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<dharmadevaHi AllNamaskarFOOD, LIFE FORCES AND MEDITATIONAccording to Yoga, everything that exists within the ultimate Superconsciousreality Itself (which is the Witnessing Entity of all things and from whichall things derive, but which is beyond relativity) is composed of threebasic constituents. These are named sattva (sentient), rajas (mutative),and tamas (static), respectively.Sattva is the principle of clarity or lucidity.Rajas is the principle of dynamism.Tamas is the principle of inertia.The effect of the three binding principles (gun'as) are as follows:Sattva or the sentient principle gives the knowledge of existence;Rajah or the mutative principle commands the energy which

brings aboutactivity;Tamah or the static force is the stationary result of action, which makesthings crude.In terms of colours it can be said that Sattva is white, Rajah is red andTamah is black.The more the degree of purity, the more the predominance of Sattva - and sothe whiter is the effect in proportion. That is why, whiteness and purityare often used synonymously. What is this white colour? White is no colour,a combination of all the colours is white. What is black colour? Black is nocolour, want of colour is black. That is why, blackness is the emblem ofpassivity. It is the reflection of the static force. It is due to the lackof vibrations or the inability to apprehend them that a thing appears asblack. In darkness form lacks vibrational expression and so we seeeverything black in darkness. In sentient forms and sentient food there isthe absorption of much

light through the process of photosynthesis.Accordingly, this is the healthiest food.Difference in forms means difference in colours. While Tamah (staticity) isthe prototype of passivity - a dark ravine, Sattva (sentience) isdiametrically opposite. Although the expressed universe is a triplequalitative flow, nevertheless in the higher pursuits of life and in awholistic spiritual outlook Sattva (sentient) is dominant. Throughmeditation the higher faculties of mind are developed and this increasesone's sentience.These three principles or forces exist in an infinite number of combinationsboth in the material and the mental realm. Some things are more static(tamasic), others more mutative (rajasic), and a few more sentient(sattvic).The purpose of Yoga - Meditation - is to increase the principle of sentience- knowledge and clarity - in all your actions, thoughts, and feelings.

Thisis part of the process of self-actualisation leading to self-realisation.While you are alive you can never be completely sattvic (sentient), but youcan certainly train your mind to overcome the limitations of tamas(staticity) and rajas (mutative) thoughts and actions. When your mind iselevated away from and freed of the negative influence of staticity andmutativity (tamas and rajas), it is like a highly polished mirror thatfaithfully reflects the light of the higher consciousness.Remember meditation is the birthright of all human beings, and leads to anelevated mind and arousing of spiritual thought and progress.The type of food called sattvik food or sentient food is good for body andgood for mind. This type of food is light and vegetarian. It suits one'sspiritual thoughts and spiritual progress.The classification of food is based on 3 primary qualities (called

'gunas'in Sanskrit) which exist in all things to a greater or lesser degree - justas in the universal process of generation, operation and decay.Sentient Food - That food which is conducive to physical and mentalwellbeing. It produces sentient cells. Examples of sentient food are rice,wheat, barley, all kinds of pulses, milk and milk products.Mutative Food - Food which is good for the body and may or may not be goodfor the mind, but certainly not harmful. Examples include tea, coffee,chocolates.Static Food - Food which is harmful for the mind and may or may not be goodfor the body. Examples include stale and rotten food, meat of animals,mushrooms and fungi (because they involve no photosynthesis), onions andgarlic (due to their odour and secretions through the skin).FOOD FOR THOUGHTDon't Overeat!* Fill the stomach half-way with food* One quarter with

water* Keep one quarter free for movement of airYou should have proper restraint over your food. Your food should benutritious, but you must not eat too much.- Shiva's sixth secret of success in Spiritual Life.* Eat with ideation* Make your meal a meditation!* Apply Cosmic ideation and repeat your mantra for meditation as you eat."This food is Brahma (God). The one who is eating is Brahma. The act ofeating is also Brahma".Eat to live . Don't live to eat!PUMPKIN SOUP1 small Pumpkin -- seeded, unpeeled2 tablespoons Oil1/2 teaspoon Cumin seed1 or more seeds Cardamom1/2 teaspoon Cumin powder1/2 teaspoon Coriander -- ground1/4 teaspoon Ginger -- ground1/4 teaspoon Chilli powder (if desired)2 cups Cauliflower flowerets1 cup Carrot -- sliced1/2 cup Corn -- can, undrainedSalt and Pepper -- to taste1/2 teaspoon TurmericPut oil in large pot or

kettle.Heat until quite warm.Add cardamom and cumin seeds.Cook until seeds crackle.Add cut up pumpkin and water until not quite covered.Add powders.Cover and simmer until pumpkin is tender.Mash or puree.Return to pot and add your choice of vegetables.Cook until desired tenderness.You can add powered broth if desired.You can also add greens and can substitute acorn or butternut squash.Have a good meditation and meal.THE ROBBERS ARE THE 3 GUNASOnce a man was going through a forest, when three robbers fell upon him androbbed his possessions.One robber said, "What's the use of keeping this man alive?" So saying, hewas about to kill him with his sword, when the second robber interruptedhim, saying: "Oh! No! What is the use of killing him? Tie his hands and feetand leave him here." The robbers bound his hands and feet and went away.After a while the third

robber returned and said to the man: "Ah, I amsorry. Are you hurt? I will release you from your bonds." After setting theman free, the thief said: "Come with me. I will take you to the publichighway." After a long time they reached the road. At this the man said:"Sir, you have been very good to me. Come with me to my house.Oh, No!"The robber replied. " I can't go there. The police will know it."This world itself is the forest. The three robbers prowling here aresattva, rajas, and tamas. It is they that rob a man of the Knowledge ofTruth. Tama wants to destroy him. Raja binds him to the world. But Sattvarescues him from the clutches of Rajas and Tamas. Under the protection ofSattva, a human being is rescued from anger, passion and other evil effectsof Tamas. Further, Sattva loosens the bonds of the world. But Sattva also isa robber. It cannot give a person the ultimate Knowledge

of Truth, though itshows him or her the road leading to the Supreme Abode. Setting the personon the path, Sattva tells him/her: "Look yonder. There is your home." Evensattva is far away from the knowledge of Brahma (God). The Absolute isbeyond all binding principles and beyond all relativities.RegardsDharma



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