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Homa: About different Homas and their purpose - Part One

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I would like to take this opprtunity to explain few basic steps of

diferent types of Homa and I hope you will enjoy the article. This

is part one ,I will post on each Homa accordingly.





Homa: About different Homas and their purpose



Homas are powerful ancient fire rituals that have been performed in

India by the Vedic sages for over 5000 years. Sri Krishna in

Bhagavad Gita quotes, " This creation is a yagna " . Yagna also means

sacrifice and by this he meant that creation is an eternal flow of

birth and death; it is a sacrifice where one's death gives way for

the birth of another, continuously, something gets sacrificed for

something to arise. This is how the Vedas interpret the creation and

in the purview of the Vedas, the homa is but a miniature model of

this Universal Sacrifice. As a sadhaka participates with all his

heart and as various offerings like molten butter, herbs, sticks of

certain trees are offered into the sacrificial fire along with the

powerful chanting of mantras, the energy generated enables the

sadhaka to tune into the Cosmic consciousness or God whereby his

prayers are answered. It is well known that the presence of fire has

an immediate bearing on the sadhaka's Kundalini and the energy

fields of that place which makes prayer all the more easier. The

time taken to perform a homa can be anything between 1hr. to 3hrs

depending on the nature of the homa. Certain homas include certain

rituals while certain others include a different set of rituals.


Who can benefit from a homa? Anybody can have a homa performed in

his/her name. All that is needed is the name and age of the person,

his/her specific problem. The more clearly the crisis is mentioned,

prayer becomes more specific and divine grace also flows in better.

Homas can act across time and space because even as the performer

mentally holds the picture of the client and performs the homa, the

client would feel the effects. It is indeed good if the client were

to be physically present but if not possible, a photograph would

serve the purpose. It is anyway good if the also the client were to

sit in meditation wherever he/she is as the homa is performed.


About the different homas:


Sudharshana Homa - overall success

This homa is generally performed to accomplish any task successfully

and also for prosperity. Other benefits include removal of negative

energies, healing of the body and mind. This is a very powerful homa

and a corporation aspiring for overall growth and success can opt

for this homa. This homa also has a yantra (the yantra is a copper

plate with special sacred symbols) that has the power to dispel all

negative thoughts and attract positive thoughts essential for



Lakshmi Kubera Homa - financial success

This homa is a prayer for the financial well being of a person or a

corporation. A corporation looking for greater economic development

must go in for this homa.


Navagraha Homa - flaws in the horoscope

This homa has the power to counter flaws in the horoscope and enable

a person to prosper in life in case astrological defects are the

main blocks to his well-being. The homa is done to worship the nine

planets i.e. The Sun, The Moon, The Mars, The Mercury, The Jupiter,

The Venus, The Saturn, The Rahu, and The Ketu. Every planet has its

own importance. Sun is the king of planets which gives health. Moon

is the planet which rules over mind and gives success. Mars or

Mangala is the planet which gives prosperty and wealth. Mercury is

the planet which gives knowledge, Jupiter gives education, Venus

gives the knowledge of art, music etc. Saturn gives happiness and

also teaches vairagya. Rahu makes the life stronger. Ketu prospires

the family.


Gayatri Homa - bad karma

This homa liberates us from negative karmas and past life vasanas.

Liberates us from all karma bandhanas that affects our growth in

health and wealth. It helps in setting right our relationship with

family and society. Helps us to achieve high goals. The deity

Gayatri is propitiated in India for centuries when it comes to inner

awakening which the Hindus call `the rebirth of a person'. The

Gayatri mantra has the potential to sever all karmic ties that

hinder a person's awakening. Awakening or rebirth is not just

restricted to the spiritual realm alone. A spiritual seeker can

benefit from this homa. But a person for whom negative karma or for

whom the past has been very negative and is inturn overpowering his

present life, can benefit out of this homa as it is concerned with

rebirth. Past life Vasanas is the karma that is carried over from

past lives. Karma bandhanas means, Karmic bondages that bind a

person. To a large extent, karma is accumulated in relationships and

hence when one sets right his relationships within his family and

with his society, the karmic burden naturally comes down. The homa

is helping us to have positive relationships with our family and

society, and it assists us in reaching high goals.


Dhanvanthri Homa - healing

Yes, it is true that in certain cases, this homa has healed diseases

for which no doctor could offer cure because they couldn't diagnose

in the first place. This homa is dedicated to the Indian God of

medicine, Dhanavantri who is also the origin of the Indian form of

medicine, Ayurveda.


Vidya Homa - for students

This is a homa that would specifically benefit students as the

mantra of this homa directly affects the agneya chakra which is the

seat of intelligence and knowledge. Durga homa: This is a homa

specifically to cleanse negative energies (thoughts, fear, etc.) The

main deity is the goddess Durga, who is worshipped for ages when it

comes to protection from evil forces and destruction of evil forces.


Kritya Pariharana Homa - black magic

This homa is only to redeem an individual or a family from the evil

effects of black magic, voodoo etc. This homa is never performed

commonly and if performed, it requires the person to be directly

present for it. Also, this homa bears maximum effect only if it were

to be performed at the client's residence.


Mangala Samskarana Homa - auspicious events

This homa paves way for any auspicious event in life. Mainly it

generates auspicious vibrations; it cleanses the atmosphere

(physically & psychically). In a family, the person who is ripe in

age and seeks a peaceful end can pray for that in the course of this



Maha Devi Homa - marriage and partner

This is specifically dedicated to clear the path of person who wants

to get married. It also generates auspicious vibrations, which

attract good alliances and ensure a happy marriage. This homa can

also be performed to be blessed with children and to ensure

longevity of your life-partner.


Vasthu Homa - Vasthu (or Vastu or Vaastu)

This homa is to appease the forces that control the flow of energies

in a house, office or anywhere. This homa has to also be accompanied

with other means of Vastu correction, which differ from place to

place. The period of effect of this homa will directly be linked to

the karma of a person. The lesser the karma, Vastu problems can be

cleared faster and forever this homa must be repeated after a period

of a year in order to recharge the energies in the place.. A plan of

the house would indeed be helpful but even otherwise it would do.


Aayushya Homa - anniversaries

Basically meaning, `Homa for Longevity'. This is performed during

all anniversary functions like birth anniversary, marriage

anniversary etc. This homa is a prayer for the healthy long life of

the client.


Punyahavachana homa - naming

This is actually done during the naming ceremony after child birth.

The giving of a name is a very ceremonious event because that

becomes the identity of the child thereafter. This homa is for

sanctifying that purpose. This homa can also be performed by someone

who wishes to change his/her name at a latter stage in life.


Durga Homa - negative energies

Removes various forms of negative energies that can create negative

thoughts, fears etc. Can prevent from actions causing bad karma and

gives self-confidence.


Ganapathi homa - overcome hindrance

This homa is done before starting any new task or project. It will

ensure that goals are attained without any hindrance.

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