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Muruga Saranam


HI Patricia..


Thank your for your comments. To be honest I am still learning person

(sure, not trying to be humble). But well wishing words from good

people like you can make anyone a learned person.


Dear Devotees,


Recently I was just listening to the song by KB Sundarambal (we all

know avvaiyar the eternal devotee of Lord Murugan only through her).

In this song Lord Murugan keeps asking her about various things and

she is answering. It is quite interesting to listen to it, as it

reminds the Glories of the Lord in (and between) those lines.


Just wanted to share the happiness with others.


The song is pasted below as the tamil text (only people with murasu

software and TSCu_Inaimathi fonts installed can view tamil version).

Then it is followed by romanised version of the same text which is

later followed by the english comments.


The Tamil Version Goes here



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NOTE: Those who want to skip the ROMANISED VERSION can goto the

translation section marked as T_C_T_C_T_C atthe end.


The actual Song in ROMAN Version goes here



LORD MURUGAN: avvaiyE ulakil ariyathu enna?


AVVAIAR: ariyathu kEtkum varivadivElOy

arithu arithu mAnidarAthal arithu

mAnidarayinum kuun kurudu sevidu pEdu niingki piRaththal arithu

kuun kurudu sevidu pEdu niingki njaanamum kalviyum nayaththal arithu

njaanamum kalviyum nayantha kaalinum thaanamum thavamum thaan seythal


thaanamum thavamum thaan seyvaraayinum vaanavarai naadi vazi



LORD MURUGAN: ariyathu kEttamaikku thamizil azagAga vidai thantha

muuthaattiyE ulakil kodiyathu enna?


AVVAIAR: kodiyathu kEtkum varivadivElOy

kodithu kodithu vaRumai kodithu, athaninum kodithu iLamaiyil vaRumai

athaninum kodithu aaTRuNaakkodunOy

athaninum kodithu anbilaappendir

athaninum kodithu avar kayyaal inbuRavuNbathuthaanE...!


LORD MURUGAN: mikka magizcci, sollaal thamizaal vellaatha ulagai

ellaam vellum thiRamai padaitha avvayE, periyathu enna?


AVVAIAR: periyathu kEtkum thani neduvelOy

perithu perithubuvanam perithu

buvanamum nanmukan padaipu

nanmukan kariyaman unthiyil vanthoon

kariyamanO alaikdarpiRanthOn

alaikadalO kurumuniyan kaiyiladakkam

kuruminiyo kalasaththiRpiRanthOn

kalasamO puviyiRsiRuvan

puviyO aravinukkoru kalpaaram

aravO umayavaL siruviral mothiram

umaiyO iRaivar bagathodukkam

iRaivanO thoNdar uLLathodukkam

thoNdar tham perumaiyai sollavum perithee...!


LORD MURUGAN: avvaiyE vaanavarum unathupaattiRku adimai aagi

viduvarenRaal athil viyappillai. iniyathu enna?


AVVAIYAR: iniyathu kEtkum thani neduvelOy

inithu inithu Ekaantham inithu, athaninum inithu aathiyayi thozuthal

athaninum inithu aRivinan sErthal, athaninum inithu arivuLLorai

kanavilum nanavilum kaaNbathuthaanE...!


LORD MURUGAN: ariyathu, kodiyathu, periyathu, iniyathu anaithukkum

muRaiyodu vidai pakanRa avvaiyE, puthiyathu enna?


AVVAIYAR: enRum puthiyathu

paadal enRum puthiyathu

poruL niRaintha paadal enRum puthiyathu

muruga, unaippaadum poruL niRaintha paadal enRum puthiyathu

muruga, unaippaadum poruL niRaintha paadal enRum puthiyathu


aruL niRaintha pulavarkaL nenjil amutham ennum thamiz kodutha poruL

niraintha paadal enRum puthiyathu

aruL niRaintha pulavarkaL nenjil amutham ennum thamiz kodutha poruL

niraintha paadal enRum puthiyathu

murugan enRa peyaril vantha azagE enRum puthiyathu

muRuval kaattum kumaran koNda iLamai enRum puthiyathu

muRuval kaattum kumaran koNda iLamai enRum puthiyathu

unnaippetra annaiyarkku unathu liilai puthiyathu

unnaippetra annaiyarkku unathu liilai puthiyathu

unathu thanthai iRaivanukkum, velum.. mayilum... unathu thanthai

iRaivanukkum, velum mayilum puthiyathu

muruga, unaippaadum poruL niRaintha paadal enRum puthiyathu


thingaLukkum njaayiRukkum kanthan mEni puthiyathu

thingaLukkum njaayiRukkum kanthan mEni puthiyathu

sErnthavarkku vazangum kanthan karuNai puthiyathu

aRivil ariyathu, aruLil periyathu, aRivil ariyathu, aruLil periyathu

aLLi aLLi uNNa uNNa unathu thamiz iniyathu

aLLi aLLi uNNa uNNa unathu thamiz iniyathu

muthalil mudivathu, mudivin muthalathu

muthalil mudivathu, mudivin muthalathu

muunRu kaalam uNarnthavarkku aaRumukam puthiyathu



The Translation/Comments go here



Lord Murugan asks: Oh Avvai, what is " rare " ?


Avvaiyar Replies: Oh Lord who holds the beautiful Lance!

" rare " (or more difficultto attain) is to become a human being.

" rarer " is to getbirth without any handicaps like bent back (kuun),

blindness, deaf or " pedu " (neither male nor female - pl correct me


even if one atains human birth without these dificiencies, still

rarer is to obtain knowledge and education

After obtaining knowledge and education, rarer is to do charity and


And if one does charity and penance the gates towards the beings of

higher realms would open. (though I wont want to contradict a

realised person like avvaiyar, it is just my doubt that wont it be

the lotus feet of Lord which is higher than the " vanavar " who belong

to higher realms. Or may be here vaanavar means the God Himself)


LORD MURUGAN: Oh Avvai, thank you for beautifully explaining what is

rare. What is bad?


AVVAIYAR: Oh Lord with beautiful Lance who is asking me about what is


Bad is poverty. Worse is poverty in youthhood.

Much worse is uncurable dissease

Worse than that is women without love

(I think women need not be offended here for one reason, as per my

understanding of the above statement. That is Love/compassion is more

attributed to women as it is rare to spot a woman who is heartless

and doesnt cry upon seeing miseries of others. But men are not like

that. Many can be stone hearted. So it might have been intended that

women are the one who always show love and compassion and it may not

be rare to see a man not showing love.)


Much worse than that is to joyfully eat food from them

(It is said that most of what we eat, even vegetarian, is sinful.

Anything should be offred to Lord to get it purified of all sins. One

who eats non sinful is said to get purified in consciousness and it

becomes easy for him to devote himself towards Lord. Thats why, often

prasadams offered to Lord are considered sacred and thatswhy even

rich get into crowded people and strech their hands to take a bite of

the pure and sacred food. Mothers cook for their family with love and

devotion and thas why even simple home food is tastier than hotel



LORD MURUGAN: Oh Avvai! you can win over all the worlds by your words

and tamil. Can you tell me what is " Great " ?


AVVAIYAR: Oh Lord with the long lance who is asking what is Great,

Great is the world

world is created by brahma

brahma came from the navel of " kariyaman " (it should be Lord Vishnu)

(much of what follows in the following few lines is really not clear

to me - please add your comments here to correct me)

kariyaman is from the sea full of tides (paaRkadal)

the sea is contained in the hands of kurumuniyan

kurumuni is born from kalasam and kalasm is smaller than puvi

puvi is weightless for aravu

and aravu is ring of Godess Uma (Consort of our beloved Lord Shiva)

Uma is a part of Supreme Lord and the Supreme Lord resides in the

heart of His devotee (Oh! God what an awesome explanation!!!)

If you sing the glories of His Devotees it is " Great " as well.


LORD MURUGAN: Oh Avvai! It wont be surprising if the beings of higher

realms will also become addicted to your song.

What is sweeter?


AVVAIYAR: Oh Lord with the long lance who is asking about what is


Sweeter is the loneliness

sweeter than that is praying the 'aathi' (beginning)

sweeter than that is to be in company of knowledgible (but, can this

be sweeter than praying the Lord)

sweeter than that is to meet the knowledgible in dream and reality

(as they could help you in your spiritual journey)


LORD MURUGAN: Oh Avvai! You answered for what is rare, worse, Great

and sweet. What is " New " ?


AVVAIYAR: It is ever new

The Song is ever new

The meaningful song is ever new

Oh Lord Muruga! The meaningful song that sings in praise of you is

ever new

Oh Lord Muruga! The meaningful song that sings in praise of you is

ever new

The Song, that gave the " amrit " (or deathless) known as Tamil into

the hearts of the " Blessed Poets " is ever new


The beauty that came in the name of " MURUGAN " is ever new

The youthhood of ever smiling KUMARAN is ever new

For the mothers who gave birth to you, your pastimes are ever new

For your father " Iraivan " (The Supreme God) your Lance and peacock

are new.

Oh Lord Muruga! The meaningful song that sings in praise of you is

ever new


For Moon and the Sun the body of KANDAN is new

For those who (newly) joined (in devotion of Murugan) the mercy of

KANTHAN is new.


The rarest in knowledge, the biggest in blessings and the sweetest by

eating again and again is your tamil langauge (probably Tamil is

praised as it helps us in prasingthe Lord)


That concludes in the begining and beigins at the conclusion

Even for those who know the past, present and future, The Sixfaced

Lord is new.





NOTE: In the paragraphtitled PERIYATHU ENNA, I am really not able to

grasp the words properly from the audio cassette of poor quality. I

request devotees to correct it and ofcourse at any point where it is


If this kind of comments on the glories of Lord Murugan is

interestingto the members, I request the learned people to share

their knowledge of hymns/devotional songs with comments/translations

in English (could be thirupugaz, thevaaram, periyapuranam, even

excerpts from upanyasams of great people like kripanandavariyar or

anything that demonstrates the boundless mercy showered by God).


May All Glories be to Lord Murugan


Meyyappan S

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Meyyappan S writes:


> Muruga Saranam


> HI Patricia..


> Thank your for your comments. To be honest I am still learning person

> (sure, not trying to be humble). But well wishing words from good

> people like you can make anyone a learned person.



That's the famous Aathi Choodi - atleast a part of it!

Anyone who knows tamil ilakiyam would recognize that instantly!


Aram cheya virumbu

Aaruvathu chinam


Iivathu vilakel



thandhai thaai paen!


Anyone who knows thiruppugazh, would also know how Tamil originated -


Akara mudhalena urai seiy .............








|| Thiruchitrambalam ||

|| Muruga Sharanam ||

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