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dhandapani , Meyyappan S <meyyappan_s>


> Hi Madam Kala..


> Your faith in Him is really great. That will really

> take you to heights. In our current status it is

> almost impossible for us to be detached from material

> things. We have to be materialistic atleast for our

> basic existence with which only it is possible for us

> to pursue HIM. It is by His mercy that you are able to

> live through the trials and tribulations.


> It is said that the problems we face happen due to

> karma vinai. We may have to undergo it and we cannot

> escape it by suiciding. By suiciding the problem could

> become worser than anyone's imagination. Probably we

> are better off by undergoing the difficulties and

> completing it. Though by the mercy of Lord you have

> decided against suicide, I want to share some info on

> this so that our members can prevent suicides.


> I came to know through a learned person about what

> happens after suicide, Just sharing it for the benefit

> of the members. Here it goes.

> ===============

> The scriptures state that one who commits suicide will

> have to remain as a ghost for the period of time that

> one's body was supposed to exist. A ghost is nothing

> but a person with no physical body. According to the

> sankhya system, our body is made up of two coverings,

> the sukshma-sharira (subtle body) and the

> sthula-sharira (gross body). The gross body is made up

> of the panca-bhutas (earth, water, fire, air and

> ether), and the subtle body is made up of the mind

> (manas), intelligence (buddhi) and identification

> (ahankara). It is the subtle body which accompanies

> the soul into the next body at the time of death. The

> gross physical body has a particular duration of

> existence based on one's prarabdha karma. When one

> commits suicide, one brings one's physical body to an

> end prior to it having completed it's alloted time.

> One's next body is prepared in the akasha, ready to

> manifest at the end of one's alloted time (the normal

> death of one's physical body). Thus if one was

> supposed to live for 100 years, one's next body will

> be waiting for you after that 100 years. If for some

> reason one were to commit suicide at the age of 50,

> then one's next body will not be ready, and one will

> remain in an ethereal state until the ballance 50

> years of existence pass. This state of existing as a

> ghost is a great suffering for the individual, as they

> lack the senses through which to act. The desires to

> act remain, as the mind, intelligence and

> identification of the subtle body are still existing.

> But lacking a physical body with senses, it becomes

> impossible to satisfy the desires one has. This leads

> to a hellish state of existence for the soul. One may

> deliver a friend or relative from this ethereal

> existence, and put them back on their path, by

> performing Vishnu puja. This is known as the shraddha

> ceremony, wherein food is sanctified by offering it to

> Vishnu, and the remnants are offered to the

> forefathers for their purification. If any of the

> forefathers had been in such a ghostly situation, they

> would become delivered by receiving the blessings of

> Vishnu prasadam. For those who are unable to perform

> the sraddha ceremony, the chanting of Vishnu's names

> should be performed, either in japam or through group

> bhajana. Govinda-nama-sankirtana is the most powerful

> method of delivering one's friends and forefathers

> from negative circumstances, both while they are

> living and after.

> ====================


> With Best Regards

> Meyyappan S




> > Hi to All,

> > You are all very kind with your words of caring,

> > encouragement and prayers. I

> > think I did the right thing but taking the courage

> > to share my problem(s) with

> > you all. I am very grateful.

> > Before I go on thanking each of you, just to let

> > you know I am a lady and I

> > am from Singapore. Presently I am doing my Master

> > in Law in London. The

> > reason I am here is because of HIM. Just before I

> > came here for my studies I

> > went on a temple pilgrimage in Tamil Nadu. I love

> > going to the temples and

> > have done so previously with my mom and this time

> > around I did it with my

> > father who is the solely responsible for my and my

> > siblings faith in Hinduism.

> > It was a great experience for me to visit the

> > temples with my father who has

> > a fairly good knowledge of each temple's history. I

> > have visited all the 6

> > Aarupadai veedu of HIS with my mother. However this

> > time around though I

> > wanted to do that again, but did not get to go to

> > Palani and Palamuthri

> > cholai. But I did go to Maruthamalai. I simply

> > feel happy when I am there

> > with HIM - be it MURUGA , SHIVA, PERUMAL, AMMAN - I

> > feel joy.... There is a

> > deep personal problem which I am not able to share

> > with you all at the moment.

> > As I was not able to cope (suicidal thoughts did

> > cross my mind then and even

> > now ) but I decided to resign from my job as I was

> > not able to perform as my

> > career is quite demanding most of the times. I have

> > almost used up all my

> > savings, I have not paid my full fees here , there

> > is a problem with my

> > sponsorship. HE somehow just does not seem right

> > for me to receive any

> > financial aid as yet. But I am looking at other

> > means to raise money, but

> > that has never been a problem for me. I know HE

> > will somehow pull me through

> > the financial, it is the personal problem that eats

> > me to the core at times.

> > And that is when I fear that will cost my studies.

> > Mr Meyappan, I am thankful for the mantras, yes I

> > will memorise that and will

> > recite it. Presently I tend to recite OM SARAVANA

> > BHAVA OM. Yes, I have

> > read that HE is to be loved for HIS sake. But are

> > we all HIS children and as

> > children we are human and do have needs which though

> > are materialistic but it

> > is needed for this world, right? Our basic need to

> > be sheltered, protected,

> > fed and above all to be Loved by one whom you love

> > with all your heart , i.e.

> > mortal love. My love for HIM doesn't diminish but I

> > know my faith is being

> > tested and that is when I gain strength from reading

> > the trials of the great

> > Saints. I love Vedan Kannapar and admire his pure

> > love for GOD. However, I

> > am still an average lady who wants to live life as

> > any other lady of my age.

> > So this is when I falter and do tend to be upset

> > with HIM. But of course it

> > does not last even for more a few seconds or

> > minutes. I have thought of being

> > a nun but am not sure as to how to go out doing it.

> >

> > Ms Patricia, I am grateful. Your words are real

> > encouragement and am glad to

> > found a friend in you. I am trying to do that- the

> > switching off part. My

> > being here in London is a sort of miracle by itself.

> > I switched of for that

> > and HE saw me through and now I am here. But HE

> > then brought a big hurdle. I

> > know HE will see me through this too.

> > Mr Thiru, the Kavasams were given to me by one good

> > MURUGAN devotee. Please

> > visit the website Kaumaram.com - you will be able to

> > obtain them there. HE

> > had a hand in that too but it took me about a year

> > to listen to the cds. HE

> > conjured up events for me to do that too.

> > Mr Senthil, I am grateful to you too. But I did not

> > receive the attachement

> > though. When I was at Swamimalai, I did surrender

> > myself to HIM. Please let

> > me have the attachement again, if that is not too

> > time consuming for you. I do

> > count my blessings too. That is what keeps me

> > going each day. One of my

> > blessing at the moment is having met all of you

> > through this website.

> > Once again, I am very grateful to each and everyone

> > for being prompt in your

> > replies and care and concern. Please do forgive me

> > if I have said any that

> > might not be to your liking.

> > With faith,

> > Kala M K





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