Guest guest Posted August 24, 2005 Report Share Posted August 24, 2005 1. In Chidambaram, RatnaGiri, Magarali, Velur, Tirutani, Tiruparangundram, Piranmalai and Settikulam Muruga has the Vahana of elephant(yanai vahanam). 2. In Tiruporur Goat(Aadu vahanam), Parrot(kili vahanam) and Lion(Simma vahanam) are there for Muruga. 3. In Tiruparangundram, beneath Moolavar Goat, Peacock(Mayil vahanam), elephant and Hen(Seval) vahanas are there. 4. In Kailaimalai Muruga is having Hen in his hand. 5. In Kanaga Giri Muruga is having Parrot in his hand. 6. In Marungur, a village Muruga is sitting on Goat. 7. In Sidambaram and in Magal, Muruga is sitting on Elephant. 8. In the Ayyappan temple in Kangayam, Muruga is sitting on Fish(meen vahanam). 9. In Avur temple, Muruga is having Lotus in his hands. 10. In Thinnium(Trichy Dt.) Muruga, Valli and Deivayanai are sitting each on one peacock. 11. In Maambalam there is a murugan Asramam.. and Murugan with a 5 headed snakecan be seen. Likewise, 50 miles from Bangalore, and in Kanchipuram can see Murugan with 7 headed, and 3 headed snake respectively. Also at VadapazhaNi..12. Horse Vahanam in Marudhamalai can be observed. Start your day with - make it your home page Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2005 Report Share Posted September 2, 2005 Dear sir, In Tiruparangundram Vahana of Murugan is peacock not elephant ( there is a mayil mandapam straight outside the temple also). please correct it. And if an elephant is found there, it is for Deivanai and not murugan. Samanurith. dhandapani , skanda kumara <skandakumara> wrote: > > 1. In Chidambaram, RatnaGiri, Magarali, Velur, Tirutani, Tiruparangundram, Piranmalai and Settikulam Muruga has the Vahana of elephant(yanai vahanam). > > 2. In Tiruporur Goat(Aadu vahanam), Parrot(kili vahanam) and Lion(Simma vahanam) are there for Muruga. > > 3. In Tiruparangundram, beneath Moolavar Goat, Peacock(Mayil vahanam), elephant and Hen(Seval) vahanas are there. > > 4. In Kailaimalai Muruga is having Hen in his hand. > > 5. In Kanaga Giri Muruga is having Parrot in his hand. > > 6. In Marungur, a village Muruga is sitting on Goat. > > 7. In Sidambaram and in Magal, Muruga is sitting on Elephant. > > 8. In the Ayyappan temple in Kangayam, Muruga is sitting on Fish(meen vahanam). > > 9. In Avur temple, Muruga is having Lotus in his hands. > > 10. In Thinnium(Trichy Dt.) Muruga, Valli and Deivayanai are sitting each on one peacock. > > 11. In Maambalam there is a murugan Asramam.. and Murugan with a 5 headed snakecan be seen. Likewise, 50 miles from Bangalore, and in Kanchipuram can see Murugan with 7 headed, and 3 headed snake respectively. Also at VadapazhaNi.. > > 12. Horse Vahanam in Marudhamalai can be observed. > > > > > > Start your day with - make it your home page Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 6, 2005 Report Share Posted September 6, 2005 Dear Mr. Sam, Sorry for the late reply. Since i was out of station these days i couldnt reply. Ofcourse you are correct. Deivayanai was brought up by an elephant and hence for this reason the statue of elephant is carved below the Murugan statue. But we cannot call him as elephant simply. The elephant is named Airavatham and also white elephant since he is white in colour and he is said to be having all wealths in him. And it is told that after he was given to Muruga as Seedanam during the marriage of Deivayanai Indira lost all his wealth with him and now Muruga asked Airavatam to be with Indiran. This is why Airavatham in Tirutani before the temple is facing outside the temple as he is moving towards Indira. And, in the other aspect, there is a form of Lord Muruga called Gaja Vahana Moorthy(Muruga having the vahana as Elephant) which is being told in 16 and 24 names of Lord Muruga. So there is a form of Lord Muruga having a Vahana of Elephant. So we can take in both the aspects that Airavatham is carved since Devayanai was brought up by him and since he the vahana of Muruga, he is carved. Thank you... samanurith <samanurith wrote: Dear sir, In Tiruparangundram Vahana of Murugan is peacock not elephant (there is a mayil mandapam straight outside the temple also). pleasecorrect it. And if an elephant is found there, it is for Deivanai andnot murugan.Samanurith.dhandapani , skanda kumara <skandakumara>wrote:> > 1. In Chidambaram, RatnaGiri, Magarali, Velur, Tirutani,Tiruparangundram, Piranmalai and Settikulam Muruga has the Vahana ofelephant(yanai vahanam).> > 2. In Tiruporur Goat(Aadu vahanam), Parrot(kili vahanam) andLion(Simma vahanam) are there for Muruga.> > 3. In Tiruparangundram, beneath Moolavar Goat, Peacock(Mayilvahanam), elephant and Hen(Seval) vahanas are there.> > 4. In Kailaimalai Muruga is having Hen in his hand.> > 5. In Kanaga Giri Muruga is having Parrot in his hand.> > 6. In Marungur, a village Muruga is sitting on Goat.> > 7. In Sidambaram and in Magal, Muruga is sitting on Elephant.> > 8. In the Ayyappan temple in Kangayam, Muruga is sitting onFish(meen vahanam).> > 9. In Avur temple, Muruga is having Lotus in his hands.> > 10. In Thinnium(Trichy Dt.) Muruga, Valli and Deivayanai are sittingeach on one peacock.> > 11. In Maambalam there is a murugan Asramam.. and Murugan with a 5headed snakecan be seen. Likewise, 50 miles from Bangalore, and inKanchipuram can see Murugan with 7 headed, and 3 headed snakerespectively. Also at VadapazhaNi..> > 12. Horse Vahanam in Marudhamalai can be observed.> > > > > > Start your day with - make it your home pageKaandanae Unai Maravaen Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 8, 2005 Report Share Posted September 8, 2005 Dear Mr. Skanda Kumara, thanks for the information. I do accept that Lord Muruga is called as Gaja Vahana Murthy. But, that has got nothing to do with Airavatham. Can you check the following link Please read under the topic Rajasic Icons- it reads Skanda is the chief battle god of the Aryan Hindu pantheon. In this role he replaces Indra and Agni. Hence Skanda is called Sen & #257;pati and Devasen & #257;pati. Gaja (elephant) vahana indicates Skanda as a great warrior riding upon a war elephant. And please look at the image the author of the same article has shown. It shows an ordinary elephant(Black one) and not airavatham. Airavatham has some special characteristics like white in colour and four tusks etc. So, Gaja Vahana Murthy has an elephant as his vahana but not airavatham. Next, any vahanam of any lord will be placed before kodi kambam and not near moolavar. thanks Please correct me if iam wrong Samanurith dhandapani , skanda kumara <skandakumara> wrote: > Dear Mr. Sam, > > Sorry for the late reply. Since i was out of station these days i couldnt reply. Ofcourse you are correct. Deivayanai was brought up by an elephant and hence for this reason the statue of elephant is carved below the Murugan statue. But we cannot call him as elephant simply. The elephant is named Airavatham and also white elephant since he is white in colour and he is said to be having all wealths in him. And it is told that after he was given to Muruga as Seedanam during the marriage of Deivayanai Indira lost all his wealth with him and now Muruga asked Airavatam to be with Indiran. This is why Airavatham in Tirutani before the temple is facing outside the temple as he is moving towards Indira. > > And, in the other aspect, there is a form of Lord Muruga called Gaja Vahana Moorthy(Muruga having the vahana as Elephant) which is being told in 16 and 24 names of Lord Muruga. So there is a form of Lord Muruga having a Vahana of Elephant. So we can take in both the aspects that Airavatham is carved since Devayanai was brought up by him and since he the vahana of Muruga, he is carved. > > Thank you... > > samanurith <samanurith> wrote: > Dear sir, > In Tiruparangundram Vahana of Murugan is peacock not elephant ( > there is a mayil mandapam straight outside the temple also). please > correct it. And if an elephant is found there, it is for Deivanai and > not murugan. > Samanurith. > > dhandapani , skanda kumara <skandakumara> > wrote: > > > > 1. In Chidambaram, RatnaGiri, Magarali, Velur, Tirutani, > Tiruparangundram, Piranmalai and Settikulam Muruga has the Vahana of > elephant(yanai vahanam). > > > > 2. In Tiruporur Goat(Aadu vahanam), Parrot(kili vahanam) and > Lion(Simma vahanam) are there for Muruga. > > > > 3. In Tiruparangundram, beneath Moolavar Goat, Peacock(Mayil > vahanam), elephant and Hen(Seval) vahanas are there. > > > > 4. In Kailaimalai Muruga is having Hen in his hand. > > > > 5. In Kanaga Giri Muruga is having Parrot in his hand. > > > > 6. In Marungur, a village Muruga is sitting on Goat. > > > > 7. In Sidambaram and in Magal, Muruga is sitting on Elephant. > > > > 8. In the Ayyappan temple in Kangayam, Muruga is sitting on > Fish(meen vahanam). > > > > 9. In Avur temple, Muruga is having Lotus in his hands. > > > > 10. In Thinnium(Trichy Dt.) Muruga, Valli and Deivayanai are sitting > each on one peacock. > > > > 11. In Maambalam there is a murugan Asramam.. and Murugan with a 5 > headed snakecan be seen. Likewise, 50 miles from Bangalore, and in > Kanchipuram can see Murugan with 7 headed, and 3 headed snake > respectively. Also at VadapazhaNi.. > > > > 12. Horse Vahanam in Marudhamalai can be observed. > > > > > > > > > > > > Start your day with - make it your home page > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 9, 2005 Report Share Posted September 9, 2005 Dear Mr. Sam, I feel very sorry for the wrong information provided. I will try to change in the data base of the group. Please do correct any mistakes if you come accross is in the articles sent by me. Thank you... samanurith <samanurith wrote: Dear Mr. Skanda Kumara, thanks for the information. I do accept that Lord Muruga iscalled as Gaja Vahana Murthy. But, that has got nothing to do with Airavatham. Can you check the following link read under the topic Rajasic Icons- it readsSkanda is the chief battle god of the Aryan Hindu pantheon. In thisrole he replaces Indra and Agni. Hence Skanda is called Sen & #257;pati andDevasen & #257;pati. Gaja (elephant) vahana indicates Skanda as a greatwarrior riding upon a war elephant.And please look at the image the author of the same article has shown.It shows an ordinary elephant(Black one) and not airavatham.Airavatham has some special characteristics like white in colour and four tusks etc. So, Gaja Vahana Murthy has an elephant as his vahanabut not airavatham. Next, any vahanam of any lord will be placed before kodi kambam andnot near moolavar.thanksPlease correct me if iam wrongSamanurithdhandapani , skanda kumara <skandakumara>wrote:> Dear Mr. Sam,> > Sorry for the late reply. Since i was out of station these daysi couldnt reply. Ofcourse you are correct. Deivayanai was brought upby an elephant and hence for this reason the statue of elephant iscarved below the Murugan statue. But we cannot call him as elephantsimply. The elephant is named Airavatham and also white elephant sincehe is white in colour and he is said to be having all wealths in him.And it is told that after he was given to Muruga as Seedanam duringthe marriage of Deivayanai Indira lost all his wealth with him and nowMuruga asked Airavatam to be with Indiran. This is why Airavatham inTirutani before the temple is facing outside the temple as he ismoving towards Indira.> > And, in the other aspect, there is a form of Lord Muruga calledGaja Vahana Moorthy(Muruga having the vahana as Elephant) which isbeing told in 16 and 24 names of Lord Muruga. So there is a form ofLord Muruga having a Vahana of Elephant. So we can take in both theaspects that Airavatham is carved since Devayanai was brought up byhim and since he the vahana of Muruga, he is carved.> > Thank you...> > samanurith <samanurith> wrote:> Dear sir,> In Tiruparangundram Vahana of Murugan is peacock not elephant (> there is a mayil mandapam straight outside the temple also). please> correct it. And if an elephant is found there, it is for Deivanai and> not murugan.> Samanurith.> > dhandapani , skanda kumara <skandakumara>> wrote:> > > > 1. In Chidambaram, RatnaGiri, Magarali, Velur, Tirutani,> Tiruparangundram, Piranmalai and Settikulam Muruga has the Vahana of> elephant(yanai vahanam).> > > > 2. In Tiruporur Goat(Aadu vahanam), Parrot(kili vahanam) and> Lion(Simma vahanam) are there for Muruga.> > > > 3. In Tiruparangundram, beneath Moolavar Goat, Peacock(Mayil> vahanam), elephant and Hen(Seval) vahanas are there.> > > > 4. In Kailaimalai Muruga is having Hen in his hand.> > > > 5. In Kanaga Giri Muruga is having Parrot in his hand.> > > > 6. In Marungur, a village Muruga is sitting on Goat.> > > > 7. In Sidambaram and in Magal, Muruga is sitting on Elephant.> > > > 8. In the Ayyappan temple in Kangayam, Muruga is sitting on> Fish(meen vahanam).> > > > 9. In Avur temple, Muruga is having Lotus in his hands.> > > > 10. In Thinnium(Trichy Dt.) Muruga, Valli and Deivayanai are sitting> each on one peacock.> > > > 11. In Maambalam there is a murugan Asramam.. and Murugan with a 5> headed snakecan be seen. Likewise, 50 miles from Bangalore, and in> Kanchipuram can see Murugan with 7 headed, and 3 headed snake> respectively. Also at VadapazhaNi..> > > > 12. Horse Vahanam in Marudhamalai can be observed.> > > > > > > > > > > > Start your day with - make it your home page> > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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