed with all auspices and prosperity. "Jayalakshmi Talli Janani Mahamaye Nijamuga ....."At this stage Sri T.R.Krishnappa wanted a clarification about the verse: "Sarva Mangala Mangalye Shive Sarvartha Sadhike Sharanye Tryambake Gowri Narayani Namosthute" Sri Swamiji explained the meaning of the above verse as follows: Of the Navadurga forms of Devi Narayani is one of the forms. This 'Narayani' is interpretted in many ways; viz. 1. She is in the Mother's form for Narayana; hence She is Narayani; 2. Who resides in the heart of Vishnu i.e. Sree nivasa His Heart is the residence for Mahalaxmi'' 3. Since She resides inside the heart She was called Sridevi and hence called Narayani; As we address Goddess Mother as Laxmi Narayana so do we call her Narayani also; Just like Laxminarayana, Parvathi Parameswara-in these names Mother Godess's name comes first, like that Narayani Herself is the Mother; One who resides in the heart of Narayana is one of the meanings; Since She resides in the heart of Narayana ; in the hearts of Nara and Narayana, Narayana in the form of Nara; So when she resides in Narayana, there is no Narayana , She is Narayani only; When Sridevi is in the heart of Narayana, She becomes Narayani only; In the Nama "Srinivasa" though they call it Vishnu's name there is no Vishnu's name actually as Sri or Sree means Lakshi, Jaganmate Nivasa means to reside ; so the meaning is Residence of Lakshmi; there is no Vishnu's name there. Sri means sampath or wealth, it is 'Jnana sampath' (wealth of Knowledge); Which is Jnana Sampath? It means the One who resides in poornaswaroopa in the microcosm as well as macrocosm; who is in the indivisible form; and this is 'sampath' (wealth) Sri is this 'sampath' and is not 'stree' (woman) as understood generally. So Sree/Sri is 'sampath' and when we say "Srinivasa', the one who has covered both the microcosm and macrocosm; Sri is the heart of Narayana, hence She is Narayani; the One who resides in all forms and in all names, 'Shive" one who destroys sins; 'Sarvartha sadhike" means who creates the universal matter , who also does the dissolution and again does the creation. That is we are referring to creation and dissolution; Here it engulfs wider meaning viz. She is both creation and dissolution; there is 'paramartha' also; She is Brahma, Chaitanya and Brahmanda swaroopa, Poorna swaroopa means minus zero. 'Sharanye' means I am merging with Such a Jaganamata; second meaning is that I am surrendering to Her; another meaning is that Such a Mother of Universe is protecting me ; also means I am protected; another meaning is that there actual exists no separation; - She is protecting those who are surrendering to Her; 'Gowri' means 'auspicious' 'Mangalye' means the First born, the first that came out of the creation; 'Shive Mangalye' means She is Swarna Gowri (Swarna means gold); also means the first born out of the nature 'prakriti' When earth was created or came into existence the first 'Loharasa' i.e. metallic extract that came first is 'gold' hence She is 'Swarna Gowri' ; the whole universe which is under Her control; and hence She is both 'Prakriti' and 'Purusha' ; She is also 'prakriti mata' that means Mother of nature; She is Mother of Narayana, resides in the heart of Narayana and hence Narayani and we bow/prostrate to such 'Narayani'.JAI GURU DATTA

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