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NavaratriGuidance from karunamayi site

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Note: The following message is from karunamayi site and hence in the

following message Amma means " karunamayi " or goto


Navaratri Guidance


The Divine Glory of Navaratri




This entire Creation has emanated from Divine Mother Herself,

and She is constantly protecting Her creation with the utmost motherly

care and affection. At all times, Her heart is overflowing with a

cosmic flood of compassionate love for all beings, who are Her very own

children. During special times, however, Her love and blessings are

uniquely available to the world. The most special time in the entire

year for seeking Mother's blessing is known as "Navaratri."

During Navaratri, Devi is worshipped in Her three main forms as Sri

Saraswati, Sri Lakshmi Devi, and Sri Durga Devi, also known as Sri

Mahishasura Mardini. All three major forms of Divine Mother bestow

their most abundant grace during Navaratri. Thus, any meritorious acts

performed during Navaratri bring every kind of blessing, including true

devotion, spiritual wisdom, divine protection, inner peace, and radiant


In Sanatana Dharma, all festival dates are calculated according to

the lunar calendar.

Sadhana Helps Us to Receive Navaratri Blessings in Abundance

In order to receive the all-auspicious Navaratri blessings, it is

very important to perform sadhana (spiritual practices). The spiritual

practices that we do during Navaratri give us the benefits of millions

of such practices done at other times of the year. This time offers us

the chance to purify the negative karma of millions of lifetimes, such

that tremendous progress can be achieved in a few short days. That is

the glory and majesty of Navaratri, and it is a precious boon from

Divine Mother.

There are actually many ways to benefit from the profound spiritual

energy of Navaratri. Over the years, our beloved Amma has given much

advice about what one should do during Navaratri, so that we can

benefit fully from the powerful energy. Any of the practices

recommended by Amma are suitable, including meditation, mantra japa,

puja, or recitation of stotras and suktas. Although any practices

recommended by Amma would be good, prominence is generally given to

Devi mantras during Navaratri. The rest of this article is devoted to

ideas for Navaratri sadhana.

General Guidelines for Sadhana

Time of Day

- The most auspicious time of day for performing sadhana is known as

"brahmi muhurta," which occurs from 3:30 to 4:30 AM. If it is not

possible to do sadhana at this time, any time before 9 AM is also very

good. The evening time starting at dusk is also excellent for

practices. However, any time of the day becomes golden and auspicious

when we worship Divine Mother, so there's no need to worry excessively

about timing.


- It is very auspicious to take a complete bath and wash the hair

before commencing any sadhana. Clean clothes in natural fibers, like

cotton or silk, can be worn. It is very traditional to wear clothes in

bright, auspicious colors during Navaratri. Colors that are considered

especially sacred to Divine Mother include golden yellow, bright red,

emerald green, turquoise blue, and white.

Ladies who have their period during Navaratri should refrain from

visiting temples, performing puja, attending homas, or chanting out

loud during the first four days of their period. India's ancient rishis

have provided special guidance regarding this natural process, so that

women may be in tune with Mother Nature during this important time of

purification. During this time, it is very beneficial to maintain

silence, remain in semi-solitude, and do inner meditation and mental

japa of any mantra. Interactions with others should be kept to a

minimum, and ideally one would not go out in public. On the fifth day

of the period, after taking a shower, washing the hair, and putting on

fresh, clean clothes, ladies can resume their puja and chanting


Silence and Diet

- If possible, it is very, very auspicious to maintain silence during

Navaratri. Even if silence cannot be maintained for the entire nine

days, at least try to maintain silence for an hour or two in the early

morning or evening. This will enhance one's energy and increase

longevity. Try to eat sattvic vegetarian food, like rice, dal

(lentils), fruits, nuts, vegetables, and organic dairy products. This

will help the devotee to stay in a peaceful, positive frame of mind.

Offering Light

- If possible, it is very auspicious to offer light to Divine Mother

during Navaratri. Ghee lamps are ideal, as these help to purify the

atmosphere and increase sattvic vibrations. Offering light to Divine

Mother increases auspiciousness and inner light. A ghee lamp can be

placed on one's shrine during worship or meditation. If anyone is not

comfortable offering the lamps, just offer light mentally to Devi. By

offering light, we are requesting inner radiance and the light of

wisdom from Divine Mother.

Offering Food

- It is also very good to offer sattvic food items, like fruits, nuts,

or sugar candy. For those who are accustomed to offering cooked items,

rice pudding made with milk and ghee is a wonderful offering. Any food

offered to Devi becomes charged with radiant spiritual vibrations, and

whoever eats that prasadam will be blessed. By offering food, we are

giving thanks to Mother Earth as well as asking Mother to provide food

to all of Her children. When offering food, make sure to use food

containers that are not eaten from directly. Whoever distributes the

prasadam should use the right hand to offer it to devotees, and

devotees should make sure to receive the prasadam only with the right


Arati - At

the conclusion of one's practices, it is very good to perform arati

using 1, 3, 5 or 9 wicks. Any Devi slokas, mantras or stotras can be

sung during the arati. Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram is especially

auspicious during arati, and is sung during every evening arati in

Amma's Bangalore Ashram.

Sri Durga Mantras

Amma has recommended certain mantras to be chanted during Navaratri

this year. These mantras invoke the powerful blessings of Sri Durga

Devi for divine protection. This protection applies to the chanter, to

their family and community, and to the world at large, so this is an

excellent practice for universal welfare. Please see Amma's message

about Saptami and Ashtami for information on the mantras.

Sri Saraswati and Gayatri Mantras

These mantras can be chanted or repeated mentally as mental japa.

This will increase the sattvic qualities of the devotee, like inner

peace, contentment, devotion, inner purity, and mental clarity. Through

these mantras, Divine Mother bestows abundant blessings of

intelligence, good memory, creativity, and artistic talent. The mantras

can also be used in silent meditation.

If possible, chant or do meditation in front of a Sri Chakra. For

Sri Saraswati Devi's blessings, one can offer white items to a Sri

Chakra while chanting the Saraswati Mantra, like milk, raw white rice,

or white flower petals. When offering, make sure to use the thumb and

ring finger of the right hand only. Do not use the left hand.

Samputita Sri Suktam

This special hymn in honor of Sri Lakshmi Devi is an excellent

choice for chanting during Navaratri. In her recent message to devotees

about Hurricane Katrina, Amma mentioned that in ancient times, rishis

prayed to Sri Durga Devi using a special verse from Sri Chandi

Saptasati. This special verse is repeated sixteen times in Samputita

Sri Suktam, which makes it a very powerful way to invoke Divine

Mother's protection for the entire world. Samputita Sri Suktam gives

blessings for abundance, contentment, cosmic love, devotion, divine

protection, and purification of all negativity.

It is very good to chant Samputita Sri Suktam in front of a Sri

Chakra. Those who wish to worship their Sri Chakra while chanting can

offer milk, turmeric water, raw white rice grains, or flower petals

with each verse or line. When offering, make sure to use the thumb and

ring finger of the right hand only. Do not use the left hand.

Sri Devi Khadgamala Stotra Ratnam


This powerful stotram bears a special connection to the Sri Chakra, the

emblem of Divine Mother Lalita Tripurasundari. Amma has said that

chanting this stotram can give one the same peak experience derived

from ten hours of meditation. Realization can be attained very quickly

through recitation of this stotram, especially if done during Navaratri.

If possible, chant this stotram in front of a Sri Chakra. Those who

wish to worship their Sri Chakra using this stotram can offer kumkum,

turmeric, raw white rice, or flower petals while chanting the Namavali

version found in the Khadgamala Stotram chanting book. When offering,

make sure to use the thumb and ring finger of the right hand only. Do

not use the left hand.

Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram

This stotram bears an important connection with Navaratri, as it

contains the key message of Sri Chandi Saptasati. Sri Chandi Saptasati

tells the story of how Divine Mother took a physical form in order to

destroy the demon Mahishasura, who was terrorizing the entire Earth.

According to tradition, the battle happened during the nine days of

Navaratri and finally ended with Mother's victory on Vijayadasami, the

day following Navaratri.

Thus, when we perform sadhana with devotion throughout Navaratri,

Mother comes and battles all the forces of negativity in our own hearts

and minds. On Vijayadasami, She is completely victorious as we are

freed from countless millions of sins and forms of negativity. When we

chant Sri Mahishasura Mardini Stotram repeatedly throughout Navaratri,

we are asking Mother to come and destroy all of the negativity within

us. This glorious stotram has the power to destroy negativity, and it

also reduces violent and war-like tendencies in society, so it is very

beneficial to the entire world.

Sri Lalita Sahasranama

For devotees of Divine Mother Lalitambika, there is no hymn greater

than Sri Lalita Sahasranama. Those who chant this most sacred hymn

containing the thousand names of Sri Lalita Devi are assured of

liberation. The radiance attained from chanting this stotram during

Navaratri cannot be described in words. It must be experienced


It is extremely auspicious to chant or at least listen to this

stotram during Navaratri. When puja to a Sri Chakra is done using the

Namavali form of Sri Lalita Sahasranama, unimaginably powerful cosmic

vibrations will surround the worshipper, bringing every kind of

blessing. Amma has asked her children to try to chant this stotram at

least once during Navaratri. Those who have not learned to chant this

stotram can at least listen to it and meditate on Divine Mother in the

form of an unbounded ocean of pure, motherly love.

If possible, chant this stotram in front of a Sri Chakra. Those who

wish to offer worship can offer kumkum, turmeric, white rice, or flower

petals while chanting the Namavali version. When offering, make sure to

use the thumb and ring finger of the right hand only. Do not use the

left hand.

Special Days During Navaratri

Lalita Panchami -

This day is generally dedicated to Sri Lalita Devi, as the number five

is often associated with Her, since She manifests in the form of the

pancha maha bhutas (five great elements). These five elements--earth,

water, air, fire, and space--are the very form of Divine Mother.


Saptami -

This day is very powerful for Sri Saraswati Devi's blessings. If

possible, it is excellent to make different kinds of white offerings to

Sri Saraswati Devi on this day. For example, one could offer cow's

milk, raw white rice, white flower petals, white sandalwood paste,

pudding made with milk and rice, or pearls. These offerings can be made

to a murti of Saraswati Devi, or they can be made to one's Sri Chakra.

If possible, one can offer ghee lamps while making the offerings, and

also offer arati using seven wicks.



- This day is dedicated to Sri Durga Devi. When worshipped, She comes

and stands guard over Her devotee with Her powerful trident. This day

is extremely powerful for destroying negative tendencies, and it is the

most auspicious day of Navaratri.



- Vijayadasami is the Day of Spiritual Victory, and it is the most

auspicious day of the lunar calendar.


This most auspicious day celebrates the occasion of Divine Mother's

victory over all forces of evil. It is dedicated to Sri Chamundeswari

Devi, or our Supreme Mother Sri Lalitambika Devi. On this day, Sri

Devi's full cosmic radiance descends upon the Earth, drenching everyone

with Her supreme motherly love and compassion.

Let Us All Pray for Universal Welfare

This Navaratri, it is hoped that all of Amma's children will be able

to observe Navaratri in some way, no matter how small or simple. Even

if only one mantra can be chanted, that mantra will yield the benefits

of millions of mantras chanted at other times. That single Devi mantra

will ensure the eternal welfare of the devotee.

As we all know, humanity is facing many difficulties at this time,

and Mother Earth is crying out for relief. Many natural disasters have

taken place, and more are likely to occur. Amma has been providing this

advice regarding Navaratri sadhana so that all of her children can

contribute to the cause of viswa shanti and viswa kalyanam--universal

peace and well-being. Let us all join together in worship of Divine

Mother and take full advantage of the sacred time of Navaratri,

bringing untold spiritual benefit to ourselves, our families, and to

the entire world.

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu - May All Beings Be Happy

Om shantih shantih shantihi - May All the Realms Be Filled with Peace

-- devishakti_india( divyabhakti )( http://spiritualhinduism.blogspot.com


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