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Highest of Mantras in Hinduism With Devi Blessings for All here in the Group.

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Mantras for AssistanceThese are various gayatri mantras to the Lord and His differentexpansions and to various demigods, and the planets for particularpurposes. Chanting the following powerful mantras to the Lord and Hisincarnations will be beneficial, preferably after doing our regularworship, and especially while in the proper state of mind, and in thecalm of the early morning. You may use all of them or choosewhichever may be the most applicable for your goals.To Lord Sri Krishna, for success:Aum Devkinandanaye VidmaheVasudavaye Dhi-mahiTan No Krishnah Prachodayat To Radha, for increasing our devotionand divine love:Aum Vrashbhanujaye VidmaheKrishnapriyaye Dhi-MahiTan No Radha Prachodayat.To Lord Narasimha, to increase our

ability to help others:Aum Ugranarsinghaye VidmaheVajranakhaye Dhi-MahiTan No Narsingh Prachodayat.To Vishnu, for welfareAum Narayanaye VidmaheVasudavaye Dhi-MahiTan No Vishnu PrachadayatTo Goddess Lakshmi, for increasing wealth, luxuries, promotion,status.Aum Mahalakshmaye VidmaheVishnupriyaye Dhi-MahiTan No Lakshmih Prachodayat To Lord Rama, for security and statusAum Dashrathaye VidmaheSita Ballabhaye Dhi-MahiTan No Ramah PrachodayatTo Srimate Sita, for increasing power to work on oneself, penance,and tolerance.Aum Janaknandniye VidmaheBhumijayei Dhi-MahiTan No sita PrachodayatTo Narayana, to increase administrative powerAum Narayanaye VidmaheVasudavaye Dhi-MahiTan No Narayan PrachodayatTo Hansa, for increasing

power of discriminationAum Paramhansaye VidmaheMahahansaye Dhi-MahiTan No Hansah PrachodayatTo Hayagriva, to increase courage and remove fearAum Vanishwaraye VidmaheHayagrivaye Dhi-MahiTan No Hayagriv PrachodayatTo Ganesh, for removing obstacles:Aum Eikdantaya vidmaheVakratunaye DhimahiTan No Buddhih Pracodayat.To Lord Shiva, for easing problems, and giving peace & prosperity:Aum Pancvaktraye VidmaheMahadevaye Dhi-MahiTan No Rudra Pracodayat

To Goddess Durga, for victory over obstacles, pains & enemies:Aum Girjaye VidmaheShiv Priyaye Dhi MahiTan No Durga Pracodayat.To Brahma, for increasing productivityAum Parmeshwaraye VidmaheParatattvaye Dhi-MahiTan No Brahma PrachodayatTo Goddess Saraswati, for memory, wisdom, knowledge, and creativity:Aum Saraswateye VidmaheBrahmaputriye Dhi-MahiTan No Saraswati Pracodayat. To Indra, for security in aggressionor warAum Sahatra-Netraye VidmaheVajraastraye Dhi-MahiTan No Indrah PrachodayatTo Hanuman, for love of selfless serviceAum Anjaneyaye VidmaheMahabalaye Dhi-MahiTan No Hanuman PrachodayatTo Surya the sun deity, for freedom from diseaseAum Bhaskaraye VidmaheDivakraraye Dhi-MahiTan No Suryah Prachodayat

To Chandra the moon deity, for subduing anxiety and worriesAum Kshirputraye VidmaheAmrittattvaye Dhi-MahiTan No Chandrah Prachodayat To Yama the lord of death, forfreedom from the fear of deathAum Surya-Putraye VidmaheMahakalaye Dhi-MahiTan No Yamah Prachodayat

To Varuna, for increase of love between man & womanAum Jalbimbaye VidmaheNil-Purushaye Dhi-MahiTan No Varunah Prachodayat To Agni the fire deity, to providevitality and ojas to the body & mindAum Mahajwalaye VidmaheAgnidevaye Dhi-MahiTan No Agnih Prachodayat

To Prithvi, for stability, patience, cooperationAum Prithvidevye VidmaheShastramoortaye Dhi-MahiTan No Prithvi Prachodayat To Kam, for increase in stamina,vitality, & sexual powerAum Kamdevaye VidmahePushpvanaye Dhi_MahiTan No Kamah PrachodayatAdditional Mantrasom bhur bhuvah svahtat savitur varenyambhargo devasya dhimahidhiyo yo nah pracodayat(Rig-veda 3.62.10)This is a very important and well known Gayatri mantra, chantedsilently in the mind, three times a day. It translates as: "Let usmeditate on that worshipable effulgence of the divine sun, Savitri,who enthuses our meditation."To Ganesh for removing obstacles, a good way to start any project orritual:Ganapati Bappa MoryaPudhachya Varshi Lovkar

YaaUse this to Ganesh prayer before beginning any new project soimpediments may be removed and your endeavor may be crowned withsuccess:Om gam ganapataye namaha.Also: Om gam-gau-ganapatayeBighna-binashi ne-svahaFor one who wants wealth and prosperity, meditate on the golden colorof Ganesh and say this prayer:Om Lakshmi Ganapataye namaha.Another to Ganesh, Japa is 5,000 times a day for 25 days:Om Gang Ganapataye Namaha, Om.To Goddess Lakshmi. This mantra is said to get siddha after chantingit 108 times a day for 11 days. This mantra is never failing for onewho seeks success in business and financial prosperity, or who facesbarriers in business growth, or other obstacles to prosperity. Thismantra

is very dear to Goddess Lakshmi, who told Vasistha that, "I amvery pleased by this mantra and if any person recites this mantraeven once, I will establish myself in his home."Om Shreem Hreem Kleem ShreemLaxmirachchagachchhaMama Mandire Tishtha-Tishtha SwahaAnother mantra to Lakshmi. Shring is the seed. Japa is 100,000 timesafter which one gets the blessings of peace and prosperity.Aum Shring Hring Kleeng Maha Lakshmaye Namaha, Aum.The Shri Rigveda MahaLakshmi Devi Mantra is:Om Shrim Hrim ShrimKamale KamalalayePraseedha PraseedhaShrim Hrim Shrim OmShri Mahalakshmi Devyai namahaThe Shri Soubagya Mahalakshmi Mantra is:Om Shrim Hrim Kilm AimKamala Vasinyai SwahaAnother to

Lakshmi is:Sarva mangala mangalyesive sarvardha sadhikesaranye trayambake devinarayani namostuteTo Lord Kuvera, the treasurer of the demigods. The ancient booksrefer to this as the supreme mantra. Lord Shankara revealed itssecret to the powerful Ravana. Through its use he could create hisgolden capital and could attain supreme financial accomplishments.This mantra has been found to be powerful enough to yield beneficialresults very quickly. It becomes siddha after chanting it 108 timeseach day for 11 days. It is good for financial progress, removal ofobstacles, material happiness, home ownership, reputation, victory,longevity, etc.Om Yakshaya Kuberaya Vaishravanaya Dhana-DhanyadiPataye Dhana Dhanyadi Samruddhim MeDehi Dapaya Swaha.To Goddess Sarasvati, it is said that after japa of 500,000

times,one becomes enlightened and all knowledge is revealed. Aing is seedof the Sarasvati mantra:Aum Aing Saraswatye Namaha, Aum.Another to Sarasvati:Om Aim Shreem Hreem Saraswathi Devyai Namaha.Mantra to Lord Shiva for removing ailments and fear:Om Triyambakam YajamaheSugandhim Pushti VardhanamUrvarukamiva BandhanatMrityor Mukshiya MamritatTranslation: "We worship the Three-eyed One (Lord Shiva) who isfragrant and who nourishes well all beings, even as the cucumber issevered from bondage to the creeper."A popular mantra to Durga, japa is 500,000 times:Om Aing Hring Kleeng Chamundaye Vichchey, Om.Also: Om dung Durgaye Namaha, Om.The Shri Durga Mantra is:Om Hrim

Dhum Durga Devyai namahaA mantra for Kali, Kring is the seed of the Kali mantra. Japa is500,000 for mantra siddha:Om Kring Kalikaye Namaha, Om.The Shri Annapurna Mantra is:Om Annapurnayai namahaOm Sadapurnayai namahaThe Shri Chakra Mantra is:Om Shri Chakravasinyai namahaOm Shri Lalithambikayai namahaMantras for the Planets(Used when certain planets need to be strengthened in ourastrological chart or for general blessings)To the Sun,Japa kusuma-sankarsham kashyapeyam maha-dyutimtamo-rim sarva-papa-ghnam pranato 'smi divakaram"Let us chant the glories of the Sun god, whose beauty rivals that ofa flower. I bow to

him, the greatly effulgence son of Kashyapa, whois the enemy of darkness and destroyer of all sins."To the Moon,dadhi-shankha-tusharabham kshirodarnava-sambhavamnamami shashinam somam sambhor mukuta-bhushanam"I offer my obeisances to the Moon god, whose complexion resemblescurds, the whiteness of conch shells, and snow. He is the rulingdeity of the soma-rasa born from the Ocean of Milk, and he serves asthe ornament on top of the head of Lord Shambhu."To Venus for creativity and success in such things as trading in themarkets:hima-kunda-mrnalabhamdaityanam paramam gurumsarva-shastra-pravaktarambhargavam pranamamy aham"I offer my obeisances to the descendant of Bhrigu Muni (Venus),whose complexion is white like a pond covered with ice. He is thesupreme spiritual master of the demoniac enemies of the

demigods, andhas spoken to them all the revered scriptures."To Mars,dharani-garbha-sambhutim vidyut-kanti-samaprabhakumaram shakti-hastam cha mangalam pranamamy aham"I offer my obeisances to Sri Mangala, god of the planet Mars, whowas born from the womb of the earth goddess. His brilliant effulgenceis like that of lightening, and he appears as a youth carrying aspear in his hand."To Mercury,priyangava-gulikashyam rupena pratimambadamsaumyam saumya-gunopetam tam budham pranamamy aham"I bow down to Buddha, god of the planet Mercury, whose face is likea fragrant globe of the priyangu herb and whose beauty matches thatof a lotus flower. He is most gentle, possessing all attractivequalities."To Jupiter,devanam cha rishinam cha gurum

kanchana-sannibhambuddhi-bhutam tri-lokesham tam namami brihaspatim"I bow down to Brihaspati, god of the planet Jupiter. He is thespiritual master of all the demigods and sages. His complexion isgolden, and he is full of intelligence. He is the controlling lord ofall three worlds."To Saturn,nilanjana-samabhasam ravi-putram yamagrajamchaya-martanda-sambhutam tam namami shanaishcharan"I bow down to slow moving Saturn, whose complexion is dark blue likenilanjana ointment. The elder brother of Lord Yamaraja, he is bornfrom the Sun-god and his wife Chaya."To Rahu,ardha-kayam mahim-viryam chandraditya-vimardanamsimhika-garbha-sambhutam tam rahum pranamamy aham"I offer my obeisances to Rahu, born from the womb of Simhika, whowas only half a body yet possesses great power, being able to subduethe Sun and

Moon."To Ketu,palasa-puspa-sankasam taraka-graha-mastakamraudram raudratmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamamy aham"I offer my obeisances to the violent and fearsome Ketu, who isendowed with the potency of Lord Shiva. Resembling in his complexionthe flower of a palasa plant, he serves as the head of the stars andplanets."The highest spiritual mantra for all purposes:Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare HareHare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

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