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Brahmacahri Anushtanam

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Brahmacahri Anushtanam


Brahamacharis should do the karmas (daily) as listed below:

1. Mekala (Minji/Mounji) 2. Ajinam 3. Dhandam dharanam 4.

Samidhadhanam Story - abhivadhi list.

(Sandhya vandhanam is common for all)



Mekala (Minji) Dharna Manthram

Mekala is nothing but a rope made out of dharbhams or minji pul,

which will be very flexible and strong. It should be worn arround

the hip of the brahmachari with the below vedha manthram.



'Iyam - dhurkthadh - pariphadhamana - sarma - varuutham - punatheena:

(ha) - aagaadh. Praanapaanaabhyaam - phalam - aabharandhee - priya -

dhevaanaam - subhagha - mekhaleyam. Rudhasya - gopthree - thapasa:

(ha) - paraspee - ghnadhee - raksha:(ha) - shamaana - araathee:(hi).

Saana:(ha) - samantham - anu - paree:(hi) - bhadhrayaa -

bhartharasthe - mekhale - maarishama.



Ajina (Maan Thol) Dharna Manthram

Manthram for wearing a bit of deer's skin in their poonal.


Mithrasya - Kshakshu:(hu) - dharunam - phaleeya:(ha) - theja:(ha) -

yasasvi - sthaviram - samidhdham. Anahanasyam - vasanam - jarishnu -

pareetham - vaaji - ajinam - dhadtheham.



Dhanda Dharna Manthram

Manthram for Brahamacharis to hold a dhandam which is also known as

a small 'Arasu' stick.

Susrava:(ha) - susravasam - maakuru - yadhathvam - susrava:(ha) -

suusravaa:(ha) - asi - yevamaham - susrava:(ha) - susravaa:(ha) -

bhooyaasam - yadhathvam - susrava:(ha) - dhevaanaam - nidthigopa:

(ha) - asi - yevamaham - brahmanaanaam - brahmana:(ha) -

nidthigopa: - bhooyaasam.


Samidhadhana Manthram

Brahamacharis should do samidhadhanam everyday morning and evening.

It will be about 4 minutes.


Sound to be recordered. A small story found in the vedham about it.


Once there occured a lot of deaths due to diseases. Many brahmachari

boys in an asramam had also died. A rushi (Naaradhar) requested the

God, that " Brahmacharies are the learning students of vedham, a guru

is taking much efforts to prepare a boy. When the mruthyu (death) is

common for all, the hard developed brahmacharis also have to go die.

So there should be an exemption atleast for brahmacharis from

mruthyu " . The God asked Dharma devan who is also known as yeman,

about it. " There is no differentiation in my rule, it is common for

all, when the life span is over, I have to take out the 'life' of a

brahmachari or gruhasthan or sanyasi " , he replied. The God amended a

new exemption for brahmacharis that " You can give death to a

brahmachari on a day which he fails to do the 'Samidhadhanam' " . So,

it is must to do samidhadhanam for brahmacharis to avoid mruthyu



Things required to do 'samidhadhanam':- A small mut bowl like plate,

a bunch of dharbhams about six inches long, a small piece of

camphor, a tumbler of water. Draw a small square (may be imaginary)

measuring one foot each side in a clean place. Sit behind it towards


Samidhadhanam:- No necessary to wear pavithram. Do praanayaamam. Sri

bhagavadhagnaya 'sriman narayana preethyartham' (vadakalai)

or 'bhagavath kainkaryam' (thenkalai) 'praatha:' (in the

morning ) / 'sayam' (in the evening) samidhadhanam karishye.


Vadakalai only :- " Bhagvaneva - swasesha - bhoodhamidham -

samidhadhanakyam - karma swasmai - swapreethaye - bhagavan -

swayameva - kaarayathi " which is called 'Sadhvika dhyagam'.


Take two pieces of dharbhams and draw a line towards east at the

right end of the square, to the left of it and in the middle of the

square draw another line towards east, draw one more line at the

left end of the square to east. Now draw three more lines towards

north from the south end of the square : first at the lower end,

second at the middle, third at the top (east) end. Place the two

dharbhams in the middle of the square and sprinkle few drops of

water on it and throw it towards southwest. Now place the mut bowl

on the middle of the square. (It is better to place two three small

pieces of wood in the middle of the bowl for the beginners.) Place a

bit of camphor and light it with a fire box, start the manthram

immediately with namaskara mudhra (joining two hadns at the chest,




" Parithvaagne - parimrujami - ayushacha - dhanenacha . Supraja:(ha) -

prajayaa - bhooyasam - suveera:(ha) - veerai:(hi) - suvarcha:(ha) -

varchasa - suphosha:(ha) - poshai:(hi) - sugruha:(ha) - gruhai:(hi) -

supathi:(hi) - pathyaa - sumedha:(ha) - medhayaaa - subrahmaaa -

brahmacharibi:(hi) "


pour the water arround the bowl clockwise with your right hand.

Place two dharbhams on the agni (fire) in the bowl for each manthram

ends as 'swaaha'.


1. Agnaye - samidham - aaharsham - bruhathe - jadhavedhase -

yadthathvam - agne - samidhaaa - samidhyase - yevammam - aayusha -

varchasa - sanya - medhayaaa - prajayaaa - pasubhi:(hi) -

brahmavarchasena - annadhyena - samedhaya - swaahaaa.


2. Yedhoasi - yedhishemahi - swaahaaa.


3. Samidhasi - samedhishemahi - swaahaaa.


4. Thejosi - theja:(ha) - mayidhehi - swaahaaa.


5. Apoadhya - anvacharisham - rasena - samasrukshmahi. Payaswan -

agne - aagamam - thammaaa - sagumsruja - varchasa - swaahaaa.


6. Varchasa - sruja - prajayaacha - dhanenacha - swaahaaa.\


7. Vidhyunmeaa - indhrovidhyadh - saha - rushibhi:(hi) - swaahaaa.


8. Agnayeaa - bruhathe - naakaaya - swaahaaa.


9. Dhyava - prudhiveebhyaaam - swaahaaa.


10. Yeshaatheaa - agne - samidhu - thayaaa - vardhaswacha -

aapyaayaswacha - thayaaham - vardhamaana:(ha) - bhooyaasam -

aapyaayamaanascha - swaahaaa.


11. Yomaaagne - bhaginammm - santham - adthabhagam - chikeershathi.

Abhagamagne - thankuru - mamagne - bhaginammm - kuru - swaahaaa.


12. Samidhammaadhayaa - agne - sarva vradha:(ha) - bhooyasam -



sprinkle water arround the bowl clockwise. Put two more dharbhams in

the agni and tell:


13. Sri vishnave swaahaaa - Sri vishnave paramadhmane idham namamaa.


Stand up and chant the below 'upasthana' manthrams.


Yaththe agne - thejasthenaa - aham - thejaswee - bhooyasam.


Yaththe agne - varchasthenaa - aham - varchaswee - bhooyasam.


Yaththe agne - harasthenaa - aham - haraswee - bhooyasam.


Mayi medham - mayi prajam - mayyagni:(hi) - thejodhadthathu.


Mayi medham - mayi prajam - mayeendhra:(ha) indhriyam - dhadthathu.


Mayi medham - mayi prajam - mayisoorya:(ha) bhrajo - dhadthathu.


Agnaye nama:(ha) - manthra heenam - krya heenam - bhakthi heenam -

hudhasana - yaththudhanthu - mayadheva - paripoornam -

thadhasthudhe - prayachiththani - aseshani - thapa:(ha) - karma -

aathmakhanivai - yaani theshaam - aseshaanaam - srikrishna -

anusmaranam - param.


Do pranamam (namskaram) one time or two or four times as per your

sect. (Vada kalai two or four. Then kalai - one.)


Do abhi vadhi - then achamanam twice. .


Vadakalai boys should tell this : " bhagavaneva swasesha

bhoodhamidham samidhadhanakyam karma swasmai bhagavaan swayameva

karidhavaan " .

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