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108 names of Ganesha

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108 Names of lord Ganesha






















- One With Mouse As His Charioteer

Lord Ganesha, with a huge body, has a small mouse as his charioteer. The

hugeness matters little when the study of life principles is considered. The

soul may be the greatest or the smallest. This represents life in its totality

and Lord Ganesha is suggestive of these cosmic aspects.


- The Eternal

By whose puissance this world of illusion is manifest, whose creation is this

universe, who is the Lord of all gods and creation, he is the Eternal, Lord Ganesha.



- One Who Has No Comparison

Ganesha is the embodiment of 'OM',

the symbol of the Great God. He is the Eternal Sprit, the Beginning of all

beginnings, beyond comparison.


- Infinite and Consciousness Personified

He who is the root cause of the worlds, who is uniquely manifest in the hearts

of all, can be realised only by concentrated meditation. Lord Ganesha, the

Infinite, is beyond distinctions and beginning.

Avaneesh - Master of the Whole Earth


As a rotund, elephant-faced figure, Lord Ganesha is the Lord and Master of the

whole Earth. Heis the protector of the visible world and leader of the

helpless, destroying all evil and obstacles.


- Without Obstacles

The mighty, massive Ganesha, mounted on his vehicle, bestows everything desired

if his devotees chant his name with fervour and devotion. He is also

responsible in keeping away all obstacles from their path.


- The Beloved Child

Lord Ganesha is adored by all the gods, even by the four-faced Brahma, and Lord

Indra. As the elephant- faced child, he is the colour or the rays of the rising



- Sporting The Moon Crest

A moon crest adorns the forchead of Lord Ganesha. It denotes a pot of nectar,

providing divine coolnes to the wearer. It is also denotes intelligence and

mental enlightenment, the moon being the symbol of mind and peace.


- Gigantic

The massive Lord Ganesha reposes on the jewelled throne with the snare, the

hamulus and the lotus flower in his hands. On his forehead reposes the moon. He

is four armed, has a single tusk, a trunk askew, a pot belly and he is



- Lord of the Lords

Bhoopati, also called Ganapati, is the Lordof the lords, the Master of the

ganas or celestial hordes. He is worshipped by Brahma himself and is worshipped

in all the three worlds.


- Lord of the Lords

Bhoovanpati is the Great God Himself to whom even the Trinity - Vishnu the

Protector, Shiva the Destroyer and Brahma the Creater - pay obeisance and

propitiate Him to save the world from evil.


- Lord of Wisdom

Lord Ganesha, the Lord of wisdom, is the repository of all knowledge. His

illimitable erudition makes even Goddess Saraswati and Sage Narada bow their

heads in awe.


- Bestower of Knowledge

Buddhipriya, the repository of knowledge, bestows guileless discreation to the

worshipper. As ruler of the Mooladhara Chakra or plexus, he arouses a person's

latent energy or life force to take him to the Divine Light.


- God Of Wisdom

By chanting Lord Ganesha,s name day in and day out, one gets richer by imbibing

all knowledge and wisdom from him, who is of enlightened heart and unwavering



- Four-Armed

The four-armed Ganesha is an embodiment of truth, discreation, having control

over money power and bondage. These four arms represent the four castes:

Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishys and Shudra, symbolically indicating his divinity.


- Lord of All Lords

Lord Ganesha is the Master of all. He is always worshipped in the three worlds

by all, and is the first to be reverenced among the celestials.


- Destroyer of Demons

Lord Ganesha, the destroyer of evils, slew the powerful demons, re-establishing

righteousness and peace in the three worlds.


- Accepter of All Penances

The elephant-faced Ganesha is propitiated by all as He is Auspiciousness

personified. he is the granter of boons and responds to penances of his



- Protector Of the Gods

Lord Ganesha, Protector of the gods, is their beloved. With a large form, who

has the mouse as his vehicle, he is the embodiment of peace and tranquillity -

the giver of peace to all.

Dharmik - One Who Favours Charity


The Great Lord Ganesha is gentle, forgiving and compassionate. He likes to prod

man with his goad to the path of righteousness and truth so that he can leara

to be charitable.


- Smoke-Coloured Body

The smoke-hued Ganesha is the beloved Lord of gods and mortals. His body is

sometimes compared with a red lotus. His hands are ornamented with gem-studded

bangles and his whole smoke-coloured image is enchanting.


- The Invincible

Lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced, pot-bellied Lord is Infinite Strength and

Power personified. He is deathless, has no beginning or end - he is invincible.



- Son of Two Mothers

Goddess Parvati created a child from the perspiration that came off her body.

Shelowered him into the River Ganga and he grew into a large being. Both

Parvati and Ganga

claimed to be his mother.


- Of The Single Syllable

Lord Ganesha is the symbol of a single syllable 'OM',

the symbol of the great God. He is also known aas Pranava, the sound from which

the world emanated.


- He Of Single Tusk

The rorund, massive Ganesha sports a single tusk, a broken one, which

symbolises him as beyond the rules of cosmic orderliness, as he is the cosmas

itself. The broken tusk represents the shedding of the ego.


- Single-Tusked

The single-tusked Ganesha stands for one direction. He gathers information from

various directions, but having decided his course of direction, he does not

waver. The single tusk represents the non-dualistic nature of reality.


- Son Of Shiva

Lord Ganesha is the elder son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Heis the

elephant-faced son, having a simple broken tusk and trunk that is askew. He is

the delight of them.


- Wielder Of The Mace

As Gadadhara, Lord Ganesha wields powerful weapons for destroying demons of

evil. The gada or mace is the divine weapon used to wipe out evil and slay the



- Elephant-Eyed

The elephane-eyed Ganesha is the embodiment of goodness and virtue, his size

belying his non-violent nature. The small eyes radiate wisdom and compassion,

powerful, yet gentle.


- Elephant-Faced

Lord Ganesha in the form of Gajanana, with an elephant face, is deemed to be a

very auspicious symbol, warding off possible mishaps and troubles. he stands

for power and strength.


- Elephant-Faced

The elephant-faced Lord Ganesha is one-tusked, has a large body with a huge

belly, and is capable of destroying all obstacles.


- Elephant Trunk

Ganesha with his twisted trunk is symbolic of his vast knowledge and powers of

discrimination, vital for spiritual progress. The curved trunk is shaped like 'OM',

also symbolic of the life force energy.


- Elephant-Mouthed

The elephant-mouthed Ganesha is very fond of sweets. With a huge belly

signifying wealth and the modaka sweet in his hand, symbolic of the realised

Inner Self, he persoifies love.


- Lord Of The Celestial HordesB

Lord Ganesha is the Chief of the group of gods, the celestials. He is the Lord

of all he surveys, the Master of the earth, the universe, the cosmos, all



- Lord Of The Celestials

Lord Ganesha is the Lord of the gods and is the beloved of all. As the Chief

and Supreme God among gods, he is worshipped by all.

Ganapati - Lord Of The Ganas


Lord Ganesha is also called Ganapati, the Lord of the celestial hordes. He is

the Supreme Deity, Lord Almighty, who rules over the entire kingdom of the



- Son Of Gauri

Gauri is another name of Goddess Parvati. Gaurisuta is Lord Ganesha, the deft

son of Gauri. He enlightens and causes his mother's face to blossom with his

love and devotion.


- Lord Of All Virtues

Gunina, the Lord of all virtues, is Grace personified, making everything

auspicious. His immense grace and radiance is supreme and ethereal, and is

adored by one and all.


- The Golden One

Lord Ganesha, although smoke-coloured, is the Golden One, as he has a moon

crest on his forehead, a sacred thread in the form of a serpent round his body,

cheeks anointed with a vermilion paste, glowing golden like the rays of the



- Beloved Of The Mother

Lord Ganesha is Heramba, the fire-headed Protector of the weak. He is his

mother's beloved, and is her protector.


- Tawny-Coloured

The tawny-coloured elephant-faced Ganesha is the God of wisdom who teaches that

the path of sucess and achievement is through the use of intellect, and that

through wisdom alone can one reach salvation.


- Lord Of Poets

Ganesha is the Lord of wisdom from whom emanates knowledge that is divine. All

poets invoke his grace before picking up their pens, for he is the Lord of

poets from whose divine pen flow divine words.


- Lover Of Music

Lord Ganesha is Nada Brahman, Lord of music. He is the repository of knowledge

and a mine of virtues from whom emanates illimitable erudition, and cosmic

music and rhythm.


- Son Of Parvati

Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shankar and Goddess Parvati. He is the

playfully deft son and is adored by his parents. He enlightens and causes his

mother's face to blossom with love for him.


- Moon-Complexioned

He who is attired in a white garment abnd who is all-pervading, is Lord

Ganesha, the elephant-faced Lord with a moon - complexion that glows brightly,

indicating mental enlightenment, the moon being the symbol of peace.


- Lord Of The Universe

Lord Ganesha is the Supreme Reality, the Atman of all. He is the witness of all

that is happening in the world. He is the Lord of the universe, the Supreme

Being who has no beginning, who has no end.


- Accepter of Sacrificial Fires

The clam and majestic Ganesha, with the strength and power of an elephant, is the

Lord of the universe. He evokes great love and accepts the sacrificial fires

offered to him by gods and mortals.


- Who Is Merciful

Lord Ganesha, as Kripakaram, wavy with profound kindness, is the sea exhibited

by his eyes. He is ever merciful and the beacon of divine light.


- Black-Yellowish-Brown-Eyed

Lord Ganesha, whose eyes radiate power, compassion, wisdom and love, is

omnipotent and infinite. His small eyes dazzle with the exuberance of the light

of a million sun.


- Adobe Of Forgiveness

Constant and regular chanting of Lord Ganesha's name is a sure path for

atomement of sins. He is the adobe of forgiveness, the seat of compassion, and

most forgiving. Repose faith in him and he will protect you.

Kshipra - Quick-Acting


Handsome of appearance and red in colour like the hibiscus flower, he holds his

broken tusk, noose, goad, and sprig of the wish-fulfilling tree in his hands

and a pot of precious gems in his trunk


- Large-Eared

The large-eared Ganesha is a mine of information gathered from all directions.

His large ears are used for winnowing information, retaining only the



- Huge-Bellied

The big-bellied Ganesha is the symbolof the whole universe - all that is

conceivable in the whole cosmos - from which all events of the world emerge. It

is symbolic of his capacity to assimilate the whole information.


- Extremely Strong

Lord Ganesha, with his huge body, is symbolic of the cosmos or the universe. He

is extremely strong and powerful, endowed with intellectual prowess.


- The Omnipotent And All-Powerful

Lord Ganesha, the Almighty, the Supreme Infinite, is omnipotent and all

powerful. His infinite form is beyond man's comprehension, and is limitless.


- Lord Of The Universe

Maheshwaram, from whom the universe is born, is the Eternal Brahman. All the

elements - earth, fire, air, water and ether - are manifest in him. He is the

Supreme Lord of the universe.


- The Auspicious

Lord Ganesha is the personification of all that is auspicious. He who was

worshipped by Lord Shiva before his vanquishing Tripurasur, by Lord Vishnu

before his tying of Bali

in the rope, by Lord Brahma before creating the world, by Parvati before her

slaying the demon Manisha, is Mangalamoorti.


- Conqueror Of One's Heart

Lord Ganesha is the God of all people, big and small, educated and illiterate.

He is compassionate and forgiving, wise and intellectual. With his huge body,

gentle eyes and calm countenance, he fills one's heart with love.


- Deathless

The Infinite Lord Ganesha has no beginning or end. He is deathless and the root

cause of the creation. He is the embodiment of 'OM',

the symbol of the Great God who has no end and is invincible.


- Abode Of Joy

Lord Ganesha is the home of Siddhi and Buddhi, the repository of knowledge and

the adobe of joy. He bestows happiness and welfare to all.


- Giver Of Eternal Peace

Muktidaya is Lord Ganesha who grants security to his devotees, thereby

providing eternal peace. He destroys all the obstacles that one may face when

entreated by his devotees.


- He With The Mouse As His Vehicle

Lord Ganesha, with his massive body, favours the mouse as his beloved vehicle.

The mouse, known to cause great havoc, is kept under the control of Ganesha by

Serving as his vehicle.


- Lover Of Music

Lord Ganesha is symbolic of the music and rhythm of the cosmos. He loves music

and some times a veeena is one of the attributes seen in his hands. He is the

patron of music and dance.


- Destroyer Of All Sins

Lord Ganesha is the sea-fire to end the sea. He purges the devotees of all sins

by and impieties by his holy fire.


- Son Of Lord Shiva

Nandana, son of Lord Shiva, is the mind-born son of Lord Shiva, or, as

popularly believed, the creation of Parvati. He is the elder son od Shankara,

and the belovedof his mother, Uma.


- Master Of All Kinds Of Treasures

Lord Ganesha, the repository of knowledge, is adorable, with his plump body,

his tusk broken and single. His is the Lord of all wealth - material as well as

spiritual - endowed with intrinsic qualities that command the respect of all.


- One Who Sits Like A Rock

Lord Ganesha is Infinite and Consciousness personified, solid and unwavering

like a rock, who is unshakeable, Invincible, the seat of infinite power, the

pure essence of luminous mind.


- Wearer Of Yellow Clothes

Lord Ganesha, who wears clothes of white and yellow, personifies purity and uniqueness.

With a deep knowledge of the self, he is the eternal sprit who is changeless

yet causes change all around.

Pramod - Lord Of The Place

As Pramod, Lord Ganesha is the only refuge of the shelterless as he is Lord of

the place. He is the Lord of the gods, the repository of wisdom, the seat of

spiritual awakening, from whom creation has


- One Who Holds the First Place


Lord Ganesha, the eternal spirit, the Brahman, is the God of Auspiciousness,

holding the first place. He is the Beginning of all beginnings, worshipped by

Mahesha and other gods.


- The Supreme Authority

Lord Ganesh is Purush, the Supreme Authority. He is the Omniscient Lord

Almighty who rules over the entire universe. He is the Ultimate Reality, the

One Truth, the Manifest Spirit.


- Red-coloured

Lord Ganesha's body hue is compared to the red lotus and his tusk to the

vermilion blood marks when it is thrust into his enemies for destruction.


- Beloved Of Shiva

Lord Ganesha, the beloved son of Shiva, is the Master of all, whose virtuous

qualities are orisoned by even the creator, Brahma. He is Shiva's revered and

noble son.


- Accepter Of Celestial Offerings

As Lord of the gods, Lord Ganesha is happy to accept the loving offerings of

the celestials. They adore and worship him, and as their master, and he bestows

his grace on them.


- Lord Of All

As Vinayaka, Lord Ganesha is the Supreme Leader of all, being endowed with

special qualities. He is the Chief of all the celestial demi-gods, and is ever

adored by them.


- Giver Of Frame And Glory

Lord Ganesha is worshipped by both the devas and the asuras, for he is the Lord

of the gods. He gives prosperity, fame and glory to all the worlds, shining

with a lustrous glow.


- The Popular

The pot-bellied, askew-trunked single-tusk Ganesha is popularly the beloved of

all. He is the subject of those who sing his praise, the jewel from whose face

flows nectar.


- Lover Of Meditation

Lord Ganesha is the fountainhesd of wisdom, the Great God, that Eternal Truth,

that Eternal Reality. His name is chanted at the beginning and end of

meditation at all times.


- Provider Of Adeptness To His Disciples

The repository of wisdom and knowledge, Lord Ganesha bestows success onhis

devotees. He who chants his name continually will be sure of being blessed with

the ability to be adept in all his actions.


- Blesser Of The Universe

He who dwells in every heart in asecret manner, by whose command this entire

world exists, who is Infinite and the Enlighter of the hearts, by knowledgw, he

is Sarvatman, Lord Ganesha.


- Large-Eared

Lord Ganesha is the Lord with large ears. These large ears serve the purpose of

gathering information from alll possible directions. Like a winnowing basket,

His ears are receptive and attuned to every mortal's cry of woe or praise.


- One Who is Auspicious

A prayer to Lord Ganesha precedes all worship for he is auspicious and nothing

can take place without invoking his name. For, he is the remover of obstacles

in one's path, and the guarantor of success in all ventures.


- Mine Of All Virtues

Lord Ganesha is the Lord of all treasures and virtues, symbolic of perfection

and infinite beauty he is compassionate, forgiving, endearing and protector of

all that is good.


- White Colour

The huge-bellied Lord Ganesha, with an elephant face, a single-tusk which is

askew, has his body and clothes white, being worshipped on the shore of ocean

of milk with white flowers. His face beams the beatitude.

Siddhidhata - Bestower Of Success


The chanting of Lord Ganesha's name will pay rich dividends in the form of

being bestowed with success. The Lord is the bestower of the desired abilities.


- Bestower Of Boons

Siddipriya is Lord Ganesha who grants the desires and boons of his devotees.

Being compassionate and large-hearted the elephant-faced Ganesha fulfils the

wishes of workshippers.


- Bestower Of Success

Lord Ganesha's huge pot-belly is symbolic of wealth and success. He bestows

both on his devotees, being the kind and compassionate Lord who grants them

boons and showers them with success.


- Older Than Skanda

Ganesha is the older son od Shiva and Parvati, and brother of SKanda (Karthik).

He is the destroyer of the asura's pride, and protector of the weak and

helpless. He protects and loves his brother SKanda.


- Of Auspicious And Pleasant Visage

His strange visage is in the form of 'OM'

the sound symbolic of the cosmos in its entirely. He is the symbol of



- Lords Of All The Gods

Sureshwaram is Lord Ganesha as Head of the ganas or celestials. He is the

Being, the Foremost Being, the very cause of the creation of the cosmos Lord



- Lover Of Beauty

Lord Ganesha, the Master of resourcefulness and prefection in all spheres, is a

lover of beauty. His awkward body signifies that outward form has no connection

with inner beauty and spiritual prefection.


- The Youthful

The youth Ganesha, ever youthful, is Wisdom personified. His huge body takes on

the colour of red like the noonday sun, depicting the strength of youth.

Uddanda - The Punisher of Evil


Uddanda is Lord Ganesha as punisher of evil. He also forgives those who seek

his pardon. He is the vanquisher of demons and remover of all obstacles.


- Son Of Uma

Uma, another name of Pravati, desired to have a son. Lord Shiva granted her

wish and Ganesha took form. He is the beloved son of Uma, her delight, and

obedient servant, ever ready to serve her.


- Askew-Trunked

Lord Ganesha, the single-tusked one, is attribute with an askew proboscis or

trunk, which symbolises power, capable of destroying all obstacles and evil.


- Bestower Of Boons

Ganesha is the bestower of all fruits of desire and granter of all adeptness

that his workshippers seek. He is magnanimous and forgiving, being a wealth of

knowledge and wisdom.


- Granter Of Boons

ord ganesha grants boona to his devotees. He is most efficacious. He gives

knowledge to tha seeker of wisdom, prosperity to those desiring wealth. issues

to the childless, and guidance of spirtual libration.


- Bestower Of Bounty And Success

The massive Ganesha, the granter of boon to his devotees, is the guarantor of

success in all ventures. His devotees need never fear failure. As the

benefactor of his devotees, he is greatly abored by them.


- The Valiant Warrior

The red-complexioned Ganesha is sometimes attributed with eight pairs of arms,

holding a bow, arrow, goblin, spear, hammer, mace, pick-axe, serpent, banner,

trident, discus, good, noose, battle-axe, sword and shield all signs of a

valiant warrior.


- Respository Of All Knowledge

Lord Ganesha is the God of wisdom. He incinerates ignorance by his divine fire

and enlightens by his knowledge. He is a goldmine of knowledge and wisdom.

Vignahara - Destroyer Of Evils


Vignahara is Lord Ganesha, who like a vigorous wind, scatters away and destroys

the dark clouds of evils. His name's ever recollection removes all sins.


- Destroyer Of Obstacles

Lord Ganesha is a veritable sceptre that destroys all obstacles. He is the

destroyer of multitudes of obstacles, destroyer of all afflictions.


- Destroyer Of Obctacles

The askew-trunked Ganesha, also called vighnanashin, is the destroyer of all

impediments. He is the destroyer of darkness created by obstacles.


- Lord Of All Obstacles

The veritable sceptre to destroy all objects, Lord Ganesha is invincible. He is

the inimitable jungle fire who destroys the jungle of troubles for his

devotees. He is the destroyer of multitudes of obstacles.


- Lord Of All Obstacles

The noble Ganesha is the king of all factors causing obstacles. He causes

obstacles for the demons and enemies, causing them to stumble and be



- Destroyer Of All Afflictions

The four-armed Ganesha is sometimes attributed with eight pairs of hands that

are symbolic of destruction of evil. He protects his devotees by destroying all



- Lord Of All Obstacles

Vigneshwar, the only sun to destroy the darkness caused by obstacles, the only

fire to incinerate the jungle of impediments, the only Garuda to browbeat the

haughty snakes of troubles, is the Lord of all obstacles.


- Of The Monstrous Figure

Lord Ganesha, the most adorable one, adored by all gods, is endowed with a

huge, monstrous body, symbolising unity of the primeval forest denizen with man

combining the physical energies of mortals.




-- devishakti_india( http://spiritualhinduism.blogspot.com )

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