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Paths of Knowledge and Meditation

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Paths of Knowledge and Meditation









Sri Krishna says that the path of knowledge is difficult. It is practiced by realising that the cause of bondage is 'desire'. Tools of Knowledge are 'Vivek' (distinguishing between what is real and what is unreal in other words distinguishing fact from fancy) and 'Vairagya' (dispassion).




From desire comes attachment; from attachment comes passion. When passion is not satisfied, it generates anger; from anger arises delusion that causes loss of memory. With loss of memory, wisdom is lost and that brings complete ruin.



Tools of Knowledge:- Dispassion (Vairagya) and Discrimination (Vivek):

Sri Krishna teaches: 'Develop a detached attitude. Do not run after the objects of the senses. Let the mind act as the reins controlling the senses. Let the discriminating faculty direct the mind and keep the desires for objects of pleasure under control'.

'Thus using dispassion and discrimination go above your primitive nature in search of the divine', teaches Sri Krishna.

Raja Yoga - Path of Meditation








Meditation: In a secluded place establish a posture with a straight back. Concentrate between the eyebrows or on the tip of the nose. Fix the mind on the Self (Atman). Develop one pointed concentration called 'Dhyana' and achieve Self-realisation (or Union with God) in the state called 'Samadhi'.

Observing moderation in everything; with strict celibacy; one overcomes the lower self in order to gain the higher Self. Thus the Yogi no longer relishes the pleasures of the senses. He cannot be deluded any more. He abides in the Self.






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