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SRIVIDYA - great Acharya

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It has been the traditon of great writers ofDarshana literature to present in essence the content ofthe entire work in the beginning of the work.Thegreat Acharya has also given the quintessence ofSRIVIDYA in the very first verse.<br>This verse can

beexpalined by fourteen view points all complimentary to eachother.VEDANTA:when in conjuction with shakthi(maya),Brahman(shiva) acquires the power to create,sustain and destroythe elements and therby the worlds.Maya has twofunctions....AAvarana(veiling the unreal) and vikshepa(showing

theunreal).Shiva or Brahman which is the supreme existance,consciousness and bliss, becomes ishwara, capable of theabovesaid activities and not independently.Else the socalled great devas are not even capable ofmovement.<br>When so, how can one who has not purified his mind

bythe accumulation of virtuos deeds through many aprevious incarnation,has not studied the vidyaa(vedabrahma vidya) and attained self realization through thegrace of his Guru an thereby been enabled to comprehendthy real nature( which is the same as one's aatman orparamatman itself) by the removal of cobwebs ofdvaita(duality), mother....try to even salute you or even try toextol thee?<br>Thou are worhty to be served by all therest of devas who are mere viksepas of thy mayaincarnationwhen endowed with prakriti(the creative energyendowed with three gunas ...Satwa(Rythm),Rajas(mobility)and Tamas(inertia) ),<br>Shiva( the purusha calledishwara)characterized by indiffernce and immobility acquires thereputation of being the performer of creation and the othertwo duties.The purusha

is not even capable ofvibrations without prakriti from whom themahat,ahamkara,tanmatras have all originated.<br>How can one salute youwithout first completly taking your satwa guna and movingbeyond it?<br>You are worthy to be praised by even thethree Devas....who are mere partekers of thy

threegunas satwa ,rajas and tamas.



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