Guest guest Posted July 23, 2009 Report Share Posted July 23, 2009 Muruga Saranam.Dear Group members,I would like to thank all of the beloved group members who read my mail and gave their mind blowing messages. Especially I am thanking Mr. Sivaramakrishnan, Mr. Meyyappan, Mr. Karthig, Ms. Priya.I am thanking the Lord Muruga to gave me an opportunity to get contact with these scholorly people throught this Dhandapani group. As said by Mr. Sivaramakrishnan our conversation between me an my friend ended. By the mean time I want to tell something. By talking or sharing the thoughts with each other is not mean it is Useless. Eventhough it is useless when we are entering into the debates some useful informations will come out. Moreover the opponent may have some amazing informations or we do the same. But they might not get opportunity to put forward those things. So the debates may become a good stage to pull out those information from each other. By talking about the religion will not spoil the harmony among the people. Meiporul Kanbhadu arivu. For example, If a man asking me about the thalapuranam of rameswaram, I must tell him what he needs. If I could not the man immediately reply me what is the use you are living here for twenty five years. This is shame to me.Same like this, Our religion is Sanathana Dharmam. No founder for our Great religion. We people are following this Dharma. Moreover once upon a time our religion was spread through out the world. Proofs also is there. Very recently some Siva Lingam and other Idols has been excavated from Indonasian land. So If anybody asking about this or trying to humiliate by asking some unwanted question I must shut thier mouth by giving him a proper and perfect answers. But I couldn't. Because of the lack of knowledge. When I arise this question I was hesitated to post it in our group. But my heart said, I will get a nice answers from our Group members.In my point of view, One of our group member gave me a reply. After I read that reply it forced me to write like this. If this mail is hurting anybody's heart I am extremely sorry.One more thing, Our Adhi Sankarar is one of the Great sage in India and considering him as the avathar of Eeswaran and he is the only one saviour who saved our sanathana dharmam from the fall because of Buddhism and Jainism which began to spread all over India on those times. He saved Our religion first and he wrote lot of hymns to increase the spritualism. If religion saved Spritual thoughts will automatically grow up.When we begin to ask question, our knowledge will increase as stated by Socrates. I am not a right person and I have no age to talk like this to our knowledgable group members. If anybody feeling bad I am once again asking I am extreamly sorry.I have one more doubt. Its my own doubt not from the others. My doubt is, In all of our Epics and Puranas the re-incarnation of the God happend in India only. Why it is depicting like this. It means, the bad things and bad people priviled in India only. I am expecting the answer from my beloved friends.Thanks/Regards,R. Devi anand gokhale.Muruga Saranam. Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Dear Gokhale,Let me assure you that your views are not of hurting or offending nature. Last time I forgot to mention my views about idols. As Mr. Sivaramakrishnan aptly said it is very difficult to comprehend Godhead. VArious powers and attributes of God are expressed through respective shapes and names. If one says God has no form, he is right. But he should also accept that God has no names. Al Rehman - The Most Gracious, Al Rahim - The most gracious, Al Razak - the one who sustains (gives food) and 97 other names they give for God are all only referring to God with His different attributes. Grace and Power of God does not end within these 100 names. In fact He is all and everything and cannot be confined to 100 names only as in Islam. But without a name how are going to refer to Him. Mentally it is OK, our object of worship is very clear. But still we need a name, otherwise a man cannot refer to Him. So God Himself helped people by helping them refer to Him by name. refering to Him by form is also the same. Names, forms, rituals, customs all are only like ladders, that help us reach the place where we should reach. After we reach there we dont need the ladder. We should not stay in the ladder always. We should try to reach up. Some time one feels his own ladder is the best and very nice. Even the holiest of the books - one should not get attached to. Attachment is inherent in man. Msotly people get attached to material and kith and kin. Some get attached to religion and books. Karmically all will not allow one to get above them and reach God. Even if it is a scripture guiding us to God, one should not be attached to it and the way of life it prescribes. Muslims do this and many of us too do this. The only difference is we are open to this idea where as Muslims are not open to any idea other than the precise words told and lived by Prophet Muhammed. All arguments with them end (in my experience) with this o any idea. They say innovation always leads to problems and you should accept only what was said by Prophet Mohammed. The problem is understanding him is again through human language where the interpretation varies. Many Islamic scholars widely vary in their view points. For them idol worship is not recommended because they think one prays to idols and they don't realize we see God in them. Once Swami Vivekananda said nicely. A king asked him that why one should pray to stones, what can they do. Then he pointed to a portrait above his throne and asked who is this and the king replied that itis his father's portrait. Swami Vivekananda asked if he can spit on that portrait and the King was enraged and furious of such contempt. Swami replied you are getting angry because you don't see the portrait as paper, paint and art, but you see your father in that. So you feel I am not spitting on the paper and image but on your father. The same goes with idols too. We don't see them as stones but we see God through them. Actually once when one gets elevated for him names, forms and rituals don't mean anything (as I understand from words of learned people and strongly believe so). But one more point we should accept from the Muslims about the idol worship is that they say so not only because they think one prays to stones. They also think we pray to smaller gods, demigods, and goblins. In fact there are people that way too. Many in villages pray to smaller gods who have control over smaller space and pray with meat and some even with liquor. Such practices where very common when Islam came. So prophet Mohammed unified the belief and removed all unwanted and worthless religious practices. The object of worship should be very clear to anyone and it should only be the Only One Supreme God if one is to be elevated. this is the great principle he taught and this is the best thing I absorbed from Islam that God is only One and He alone should be prayed to and seek refuge in. But then Muslims in general dont understand the way our religion is believed and practiced and blindly they criticize all our practices. A religion or path to God should be gauged by the results it gives not by narrowly interpreting the path. If one is to understand them they should practice them. Commenting or criticizing from outside will not make any sense as one understands well only when he experiences it. Adi Sankarar helped a lot by unifying the religions into six major ones and all six are valid. In fact Swami Vivekananda says that one should not bitterly criticize those who dont pray to God and even those who pray to snakes and goblins as the act of praying will some day guide them back to religion and God and certainly their object of worship will change. Reg conversion, it is said in Islam that one would go to Heaven if he converts someone to Islam. The understood meaning commonly by people is to convert a non muslim into a muslim who follows the traditions of muslims believes in prophet muhammed, prays five times in the prescribed way. But the actual meaning is if one does not believe in God or worse, does not believe in one God should be brought back to God as that is the only way for him for salvation. That is God only can give mukthi and people should be guided for that. For that He should embrace Islam - that actually means one should surrender oneself unto God. Islam means submission. Otherwise one may go through millions of birth and doing more sins his karma may take him to a more fallen state. By seeking help and guidance from God, by praying to Him he and his acts are purified and his mind guides him through right path. So religion is very important in one's life, but one should not become fundamentalistic attaching values only to rituals and practices but attaching more values to God and Love and use religion as the best tool only. One should not get married to this tool. So if one helps prevent someone from being so fallen or low and takes him towards God, the Most Merciful who is His only, then certainly that person deserves a place in heaven (in our belief, Mukthi and oneness with God is permanent and is more than heaven as heaven is also temporary as we believe in reincarnation of human beings). If understood in that meaning what is said in Quran is 100% correct. But unfortunately this is not what people understand. Muslims think we believe in things other than God or to other entities who are under His control. Note: Making equivalents to God is strongly condemned in Islam, as God does not need help from others to do things as His inability would mean He does not have full control and hence He is not God. But one who created and is sustaining will have full control. So this act of making equivalents to God with others is strongly condemned in Islam. Muslims also understand another thing incorrectly. When we say about other deities in charge of rain (Indra or Varuna) or other prosperities (like Kubera), they think we are making equivalents or parellel control of Supreme God. Actuall all are under one God and under His command they have been given various responsibilities to serve. It is not that He cant do it alone, but it is His grace that He gave these job to various deities so that they can do some service and attain Him. In a company that manager needs help of smaller managers and workers under him. But in case of God it is an opportunity for these smaller managers to work under him. In companies the general manager cannot do all the job and some times would be unwilling to lower jobs. But in case of God's administration, He can do any job in the tree and some times blesses people by serving them with some personal service. That is why He is the most merciful. Actually Muslims also believe in this but will not accept our practise as correct. Actually the notation only differs. They call them all by names of angels. There are angels of rain, angels of mountain, angels of death and so on. We call them as Varuna or Indra, Yamaraj etc.. There are individual angels incharge of every person counting their sins and good deeds and recording them who always seated near the left and right shoulders of every person (all these believed in Islam). I believe in them too. But please ask them to provide a scientific proof. Nobody can give a proof in science for any belief but beliefs can only proved by results. Because science not capable. Science isnot something by itself but only an explanation of facts. If one cant explain some thing it does not become that some thing cannot be accepted. Science is only a way of explanation. Until one understands some thing well he cannot explain it using science. So the problem is in understanding some thing well. If something is wrong it should be disproved. In religious things only the results can be taken as proofs. We see many many saints attaining Mukthi. But how canone understand this and take as proof. For this one has to experience this by Himself. By that time he will realize that it is beyond words and explanations - May All Glories and praise be to Lord Muruga Our Eternal Master and beloved Guru who is doing all these things. One meaning one can take from Mr. Sivaramakrishnan's words that arguments areuselsss is the same as what Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said, arguments take us nowhere, but one needs to submit himself to experience it. God does not reveal Himself to one unless he becomes qualified and deserving for His grace. Only then he understands Him and again he fails to explain by science or any other means, but like mad he starts singing His glories. This is what happened to Arunagirinathar when he was blessed withthose magic words " SUMMA IRU " . Oh! My Lord! What a great one you are. With only two syllables He showed the bliss to Arunagirinathar after which 12 years he was in that state I believe. Vetrivel Muruganukku Arohara!. So what Mr. Sivaramakrishnan meant was this Smma Iru I believe. However as Mr. Gokhale said these exchange of informations help people like us who are in much earlier stage of knowledge. Without these we cannot know anything. Actually revelation or even understanding of any thing will take place only when we become qualified for that. One understood as deep as an atom and realized the potential of electrons and neutrons (we dont see them or feel them but we believe in them through theresults we see) only when someone like Rutherford contemplated too deep into it. When one contemplates too deep into something and concentrates he becomes qualified to know and the mystery is revealed to him by His grace. This is true in spirituality or in any quest of knowledge. Sorry I don't know from where I started and what I wanted to tell and where I am. However the topic is so wide and let us continue our search.By the way it also baffles me as to why all puranas and itihasas refer to Indian Subcontinent and Hindus only. I understand in olden times this was the only religion. But what about other parts of the world. Though I hear references to other races and places here and there it is all mostly about India and Hindus only. Hope some learned person can throw some light on this. As of now I only understand that Puranas and Itihasas should not be viewed as history (what actually happened), but as lessons for knowledge and guidance for mankind by God. Vetrivel Muruganukku Arohara (without Him we are not here) !!!Muruga SaranamWith Best RegardsMeyyappan S On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:31 AM, devi gokhale <samuraigokhale wrote: Muruga Saranam.Dear Group members,I would like to thank all of the beloved group members who read my mail and gave their mind blowing messages. Especially I am thanking Mr. Sivaramakrishnan, Mr. Meyyappan, Mr. Karthig, Ms. Priya. I am thanking the Lord Muruga to gave me an opportunity to get contact with these scholorly people throught this Dhandapani group. As said by Mr. Sivaramakrishnan our conversation between me an my friend ended. By the mean time I want to tell something. By talking or sharing the thoughts with each other is not mean it is Useless. Eventhough it is useless when we are entering into the debates some useful informations will come out. Moreover the opponent may have some amazing informations or we do the same. But they might not get opportunity to put forward those things. So the debates may become a good stage to pull out those information from each other. By talking about the religion will not spoil the harmony among the people. Meiporul Kanbhadu arivu. For example, If a man asking me about the thalapuranam of rameswaram, I must tell him what he needs. If I could not the man immediately reply me what is the use you are living here for twenty five years. This is shame to me. Same like this, Our religion is Sanathana Dharmam. No founder for our Great religion. We people are following this Dharma. Moreover once upon a time our religion was spread through out the world. Proofs also is there. Very recently some Siva Lingam and other Idols has been excavated from Indonasian land. So If anybody asking about this or trying to humiliate by asking some unwanted question I must shut thier mouth by giving him a proper and perfect answers. But I couldn't. Because of the lack of knowledge. When I arise this question I was hesitated to post it in our group. But my heart said, I will get a nice answers from our Group members. In my point of view, One of our group member gave me a reply. After I read that reply it forced me to write like this. If this mail is hurting anybody's heart I am extremely sorry. One more thing, Our Adhi Sankarar is one of the Great sage in India and considering him as the avathar of Eeswaran and he is the only one saviour who saved our sanathana dharmam from the fall because of Buddhism and Jainism which began to spread all over India on those times. He saved Our religion first and he wrote lot of hymns to increase the spritualism. If religion saved Spritual thoughts will automatically grow up.When we begin to ask question, our knowledge will increase as stated by Socrates. I am not a right person and I have no age to talk like this to our knowledgable group members. If anybody feeling bad I am once again asking I am extreamly sorry. I have one more doubt. Its my own doubt not from the others. My doubt is, In all of our Epics and Puranas the re-incarnation of the God happend in India only. Why it is depicting like this. It means, the bad things and bad people priviled in India only. I am expecting the answer from my beloved friends. Thanks/Regards,R. Devi anand gokhale.Muruga Saranam. Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 24, 2009 Report Share Posted July 24, 2009 Indeed a large and thoughtful conversation there Mr. Meyyappan. I will restrict my words to your words on Itihasas -Actually all the puranas and Itihasa DO NOT RESTRICT to India. A cursory glace of Vishnu Purana will reveal a vivid description of the seven continents etc. Some scholars argue that Vishnu Purana would have been the Geography textbook of yester years! some parts of Mahabharata talk about greek kingdoms, their languages etc. Regards,R. ÅšivarÄmakṛṣṇa Å›armÄ|| Tiruchitrambalam || 2009/7/24 S Meyyappan <smeyyappan  Dear Gokhale,Let me assure you that your views are not of hurting or offending nature. Last time I forgot to mention my views about idols. As Mr. Sivaramakrishnan aptly said it is very difficult to comprehend Godhead. VArious powers and attributes of God are expressed through respective shapes and names. If one says God has no form, he is right. But he should also accept that God has no names. Al Rehman - The Most Gracious, Al Rahim - The most gracious, Al Razak - the one who sustains (gives food) and 97 other names they give for God are all only referring to God with His different attributes. Grace and Power of God does not end within these 100 names. In fact He is all and everything and cannot be confined to 100 names only as in Islam. But without a name how are going to refer to Him. Mentally it is OK, our object of worship is very clear. But still we need a name, otherwise a man cannot refer to Him. So God Himself helped people by helping them refer to Him by name. refering to Him by form is also the same. Names, forms, rituals, customs all are only like ladders, that help us reach the place where we should reach. After we reach there we dont need the ladder. We should not stay in the ladder always. We should try to reach up. Some time one feels his own ladder is the best and very nice. Even the holiest of the books - one should not get attached to. Attachment is inherent in man. Msotly people get attached to material and kith and kin. Some get attached to religion and books. Karmically all will not allow one to get above them and reach God. Even if it is a scripture guiding us to God, one should not be attached to it and the way of life it prescribes. Muslims do this and many of us too do this. The only difference is we are open to this idea where as Muslims are not open to any idea other than the precise words told and lived by Prophet Muhammed. All arguments with them end (in my experience) with this o any idea. They say innovation always leads to problems and you should accept only what was said by Prophet Mohammed. The problem is understanding him is again through human language where the interpretation varies. Many Islamic scholars widely vary in their view points. For them idol worship is not recommended because they think one prays to idols and they don't realize we see God in them. Once Swami Vivekananda said nicely. A king asked him that why one should pray to stones, what can they do. Then he pointed to a portrait above his throne and asked who is this and the king replied that itis his father's portrait. Swami Vivekananda asked if he can spit on that portrait and the King was enraged and furious of such contempt. Swami replied you are getting angry because you don't see the portrait as paper, paint and art, but you see your father in that. So you feel I am not spitting on the paper and image but on your father. The same goes with idols too. We don't see them as stones but we see God through them. Actually once when one gets elevated for him names, forms and rituals don't mean anything (as I understand from words of learned people and strongly believe so). But one more point we should accept from the Muslims about the idol worship is that they say so not only because they think one prays to stones. They also think we pray to smaller gods, demigods, and goblins. In fact there are people that way too. Many in villages pray to smaller gods who have control over smaller space and pray with meat and some even with liquor. Such practices where very common when Islam came. So prophet Mohammed unified the belief and removed all unwanted and worthless religious practices. The object of worship should be very clear to anyone and it should only be the Only One Supreme God if one is to be elevated. this is the great principle he taught and this is the best thing I absorbed from Islam that God is only One and He alone should be prayed to and seek refuge in. But then Muslims in general dont understand the way our religion is believed and practiced and blindly they criticize all our practices. A religion or path to God should be gauged by the results it gives not by narrowly interpreting the path. If one is to understand them they should practice them. Commenting or criticizing from outside will not make any sense as one understands well only when he experiences it. Adi Sankarar helped a lot by unifying the religions into six major ones and all six are valid. In fact Swami Vivekananda says that one should not bitterly criticize those who dont pray to God and even those who pray to snakes and goblins as the act of praying will some day guide them back to religion and God and certainly their object of worship will change. Reg conversion, it is said in Islam that one would go to Heaven if he converts someone to Islam. The understood meaning commonly by people is to convert a non muslim into a muslim who follows the traditions of muslims believes in prophet muhammed, prays five times in the prescribed way. But the actual meaning is if one does not believe in God or worse, does not believe in one God should be brought back to God as that is the only way for him for salvation. That is God only can give mukthi and people should be guided for that. For that He should embrace Islam - that actually means one should surrender oneself unto God. Islam means submission. Otherwise one may go through millions of birth and doing more sins his karma may take him to a more fallen state. By seeking help and guidance from God, by praying to Him he and his acts are purified and his mind guides him through right path. So religion is very important in one's life, but one should not become fundamentalistic attaching values only to rituals and practices but attaching more values to God and Love and use religion as the best tool only. One should not get married to this tool. So if one helps prevent someone from being so fallen or low and takes him towards God, the Most Merciful who is His only, then certainly that person deserves a place in heaven (in our belief, Mukthi and oneness with God is permanent and is more than heaven as heaven is also temporary as we believe in reincarnation of human beings). If understood in that meaning what is said in Quran is 100% correct. But unfortunately this is not what people understand. Muslims think we believe in things other than God or to other entities who are under His control. Note: Making equivalents to God is strongly condemned in Islam, as God does not need help from others to do things as His inability would mean He does not have full control and hence He is not God. But one who created and is sustaining will have full control. So this act of making equivalents to God with others is strongly condemned in Islam. Muslims also understand another thing incorrectly. When we say about other deities in charge of rain (Indra or Varuna) or other prosperities (like Kubera), they think we are making equivalents or parellel control of Supreme God. Actuall all are under one God and under His command they have been given various responsibilities to serve. It is not that He cant do it alone, but it is His grace that He gave these job to various deities so that they can do some service and attain Him. In a company that manager needs help of smaller managers and workers under him. But in case of God it is an opportunity for these smaller managers to work under him. In companies the general manager cannot do all the job and some times would be unwilling to lower jobs. But in case of God's administration, He can do any job in the tree and some times blesses people by serving them with some personal service. That is why He is the most merciful. Actually Muslims also believe in this but will not accept our practise as correct. Actually the notation only differs. They call them all by names of angels. There are angels of rain, angels of mountain, angels of death and so on. We call them as Varuna or Indra, Yamaraj etc.. There are individual angels incharge of every person counting their sins and good deeds and recording them who always seated near the left and right shoulders of every person (all these believed in Islam). I believe in them too. But please ask them to provide a scientific proof. Nobody can give a proof in science for any belief but beliefs can only proved by results. Because science not capable. Science isnot something by itself  but only an explanation of facts. If one cant explain some thing it does not become that some thing cannot be accepted. Science is only a way of explanation. Until one understands some thing well he cannot explain it using science. So the problem is in understanding some thing well. If something is wrong it should be disproved. In religious things only the results can be taken as proofs. We see many many saints attaining Mukthi. But how canone understand this and take as proof. For this one has to experience this by Himself. By that time he will realize that it is beyond words and explanations - May All Glories and praise be to Lord Muruga Our Eternal Master and beloved Guru who is doing all these things. One meaning one can take from Mr. Sivaramakrishnan's words that arguments areuselsss is the same as what Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said, arguments take us nowhere, but one needs to submit himself to experience it. God does not reveal Himself to one unless he becomes qualified and deserving for His grace. Only then he understands Him and again he fails to explain by science or any other means, but like mad he starts singing His glories. This is what happened to Arunagirinathar when he was blessed withthose magic words " SUMMA IRU " . Oh! My Lord! What a great one you are. With only two syllables He showed the bliss to Arunagirinathar after which 12 years he was in that state I believe. Vetrivel Muruganukku Arohara!. So what Mr. Sivaramakrishnan meant was this Smma Iru I believe. However as Mr. Gokhale said these exchange of informations help people like us who are in much earlier stage of knowledge. Without these we cannot know anything. Actually revelation or even understanding of any thing will take place only when we become qualified for that. One understood as deep as an atom and realized the potential of electrons and neutrons (we dont see them or feel them but we believe in them through theresults we see) only when someone like Rutherford contemplated too deep into it. When one contemplates too deep into something and concentrates he becomes qualified to know and the mystery is revealed to him by His grace. This is true in spirituality or in any quest of knowledge. Sorry I don't know from where I started and what I wanted to tell and where I am. However the topic is so wide and let us continue our search.By the way it also baffles me as to why all puranas and itihasas refer to Indian Subcontinent and Hindus only. I understand in olden times this was the only religion. But what about other parts of the world. Though I hear references to other races and places here and there it is all mostly about India and Hindus only. Hope some learned person can throw some light on this. As of now I only understand that Puranas and Itihasas should not be viewed as history (what actually happened), but as lessons for knowledge and guidance for mankind by God. Vetrivel Muruganukku Arohara (without Him we are not here) !!!Muruga SaranamWith Best RegardsMeyyappan S On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 2:31 AM, devi gokhale <samuraigokhale wrote:  Muruga Saranam.Dear Group members,I would like to thank all of the beloved group members who read my mail and gave their mind blowing messages.  Especially I am thanking Mr. Sivaramakrishnan, Mr. Meyyappan, Mr. Karthig, Ms. Priya. I am thanking the Lord Muruga to gave me an opportunity to get contact with these scholorly people throught this Dhandapani group. As said by Mr. Sivaramakrishnan our conversation between me an my friend ended.  By the mean time I want to tell something.  By talking or sharing the thoughts with each other is not mean it is Useless.  Eventhough it is useless when we are entering into the debates some useful informations will come out.  Moreover the opponent may have some amazing informations or we do the same.  But they might not get opportunity to put forward those things. So the debates may become a good stage to pull out those information from each other.  By talking about the religion will not spoil the harmony among the people.    Meiporul Kanbhadu arivu. For example, If a man asking me about the thalapuranam of rameswaram, I must tell him what he needs.  If I could not the man immediately reply me what is the use you are living here for twenty five years.  This is shame to me. Same like this, Our religion is Sanathana Dharmam.  No founder for our Great religion.  We people are following this Dharma.  Moreover once upon a time our religion was spread through out the world.  Proofs also is there.  Very recently some Siva Lingam and other Idols has been excavated from Indonasian land.  So If anybody asking about this or trying to humiliate by asking some unwanted question I must shut thier mouth by giving him a proper and perfect answers.  But I couldn't.  Because of the lack of knowledge.  When I arise this question I was hesitated to post it in our group.  But my heart said, I will get a nice answers from our Group members. In my point of view, One of our group member gave me a reply.  After I read that reply it forced me to write like this. If this mail is hurting anybody's heart I am extremely sorry. One more thing,  Our Adhi Sankarar is one of the Great sage in India and considering him as the avathar of Eeswaran and he is the only one saviour who saved our sanathana dharmam from the fall because of Buddhism and Jainism which began to spread all over India on those times.  He saved Our religion first and he wrote lot of hymns to increase the spritualism.  If religion saved Spritual thoughts will automatically grow up.When we begin to ask question, our knowledge will increase as stated by Socrates.  I am not a right person and I have no age  to talk like this to our knowledgable group members.  If anybody feeling bad I am once again asking I am extreamly sorry. I have one more doubt.  Its my own doubt not from the others.  My doubt is,  In all of our Epics and Puranas the re-incarnation of the God happend in India only.  Why it is depicting like this.  It means, the bad things and bad people priviled in India only.  I am expecting the answer from my beloved friends. Thanks/Regards,R. Devi anand gokhale.Muruga Saranam. Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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