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Karta –Bhokta Sidhant of Holy Vedas


Karta _bhokta sidhant of holy Vedas is a very big sidhant and expands to so many areas and activities of jeev and ishawar. This is true that Holy mahrish dayanand (HMD ) has written that only manushya yoni is karam yoni and other yonis are bhog yonis. They are not karm yonis . this is really a great feature of this sidhant not known to any body else e.g philosophers scientists scholars noble winners or any big politician beurocrates or presidents or prime ministers etc etc in this world except Holy vedic Rishis (HVRs) , Holy Braham Rishsi (HBRs) Holy Maha rishis (HMRs) and other Rishs and Munis (ORMs) of vedic world. Why manushya yoni is karama yoni and why other yonis are not, has

a big explanation in Holist Rig Veda mandal 3 sukta 38 mantra 6 which is produced by HMD in his monumental book Satyarath Prakash( SP) sammualas six on the first page . In the explanation of it HMD writes that Ishawr Updesh karta hai ……………………manushya aadi praniyo ko ……vidya sawanatrya ………. alankrit kare.

So swatantrya is a sanction from the Holy Param Pita Parmeshwara (HPP) himself but only for manushya aadi prani ( this aadi word is a big significance and will be explained later). it is not sanctioned for all parnis. it is specifically and very clearly mentioned by HPP himself for whom(manushya aadi prani) sawatantray is granted. Unfortunately it is not known to human beings. So for them freedom is granted by their constitution and not by HPP coz they don’t know the reality since didn’t have vedic/gurukul shiksha . they are educated in universities which are not really catering to universal education which should include Vedic shiksha so really on this count modern universities don’t qualify be called universities coz they don’t cater for universal shiksha –which Vedic shiksha is essentially is a part of. but in the bargain are missing so important shikhsa for their own human beings. For them freedom is their constitutional right but for manushya prani sawatanatray is their birth right and this is one difference in sawatantyra and freedom .

But this word sawnatyray has created lot of other very important phenomenon which are again not known to human beings coz they don’t have sawntrya they only know freedom. If people can read with their correct looking glasses they can read the definition of karta which braham rishi Panini has written but not known to any body else in this world of billion years since sarasti. HBR Panini has written his monumental definition of karta in a sutra which says , “swatantrah karta”. ( ashtadhyai /1/4/54/-this sutra is referred by HMD in SP in

sammaulas sevn page 188) Meanings is the one who is swanatantra is karta . i.e to be called a karta it is important that he/she is sawntara to act but unfortunately this is not known to the rest of the world . cos if some one goes around the world with a big flood light or lantern and check all the grammar schools in the world and all the grammar books and all the grammar teachers he/she can find the definition of ‘subject” in a sentence is simply as “the doer of an act in a sentence is called subject”.

Here the “freedom” of the “subject” is not at all a question. Coz these people are not taking Vedic shiksha so they don’t know the pre-condition of being swantara has been attached to karta and also sawnatray is different and freedom is different. .so they are missing the holistic and vital point.

So the meaning is that since HPP has granted swatantray to only manushay prani and without being swatanatra one is not karta hence other parnis than manushya prani are not karta. . and since they are not karta no way they can be bhokta. Therefore they are only and only in bhog yoni and not in that karam yoni. This is HPP’s own smavidhan and no one can do anything about it . all other virtues like vidya , shiksha, dharma , dhan-aadi are all for manushya prani only not for other parani.

But with this happy thing for manushay prani that he/she is given sawnatray there is a big warning here. And the big warning is a question. and the question is , does manushya parni deserve the swatantrya ???????? if yes then why ? if no then why not ????

For time being this question is left here for arya samajis/non arya samajis to look at and to reach to their own conclusion. But the one reason why HPP is called DYALU by manushay prani is this un- expected or undeserving(?) grant of swatantrya which is not to other pranis. Just think if HPP would have made manushya parni one like some where in between a money and manushaya or worse between monkey and chimps imagine how the life would have been. Therefore manushya prani should thank and pray the great HPP for being so DYALU . coz HPP is DAYALU only for granting swatntyra to manushay prani and not for excusing the sins as some religion people are talking excusing as the meaning of dayalu word and trapping people in their false excuse theories. The false hood of “excuse theory” propagated by the religions will be tested on the karta –bhokta sidhant of holy Vedas in this discussion later.

But as always when you do any DAYA on some one , you are likely to get into some unknown troubles, same thing happened to the great HPP also . he has gone into troubles for being so DAYALU and for granting sawatantyra to manushay parni.

But before we go into the discussions of troubles of HPP that the manushya prani has innocently put Him into, we will look into another important aspect of another subject coz we have some very relevant examples here in this discussion so far. And the subject is HVRs, HBRs HMRs and ORMs . what are they and what is their job and what is the difference from on to another. etc is the subject.

In a modern layman’s words and modern terminology HVRs are those rishis who have been granted free leased lines by HPP to visit his web site and to keep them all the time logged on (connected) on to the divine internet which stores braham gyan in HPP’s code language like braham gyan binary and HPP sends some pickets of brahm gyan binaries time to time to HVRs and they have to decode it in a manushaya prani readable language which is Holy Vedas Sanaskrit.

These HVRs are chosen by the HPP himself in the beginning of sarshti due to their karma of purav janma before parlay but for this job in new srasti. Coz HPP wants to send the user’s manuals of his creation called sarsti along with the creation itself not to be guilty of keeping mansihya prani in dark about his creation like some religions say that they got their book now from HPP just about a billion years late. Therefore he creates the srasti yuva and a-maithuni. All pranis are born yuva .

But this phenomenon of selecting Holy Vedic Rishis (HVRs) and giving them free leased lines to connect to divine internet and sending them pickets of brham gyan etc happens once only in the first time of sarsti creation coz HPP is that time in hurry to send the user’s manuals for his creation in time in the form of Vedas for manushya prani to start their life properly. So there is a need to have HVRs

Holy Bram Rshsis (HBRs) are those Rishis who come after HVRs once the manuals have been delivered to manushya prani. But HBRs don’t get free leased lines form –HPP’s divine internet but can get free password to log on to it although difficult conditions apply. And the conditions are that they have to go through Yoga route reaching up to Samadhi . from regular Samadhi practice they can get divya-drasti , from divya darsti they can search ISP office and apply for password. Some times it may be an apply-apply and no reply situation coz HPP may be looking at applicant’s janam janmantar’s records . So it may take long- long time like several hundred years to get this pass word.

That is why HVRs and HBRs have prayed for Jeevem shardh shatam …….adinah syam shardah sharahd shatat. Otherwise what is the need for shardah shatat. Grhasth aashram is fin shed at 50 ?? so what to do with shardah shatat – this is what they have to do for rest of their 100s or 1000s yrs of life - i.e get the password log on to Divine internet extract other relevant info and pass them to other manushay parni for their kalayan and their own kalyan . For example in the above case of two info on swatantray – HVRs have found that HPP has Instructed rajdharma to paribhushitah sawtantyray on manushay aadi prani where as HBR Panini has found that swatantraya is necessary to become karta. Take another example ---say of “Vishvani dev savitur …………. Tannaasuva “

Although there are many special features embedded in this holy Ved mantra but the relevant thing is that to say this word ‘ vishwani’ the chances are that HVRs might have not found these Vishvani by visiting all the vishwa but just by searching the divine internet and said that there are vishvani and not just one wishva.


Take another case of our loved one - Shanti mantra . In this mantra HVRs have started from Om Dyow Shanti and then antariksh -Shanti and then straight away they came to parthivi Shanti- ----what happened to so many planets in the antariksha – the moon, the mangal the brahsppti the shukra shani etc ….how could they forget them .Although HVRs have else where said “yahtha surya chandramsau dhata”….. or “yo antarikshe rajso vimanah” etc. so it is not possible to forget if it was worth remembering . But the fact may be that HVRs have not prayed for the Shanti of all other planets except prathivi coz there may be nothing on them to pray for. i.e no life . ( that is why search for life in space is a futile idea or Asatya Vidya ) But the point is that they might have not got this gyan that there is no life on these planets by visiting them but by visiting the divine internet. There fore it can be said that this system of internet and logging name and password and leased line, searching and surfing the web net etc was created by HPP in the beginning of the sarsti itself. And really if today some people say that they are the originators of these systems then they are quite a bit late. Not much though, just by about a billion years. Divine internet is actually HPPs own web site like we now see the modern manufactures have theirs , where extra info on design, materials, calculation, tests other products other links are available. So really if some one is not happy with holy Vedas he can log on to HPP’s Web site and do the search as mentioned above in the case of Holy Braham Rishi Panini who found the relation ship between karta and sawtantrya although this relation ship is not mentioned in the Holy Ved mantra where sawnatyra as a sanction is only mentioned. This is another story that for loging- on procedure may be different but for that HPP is well with in his rights to create the rules of loging as He wants since he is the ISP

HMRs in contrast are those Rishis who could not get the password but could understand and describe the meanings of what HVRs and HBRs have said and expand these subjects further in line of the existing gyan. e.g. HMD


Thereafter many more souls may come to life from moksha in different Yuga or from their janam-janamantar cycles who become interested in Holy Ved Gyan Vigyan, since swatantray there , they study learn and enjoy it as it exists but when they want to learn more beyond Vedas or want to look in to other aspects of the same gyan then they have to find it by logging on to divine internet.

Now back to the difficulties of the HPP for being dayalu and granting swatantrya . Actually HPP has been over sincere after granting sawtanatyra to maintain it thought out. i.e to ensure that manushya prani enjoy it in all circumstances since He attached swatantrya as the condition for being karta. So to ensure and also to judge for himself the degree of swantanatrya a karta has to become sarva –vyapak and sarva-antaryami and forgo his comforts of baikuntth (puranic concept) and his sleep. So he is suing his virtue of being sarva –vyapak and sarva –anaryami for his karta-bhokta sidhnat. He is checking all the time and all the places the degree of swatantrya of karta and accordingly he is giving the bhog. And that is why he is called Nayakaari. So really no body else can be nayakari coz no one can become become srav-vyapak and no one can become sarva –antaryaami . but some people by foolishly have started using the word naya-dhhish where as they are not coz can’t be even nayakaari- at the most they can be called naya-sevak.

And since no one can become srav-vyapak and sarva antaryaami to check the degree of swatantrya the karta has so no one else can grant swatantrya . therefore what ever these modern constitution writers are writing about granting freedom is only a talk for writing in the modern constitutions they can not check/ensure it through out and can not use it in nayay kriya. But on the contrary for raj dharma HBM has written , “Supteshu jaaganti” ie raj dharma has to keep awake when all others sleep ..for what to imitate what HPP does to ascertain the degree of swantrya and use it in nyay kriya but in human form as HPP does in divine form.


The other big aspect of HPP’s Karta-Bhokta sidhant is no-excuse business. i.e. HPP doesn’t excuse any body’s karma. And HPP has done quite a few smart things to stop this excuse business from taking place. First thing he has done is that he has made this karta-bhokta system a completely sealed and completely automated system. It is all happening by itself all the time. He has not given any terminal to any one for manual data entry in to karat’s accounts. Even He himself doesn’t have any terminal. So if any prophet or siddh sanyasi approaches him for excusing some body’s or own sins he can easily say sorry. I don’t have access. Second

thing he has done is removed plus-minus signs from the karat-bhokta account system . meaning is for him there is no sin or without sin acts. They are for manushya prani and human beings . for him a karma is a karma – and there is a reward for that. So if nay prophet or sidh sanyasi etc approach him he can say sorry I don’t know which are sin or without sin. I don’t understand what u r saying. And this where ACTION –REACTION THEORY IS NOT A KARAT-BHOKTA THEORY. Cause in action- reaction theory plus and minus are used and even a component of a vector from a direction can be brought into a required direction to add or reduce the resultant force on vector in required direction. And this amounts to excuse theory. Eg you

can sacrifice a got to get some punya in yr account. This not allowed in karta-bhokta sidhant. Cos if HPP was able to excuse sins then some people would have been only with Sukh never Dukh . But this never happens. Every body gets their share of Sukh and Dukh together. And that is the zest of this sidhant. But from the above it is also very clear that HPP is the first designer of completely automated system and completely sealed system i.e. no hackers, no viruses no spasm etc can ever enter HPP’s system. So if some people think they are the

originators of automated and sealed system then they are quite a bit late . coz HPP designed all these systems we don’t know in which sarasti??? And still using them


Dhanyavaadshakti shakti <hindushakti2000 wrote: Previous Headlines June 10th 2004 USA: Harrods to transcend Hindu underwearUK: BBC report on Harrods apologyJune 9th 2004UK: Harrods apologies and removes displayJune 8th 2004UK: HHR letter to Mohammed Al- Fayed, director of HarrodsJune 7th 2004UK: Hindu Gods on Designer underwear; Hindu Human Rights group protests! 2004'Om' Yoga Mats sold by companies...are we soon going to see sacred Hindu symbols for door mats? http://www.inspiregear.com/mats.aspOct 29th 2003Publisher withdraws offensive book on Lord GaneshaApril 30th 2003UNITED STATES, April 30, 2003: An American company has apologized for introducing sandals emblazoned with Ganesha images and has promised to withdraw them from

stores immediately. Read more in Hindu Press InternationalMarch 8, 2003UK "Crisps" Ads Stereotype Indians December 5, 2002Trinidad's Hindus Protest Alcoholic Ad Featuring Krishna April 16, 2002 "Colonial Outlook" Alleged at BBC World Service Investigation Toilet Seats Sport Hindu Gods Rediff on Net, US Edition Hindu Gods on Sandals Hindus Object to Paramount's 'Tomb Raider' Sequences India-West News Demonising Hinduism, Hollywood style Times News Network Historian Held For Derogatory Remarks Against Hindu Gods Indian Express Fiji Hindus Alarmed by McDonald's Fries India Abroad Daily .com The Beckhams depicted as Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord

Ganesh. Petition against the depiction of David Beckham and family as Hindu God Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha. The Artists official response Hindu God on Beer Bottle Stop insulting South Asia – Indian American sues firm over Lord Ganesha's picture on beer bottle http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/2783.asp HHR News Release, 11 May 2005Successful protest against Lord Shiva advertsIt has come to our attention that US-based company Monarch Beverages is withdrawing its current advertisements for an energy drink featuring a distorted image of Lord Shiva from every market. This follows a HHR campaign to highlight how many Hindus have found this and other such abuses of our religious symbols to be highly questionable. We would like to thank all the Hindus who have helped us with this issue and put pressure on the companies concerned. We welcome the decision

of Monarch Beverages to put an end to these adverts but would like other companies to follow suite and refrain from using Hindu symbols to sell their products.Thank you.Hindu Human RightsServing Hindus WorldwideNow Lord Shiva selling drinks. Abuse of Hinduism continues... (10th May 2005)Letter to Monarch Beverages CompanyHHR Press Release, 9 May 2005Protest against Hindu Gods appearing on French ShoesDespite our campaign last year against the use of images of Hindu deities on underwear garments, it has come to our attention that once again another company here in the West is producing and marketing similar products which are both degrading and offensive to Hindus. Minelli, a France-based shoes retailer, has chosen to use sacred images of Lord Ram, venerated by millions of Hindus the world over, to sell its designer shoes.

This is in spite of our well known campaign to highlight how such trivialisation of Hinduism leads directly and indirectly to the abuse of Hindus the world over. Such ignorance leads us to believe that this same organisation is probably both indifferent and apathetic to the immense suffering of Hindus: the ethnic cleansing they have suffered in Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh, and the discrimination they suffer at the hands of Minelli’s very own fellow Europeans. Indeed sometimes Western firms seem totally devoid of all understanding when it comes to the oldestcivilisation on the planet.For this reason we ask Minelli to respectfully withdraw the offending products and issue an immediate apology. HHR also requests all Hindus to contact Minelli to make their feelings known on this subject.According to their website, Minelli can be contacted as the details below:Siège social Minelli155, rue du Dirigeable - Z.I. Les Paluds13685 AUBAGNE Cedex -

FRANCE Tél. : (33) 4 42 84 33 50Fax : (33) 4 42 70 45 20 Mail: infoHindu Human Rights,Serving Hindus Worldwide( Our Letter to Minelli )Times of India News Offends Hindus on MahaShivaratri FestivalTimes of India News insults Hindus by defacing the holy image of Hindu God Shiva. Description as this " He's comfortable with 'if you've got it, flaunt it'; he can swim with the sharks, and still find place in his heart for the littlest minnow. He wears the suit of divinity lightly. Yes, Mahadev is a maha-dude. " is highly offensive to Hindus. Calling Lord Shiva as " He's hot, he is Indian Idol No 1" .. read more here >>Two 'Thongs' don't make a right !Despite our campaign last year against the use of images of Hindu deities on underwear garments, it has come to our attention that once again another company here in the West is producing and

marketing similar products which are both degrading and offensive to Hindus. 'CafePress.com' has chosen to use sacred Om symbol and that of Lord Shiva, venerated by millions of Hindus the world over, to sell its sensuous garments. This is in spite of our well known campaign to highlight how such trivialisation of Hinduism leads directly and indirectly to the abuse of Hindus the world over. Such ignorance leads us to believe that this same organisation is probably both indifferent and apathetic to the immense suffering of Hindus: the ethnic cleansing they have suffered in Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh, and the discrimination they suffer at the hands of Cafe Press' very own fellow Americans. Indeed sometimes Western firms seem totally devoid of all understanding when it comes to the oldestcivilisation on the planet.For this reason we ask Cafe Press to respectfully withdraw the offending products and issue an immediate apology. HHR also requests all Hindus to

contact Cafe Press to make their feelings known on this subject.CafePress.com 1515 Aurora Drive San Leandro, CA 94577 US Phone: 1- 510-877-1540 Fax: 1-510-877-1540 CAMPAIGNStop the abuse against the Swastika and the distortion of the term ‘Aryan’ : Please sign the petitionhttp://www.petitiononline.com/sa108hhr/petition.htmlUsed by Nazi'sSacred Hindu Symbol for peace and prosperityHHR Press Release 'The Goddess Kali Lunchbox & Lord Rama on Tissues'The Goddess Kali Lunchbox It is with great regret that Hindu Human Rights (HHR) has to once again announce a Global Protest against the defamation of Hinduism by profit -hungry businesses. . A US based online company,

lunchboxes.com, apparently the largest online retailer of lunch boxes, claims to have a “fascination with Hindu culture” and brings “beauty and mystery to your midday meal with the alluring but deadly Kali Lunchbox”. In fact, customers can also purchase a Krishna lunchbox, a Ganesh snack box or a Shiva snack box.Pls see the following link:http://www.lunchboxes.com/easphil.htmlIn case manufactures and designers have failed to notice, Hindus are becoming increasingly aware of the insults which arises from such trivializing usage of their spiritual icons. Hindus have serious concerns that lunch boxes with Hindu prints will be used to store animal products and even beef – this is deeply insulting and it is unknown for even meat-eating Hindus to do this in the presence of an image of a God.HHR has received numerous complaints from concerned Hindus. We cannot help but point out that once again profit hungry companies are ruthlessly exploiting Hinduism’s natural

openness to a multiplicity of modes of worship to further their greed. On their own, perhaps these various defamations of Hinduism we have recently highlighted do not amount to much. However, the picture changes when we look at the collective effect and seen that prejudicial views of Hindus and Hinduism are reinforced and played up to turn our entire culture into a joke. HHR spoke to the MR DJ Jayasekara managing director and designer of Lunchbox .com who blatantly disregards the concerns of the Hindu community and stated ‘there is a market for these designs’ and he was going to continue to supply that market regardless of the offence he causes to Hindus world wide.Following are the contact details of the companyHindu Lunch boxes: Lunchboxes.com, P.O. Box 48453, Los Angeles, CA 90048Web site: www.lunchboxes.comTelephone (USA): (323) 660-9279 Fax (USA): (323) 660-1787e-mail: infoAdministrative

Contact:Burning Lotus Designs, Ltd.DJ Jayasekara, 2750 Clearwater StreetLos Angeles, CA 90039USPhone: 323-660-1691Fax.: 323-660-1787Email: djayLord Rama on Tissues (2004)Once again we find that one of the most cherished avatars (Lord Rama) is still being flaunted on paper tissues which as we write are being sold openly in shops (such as various branches of Parchment and other outlets in the UK ). Two years ago HHR had, after making a protest, succeeded in having these items removed form sale at prestigious locations such as the Victoria and Albert Museum., London. However it seems that these items continue to be sold openly in UK and Europe.After contacting the company Head office (Paper Products) in USA We were told that they are not responsible in the US for the manufacture and distribution policy of its German company which makes the Ram tissues . It would appear that the US company are referring

responsibility of this particular production line to the German counterpart.Please e-mail or phone paper products Germany to register your protest.Tel number:0049 -2225/99350, E:mail: k.vincotte managerAnd the Retailers in UK Parchment , Head office : 0208-655-7651Now Lord Shiva is a Bus Conductor in Belgium? Hot on the heels of our campaign against Ismail Merchant’s proposed film”Shakti” and the Roberto Cavalli bikini controversy featuring the misuse of Hindu Gods and Goddesses we now find .The depiction of Lord Shiva (in the form of Nataraj) guiding passengers to the front door of buses in Belgium and also as an animated advertisement on the website of the self same Belgian transport company called Shiva (STIB/MVIB) in order to increase their revenues. This shows that we cannot afford to slacken in our campaign to combat the increasing defamation of Hinduism and its symbols throughout the world including India.This

apparently innocuous trend of using Hindu symbols as fashion/marketing accessories conceals a far more insidious approach to our Hindu culture and civilization the result of which is to undermine its integrity and impact by trivializing it and by inference trivializing the practitioners of Hinduism also. We must act as one and in a determined fashion to stamp out this practice and its effects.The Company Website http://www.stib.irisnet.be/FR/33200F.htmSo please e-mail the top brass of the company-:info, vandenbroeckl, genbruggeam, carlea, Daemw, flauscha, info.chabert HHR Press ReleaseIt has recently been brought to our attention that garments , produced by Roberto Cavalli and stocked by Harrods, may have caused great offence to the Hindu community.We would like to assure you that this was

never the intention of Roberto Cavalli spa . The fabric produced by Roberto Cavalli was designed to celebrate Hindu culture and not to denigrate it as implied by your recent correspondence. Roberto Cavalli and his design team travel to India regularly and adores it\'s culture, history and people . India is a great inspiration to Roberto Cavalli.The fact that the fabric has then been used to produce garments which could be deemed to be inappropriate was a completely innocent idea on our behalf and something we very much regret.We have asked that the relevant garments be removed from sale and I understand that this is now taking place, we are doing our best in order todo it as soon as possible.We offer you our sincerest apologies.Yours faithfully,For Mr.Roberto CavalliEmanuela

Barbieri","","",-1,-1,0,"","_self","","","","",0,12,3,"","",0,0,0,0,0,"#333333",0,"#000000",0,"","",3,3,0,0,"#8fceff","#8fceff","#ffffff","#ffffff","8pt Arial","9pt Arial"]);stm_ep();stm_ep();stm_em();//-->Roberto Cavalli apologised! Harrods apologises and removes display. Dear SirThe Chairman has asked me to thank you for your e mail dated 8 June 2004 and reply on his behalf.I was most concerned to learn that you should have been given occasion to complain in connection with the Robert Cavalli swimwear/underwear sold at Harrods.Since receiving your email we have decided to remove this range from sale.Please accept my apologies for any disappointment you were caused and I hope we may be of service to you in the future.With kind regards.Yours sincerelyHarrodsHHR wishes to thank all those Hindus who have responded positively to our campaign and acted promptly to make our

feelings clear. Also, we would like to thank Harrods and their chairman, Mr Al-Fayed, for listening to our concerns and for realising the seriousness of this issue.While we are pleased that underwear depicting Hindu deities is no longer for sale and on display at Harrods, we remind everyone that this range is still available in many outlets all over the world and over the Internet and that we have had no response from Roberto Cavalli. We urge all Hindus to help us continue highlighting the degrading of Hindus and Hinduism in whichever form it exists.Thank you.robertocavalli - Londonshowroommilano press Milaninfo Florence -->Letter to Roberto Cavalli Letter to HarrodsSecond letter of protest to Roberto CavalliRoberto Cavalli apologised? Harrods apologies and removes display Press

Release Pictures of the underwear with GodsPlease Sign the petition against the film 'THE GODDESS'. To the Merchant-Ivory Productions:It has come to our attention that your next film project, “The Goddess” will be based upon the Hindu goddess Kali/Shakti Maa...According to the media reports about the script of the film ‘The Goddess”, you are turning Kali Maa into a musical joke, “dancing and singing atop of a tiger”. This will be very offensive to her millions of worshippers and a billion Hindus worldwide. Further, you are casting Tina Turner as the Goddess. We have no quarrel with Ms Turner as such, as she is talented but because of her reputation/image as a “sex icon” in most people’s minds, it is improper to cast her as Kali. We strongly object to the making of this film because of its feared offensive

portrayal of a Hindu deity and we kindly request you to shelve this project..click here to sign the petition.Nude picture of Lord Ganesha insults HindusHouston: A nude picture of Lord Ganesha on the cover of a new book and the contents have evoked protests from Hindus across the United States. The nude portrayal of Lord Ganesha on the book "Ganesa, Lord of Obstacles, Lord of Beginnings" by Emory University Professor Paul Courtright has earned the wrath of Hindu scholars here who say several passages quoted in the book "are seemingly insensitive to Hindu belief or faith." A petition is also being circulated and signed online to protest against the book and demands that publishers withdraw it from circulation. A release issued by the scholars claimed that so far about 5000 people have signed the petition expressing their displeasure. According to the release, the book "is not only ridiculing

and insulting Hinduism but has utterly disgusting and distasteful material which is mind-boggling and throws a direct challenge to our traditional beliefs and practices." PTI courtesy: http://www.sify.comLord Ganesha on Slippers The most loved God by Hindus is now printed on slippers. Yet another insult to 1 billion Hindu sentiments and the Great Hindu religion. American Eagle Outfitters, a clothing retail chain in North America had taken the turn to insult Hindus by marketing slippers with Lord Ganesha on its soles.There has been a Hindu outcry, but not appology has yet been given to any Hindu organisations. We request you to take some positive and peaceful action. You can call or write to:1-888-232-4535 – AE Customer Service (24 hours a day) American Eagle Outfitters 150 Thorn Hill Drive Warrendale, PA 15086 website www.ae.com NASDAQ Symbol: AEOS Beloved

Lord Rama on tissues (2002-2003)Hindus in UK are disgusted and angered to find their favourite God Rama found printed on Sniff Tissues. Another mockery made out of Hindus and Hindu Dharma! The Tissues are produced by a German company called Paper Products Design, and were sold at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. After complaints from Hindu Human Rights and concerned British Hindu citizens, the V & A museum has stopped the sale of these tissues. Although a public appology to Hindus has been denied as " not many Sniff Tissues were sold", the management at the museum has confirmed that "selling of the tissue with a God on it was indeed a big mistake ". These comments do not really satisfy one million Hindus in UK (and 1 billion worldwide). Please express your concerns and complaints to : Sniff Tissues V & A MuseumPaper Products Design GmbH Am Hambuch 4 D-53340

Meckenheim Germany Tel: 3902225993511V & A Enterprise160 Brompton Road, SW7 UK web: www.vandashop.co.uk email: t.edgley Potrayal of Hindu Gurus in the film " The Guru" The Guru? This is what the film is portrays? A blatant disrespect to the ancient seers of India. The real Hindu Gurus of the oldest living civilisation labelled as sexually perverted con-artists. This is not only an insult to the founders of civilisation , but also to Hinduism, the peaceful, sacred and beautiful. "Handy Hindus" , Hindu Gods as finger puppets"Handy Hindus" Gods as finger puppets. This product was recently spotted at the Paper Chase department in Borders bookshop, Oxford St, London. This is another insult to Hinduism and its followers, the Hindus. Hindu gods as finger puppets is indeed making a mockery of Hindu beliefs and sentiments.

Robert Wardern, the marketing manager for Paper Chase clearly rejected that it hurts any Hindu belief or sentiments. A public appology and removal of the sale of these items were also rejected as the " Handy Hindus were sold in thousands " Robert Wardern comments. Hindu Focus is concerned at dissapointed at the businesses who make a quick buck out of Hindu imagery and symbols, whilst clearly ignoring the sentiments of 1 million Hindus in UK and 1 Billion Hindus worldwide and the sacredness of the worlds oldest religion.The adddress to write to is :PAPER CHASERobert Warden, 12 Alfred Place,London WC1E 7EBAccoutrements PO BOX 30811 Seattle WA 98103 www.accoutrements.com These 'toys' are also sold at the following sites.ship-of-fools.com/Gadgets/Toys/097.html Link to products with Hindu Gods. www.mcphee.com/enlightenment/hindu.html Sacred Hindu symbolism on

footwearLondon footwear company 'Lacey' finally apologises for printing the sacred symbol 'OM' on slippers. All sales are apparently withdrawn. Every week, Hindus see the defamation of Hinduism. Ancient and sacred symbols are abused by businesses to gain a quick buck in the name of 'the beauty of Hindu culture'. Mockery is made is made out of worlds oldest living civilisation. We request you to voice your concerns with your local media, MPs and community. In the wave of defamation of Hindu symbolism and sentiments, lets also not forget the innocent Hindus who are being butchered and tortured in Bangladesh, India (Jammu & Kashmir, North East), Nepal and Pakistan.=== message truncated ===

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