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Dear Babithaji, With your message "A thought of Kollur", you just took my mind back to more than 40 years when I first travelled to Kollur with my father (who left us about five years back); Kollur did not have any hotels or restaurents at that time and more over, in order to reach there from Mangalore, one had to cross six or seven rivers, none of which had bridge over it. The passage from temple to Souparnika was just a one foot 'path' with bushes on both sides and after a rain, it was so slippery that it would take more than an hour to trek the route. As you said, we used to be guests at a priest's house (Sri Purushotham Jolsier) who used to provide us shelter as well as food. The feeling of security and bliss I experienced before four decades continued as it is every

time I visited Kollur, until 1995 when Amma blessed me with a chance of living in Kollur for more than 4 full years until late 1999. Your message brought inexplicable memories of the good old Kollur to my mind; we the devotees have changed in our ways of life and comforts we are used to, but Amma remains the same, and so do Her blessings to us. May Goddess Mookambika bless all of us. Lokah: Samastha: Sukhino Bhavanthu. RK wrote: Sri Mookambika Devi Messages In This Digest (4 Messages) 1. Dattaatreya Upanisad Babitha Vasanth 2. A thought of Kollur Babitha Vasanth 3. History - Part One Babitha Vasanth 4. History - Part Two Babitha Vasanth View All Topics | Create New Topic Messages 1. Dattaatreya Upanisad Posted by: "Babitha Vasanth" babitha70 babitha70 Sat Dec 8, 2007 9:49 pm (PST) An intresting legend. Dattaatreya Upanisad Once Brahma the creator asked Lord Narayana about the efficacy of the taaraka-mantra to

which the latter replied: "Always think of Me and My glory, and be in commune with Me in the attitude 'I am Datta, the great Lord.' Such ones who medidate thus do not swirl in the ver-recurring course of worldly existence." Accordingly, after meditating on Lord Vishnu (Dattatreya), Brahma said: "Yes. The Brahman that is the infinite and peerless alone remains as the residuum after negation of everything else." The one-, six-, eight-, twelve-, and sixteen-syllabled mantras of Dattaatreya The taaraka monosyllable is 'Daam'. He is the haMsa established in all beings. 'Daam' in the lengthened form is the Paramaatman. The six syllabled one is 'OM, ShriiM, HriiM, KliiM, GlauM, DraaM. The eight-syllabled one is 'DraM' or 'DraaM' and then adding to it the syllables 'Dat, taa, tre, yaa, na,maaH." The portion 'Dattatreya' is of the character of knowledge, existence, and bliss, and that of namaH is of full- blown bliss. The twelve-syllabled formula is 'OM, AAM, HriiM, KroM,

ehi Dattatreya svaahaa.' The sixteen-syllabled formula is OM, AiM, KroM, KliiM, CluuM, HraaM, HriiM, HruuM, SauH (nine) and the five syllables constituting Dattaatreyaaya, and the twin syllable svaahaa. The whole formula is 'OM, AiM, KroM, KliiM, CluuM, HraaM, HriiM, HruuM, SauH Dattaatreyaaya svaahaa.' The anushhtubh-mantra of Dattaatreya All the portions of the mantra are said to be in the vocative forms right through as 'Dattaatreya Hare KRshhNa unmataananda-daayaka, digambara, mune, baala, pishaaca, jn~aana saagara.' The mala-mantra of Dattaatreya This is then given as: 'OM namo bhagavate dattaatreyaaya, smaraNa-maatra-samtushhTaaya OM salutations unto Lord Dattatreya who is propitiated by remembrance (devotion), mahaa-bhaya-nirvaaNaaya, mahaa-jn~aanaa-pradaaya,cidaanandaatmane that is the dispeller of great fears, who bestows the highest character of sentience and bliss baalonmatta-pishaaca-veshaaya' who is in the guise of a child, a

mad-man, a devil, thus: mahaa yogine avadhuutaya, anasuuyaananda-vardhanaayatri-putraya a great yogin, is the enhancer of the bliss of Anasuya (His mother), is the son of the sage Atri, sarva-kaama-phala-pradaaya, bhava-bandha-mocanaaya, who bestows the fruits of all the desires of the devotee's heart, the redeemer of the bonds of worldy existence, sakala-vibhuuti-daaya saadhyakarshhaNaaya sarva-manaH-kshhobhaNaaya, ciram- jiivane vashi-kuru, vashi-kuru, aakarshhaya-akarshhaya, vidveshhaya, vidveshhaya, uccaaTaya-uccaaTaaya, stambhaya-stambhaya, maaraya-maaraya namaH, saMpannaaya, namaH saMpannaaya, svaahaa poshhaya, poshhaya, para-mantra para-yantra para tantraaMshh ccindhi, ccindhi; [no translation] grahaan nivaaraya; nivaaraya; vyaadhiin nivaaraya, nivaaraya; duHkhaM haraya,haraya; daaridryam vidraavaya, dehaM poshhaya, poshhaya; citttam toshhaya, toshhaya: Do thou counteract the malignant influences of the planets, cure

the ailments, drive off anguish, melt away all penury, fill the mind with joy sarva mantra sarva yantra sarva tantra sarva pallava svaruupaaya iti oM namaH shivaaya. OM .unto Thee of the real form of incantations, all mystic symbols and powers, etc. OM salutations! OM salutations unto Lord Dattatreya who is propitiated by remembrance (devotion), that is the dispeller of great fears, who bestows the highest character of sentience and bliss and who is in the guise of a child, a mad- man, a devil, a great yoin, is the enhancer of the bliss of Anasuya (His mother), is the son of the sage Atri, who bestows the fruits of all the desires of the devotee's heart, the redeemer of the bonds of worldy existence, ..Do thou nourish my body, counteract the malignant influences of the planets, cure the ailments, drive off anguish,melt away all penury, fill the mind with joy...unto Thee of the real form of incantations, all mystic symbols and powers, etc. OM salutations! He who knows

all about this vidyaa and practices this becomes holy, and he attains the fruits of having muttered the Gayatri, the Mahaarudra, and the PraNava innumerable times, and he is absolved of all his sins. Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 2. A thought of Kollur Posted by: "Babitha Vasanth" babitha70 babitha70 Sat Dec 8, 2007 10:28 pm (PST) Namaste,I would like to share a bit of mt thought about Kollur.When I first came into my Husbands Family, my Father inlaw Shree Narayanan, woul dtell me a lot of tales which I would like to share.When Achaa used to travel to kollur when he was in his 30, there was no roads or proper shelter as well. The Tantris of the temple however are the charming family of Adigas. Long before hotels, lodges, restaurants and the like sprung up around the temple, these noble souls acted as hosts to the hosts of devotees that thronged the place. The present head of the Adiga Clan, Shri Narasimha Adiga, is a study in quiet dignity, scholarliness, devotion and charm. He laments the onslaught of commercialisation of all things traditional and even....rather

especially...spiritual, though things have remained creditably pristine at Kollur all these years. Thee was one Head of the shrine then Shree Nagaraj who was thehead Poojare who used to shelter Achaa that time, not just shelter but also food and a Straw mat was provided to all the Devotee whostayed withinn the Four walls. it was very cold then. Also once when he went to Sawparnika for his usual bath and Prayers he was bitten by a snake which i believe was very Posion but he was engrosed in his Prayer did not notice till later hours, again with Amma Blesssing he is wtill with us.Many are the unfortunate people who keep wishing and planning to go to Kollur, but never make it, for one reason or the other. Many unfortunate people keep visiting different temples thinking and believeing that Amma is else where, maybe yes but the fact remains the same and that is myths is that for an hour every morning Mookambika Devi visits the Devi temple at Chottanikkara in

Kerala, though the Goddess at Chottanikkara Herself is so powerful and glorious that She really doesn’t need Endorsement from anyone else. But the myth continues.What so ever one thinks to believe , Amma is only and is at Kollur more than else where.To receive AMMA's Dharshan we have to be at Kollur not else where for it is tht WE who seek Amma not Amma who seek us. Hense , if one is yet to Visit kollur then make no delay and wait for Tomorrow.Pranam,BabithaNever miss a thing. Make your homepage. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 3. History - Part One Posted by: "Babitha Vasanth" babitha70 babitha70 Sat Dec 8, 2007 10:41 pm (PST) Let us go back several thousands of years now. The time is so far back in the past that one really doesn't have an accurate

date......or even an accurate millennium, for that matter!(This is long, long before the Rama Avatar, if that helps you to get things in some sort of perspective)The Sage Kola had wandered around plains, crossed rivers, climbed hills and traversed dangerous forests in search of the perfect place to meditate and do religious rituals. Finally he landed up at an idyllic place deep, deep in the forest, surrounded by mountains, on the banks of a little stream with water that was clearer than crystal. Things should normally have been perfect for him despite the fact that the place was teeming with wild animals.(The enlightened sages of those times, though carnivorous in their dietary habits, managed to co exist peacefully withnature in all its glorious forms and the very possibility of animals being put on the Endangered List some day hadn't struck their great minds at the time.) But trouble he did have,in the form of the Demon Kamhasura, who delighted in disrupting

Kola's meditation in ways too gross to be printed. The patience of even Great Souls like Kola though vast, isn't infinite. And finally a day came when he simply couldn't take it any more. So he started praying and praying to all the Gods to come to his aid and to rid him of this pain in his saintly neck, KamhaBut there was a tiny problem in that Kamha himself was a devout Thapasvi and consequently extremely well endowed in spiritual ammunition, so to speak. And to make matters worse, he had pleased Shiva so much with his Thapas that Shiva had given him the boon that no man could ever kill him. And thus began Womens Lib....all those years ago....in the forests haunted by Kamha, when Saint Kola started to pray for a Woman to kill destroy the horrible Asura that no man could. Kamha was quick in finding out about Kola's plans and started to pray to Shiva once again in his demoniacally efficient way.....This time, to seek the boon that no Woman could kill him either! By

this time though, most of the Gods were on Kola's side.And when the moment came when Shiva Manifested Himself before Kamha, Saraswathi,the Goddess of expression sat on Kamha's tongue and rendered him mute.(Saraswathi's tricks in this line are legendary; the time when she similarly caused Kumbhakarna to sleep foreternity being another such celebrated instance)Shiva smiled a pleased Shaivite smile and said to Kamha "I am pleased with your devotion again, O Kamha. Tell me..what can I do for you this time?" But all Kamha could do was just gulp wordlessly. Shiva was a tad surprised, for normally the Thapasvis were quicker than US Missiles in asking for boons....and here was this Asura just staring at him mutely! So Shiva asked him again.....and again...why he was summoned from his blissful activities in the arms of Parvathi all the way from Kailasa if the bugger had nothing to Tell him. And Kamha remained desperately mute. So Shiva cursed him roundly and went

off in a huff. It was celebration day for Kola naturally. And he in turn, wasted no time at all in invoking the blessings of ALL the Gods...not just Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvathi, but every single one from the Thirty Three CRORE Devas to come to his aid. And come to his aid, they did! And how!The collective power of all the Gods manifested itself in the form of a woman....a Goddess...more glorious than anything anyone had ever conceived of till then:-Aadi Paraashakthi,the Primordial Female Force! And She made short work of Kamha before he could utter a single syllable of protest. As she killed him when he was rendered mute...or Mooka in Sanskrit....she came to be called Mookambika.Soon after she killed Kamhasura....or Mookasura .... She disappeared into a rock on the ground,around which the present Mookambika Temple is built.The place itself was called Kolapuram....the place where Kola used to live....which has become

corrupt over the years into Kollur.During the time of Shri Rama,long before the Temple we now see was built, Lakshmana was wounded gravely in battle.And the ever faithful Hanumanwas crossing the country with a flying leap,(Which was His speciality, beingpartly the son of Vaayu or the God of Air) carrying a huge big portion ofthe divine mountain Chandra Giri which had the two divine antidotes to cureLakshmana (Sandanakarini and Mritha Sanjeevini) apart from sixty four otherdivine medicinal plants.During his flight however, fragments of this divinemountain fell here and there in some blessed spots in our country.And onesuch piece fell near the spot where Goddess Mookambika had manifestedHerself.This still stands as a mini mountain and is calledKodashadri.Around the same time, Garuda landed up there to do a bit ofmeditation Himself because of the obvious concentration of cosmic energypresent.He used water from the Divine

stream originating at the top of thehill. As Garuda was also called Suparna this river came to be known asSauparnika. It flows happily to this very day, containing the beneficialeffects of all the sixty four divine medicinal herbs from the hill, but asit seems to be the case with most divine rivers in our country, it getshorrendously polluted by hordes of visiting pilgrims, many of whom keeptheir noxious bodies unwashed like the cohorts of Attilla The Hun just topurify them in the divine waters of the Sauparnika without giving theslightest heed to the welfare of the river itself.PART TWO WILL BE POSTED SHORTLY.PRANAM,BabithaBe a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) 4. History - Part Two Posted by: "Babitha Vasanth" babitha70 babitha70 Sat Dec 8, 2007 10:43 pm (PST) Centuries pass......And a brilliant young man from Kerala ison a tour of the entire length and breadth of

India............on foot. Eversensitive to places with an excess of divine energy, the youthful AdiShankara is stunned by what he experiences at Kollur where just the divinerock exists at the time. During his soujourn there,the Divine Mothermanifests herself in his dreams complete with four hands and a strikinglyattractive face and demeanor and asks him to build an idol of Hers just asShe appeared before him, for the benefit of those devotees who would findthe idea of worshipping a mere rock, however divine, simply too abstract aconcept to put effectively into practice. And he does so, giving us thissupremely exquisite idol which still stands, smiling benignly on us, Herchildren. Further, he sets about organising the various rituals and PoojaVidhis of the temple which also continue mostly unchanged to this day.The temple itself was constructed by the Samantha ruler Venkanna,nephew of Sankanna several centuries ago.

Though the devotees arestruck dumb...rendered Mooka, so to speak....by the beauty of the idol, thereal power however, lies in the divine rock which gleams quietly and darklyin front. This rock is divided into two by a golden line. The left siderepresents Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and the right side, Saraswathi, Lakshmiand Durga. The rear end of the left side has a Go Padam (Cow's Foot) and the right side a Scar sustained by Shiva on his forehead during his battle withArjuna in the form of Kiratha. This scar, in turn, is called Paartha Praharam.The Shri Mookambika Temple is one of the Eighteen Great Devi Temples or Shakthi Peetams of the world, with the Shankari temple at Sri Lanka, the Madhavi temple at Gaya, the Bhadrakali temple at Gokarnam and the Vishalakshi templeat Kaasi being some of the others. An extremely powerful Shri Chakra was taken from this temple to Mysore by the ruler Krishnaraja Wodeyar and established in the celebrated

Nimishamba temple.Speaking ofwhich, brings us to the story of the Tiger from Mysore, Tippu Sultan's celebrated visit to the Shri Mookambika Temple. Tippu was travelling all over South India, systematically plundering Hindu temples. But when he reached the Mookambika temple he was so moved by the divine atmosphere there that he gave some money as an endowment and left the Goddess unmolested. In fact, as he offered his respects in the Muslim way during the evening Pooja, the evening Pooja came to be known as "Salaam"....and many old timers still refer to the evening Pooja as Salaam!The History was composed by shree Rama Varma.Never miss a thing. Make your homepage. Back to top Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post Messages in this topic (1) Recent Activity 1 New MembersVisit Your Group Y! Messenger Instant smiles Share photos while you IM friends. Dog Groups on discuss everything related to dogs. HDTV Support The official Samsung Y! Group for HDTVs and devices. Need to Reply? Click one of the "Reply" links to respond to a specific message in the Daily Digest. Create New Topic | Visit Your Group on the Web Messages | Files | Photos | Database | Polls One Motherly Love Equally Shared With All . MARKETPLACE Earn your degree in as few as 2 years - Advance your career with an AS, BS, MS degree - College-Finder.net. Change settings via the Web ( ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Individual | Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group | Terms of Use | Un

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