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Spiritual Stories: Post #40 “Going Round The Self”

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29th April 2007

Spiritual Stories: Post #40 "Going Round The Self"



Dear Members..


This week brings you a story which we have known very well through the Tamil movie "Thiru Vilayadal" – the events that lead to Lord Murugan going to Palani. The beginning of the story is not as we have known (with Naratha – The Great Sage - bringing the fruit of knowledge leading to the competition between Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan). It has been slightly modified in this version by Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi. As this story involves Lord Muruga, our beloved, I felt this time that I should add my comments at the end of the story.



The Story begins here




Going Round The Self


In the evening when some devotees were beginning giripradakshina, (circumambulation around the hill Arunachala), Sundaresa Iyer, a long-standing devotee also felt like going with them. Then feeling that he might not be able to complete the round, as the others were taking leave, he quickly went around Bhagavan. Bhagavan asked him why he was doing this. He replied, "I am afraid I cannot go around the hill, so I have gone around Bhagavan.Go around yourself That will be Atma pradakshina," Bhagavan said with smile.


Another devotee remarked, "It means he has done what Vinayaka once did". Bhagavan was then asked to tell that story.



ONCE UPON A time, Lord Parameswara wanted to teach a lesson to His Son, Lord Subrahmanya. Along with Parvathi, Parameswara sat on the top of Mount Kailas holding a fruit in His hand. Seeing the fruit both Ganapathi and Subrahmanya asked their Father, Parameswara for it. Then Iswara said that He would give the fruit to whoever of them returned first after going round the whole world. With self-confidence and pride that he would win the race, Subrahmanya started immediately riding on his favourite mount, the peacock. He began going at a fast pace, frequently looking behind to assure himself that his elder brother Ganapathi was not following. What could poor Ganapathi do, with his huge belly? His vahanam (mount) was after all a mouse. So he thought it was no use competing with Subrahmanya in the race round the world, and went round Parvati and Parameswara, bowed before them and claimed the reward. When they asked him whether he had gone round the world, he said, "All the worlds are contained within you; so if I go round you, it is as good as going round the world". Pleased with his reply, Parameswara gave him the fruit and Ganapathi sat there eating it.


By the time Subrahmanya finished going round the world in full confidence that he would be the winner, arriving at the starting point, he found Ganapathi seated before Parvati and Parameswara, eating the fruit. When he asked Parameswara to give him the fruit for winning the race, Iswara said, 'There it is, your elder brother is eating it.' When he asked his father how that could be fair, Iswara explained to him all that had happened. Subrahmanya then realised his vanity in thinking that he was a great sage, bowed before his parents, and asked to be pardoned. That is the story. The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshina, said Bhagavan.





When I read about the vanity of Lord Muruga which Maharishi was mentioning about and the reason Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson to Him – to be honest – I felt agitated, though I was reminding myself that whatever we say or do about God does not affect Him as He is beyond all the malas (impurities) and gunas (qualities). He is The Niguna Parabrahmam who does not get affected by whatever we utter or say about Him. Being The All Pervading Universal Consciousness, how is it possible that Lord Kumara slips into ignorance and vanity and needs to be taught a lesson. Though I was able to convince myself that the purpose of the story is only to insist some point and this story could not be taken as a declaration of the Universal Truth. For people like me who depend on Forms and Names of Lord to know about Him and Pray to Him though He is Formless and Nameless Ocean of Mercy, such stories disturb a bit, though The Universal Master doesn't need to be taught a lesson. In fact the story of Swamimalai was narrated to me once in such a way that Lord Siva in His pure consciousness was listening to Lord Murugan who is also Himself (Siva) while He was giving the upadesa. You can read an interesting Tamil version of this at http://www.sysindia.com/emagazine/thiru/thiru8.htm These leelas are done by Lord though He does not gain anything but only for the benefit of we human beings so that we learn something and His leelas connect us more emotionally towards Him in Bhakthi Margam. Though my mind is saying all these, the agitation and disturbance had not fully gone. It appeared to me that my agitation was a complaint to our beloved Lord Muruga. After few minutes when I turned on Jaya TV the morning program was about Thiruppugazh and I became very happy. The explanations rendered in that made me feel that He was intentionally making this happen to make me happy. The gentleman gave wonderful short discourses about Tiruchendur and Palani with Thiruppugazh specific to them and then he came on to Swamimalai. He said that The Son is always better than father and that's what the parents wish to happen.




1) If the parents leap to 8 feet the children jump 16 feet.



2) The father is at the foot of the hill and the son is at the top of the hill.



3) The father has only five faces, the son has six faces. The son is always much better than the father.



4) The father has only five letters (Namashivaya), Son has six letters (Saravana Bhava)



5) The father has only Pancha Bhutha Sthalas and Son has Arupadai Veedus.



He was going repeatedly on and on about the above points with excellent explanations which made me feel that it was being made only for me. Topping all that he said, Father is Brahmanya and Son is Subrahmanya - one step above that and to put it in simple language, he said, He is not Supramani (for Subrahmanya in Tamil) but He is Super Mani. I was laughing my heart out. Yes He is Super Mani. But such agitative feeling could be narrow mindedness as it is still an expression of the ego - I, me, my God, My belief and so on, where as He is not so.



In the past yugas it is said that one needs to do lot of austerities and do rigorous practices to gain the grace of God. It is not so with Lord Muruga. That's why I have always felt Lord Murugan is the Kaliyuga Varada who instantly responds to those who look for His help. I don't agree with those who say that Lord Muruga makes His devotees pass through tough testing times before He bestows His grace. You just utter His name when you are in pain and He is immediately there. This is what I have felt and experienced. Though my concern and agitation was worthless still He responded I felt.



Sorry for not having pondered about the theme insisted in the story of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi – 'Going Round The Self' or the Athma Pradakshina. Hope some one does it this time.



May All Glories be to The Lord who taught Pranava to His father !


Appanukku Paadam Sonna Suppaiyanukku Arohara !!!


Swamimalai Swaminathanukku Arohara !!!





With Best Regards

Meyyappan S


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I can understand why Mr Meyappan feels disturbed when it appears that Lord Muruga has got a raw deal. To me, I have many interpretations - my own, which emanated from my own inner self. Let me share them, and hope it can offer some solutions. Both Ganapati and Murugan accomplished the task in the manner that each were naturally configured. Ganesh is an embodiment of wisdom, and his formula was right. Murugan is an embodiment of vigour, drive, dynamism, speed (His classic prompt response when we message Him!). So its natural that, for Murugan, a physical journey around the world was the correct

method. Now, since the initiator (Lord Shiva) of the race did not define what technique was to be used, anybody who uses any valid technique wins as long as he crosses the Finishing Line first! Murugan's "anger" Well, how else would Murugan have manifest in the southern part of India, if not for this incident? How would we, who had karmically taken birth in the southern India, experience the benevelonce and grace of this lovable Son? Also, remember, Tamil is Murugan's gift to Mankind! In his "anger", he even wanted "Yen Mozhi, Yen Naadu, Yen Makkal". And when you feel your whole being melting by many phrases

in the Tamil language, you know that this tongue must indeed have been created by God, not man. Thank you for reading. Patricia S Meyyappan <smeyyappan wrote: MURUGA SARANAM 29th April 2007 Spiritual Stories: Post #40 "Going Round The Self" Dear Members.. This week brings you a story which we have known very well through the Tamil movie "Thiru Vilayadal" – the events that lead to Lord Murugan going to Palani. The beginning of the story is not as we have known (with Naratha – The Great Sage - bringing the fruit of knowledge leading to the competition between Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan). It has been slightly modified in this version by Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi. As this story involves Lord Muruga, our beloved, I felt this time that I should add my comments at the end of the story. **** The Story begins here Going Round The Self In the evening when some devotees were beginning giripradakshina, (circumambulation around the hill Arunachala), Sundaresa Iyer, a long-standing devotee also felt like going with them. Then feeling that he

might not be able to complete the round, as the others were taking leave, he quickly went around Bhagavan. Bhagavan asked him why he was doing this. He replied, "I am afraid I cannot go around the hill, so I have gone around Bhagavan.Go around yourself That will be Atma pradakshina," Bhagavan said with smile. Another devotee remarked, "It means he has done what Vinayaka once did". Bhagavan was then asked to tell that story. ONCE UPON A time, Lord Parameswara

wanted to teach a lesson to His Son, Lord Subrahmanya. Along with Parvathi, Parameswara sat on the top of Mount Kailas holding a fruit in His hand. Seeing the fruit both Ganapathi and Subrahmanya asked their Father, Parameswara for it. Then Iswara said that He would give the fruit to whoever of them returned first after going round the whole world. With self-confidence and pride that he would win the race, Subrahmanya started immediately riding on his favourite mount, the peacock. He began going at a fast pace, frequently looking behind to assure himself that his elder brother Ganapathi was not following. What could poor Ganapathi do, with his huge belly? His vahanam (mount) was after all a mouse. So he thought it was no use competing with Subrahmanya in the race round the world, and went round Parvati and Parameswara, bowed before them and claimed the reward. When they asked him whether he had gone round the world, he said, "All the worlds are contained

within you; so if I go round you, it is as good as going round the world". Pleased with his reply, Parameswara gave him the fruit and Ganapathi sat there eating it. By the time Subrahmanya finished going round the world in full confidence that he would be the winner, arriving at the starting point, he found Ganapathi seated before Parvati and Parameswara, eating the fruit. When he asked Parameswara to give him the fruit for winning the race, Iswara said, 'There it is, your elder brother is eating it.' When he asked his father how that could be fair, Iswara explained to him all that had happened. Subrahmanya then realised his vanity in thinking that he was a great sage, bowed before his parents, and asked to be pardoned. That is the story. The significance is that the ego

which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshina, said Bhagavan. Ends ******** When I read about the vanity of Lord Muruga which Maharishi was mentioning about and the reason Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson to Him – to be honest – I felt agitated, though I

was reminding myself that whatever we say or do about God does not affect Him as He is beyond all the malas (impurities) and gunas (qualities). He is The Niguna Parabrahmam who does not get affected by whatever we utter or say about Him. Being The All Pervading Universal Consciousness, how is it possible that Lord Kumara slips into ignorance and vanity and needs to be taught a lesson. Though I was able to convince myself that the purpose of the story is only to insist some point and this story could not be taken as a declaration of the Universal Truth. For people like me who depend on Forms and Names of Lord to know about Him and Pray to Him though He is Formless and Nameless Ocean of Mercy, such stories disturb a bit, though The Universal Master doesn't need to be taught a lesson. In fact the story of Swamimalai was narrated to me once in such a way that Lord Siva in His pure consciousness was listening to Lord Murugan who is also Himself (Siva) while He was giving the

upadesa. You can read an interesting Tamil version of this at http://www.sysindia.com/emagazine/thiru/thiru8.htm These leelas are done by Lord though He does not gain anything but only for the benefit of we human beings so that we learn something and His leelas connect us more emotionally towards Him in Bhakthi Margam. Though my mind is saying all these, the agitation and disturbance had not fully gone. It appeared to me that my agitation was a complaint to our beloved Lord Muruga. After few minutes when I turned on Jaya TV the morning program was about Thiruppugazh and I became very happy. The explanations rendered in that made me feel that He was intentionally making this happen to make me happy. The gentleman gave wonderful short discourses about Tiruchendur and Palani with Thiruppugazh specific to them

and then he came on to Swamimalai. He said that The Son is always better than father and that's what the parents wish to happen. 1) If the parents leap to 8 feet the children jump 16 feet. 2) The father is at the foot of the hill and the son is at the top of the hill.

3) The father has only five faces, the son has six faces. The son is always much better than the father. 4) The father has only five letters (Namashivaya), Son has six letters (Saravana Bhava) 5) The father has only Pancha Bhutha Sthalas and Son has Arupadai Veedus. He was going repeatedly on and on about the above points with excellent explanations which made me feel that it was being made only for me. Topping all that he said, Father is Brahmanya and Son is Subrahmanya - one step above that and to put it in simple language, he said, He is not Supramani (for Subrahmanya in Tamil) but He is Super Mani. I was laughing my heart out. Yes He is Super Mani. But such agitative feeling could be narrow mindedness as it is still an expression of the ego - I, me, my God, My

belief and so on, where as He is not so. In the past yugas it is said that one needs to do lot of austerities and do rigorous practices to gain the grace of God. It is not so with Lord Muruga. That's why I have always felt Lord Murugan is the Kaliyuga Varada who instantly responds to those who look for His help. I don't agree with those who say that Lord Muruga makes His devotees pass through tough testing times before He bestows His grace. You just utter His name when you are in pain and He is immediately there. This is what I have felt and experienced. Though my concern and agitation was worthless still He responded I felt. Sorry for not having pondered about the theme insisted in the story of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi – 'Going Round The Self' or the Athma Pradakshina. Hope some one does it this time. May All Glories be to The Lord who taught Pranava to His father ! Appanukku Paadam Sonna Suppaiyanukku Arohara !!! Swamimalai Swaminathanukku Arohara !!! MURUGA SARANAM With Best Regards Meyyappan S

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Dear Patricia Madam..


Thank you for that good insight into the story.

Actually I didnt get disturbed because Lrd Muruga got a raw deal. It was all a preplanned Play/Leela for the benefit of mankind. The Lord knew it before hand as it was by Him only (here Lord can mean Lord Siva or Lord Ganesa or Lord Muruga as they are just different Forms of One Supreme Being).



But Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi describes that Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson to Lord Muruga and Lord Muruga in vanity mounted on His peacock. A lesson is usually taught to the ignorant. Vanity is a characteristic of an ignorant being, who is far from all pervading Supreme Consciousness. Can Lord Muruga be ignorant? Possible that knowingly ignorant for some reason. A similar point was addressed by Godess Parvathi in one of the previous stories where, she as a little girl (daughter of Himavan) speaks to Dakshinamurthy Ref: Post No. 38 " Sweet of Speech " . She says " You can do Tapas only if you have some relation with Prakriti. If you say you have conquered Prakriti you dont need to do Tapas " . Lord agrees to Her argument and allows Her to stay with Him and do Tapas which means that He is above Prakriti which also means He is above living beings, creatures, Trees, Shrubs, Human Beings, other forms of lives above and below the human plane, like Yakshas, Nagas, Rakshasas, Devas, Rishis, demigods and so on and other known or unknown forms of living beings (which have a begining and end, only that some have a shorter span of life with less intelligence or level of existance and some with a longer life span with higher level of existence in terms of opulence, knowledge, spiritual level etc..) Because He is the one who creates all these beings and Prakriti and ends them on the day of Judgement or Dooms day or Pralaya. All of them have an end. Some have 60 years of life time. Some have Yugas of life time and some may have Kalpas of life time or millions or billions of years. But they still have an end. Where as The Lord does not have birth or death. " Pemman Murugan Piravan Iravan " . He is above all the three Malas (impurities which bind people). In fact He is the one who conquered the three Asuras representing the three Malas and relived Devas. So HE is above ANAVAM, KARMAM and MAYA. So how can it be that He is driven by pride (where as He Himself is riding on the peacock which is Surapadman the form of pride), vanity and so on. Why is it said by Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi that He kept looking back to know if Lord Ganesa was behind Him. In the versions I have heard I have never heard of these things at all. In fact Naratha is the one who brings the fruit and gives and initiates the interesting competition. Not that Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson.



My question is - why should Ramana Maharishi put it in such a way? What should I derive from the words of a great sage like Ramana Maharishi. Can any one clear me of this doubt? By His grace I dont have any doubt on my belief of His Supremacy. My question is only about the intentions of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi in making such a point.



Though Lord Murugan has responded to me the same day, if it is necessary for me or anyone I am sure He will clear this doubt to us through any of you. If not, it is again His mercy and grace. Once again Thank you Patrici Madam for trying to address this.



May All Glories be to The six faced Beautiful Lord Shanmukhanatha of Kundrakkudi !

Kundrakkudi Muruganukku Arohara !!!




With Best Regards

Meyyappan S


On 4/28/07, Patricia Jay <patriciajay2000 wrote:







I can understand why Mr Meyappan feels disturbed when it appears that Lord Muruga has got a raw deal.


To me, I have many interpretations - my own, which emanated from my own inner self. Let me share them, and hope it can offer some solutions.


Both Ganapati and Murugan accomplished the task in the manner that each were naturally configured. Ganesh is an embodiment of wisdom, and his formula was right.


Murugan is an embodiment of vigour, drive, dynamism, speed (His classic prompt response when we message Him!). So its natural that, for Murugan, a physical journey around the world was the correct method.


Now, since the initiator (Lord Shiva) of the race did not define what technique was to be used, anybody who uses any valid technique wins as long as he crosses the Finishing Line first!


Murugan's " anger " Well, how else would Murugan have manifest in the southern part of India, if not for this incident? How would we, who had karmically taken birth in the southern India, experience the benevelonce and grace of this lovable Son? Also, remember, Tamil is Murugan's gift to Mankind! In his " anger " , he even wanted " Yen Mozhi, Yen Naadu, Yen Makkal " .


And when you feel your whole being melting by many phrases in the Tamil language, you know that this tongue must indeed have been created by God, not man.


Thank you for reading.





S Meyyappan <smeyyappan wrote:






29th April 2007

Spiritual Stories: Post #40 " Going Round The Self "


Dear Members..


This week brings you a story which we have known very well through the Tamil movie " Thiru Vilayadal " – the events that lead to Lord Murugan going to Palani. The beginning of the story is not as we have known (with Naratha – The Great Sage - bringing the fruit of knowledge leading to the competition between Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan). It has been slightly modified in this version by Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi. As this story involves Lord Muruga, our beloved, I felt this time that I should add my comments at the end of the story.



The Story begins here



Going Round The Self

In the evening when some devotees were beginning giripradakshina, (circumambulation around the hill Arunachala), Sundaresa Iyer, a long-standing devotee also felt like going with them. Then feeling that he might not be able to complete the round, as the others were taking leave, he quickly went around Bhagavan. Bhagavan asked him why he was doing this. He replied, " I am afraid I cannot go around the hill, so I have gone around Bhagavan. " " Go around yourself That will be Atma pradakshina, " Bhagavan said with smile.

Another devotee remarked, " It means he has done what Vinayaka once did " . Bhagavan was then asked to tell that story.

ONCE UPON A time, Lord Parameswara wanted to teach a lesson to His Son, Lord Subrahmanya. Along with Parvathi, Parameswara sat on the top of Mount Kailas holding a fruit in His hand. Seeing the fruit both Ganapathi and Subrahmanya asked their Father, Parameswara for it. Then Iswara said that He would give the fruit to whoever of them returned first after going round the whole world. With self-confidence and pride that he would win the race, Subrahmanya started immediately riding on his favourite mount, the peacock. He began going at a fast pace, frequently looking behind to assure himself that his elder brother Ganapathi was not following. What could poor Ganapathi do, with his huge belly? His vahanam (mount) was after all a mouse. So he thought it was no use competing with Subrahmanya in the race round the world, and went round Parvati and Parameswara, bowed before them and claimed the reward. When they asked him whether he had gone round the world, he said, " All the worlds are contained within you; so if I go round you, it is as good as going round the world " . Pleased with his reply, Parameswara gave him the fruit and Ganapathi sat there eating it.

By the time Subrahmanya finished going round the world in full confidence that he would be the winner, arriving at the starting point, he found Ganapathi seated before Parvati and Parameswara, eating the fruit. When he asked Parameswara to give him the fruit for winning the race, Iswara said, 'There it is, your elder brother is eating it.' When he asked his father how that could be fair, Iswara explained to him all that had happened. Subrahmanya then realised his vanity in thinking that he was a great sage, bowed before his parents, and asked to be pardoned. That is the story. The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshina, said Bhagavan.





When I read about the vanity of Lord Muruga which Maharishi was mentioning about and the reason Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson to Him – to be honest – I felt agitated, though I was reminding myself that whatever we say or do about God does not affect Him as He is beyond all the malas (impurities) and gunas (qualities). He is The Niguna Parabrahmam who does not get affected by whatever we utter or say about Him. Being The All Pervading Universal Consciousness, how is it possible that Lord Kumara slips into ignorance and vanity and needs to be taught a lesson. Though I was able to convince myself that the purpose of the story is only to insist some point and this story could not be taken as a declaration of the Universal Truth. For people like me who depend on Forms and Names of Lord to know about Him and Pray to Him though He is Formless and Nameless Ocean of Mercy, such stories disturb a bit, though The Universal Master doesn't need to be taught a lesson. In fact the story of Swamimalai was narrated to me once in such a way that Lord Siva in His pure consciousness was listening to Lord Murugan who is also Himself (Siva) while He was giving the upadesa. You can read an interesting Tamil version of this at http://www.sysindia.com/emagazine/thiru/thiru8.htm

These leelas are done by Lord though He does not gain anything but only for the benefit of we human beings so that we learn something and His leelas connect us more emotionally towards Him in Bhakthi Margam. Though my mind is saying all these, the agitation and disturbance had not fully gone. It appeared to me that my agitation was a complaint to our beloved Lord Muruga. After few minutes when I turned on Jaya TV the morning program was about Thiruppugazh and I became very happy. The explanations rendered in that made me feel that He was intentionally making this happen to make me happy. The gentleman gave wonderful short discourses about Tiruchendur and Palani with Thiruppugazh specific to them and then he came on to Swamimalai. He said that The Son is always better than father and that's what the parents wish to happen.


1) If the parents leap to 8 feet the children jump 16 feet.

2) The father is at the foot of the hill and the son is at the top of the hill.


3) The father has only five faces, the son has six faces. The son is always much better than the father.

4) The father has only five letters (Namashivaya), Son has six letters (Saravana Bhava)


5) The father has only Pancha Bhutha Sthalas and Son has Arupadai Veedus.


He was going repeatedly on and on about the above points with excellent explanations which made me feel that it was being made only for me. Topping all that he said, Father is Brahmanya and Son is Subrahmanya - one step above that and to put it in simple language, he said, He is not Supramani (for Subrahmanya in Tamil) but He is Super Mani. I was laughing my heart out. Yes He is Super Mani. But such agitative feeling could be narrow mindedness as it is still an expression of the ego - I, me, my God, My belief and so on, where as He is not so.


In the past yugas it is said that one needs to do lot of austerities and do rigorous practices to gain the grace of God. It is not so with Lord Muruga. That's why I have always felt Lord Murugan is the Kaliyuga Varada who instantly responds to those who look for His help. I don't agree with those who say that Lord Muruga makes His devotees pass through tough testing times before He bestows His grace. You just utter His name when you are in pain and He is immediately there. This is what I have felt and experienced. Though my concern and agitation was worthless still He responded I felt.


Sorry for not having pondered about the theme insisted in the story of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi – 'Going Round The Self' or the Athma Pradakshina. Hope some one does it this time.


May All Glories be to The Lord who taught Pranava to His father !

Appanukku Paadam Sonna Suppaiyanukku Arohara !!!

Swamimalai Swaminathanukku Arohara !!!





With Best Regards

Meyyappan S



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Well, without thinking, let me put forth my interpretation that has spontaneously come from the heart. Murugan is an aspect of Shiva. So while He has got all the divine aspects of Shiva, Murugan is still distinct from Shiva in terms of His own personality. Each is a very distinct personality. Eg. you can think of Shiva as austere and even scarily "ugraham", but Shiva is also handsome and well-decorated as Sundereswarar. Murugan, on the other hand, is always well attired, well-jewelled (except for that one episode when he stands like a cute monk on the Pazani hill). Perhaps Shiva felt that vanity was not a quality

that Murugan should encourage , and that is why He wanted to administer that test. To you and me, even Murugan's vanity can appear very charming; but to Lord Shiva, it may be a different issue. This is how the whole episode stirkes me, in a very natural sequence. Patricia S Meyyappan

<smeyyappan wrote: MURUGA SARANAM Dear Patricia Madam.. Thank you for that good insight into the story. Actually I didnt get disturbed because Lrd Muruga got a raw deal. It was all a preplanned Play/Leela for the benefit of mankind. The Lord knew it before hand as it was by Him only (here Lord can mean Lord Siva or Lord Ganesa or Lord Muruga as they are just different Forms of One Supreme Being). But

Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi describes that Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson to Lord Muruga and Lord Muruga in vanity mounted on His peacock. A lesson is usually taught to the ignorant. Vanity is a characteristic of an ignorant being, who is far from all pervading Supreme Consciousness. Can Lord Muruga be ignorant? Possible that knowingly ignorant for some reason. A similar point was addressed by Godess Parvathi in one of the previous stories where, she as a little girl (daughter of Himavan) speaks to Dakshinamurthy Ref: Post No. 38 "Sweet of Speech". She says "You can do Tapas only if you have some relation with Prakriti. If you say you have conquered Prakriti you dont need to do Tapas". Lord agrees to Her argument and allows Her to stay with Him and do Tapas which means that He is above Prakriti which also means He is above living beings, creatures, Trees, Shrubs, Human Beings, other forms of lives above and below the human plane, like Yakshas, Nagas, Rakshasas,

Devas, Rishis, demigods and so on and other known or unknown forms of living beings (which have a begining and end, only that some have a shorter span of life with less intelligence or level of existance and some with a longer life span with higher level of existence in terms of opulence, knowledge, spiritual level etc..) Because He is the one who creates all these beings and Prakriti and ends them on the day of Judgement or Dooms day or Pralaya. All of them have an end. Some have 60 years of life time. Some have Yugas of life time and some may have Kalpas of life time or millions or billions of years. But they still have an end. Where as The Lord does not have birth or death. "Pemman Murugan Piravan Iravan". He is above all the three Malas (impurities which bind people). In fact He is the one who conquered the three Asuras representing the three Malas and relived Devas. So HE is above ANAVAM, KARMAM and MAYA. So how can it be that He is driven by pride (where as He

Himself is riding on the peacock which is Surapadman the form of pride), vanity and so on. Why is it said by Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi that He kept looking back to know if Lord Ganesa was behind Him. In the versions I have heard I have never heard of these things at all. In fact Naratha is the one who brings the fruit and gives and initiates the interesting competition. Not that Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson. My question is - why should Ramana Maharishi put it in such a way? What should I derive from the words of a great sage like Ramana Maharishi. Can any one clear me of this doubt? By His grace I dont have any doubt on my belief of His Supremacy. My question is only about the intentions of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi in making such a point. Though Lord Murugan has responded to me the same day, if it is necessary for me or anyone I am sure He will clear this doubt to us through any of you. If not,

it is again His mercy and grace. Once again Thank you Patrici Madam for trying to address this. May All Glories be to The six faced Beautiful Lord Shanmukhanatha of Kundrakkudi ! Kundrakkudi Muruganukku Arohara !!! MURUGA SARANAM With Best Regards Meyyappan S On 4/28/07, Patricia Jay <patriciajay2000 > wrote: I can understand why Mr Meyappan feels disturbed when it appears that Lord Muruga has got a raw deal. To me, I have many interpretations - my own, which emanated from my own inner self. Let me share them, and hope it can offer some solutions. Both Ganapati and Murugan accomplished the task in the manner that each were naturally configured. Ganesh is an embodiment of wisdom, and his formula was right. Murugan is an embodiment of vigour, drive, dynamism, speed (His classic prompt response when we message Him!). So its natural that, for Murugan, a physical journey around the world was the correct method. Now, since the initiator (Lord Shiva) of the race did not

define what technique was to be used, anybody who uses any valid technique wins as long as he crosses the Finishing Line first! Murugan's "anger" Well, how else would Murugan have manifest in the southern part of India, if not for this incident? How would we, who had karmically taken birth in the southern India, experience the benevelonce and grace of this lovable Son? Also, remember, Tamil is Murugan's gift to Mankind! In his "anger", he even wanted "Yen Mozhi, Yen Naadu, Yen Makkal". And when you feel your whole being melting by many phrases in the Tamil language, you know that this tongue must indeed have been created by God, not man. Thank you for reading. Patricia S Meyyappan <smeyyappan > wrote: MURUGA SARANAM 29th April 2007 Spiritual Stories: Post #40 "Going Round The Self" Dear Members.. This week brings you a story which we have known very well through the Tamil movie "Thiru Vilayadal" – the events that lead to Lord Murugan going to Palani. The beginning of the story is not as we have known (with Naratha – The Great Sage - bringing the fruit of knowledge leading to the competition between Lord Ganesh and Lord Murugan). It has been slightly modified in this version by Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi. As this story involves Lord Muruga, our beloved, I felt this time that I should add my comments at the end of the story. **** The Story begins here Going Round The Self In the evening when some devotees were beginning giripradakshina, (circumambulation around the hill Arunachala), Sundaresa Iyer, a long-standing devotee also felt like going with them. Then feeling that he might not be able to complete the round, as the others were taking leave, he quickly went around Bhagavan. Bhagavan asked him why he was doing this. He replied, "I am afraid I cannot go around the hill, so I have gone around Bhagavan.Go around yourself That

will be Atma pradakshina," Bhagavan said with smile. Another devotee remarked, "It means he has done what Vinayaka once did". Bhagavan was then asked to tell that story. ONCE UPON A time, Lord Parameswara wanted to teach a lesson to His Son, Lord Subrahmanya. Along with Parvathi, Parameswara sat on the top of Mount Kailas holding a fruit in His hand. Seeing the fruit both Ganapathi and Subrahmanya asked their Father, Parameswara for it. Then Iswara said that He would give the fruit to whoever of them returned first after going round the whole world. With self-confidence and pride that he would win the race,

Subrahmanya started immediately riding on his favourite mount, the peacock. He began going at a fast pace, frequently looking behind to assure himself that his elder brother Ganapathi was not following. What could poor Ganapathi do, with his huge belly? His vahanam (mount) was after all a mouse. So he thought it was no use competing with Subrahmanya in the race round the world, and went round Parvati and Parameswara, bowed before them and claimed the reward. When they asked him whether he had gone round the world, he said, "All the worlds are contained within you; so if I go round you, it is as good as going round the world". Pleased with his reply, Parameswara gave him the fruit and Ganapathi sat there eating it. By the time Subrahmanya finished going round the world in full confidence that he would be the winner,

arriving at the starting point, he found Ganapathi seated before Parvati and Parameswara, eating the fruit. When he asked Parameswara to give him the fruit for winning the race, Iswara said, 'There it is, your elder brother is eating it.' When he asked his father how that could be fair, Iswara explained to him all that had happened. Subrahmanya then realised his vanity in thinking that he was a great sage, bowed before his parents, and asked to be pardoned. That is the story. The significance is that the ego which goes round like a whirlwind must get destroyed, and must get absorbed in Atma. That is Atma Pradakshina, said Bhagavan. Ends ******** When I read about the vanity of Lord Muruga which Maharishi was mentioning about and the reason Lord Siva wanted to teach a lesson to Him – to be honest – I felt agitated, though I was reminding myself that whatever we say or do about God does not affect Him as He is beyond all the malas (impurities) and gunas (qualities). He is The Niguna Parabrahmam who does not get affected by whatever we utter or say about Him. Being The All Pervading Universal Consciousness, how is it possible that Lord Kumara slips into ignorance and vanity and needs to be taught a lesson. Though I was able to convince myself that the purpose of the story is only to insist some point and this story could not be taken as a declaration of the Universal Truth. For people like me who depend on Forms and Names of Lord to know about Him and Pray to Him though He is Formless and Nameless Ocean of Mercy, such stories disturb a

bit, though The Universal Master doesn't need to be taught a lesson. In fact the story of Swamimalai was narrated to me once in such a way that Lord Siva in His pure consciousness was listening to Lord Murugan who is also Himself (Siva) while He was giving the upadesa. You can read an interesting Tamil version of this at http://www.sysindia.com/emagazine/thiru/thiru8.htm These leelas are done by Lord though He does not gain anything but only for the benefit of we human beings so that we learn something and His leelas connect us more emotionally towards Him in Bhakthi Margam. Though my mind is saying all these, the agitation and disturbance had not fully gone. It appeared to me that my agitation was a complaint to our beloved Lord Muruga. After few minutes when I turned on Jaya TV the morning

program was about Thiruppugazh and I became very happy. The explanations rendered in that made me feel that He was intentionally making this happen to make me happy. The gentleman gave wonderful short discourses about Tiruchendur and Palani with Thiruppugazh specific to them and then he came on to Swamimalai. He said that The Son is always better than father and that's what the parents wish to happen. 1) If the parents leap to 8 feet the children jump 16 feet. 2) The father is at the foot of the hill and the son is at the top of the hill.

3) The father has only five faces, the son has six faces. The son is always much better than the father. 4) The father has only five letters (Namashivaya), Son has six letters (Saravana Bhava) 5) The father has only Pancha Bhutha Sthalas and Son has Arupadai Veedus. He was going repeatedly on and on about

the above points with excellent explanations which made me feel that it was being made only for me. Topping all that he said, Father is Brahmanya and Son is Subrahmanya - one step above that and to put it in simple language, he said, He is not Supramani (for Subrahmanya in Tamil) but He is Super Mani. I was laughing my heart out. Yes He is Super Mani. But such agitative feeling could be narrow mindedness as it is still an expression of the ego - I, me, my God, My belief and so on, where as He is not so. In the past yugas it is said that one needs to do lot of austerities and do rigorous practices to gain the grace of God. It is not so with Lord Muruga. That's why I have always felt Lord Murugan is the Kaliyuga Varada who instantly responds to those who look for His help. I don't agree with those who

say that Lord Muruga makes His devotees pass through tough testing times before He bestows His grace. You just utter His name when you are in pain and He is immediately there. This is what I have felt and experienced. Though my concern and agitation was worthless still He responded I felt. Sorry for not having pondered about the theme insisted in the story of Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi – 'Going Round The Self' or the Athma Pradakshina. Hope some one does it this time. May All Glories be to The Lord who taught Pranava to His father ! Appanukku Paadam Sonna Suppaiyanukku Arohara

!!! Swamimalai Swaminathanukku Arohara !!! MURUGA SARANAM With Best Regards Meyyappan S .

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