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Books On Tantra, Mantra, Yantra & Astrology

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Books On Tantra, Mantra, Yantra & Astrology


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Books On Tantra, Mantra, Yantra & Astrology Published under our

Imprint Sri Satguru Publications.








(NEW) 1. Agama Encyclopaedia / S.K. Ramachandra Rao 12

Vols. Rs. 250 - per vol. Rs. 3000 (Set)


I- Introduction, II- Saiva & Sakta Agamas, III- Vaikhanasa Agamas,

IV- Pancaratragama, V- Devyagama, VI- Alaya & Aradhana, VII-

Preparation for Puja, VIII- Mudras in Puja, IX- Consecration, X-

Nityarcana, XI- Utsavas, XII- Source Book


ISBN: 81-7030-823-2 , Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 292



About the Book


The Agama literature includes the Silpa-Sastra, which is basic to

iconography. Worship dealt with I the Agama necessarily involves

images which are worship-worthy. The rituals and sequences that are

elaborated in the Agama books find relevance only in the context of

an icon which is contained in a shrine. And icons are meaningful

only in the context of shrines and worship. Agama texts are not

easily accessible to the people. A large number of them are still

available only in manuscripts, some of them which have been printed

are only in their Sanskrit originals. There is need, therefore, to

present relevant excerpts from them at least, to make the volumes on

iconography more meaningful. Further, Indian temples are to be

considered only in the general framework of temple culture, which

include not only religious and philosophical aspects also. The

volumes named Agama Encyclopaedia named Agama Encyclopaaedia deals

with the temple-culture and Agama framework, the sectarian division

of the Agama into Saiva, Vaisnava and Sakta, and the topics selected

from the Agama texts follow. Thus, the entirety of the Agama,

literature in so far as it is relevant to the temple-culture is

brought within the scope of the Agama Encyclopaedia.










2. Aura Healing Handbook- Learn to Read and Interpret the Aura

Perceive Energy Fields in Color and Utilize them for Holistic

Healing / Walter Lubeck, Rs. 300








3. Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira/ Trans, into English with notes

by N.C Iyer/ Rs. 400


ISBN: 81-7030-094-0, Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 43


About the Book


The Brihat Samhita of Varha Mihira is an encyclopaedia of

astrological and other subjects of human interest. Whatever subject

the author takes up for movements, rainfall, cloud, architecture,

water-divination or some other topic he discusses the same with

thoroughness and mastery based on the knowledge of action sastras.

Wherever he differs from ancient he gives reasons for it. The book

contents One Hundred & Six Chapters.








4. Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas and Pali Nikayas/ Chizen

Akanuma, Rs. 400


ISBN: 81-7030-231-X , Series: Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series No. 74




I. Chinese to Pali; II. Pali to Chinese; III. Appendices; IV.

Supplements and Correction








(NEW) 5. Concept of Vac in the Vedic Literature/ Pratibha

M.Pingle, Rs. 500


ISBN: 81-7030-841-0, Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 309


About the Book


The word VAC is derived from VAC, to speak. But VAC for Vedic

Indians was not merely speech. The word carries with it a deeper

significance. The material for the book is collected from the

principal Samhitas-the Regveda, the Atharvaveda, the five Samhitas

of Yajurveda (the Taittiriya, the Maitryani, the Vajsaneyi, the

Kathaka and the Kapisthalakatha). The Brahamanas (the Aitreya, the

Sankhyana, the Satapatha, the Taittiriya, the Pancavimsa, the

Sadvimsa and the Gopatha), and the eighteen principal Upanisads.


Dr. Pratibha M. Pingle is editor Sanskrit Dictionary, Deccan

college, Pune.








6. Glimpses of Hindu Astrology and Some Aspects of Indology/ S.R.N

Murthy, Rs. 400








7. Glossary of Tantra Mantra and Yantra, Rs. 150








8. Hand Book of Horary Astrology/ Karen Hamaker-Zodag, Rs. 200






List of Charts; Foreword; Chapter 1. What is Horary Astrology?;

Chapter 2. The Question or Event; Chapter 3. When Not to Pass

Judgment; Chapter 4. Derived Houses; Chapter 5. First Steps in

Interpretation; Chapter 6. More Rules of Interpretation; Chapter 7.

Estimating Time; Chapter 8. Estimating Place, Direction and

Distance; Chapter 9. Horary Charts in Relatinship to Natal Charts;

Chapter 10. The Consulation Horoscope; Chapter 11. Practical

Examples; Chapter 12. Electrion Charts; Bibliography; Index








(NEW) 9. Introduction to Indian Astrology/ Rama R Rao, Rs.



ISBN: 81-7030-835-6


About the Book


Curiosity to know one's future is both natural and universal; and

therefore any method which attempts to unravel the mystery of the

future has an attraction for the future has an Astrology, palmistry,

numerology and various extrasensory processes which claim to predict

the future have a popular appareal. An elementary knowledge of

astronomy and a historical perspective are indispensable for a

beginner. After going through the authoritative texts like Brihat

Jataka, Brihat Parasara, Horasastra, Phaladipika etc., one arrives

at the conclusion that the variables one has to tackle are far too

many and the interpretations far too numerous and the task of

integrating the diverse material is too complex. The subject

requires deep study and one has to develop an insight and intuition

to become a successful astrologer. The author has tried to present

the essentials of Hindu Astrology with as objective an approach









10. Kashmir Saivism : The Central Philosophy of Tantrism/ Kamalakar

Mishra, Rs. 500








11. Kashmir Saivism- The Secret Supreme/ Swami Lakshman Jee, Rs. 200








12. Mantra/ Harvey P. Alper, Rs. 475


ISBN: 81-7030-544-6, Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 229


About the Book


This book explicates the origin, nature, function, and significance

of mantras within the bounds of the tradition. It explores the use

of mantras in the Vedic age, in Saivism and Vaisnavism, in Tantra,

and in ayurvedic medicine.








13. Mantramahodadhi Of Mahidhara with the Author's commentary

Nauka / Preface by J.W.De Jong, Rs. 600








14. Mantramahodadhi Of Mahidhara With his own Nauka Commentary/

Translated into English by a Board of Scholars. Rs. 600 ( Part of

UNESCO Indian Series, Translation Collection)








15. Moon Signs/ Sabine Heidewweg, Rs. 150


ISBN: 81-7030-691-4




Preface. Introduction. I. How to profit from the power of the moon

from A to Z: 1. Health and well-being. 2. Garden and nature. 3.

Career and finances. 4. Family and children. 5. Love and

partnership. 6. Adventures and challenges. 7. Home and daily life.

II. The Lunar signs and their significance: 1. Moon in Aries. 2.

Moon in Taurus. 3. Moon in Gemini.4. Moon in Cancer. 5. Moon in Leo.

6. Moon in Virgo. 7. Moon in Libra. 8. Moon in Scorpio. 9. Moon in

Sagittarius. 10. Moon in Capricorn. 11. Moon in Aquarius. 12. Moon

in Pisces. III. Tables and Calendar: 1. Lunar tables 1920-1996. 2.

Lunar calendar 1997-2020. Index. No. 23316








(NEW) 16. Navagraha Kosa/ S.K Ramachandra Rao 2 Vols, Rs.

400 per vol. Rs. 800 (set)


ISBN: 81-7030-839-9


About the Book


The ideology of the Nine Planetary deities (The Nava-Grahas) is an

important one in our country. All the rituals, dairy and

occansional, involve the propitiation of these Grahas. The volumes

includes all the available texts relating to the worship of the

planetary deities. Mainly it includes texts of Navagraha Puja Vidhi

and Graha Yoga Paddhati, excepts from popular texts like Mantra

Mahodadhi and from rare texts like Vaikhanasa-agama Khiladhikara and

Bhrigu Samhita relating to the worship of the Nava-Graha especially

of Surya.








17. Ritual and Speculation in Early Tantrism: Studies in Honour of

Andre Padoux/ Ed. T.Goudrain, Rs. 250


ISBN: 81-7030-356-7, Series: Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series


About the Book


Illustrates the extent to which we can understand the writings of

the leading tantricas whose views regarding the universe and

enlightenment developed from ritual practice and yoga.








18. Sarada Tilaka Tantram/ Eng. Trans. By a Board of Scholars, Rs.



ISBN 81-7030-175-0


About the Book


" The work by Laksmanadesika comprises twenty-five chapters. The

commentator Ragahvabhatta states that of the 25 chapters of the

Sarada-tilaka, chapters 1-24 correspond to the 24 tattvas of Samkhya

Philosophy and the last one devoted to Yoga, show that Purusa of

Samkhya is beyond Prakriti and Vikriti. The first chapter is

Prakriti as it discusses creation. Chapters ii-xxiv deals with

Prakriti-Vikriti. In this work, Siva is represented both as Saguna

and Niguna according to how he is identified with Prakriti or

differentiated from it. From Prakriti or Sakti arises Nada which

gives rise to Bindu. The interesting features of this work are

practices for subjugation of women, destruction of enemies and

Tantras for malevolent purposes. Diksa, Purscarana and nyasa figures

prominently in it chapters vii-xxii deals with the Mantras of

Saraswati, Lakshmi, Bhuvneswari, Durga, Tripura, Ganesha and

Candramas. This work contains list of works known and unknown. It

draws materials from Astronomical and mathematical works. Though

generally sober, this work lays down the six malevolent rites, and

prescribes the propitiation of the respective presiding deities. The

drawing of Yantras for malefic purposes is also prescribed. It

should also be noted that unlike many other works of this kind, it

is free from the usual practices of the Vamamarga. "








19. Self Realization in Kashmir Saivism- The Oral Teachings of Swami

Lakshmanjoo/ John Hughes, Fr by. Lance Nelson, Rs. 200








20. Sri Chakras: Text and Plates/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 100








21. Sri Sukta/ Nagesh D. Sonde, Rs. 100








(NEW) 22. Srividya Kosa/ Prof. S.K Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 600


ISBN: 81-7030-832-1, Series: Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series No. 304


About the Book


Srividya is discipline where abounds considerable mystery,

esotericism and occultism. There is among common people quite some

ignorance concerning its philosophy and practice. There is also a

host of doubts and uncertainties among practitioners themselves. The

presence of different tradition in Srividya is a further source of

confusion. The textual background to Srividya has almost become

obscure and obsolete; it has become more a matter of individual

lineages of practices. In the circumstances there is a need for an

authentic and comprehensive account of all three aspects of

Srividya, viz. The Yantra, The Mantra and The Tantra. This Book is

an attempt to provide one. Along with all textual details concerning

the philosophy and practice of Srividya, relevant iconographic

details with illustrations have also been given.








23. Tantrik Traditions in Tibet/ Prof. S.K. Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 400


ISBN: 81-7030-747-3, Series: Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series No.



About the Book


The Tantrik traditional lore in Tibet incorporates the most

essential details of Indian Tantra and the flowerings of the Tibetan

genius. It consists of diverse strands, neatly synthesized in

doctrine as well as practice. The present book seeks to trace the

story of this synthesis.








(NEW) 24. The Tantric Practices in Sri Vidya/ S.K

Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 300


About the Book


Sri Cakra has rightly been regarded as the `prince among cakras'

(cakra-raja). It is best known and most worshipped among hundres of

sacred designs that are prescribed in the traditional lore. Despite

this celebrity, an air of mystery surrounds this cakra. The present

book gives details of the design, the significance of those details,

the philosophical framework that renders the details relevant, the

prevailing symbolism, and the nature of source – materials have been

explained based on authoritative texts and traditional

understanding. The book also contains text and English translation

of the text Sarada-Catusatika


ISBN: 81-7030-836-4 , Series: Sri Garib Das Oriental Series No. 306








25. Triadic Heart of Shiva- Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the

Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir/ P.E. Muller-Ortega, Rs. 450








26. Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature/ Trans. Ken and Katia

Holmes, Rs. 150








27. Uttara Tantra: A Treatise on Buddha Nature: A Translation of the

Root Text and a Commentary on the Uttara Tantra Sastra of Maitreya

and Asanga/ Thrangu Rinpoche & Geshe Lharampa/ Trans. By Ken and

Katia Holmes, Rs. 250








28. Uttaratantra of Maitreya- Containing E.H. Johnston's Text/ E.

Obermiller's Translation and a new Comprehensive Introduction by

H.S. Prasad, Rs. 400








29. Vac- The Concepts of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras/ Andre

Padoux Trans. By Jacques Gontier, Rs. 500








30. Vishnu Samhita- Text/ Ed. M.M.T. Ganapati Sastri, Rs. 200


ISBN: 81-7030-223-4, Series: Sri Garib das Oriental Series No. 98


About the Book


The present work is divided into 30 chapters, comprising nearly

2,600 slokas. It is a work in which the slokas are in a narrative

dialogue between Anupagayana and a `siddha' named Sumati. The work

is encyclopaedic in scope and comprehensive in treatment. It treats

all the major topics found in typical Samhitas and, further brings

together several traditions within one, unified text.








31. Yantras- Text and Plates/ S.K. Ramachandra Rao, Rs. 100








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