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Namaste, This is a small story that I have collected. Actually many of us are unaware of this story and maybe one could say that isjust a time pass story but it is not. If you could read till end maybe you could telll your children or younger ones too. The story is related to an Emperor and his Son. Please do read and post on your comments.Do visit the link PS: I read the story and posted it from a link of poojyashrishriamma.blogspot.-upakyanam.it has many stories but i think you will all like the same. Pranam, Babitha PURANJAYA UPAKYANAM TRIUMPHANT VICTORY OF RIGHTEOUSNESSOnce upon a time, there lived a mighty emperor by name IKSHVAGU. He ruled the entire world, under his sceptre. Once, he performed a YAGNA to please the departed souls ultimately bringing in peace and prosperity to his life. He had a son

called VIGUSHI. For the sake of YAGNA, he ordered his son to go to the forest and collect some ritual things. Obeying the order, VIGUSHI went to the forest and roamed to different places and collected the things. He hunted many animals. He felt weary and tired. He wanted to have some food. He searched for food,but in vain. His devilish instinct came to play. He was tempted by it, and wish to have the meat of rabbit. He did the sin of killing a rabbit.He returned to palace and handed over the things. His father asked the blessings of VASISHTAR (Sathguru). Usually, the ritual things were purified by sprinkling some water and through chanting of vedic hymns. This process of purification is called as PROKSHANAM. Vasishtar was called to perform it. He saw the things. At once, he realized the sin of VIGUSHI. He told IKSHVAGU, " the things gathered by him are of no use to the divine ritual. They are unethical to religious norms. He had commited a sin. Please find alternative. He

had the meat of a rabbit. Do some thing on this."Having received those firing words, IKSHVAGU ordered his son to leave the country at the earliest. Obeying his order, VIGUSHI went on pilgrimage to different temples and seeked the blesings of BHAGAVAN. His sin was thus washed away by it. During this time, IKSHVAGU ruled the country. He was spiritually inclined to listening to the preachings of VASISHTAR. He chose the path of devotion and wished to attain salvation. He was firm in devotion. He forsaked the ruling powers, and went on complete meditation. He finally attained salvation, leaving his material body in this material world.A country without a ruler behaves as a destitude. Having left with no other option, VIGUSHI was asked to take the ruling power of the country. He ruled the country with utmost care and caution. He did many YAGNA's and received the blessings of noble seers. He was fortuned to have a son by name, PURANJAYAN, who is going to bring glory to his

name. Puranjayan was brought up in the helathy environment of divine sanccity. He was blessed by noble seers. Their blessings are ging to bring name and fame to PURANJAYAN. He was also called by INDRAVAHAN, KAGUTHSTHAN. A story run behinds this.The story is as follows," Once there broke a ferocious war between good and evil. The war was between DEVA's (righteous) and ASURA's (evil minded). In the beginning, the power of evil took hedge over the righteousness. The ASURA's fought well. They attacked the DEVA's with deadly weapons. The army of deva's splitted and they were driven out of the battle field. On realizing their miserable state, they sought the help of their SATHGURU. Seeking the blessings of him, the DEVA's approached PURANJAYAN to save their lives. Obeying the divine command of BHAGAVAN, PURANJAYAN took the leadership of the army of DEVA's. Obeying the command of BHAGAVAN, DEVENDRAN (the ruler of DEVA's) took the form of a big buffalow. He became the

vechicle of PURANJAYAN in the battle field. So PURANJAYAN was called as INDRAVAHAN. He kept a very firm hold on the back of this buffalow. So he was called KAGUTHSTHAN (a man having a very firm hold on the back of a buffalow).In the battle, many ASURA'S threw weapons on PURANJAYAN. On relaizing the upcoming danger, PURANJAYAN meditated for a second and threw arrows from his bow. It resembled as a rainfall in the battle field. The arrows attacked the ASURA's and no one was left unattended by the arrows. Thousands and thousands of heads of the army of ASURA's fel on the ground. The heads choked off from the body of ASURA's resembled like a mountain built by heads. Thus the army of ASURA's were shattered into pieces. The DEVA's blew their triumphant conch and announced their victory over the ASURA'S in the battle field, to the world. Thus PURANJAYAN brought victory to the DEVA'S. PURANJAYAN means, one who had the victory of the enemies palace. On realizing their loss, the left

over ASURA's hide themselves in the lower world kept beneath the surface of earth namely PATHALA LOKHAM.PURANJAYAN was a normal human being. He was brought in the healthy divine atmosphere. This atmosphere and exposure gave him the inner strength to fight against the ASURA's. The glory of human birth is pronounced well, in this story. The human birth is far superior to any birth in any higher worlds of spirituality. One can draw inspiration form the story that," a child brought up in the environment of a SATHGURU through the blessings of a SATHGURU can rule the entire world without fail. The divine blessings of SATHGURU can protect that child from any evil minded people in the form of ASURA's. The child can taste the nectar of victory over the evil." Why can't we taste it, in our lifespan?Meaning behind the story:Puranjayan represents the soul (an eagering devotee). Vasishtar represnts the role of SATHGURU. Asura's represent the evil minded people in and

around. The deadly weapons repreent the devilish master plot and the tricks and bites kept by them to trap us. The arrows sent by PURANJAYAN is nothing but the NAMA JAPAM (RADHEKRISHNA NAMA JAPAM). The arrows resembled a rainfall. In the same way, the chanting should be continous without any pause. Indran represents the control over bodily organs. The defeat of Indran represnts the bodily imbalances in the form of hot, cold, summer, winter, pleasure, pain, good, bad, health, illness etc., The victory of PURANJAYAN represents the victory of a JEEVATHMA (AN EAGERING SOUL).The task kept before PURNAJAYAN, seemed to be unaccomplishable. He seeked the blessings of BHAGAVAN and SATHGURU. Having a very strong faith in their words, HE fought againt the mighty rivals namely ASURA's. In the same way, we usually astonish at the prevailing evils in the society. We lack the courage to fight against those social evils. We fear about them. We keep our self locked in our house. But, once if

we take a firm decision to fight against these evils, then BHAGAVAN will grant us the necessary strength and courage to win in the battle field.The strength of inner soul is enormous. Through constant chanting of NAMA JAPAM, one can kindle this spirit. During the time of testing moments, BHAGAVAN will save our life. It is our bounded duty to remember him without fail. The NAMA JAPAM given by our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA, namely RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM is the opening gateway to MUKTHI (salvation). The victory of inner soul is described as salvation (salvation from worldly bindings).




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Hari Om Salutations to Dear Babithaji,


Read your mail with story and explanation to the inner meaning. It is really thought provoking to all to adopt devotional path and a life of noble deeds and simple living.


With Best Regards


Ur brother Rajasekhar K G


On Behalf Of Babitha VasanthTuesday, February 28, 2006 5:42 PMMookambika PURANJAYA UPAKYANAM


This is a small story that I have collected. Actually many of us are unaware of this story and maybe one could say that isjust a time pass story but it is not. If you could read till end maybe you could telll your children or younger ones too. The story is related to an Emperor and his Son. Please do read and post on your comments.Do visit the link

PS: I read the story and posted it from a link of poojyashrishriamma.blogspot.-upakyanam.it has many stories but i think you will all like the same.





TRIUMPHANT VICTORY OF RIGHTEOUSNESSOnce upon a time, there lived a mighty emperor by name IKSHVAGU. He ruled the entire world, under his sceptre. Once, he performed a YAGNA to please the departed souls ultimately bringing in peace and prosperity to his life. He had a son called VIGUSHI. For the sake of YAGNA, he ordered his son to go to the forest and collect some ritual things. Obeying the order, VIGUSHI went to the forest and roamed to different places and collected the things. He hunted many animals. He felt weary and tired. He wanted to have some food. He searched for food,but in vain. His devilish instinct came to play. He was tempted by it, and wish to have the meat of rabbit. He did the sin of killing a rabbit.He returned to palace and handed over the things. His father asked the blessings of VASISHTAR (Sathguru). Usually, the ritual things were purified by sprinkling some water and through chanting of vedic hymns. This process of purification is called as PROKSHANAM. Vasishtar was called to perform it. He saw the things. At once, he realized the sin of VIGUSHI. He told IKSHVAGU, " the things gathered by him are of no use to the divine ritual. They are unethical to religious norms. He had commited a sin. Please find alternative. He had the meat of a rabbit. Do some thing on this."Having received those firing words, IKSHVAGU ordered his son to leave the country at the earliest. Obeying his order, VIGUSHI went on pilgrimage to different temples and seeked the blesings of BHAGAVAN. His sin was thus washed away by it. During this time, IKSHVAGU ruled the country. He was spiritually inclined to listening to the preachings of VASISHTAR. He chose the path of devotion and wished to attain salvation. He was firm in devotion. He forsaked the ruling powers, and went on complete meditation. He finally attained salvation, leaving his material body in this material world.A country without a ruler behaves as a destitude. Having left with no other option, VIGUSHI was asked to take the ruling power of the country. He ruled the country with utmost care and caution. He did many YAGNA's and received the blessings of noble seers. He was fortuned to have a son by name, PURANJAYAN, who is going to bring glory to his name. Puranjayan was brought up in the helathy environment of divine sanccity. He was blessed by noble seers. Their blessings are ging to bring name and fame to PURANJAYAN. He was also called by INDRAVAHAN, KAGUTHSTHAN. A story run behinds this.The story is as follows," Once there broke a ferocious war between good and evil. The war was between DEVA's (righteous) and ASURA's (evil minded). In the beginning, the power of evil took hedge over the righteousness. The ASURA's fought well. They attacked the DEVA's with deadly weapons. The army of deva's splitted and they were driven out of the battle field. On realizing their miserable state, they sought the help of their SATHGURU. Seeking the blessings of him, the DEVA's approached PURANJAYAN to save their lives. Obeying the divine command of BHAGAVAN, PURANJAYAN took the leadership of the army of DEVA's. Obeying the command of BHAGAVAN, DEVENDRAN (the ruler of DEVA's) took the form of a big buffalow. He became the vechicle of PURANJAYAN in the battle field. So PURANJAYAN was called as INDRAVAHAN. He kept a very firm hold on the back of this buffalow. So he was called KAGUTHSTHAN (a man having a very firm hold on the back of a buffalow).In the battle, many ASURA'S threw weapons on PURANJAYAN. On relaizing the upcoming danger, PURANJAYAN meditated for a second and threw arrows from his bow. It resembled as a rainfall in the battle field. The arrows attacked the ASURA's and no one was left unattended by the arrows. Thousands and thousands of heads of the army of ASURA's fel on the ground. The heads choked off from the body of ASURA's resembled like a mountain built by heads. Thus the army of ASURA's were shattered into pieces. The DEVA's blew their triumphant conch and announced their victory over the ASURA'S in the battle field, to the world. Thus PURANJAYAN brought victory to the DEVA'S. PURANJAYAN means, one who had the victory of the enemies palace. On realizing their loss, the left over ASURA's hide themselves in the lower world kept beneath the surface of earth namely PATHALA LOKHAM.PURANJAYAN was a normal human being. He was brought in the healthy divine atmosphere. This atmosphere and exposure gave him the inner strength to fight against the ASURA's. The glory of human birth is pronounced well, in this story. The human birth is far superior to any birth in any higher worlds of spirituality. One can draw inspiration form the story that," a child brought up in the environment of a SATHGURU through the blessings of a SATHGURU can rule the entire world without fail. The divine blessings of SATHGURU can protect that child from any evil minded people in the form of ASURA's. The child can taste the nectar of victory over the evil." Why can't we taste it, in our lifespan?Meaning behind the story:Puranjayan represents the soul (an eagering devotee). Vasishtar represnts the role of SATHGURU. Asura's represent the evil minded people in and around. The deadly weapons repreent the devilish master plot and the tricks and bites kept by them to trap us. The arrows sent by PURANJAYAN is nothing but the NAMA JAPAM (RADHEKRISHNA NAMA JAPAM). The arrows resembled a rainfall. In the same way, the chanting should be continous without any pause. Indran represents the control over bodily organs. The defeat of Indran represnts the bodily imbalances in the form of hot, cold, summer, winter, pleasure, pain, good, bad, health, illness etc., The victory of PURANJAYAN represents the victory of a JEEVATHMA (AN EAGERING SOUL).The task kept before PURNAJAYAN, seemed to be unaccomplishable. He seeked the blessings of BHAGAVAN and SATHGURU. Having a very strong faith in their words, HE fought againt the mighty rivals namely ASURA's. In the same way, we usually astonish at the prevailing evils in the society. We lack the courage to fight against those social evils. We fear about them. We keep our self locked in our house. But, once if we take a firm decision to fight against these evils, then BHAGAVAN will grant us the necessary strength and courage to win in the battle field.The strength of inner soul is enormous. Through constant chanting of NAMA JAPAM, one can kindle this spirit. During the time of testing moments, BHAGAVAN will save our life. It is our bounded duty to remember him without fail. The NAMA JAPAM given by our SATHGURU - POOJYA SHRI SHRI AMMA, namely RADHEKRISHNA NAMAM is the opening gateway to MUKTHI (salvation). The victory of inner soul is described as salvation (salvation from worldly bindings).






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