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You have the power in you

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Namaste, A forwarded email from my Brother Shridhar Govindan: Columns by Sri Sri Ravishankar -- You have the power in youWe all have three shaktis (energies) in us. They are‘ichcha shakti’ (the energy of will), ‘kriya shakti’(the energy of action) and ‘jnaana shakti’ (the energyof knowledge). We have disturbances or ups and downsin our lives because of imbalances in these threeenergies. The jnaana shakti in you brings ichcha shakti, thewill or desire in you. For example, you have a desireto eat rasagolla. You already know what rasagolla is.You have already savoured it. The knowledge ofrasagolla brought the energy of desire in you. So youdevelop a desire to eat rasagolla. Once you have knownwhat rasagolla is, after you get to know where it

canbe obtained, after the desire to eat rasagolla arosein you, will you sit idly? No! The kriya shakti or theenergy of action follows you. You will go and buy itand eat it. In case you do not know where to get it,then you will make an effort to find out where you canget it. Then you will have lot of kriya shakti in you.When there is kriya shakti and ichcha shakti, theylead you towards jnaana shakti, the energy ofknowledge. You have curiosity. You do not know whatexists inside the moon. You want to know what existsin the planet Jupiter. What is there in this creation?Most of our such desires are those about which we knowalmost nothing about. So you take a telescope and goto a planetarium and begin your research. All researchdepends upon ichcha shakti and kriya shakti. In orderto acquire jnaana shakti or the energy of knowledge,research takes place. In the same way, whereever there is jnaana

shakti,ichcha shakti and kriya shakti follow. Jnaana shaktior the energy of knowledge is symbolised asSaraswathi, ichcha shakti and the energy of desire asParavathi or Uma and kriya shakti as Goddess Lakshmi. Brahma is the creator. What does the creator need? Heneeds knowledge. So jnaana shakti or Saraswathi is theconsort of Brahma. Vishnu is the protector of all.What does the protector need? He needs Lakshmi, isn’tit? If you need to run an establishment, if you needto run your house, you need money. Money is Lakshmi.You need Lakshmi for sustenance. Ichcha shakti isUmakumari who symbolises change. You need to have adesire in life to change, to obtain liberation. Forthat Shiva principle to be auspicious, desire shouldbe created in you. That ichcha shakti is Parvathi,also known as Eashwari. Therefore, the whole world runs because of thepresence of these three shaktis. Whichever energy ismore in a place

or in a person, that energy getsexhibited. When there is right knowledge, then theright desire arises in us. When there is rightknowledge and right desire in us, then right actionfollows naturally. In that case, all activities thathappen through us will lead to completion. Completionin activity will lead to completion in knowledge. There should be a completion in desire too. If youdesire something which does not exist, for instance,if you desire to see the horns of a rabbit, which doesnot exist in the first place, then what is the use?You had a desire, but there was a lacuna in the energyof knowledge. Now, if anybody decides to see or searchfor the horns of a rabbit, they are bound to getdistressed. People have ichcha shakti, the desire in them. Due tothe wrong desire, usually one undergoes lot of misery.People would have become engineers and will be workingas engineers. But if they keep regretting,

thinkingthat they should have been a doctor instead, can theystart studying for medicine now? Many people desire wrong. They obtain a postgraduatedegree from the University and then begin to studysome other course. The moment they get a new desirethey begin again. They never have contentment. Theybegin one job, quit it and move to another job andthen again they move on to another job. They keepsearching for contentment. What is this? There isichcha shakti and jnaana shakti here. Some have do not have kriya shakti and sit where everthey are and dream and think ‘‘Oh! That should happento me. It would have been wonderful if I had become aminister’’ or some other dreams to live happily. Whathappens to all such dreamers? They just sit and dreamand dream. Kriya shakti is absent here. They sit inone place and calculate all the profits too. They sitidle and keep planning and talking too much. If youlook at

those people who talk too much, you can seethat they would not have done much work. They do notplan even a single thing properly. They just keepadvising everybody to do things that way or this wayor keep claiming that they could have got many thingsdone. They keep criticising people. If you tell them,‘‘Okay, you do at least something of it’’ then theysay ‘‘no’’ and just slip away and vanish! What happensin such people? They have lot of jnaana shakti, butzero kriya shakti. If kriya shakti disappears from aperson, then that person is good as finished for life.Such people keep repeating their mistakes. It is a very rare opportunity to see the combinationof all the three shaktis. When all the three shaktiscombine, then they say that the person has attained‘siddhi’. We should bring about a balance of ichchashakti, jnaana shakti and kriya shakti in us.



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