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Guide to Spirits

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Guide to Spirits Dealing with non-physical beings can be interesting,

vexing and sometimes downright scary! This is particularly challenging when you are dealing with another persons report of their dealings with such beings. How can you tell what is really going on? You can of course just psychically assess the being for yourself, but this can pose some problems, if the being is of a dangerous nature, so you may want to try classifying the entity first. By listening carefully to what the being says and does, either first hand or

as reported by another person, you can often tell quite a bit about exactly what, or whom, you are dealing with. These categories are general and far from exhaustive! Even within a given category you may find a great deal of variation in regards to behavior and response to stimuli. Use personal discernment as much as possible. How you feel about a given situation can tell you a lot, so don’t disregard a feeling of peace or one of fear, but do pay attention

to your personal preconceptions. If you’re predisposed to think of all non-physical entities as bad or scary, they will be. On the other hand, if you think of all such entities as friendly helpers, you can be mislead and get into trouble. The first of our three categories are the good guys. Spirit Guides: This is a loose term that indicates any non-physical being that helps or teaches a living person. There are a great variety of spiritual entities that are willing to act the part of guide. The test for a good guide is simple though, ask questions and observe. They consistently give good advice and try to foster independence in their charges. They are likely something else entirely if they often give negative or incorrect advice. No spirit guide will ever suggest that you harm a person, for instance, if there is any other way to remedy a situation. Since most of them don’t have the same hang-ups we living people do about death, they will often be willing to let their charge die, rather than harm another. Most often a spirit guide will take a name that is familiar and easy for their charge to remember. They seem unconcerned about their particular name. If you receive an angry reaction when naming a spirit guide, something is probably wrong with the situation. Angels: This term is often used to indicate any particularly good entity, and only rarely used to designate a biblical angel. Unfortunately this has become a common category to lump a lot of entities in, most of them incorrectly. To be classified an angelic being, the entity should show at least these three signs. 1. An Angel will always seek to do the greater good. 2. They will always seek to protect innocent people and be willing to explain if they cannot. 3. They do not lie. If you are not allowed to know something, they will tell you in a straight forward manner that you are not allowed to know, they will never mislead you “for your own good”. If the being has the name of a famous biblical figure, take everything they say with a grain of salt. It is far more likely that you are dealing with either a charlatan or deceiver, than an Archangel! The greater the claims being made by a being, the more proof they should have to present. Not as a test of power, but rather to give proof that they are telling the truth. This is a minor annoyance to good beings, but will often enrage bad ones. If the “Angel” becomes angry at minor things such as this, it is a pretty good sign you are dealing with something else! Beings of Light: This term indicates almost the same thing as angel. They should be held to almost the same standards. In general “Beings of Light” don’t call themselves that. While obviously good and often literally of a bright and glowing aspect, they tend towards humility and respect for others. Where some beings that call themselves angels seem to have something of an overblown ego, these beings normally won’t. This means that if they start to act as if they expect worshipful behavior from you, or others, you are dealing with a more negative being and should break off contact. The second category deals with neutral entities. Imaginary friends: When dealing with some

individuals it becomes rapidly apparent that their “Spirit guide” or “Angel” exists only in their imagination. You may recognize the “imaginary friend” situation from any of the following factors. 1. The “guide” seems to always agree with the

persons personal wishes. Real Spirit guides will fight to make sure the correct actions are taken and will disagree with their charge as needed. If the person does not need correction, the spirit guide will go away. They don’t help people that are getting most things right all on their own! 2. The advice of the imaginary guide is often wrong. They may not even seem to get basics of common sense correct. Real Spirit guides will at least give decent advice, even if the person refuses to listen to

it. 3. They have many active guides. As a general rule, the more guides you have, the more messed up you are. Past about three or four though and you can’t pay attention to their advice very well at all. The real guides know this. For the most part, if a person has twenty guides, imagination is probably at work. 4. Their guide, or angel, is the very best and mightiest ever! It’s one thing for the person to be saying this about there spirit friend, quite another if the entity is supposed to be saying it. This can be a sign of either imagination or a deceiving being, so be careful in these cases. The Higher Self: This term simply means the higher level and better aspects of self. In general your higher aspects won’t cause you to do bad or negative things. This is the only real sign you have when dealing with the higher

self. If the persons higher self wishes a person to take a specific course of action, it will often “shade the truth” to get them to take action. The higher self may also make predictions, some of which even come true. The outcome of the persons actions seems the important part to this level of being though, not accuracy or correctness. Ghosts: This term can mean either apparitions and environmental effects having nothing to do with an intelligent agency or the spirit of a dead person. These apparitions tend to be repetitive and non-reactive to changes in the environment. The second kind of ghost, spirits, are reactive to changes and can sometimes learn new information. A spirit can be as good or bad as anyone else. They tend to have a low enough power and effect level that few other things

bother pretending to be a ghost. It is not unheard of for spirits to pretend to be other dead people though! A dead person should have the knowledge and rough demeanor of that person when they were alive. It can be very helpful to gather information about the living person and check the facts. Ghosts in general do not tend to be very accurate when making predictions and their advice is worth about the same as anyone else’s. The third category deals with negative entities. Deceivers: This term indicates a group of entities that wish to mislead and manipulate you, for whatever reason. While they can maintain good behavior for short periods of time, they tend to become demanding and controlling, as well as egotistical, after a while. The reason behind the deception varies. Most of the time it seems to be only a mildly capricious nature and

wish to “mess” with the person or people involved. Some of them seems to be tricksters more than anything else. Such entities are responsible for much of the negative reputation that Ouija boards have gotten over the years. At times though the deception seems to be an attempt to control and even posses the person being lied to. Deceivers can be ghosts, demons or even the person’s own higher self, so make sure that you pay attention to the situation carefully! It will do no one any good for you to try and “exorcise” their higher self! Leaches: This term indicates what is by far the largest group of non-physical entities that humans have to deal with. These beings seem to live off of different life energies and emotional disruptions. They are simple in nature, for the most part, being of limited intelligence and power on the physical plane. They will weaken a person by stealing their energy and making their lives difficult to increase the presence of specific emotions. These beings seldom make contact with people in a verbal or telepathic manner, but are often responsible for visions of scary or startling things. Demons: Like angels, these beings often represent themselves as classical or biblical creatures. They produce a feeling of fear in response to their presence, this effect is so strong that it should always be taken as a sign of evil. They may lie to a person about their nature, but the feeling of malevolence is so great that it cannot be easily hidden. This class of being is often responsible for physical effects, perhaps even harming people. This is very rare though. In general it’s best to avoid such beings whenever possible. Again, these are rough categories only. There are hundreds or thousands of variations possible! If you pay attention to the information you are given though, you should be able to place most non-physical beings in one of these classes.



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