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king by name Renukasura ruled overe a country called Kashmir, on the southern slopes of the great mountain Himalaya. Though he had twentyfour qweens,he had no issues . So at the advice of sage Goutam,he worshipped devi Mookambika,who being pleased ,gave a boon that she will take birth as his daughter and give birth to four brilliant sons, one of whom will be the incarnation of god Vishnu,and destroy the whole kshatriya race.. In due course a female child was born th the qween Bhagavati, and was named as Renuka. After she became of seven years old ,the king started worrying about a match to her and sent messengers to all the fiftysix kingdoms at that time, but none was found suitable to her. The king worshipped goddess Baldurga , who told that she will suggest him to go to South to Ramashringa mountain, the grandson of Mounachala, where a brahmin sage by name Jamadagni, born of Bhrigukul lives, with his seven hundred desciples to whom he should give his

daughter Renuka in marriage. So the king ,enthroning his brother in law Chandrakant,started for Ramashringa with his army consisting of two lakhs horses, one lakh elephants, two thousand mahayantras,five hundred chatras,five thousand shibikas [i.e palanquins ],seven hundred chariots ,three lakh carts ,twelve small yantras, carried by camels and four lakh army men with his twentyone queens, many other civilians etc, and in due course reached Ramashringa. There he was received by Jamadagni,with his twenty rishis,the chief among them being Sugam, Sugandhi, Shalvatsa, Harivatsa, Koushik, Kusid, Sumedha, Vitol, Sumant, Jambalik, Jananti, Jayanti, Vijayanti, Mudgal, Shankha, and Mandute. The king told the Rishi,the blessings of goddess and requested him to accept his daughter Renuka,and on his consenting, performed his daughter’s marriage with great pomp and show and bestowed elephants, horses, palanquins etc all adorned with ornaments of gold and considerable wealth. At the

request of the Rishis, Jamadagni,settled down in Sirshring mountain, which was formerly habited by five asuras, Kumir, Sumir, Choulak, Nrigund [ present town Naragund ] and Nulund [ present town Navalgund],whom the goddess Durga had killed. Here on the banks of river Malaprahari [ present Malaprabha ], Jamadagni settled down with Renuka in an ashram and led an austere ashram life. Renuka used to fetch water daily in the morning from the Malaprahari river near Vital. One day she saw the Gandharvas ans Apsaras [celestial nymphs ], women and men clad in fine jewellery and fine gorgeous clothes etc.. Being a princess, Renuka was tempted and wished for such a luxury way of life, but having felt ashamed by this thought,repented and came back to the ashram, but her gloomy face could not hide her feelings. Jamadagni,who had known this ,by his spiritual powers ,hated her and felt that she did not deserve to be kept alive ,due to her impure thoughts, and

ordered his three sons ,who were nearby,to kill her ,and on their refusal burnt them alive. Parashurama[ Bhargavrama],who was away in the forest was ordered to kill his mother ,when he had returned from the forest. He instantly obeyed the orders and killed his mothere Renuka . Being extremely pleased with the obedience of Parashurama,he asked him to seek favours, whereupon Parashuram obtained boons to revive his mother and three brothers and by another boon,he requested Jamadagni to shun his anger .After this Parashurama went out for studies. Jamadagni aproached Indra, for sparing his cow Kamadhenu, for the maintenence of his ashram and brought the same from heaven . One day the king SAHASRARJUNA came to his ashram with his big army. Seeing this vast army,all the rishis ran and preyed Jamadagni to protec them . Jamadagni the king for a meal with him. His army was surprised to think how a poor brahmin could feed such a vast army, but they all

enjoyed a grand meal. The king being surprised,sent his spies to find out the truth, and on knowing about the Kamadhenu, begged him to give her. Jamadagni declined his request on the ground that he had to maintain an ashram and that further it was surprising that a king who should give, should be begging. Therefore on refusal,the king ordered his minister to bring the Kamadhenu by force.. When the KAMADHENU was being dragged, it ceated a large army of daityas,who fought with the army of Sahasrarjuna and destroyed them. Being enraged at the destruction of the entire army,Sahasrarjuna beheaded Jamadagni by his tomar. Renuka came weeping and crying,followed by Bhargava [ Parashurama ],who seeing his father’s death, fought with army , [ mob -samudava ], twentyone times and destroyed it. He then vowed th kill all the kshatriyas on this earth twentyone times,and went to the capital of Sahasrabahu, and fought alone and killed the elephant brigade and burnt the entire army and cut

off the hands of Sahasrarjuna,and further beheaded him and carried the head and skin to his motherand showed her. If SSKNA Committe Members have any concerns regarding this Article, Please send your concerns to Concerns.

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