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kanthar anubhuthi - verse 24

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koor vEl vizhi mangaiyar kongaiyilE, sErvEn aruL sEravum eNNumathO soor vErodu kunRu thoLai— thanedum, pOr vEla puranThara bhoopathiyE. 24




Unto the breasts of women with looks piercing I join; to me Your Grace won't You think of joining? O Lord Velava with the Spear, long and fighting, That rent the Sura and (Krauncha) mountain! O Devaloka-King! "O Lord with the long, fighting Vel that pierced (destroyed) Surapadma with his entire clan and the (Krauncha) mountain! O Lord of Indraloka! Wilt Thou condescend to think of joining Thy grace with (or bestowing Thy grace on) me who (am so means as to) joins the breasts of women with Vel-like sharp eyes (piercing looks)?"



Detailed Commentary:

Skanda Puranam: Analogy of Indra — Surapadman to Men — Lust

Indra was tortured by the Asura Surapadman. He fought with the Asura, but could not defeat him. Surapadman invaded and virtually burn Indra's Kingdom (Devaloka or heaven) and made Indra a captive. So is the fire of lust for women that tortures men, burns their hearts and slaves them. Having failed in his attempts to defeat the Asura, Indra finally resorted to Lord Siva, surrendered himself totally to Him and invoked His grace. Siva appeared as Skanda, whose mighty Vel destroyed Surapadman and saved Indra. Even so when one, rendered helpless by repeated failures in one's effort to overcome lust, resorts to the Lord and surrenders oneself to Him, His Vel (as His Grace) comes to one's help and frees one from lust. Hence, Arunagirinathar says, "I am one who joins the breast of women. I am unable to overcome lust. I am unfit for Thy Grace. I do not deserve it. But, O Lord, who threw thy Vel on Surapadman and destroyed him and thus, saved Indra, wilt thou not think of showering thy grace on me, destroy the lustful nature in me and save me?"

Lust is a great obstacle in spiritual Sadhana

Lust for women is a great obstacle in the aspirant's spiritual evolution. Women for men (and men for women) are like wine, says Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Their eye-looks are so piercing and endowed with such mysterious power that they can shake the heart of any man however strong-willed he may be. Their looks are like fire in the presence of which the candles of the hearts of men cannot but melt. No-one is seen to be totally free from the deluding influence of ... women. Even great Tapasvins were not spared.

Courtesy: skandagurunatha web site



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Muruga SaranamYet another master piece. The key word here is " To surrender oneself to Him " . It is easily said than done. And everyone understands the meaning in his own way and feels even after he surrenders himself could not get any result. Hmm.. Again only His guidance can show us that. I often here even in christian preaching and discourses as well about seeking refuge in Him to get over our difficulties or inherent gunas of getting over our natural tendencies that pull us down.

Velum Mayilum ThunaiVetrivel Muruganukku AroharaMuruga SaranamWith Best RegardsMeyyappan S

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 6:27 AM, r_ramasamy <rramasamy wrote:







koor vEl vizhi mangaiyar kongaiyilE, sErvEn aruL sEravum eNNumathO soor vErodu kunRu thoLai— thanedum, pOr vEla puranThara bhoopathiyE. 24




Unto the breasts of women with looks piercing I join; to me Your Grace won't You think of joining? O Lord Velava with the Spear, long and fighting, That rent the Sura and (Krauncha) mountain! O Devaloka-King!

" O Lord with the long, fighting Vel that pierced (destroyed) Surapadma with his entire clan and the (Krauncha) mountain! O Lord of Indraloka! Wilt Thou condescend to think of joining Thy grace with (or bestowing Thy grace on) me who (am so means as to) joins the breasts of women with Vel-like sharp eyes (piercing looks)? "



Detailed Commentary:

Skanda Puranam: Analogy of Indra — Surapadman to Men — Lust

Indra was tortured by the Asura Surapadman. He fought with the Asura, but could not defeat him. Surapadman invaded and virtually burn Indra's Kingdom (Devaloka or heaven) and made Indra a captive. So is the fire of lust for women that tortures men, burns their hearts and slaves them. Having failed in his attempts to defeat the Asura, Indra finally resorted to Lord Siva, surrendered himself totally to Him and invoked His grace. Siva appeared as Skanda, whose mighty Vel destroyed Surapadman and saved Indra. Even so when one, rendered helpless by repeated failures in one's effort to overcome lust, resorts to the Lord and surrenders oneself to Him, His Vel (as His Grace) comes to one's help and frees one from lust. Hence, Arunagirinathar says, " I am one who joins the breast of women. I am unable to overcome lust. I am unfit for Thy Grace. I do not deserve it. But, O Lord, who threw thy Vel on Surapadman and destroyed him and thus, saved Indra, wilt thou not think of showering thy grace on me, destroy the lustful nature in me and save me? "

Lust is a great obstacle in spiritual Sadhana

Lust for women is a great obstacle in the aspirant's spiritual evolution. Women for men (and men for women) are like wine, says Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Their eye-looks are so piercing and endowed with such mysterious power that they can shake the heart of any man however strong-willed he may be. Their looks are like fire in the presence of which the candles of the hearts of men cannot but melt. No-one is seen to be totally free from the deluding influence of ... women. Even great Tapasvins were not spared.

Courtesy: skandagurunatha web site



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