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SURDAS , the great devotee

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The following inspiring life-storey of Surdas is loaded in

Group's FILES, in directory Bhaktapriya.




This is the amazing life- storey of Surdas, the renowned Indian poet.

Chanting the names of Krishna brought Lord Krishna himself into

Surdas's heart and into the hearts of all who listened to his

sweet music.


In the village of Sihi near Delhi, in the house of a poor Brahman, a

child was born in the year 1478. He was born blind. He had three

other brothers. He was so neglected by his neighbors and his own

family that by the time he was three, everyone forgot his real name

and he was called Sur, which means blind. He was later known as



Surdas would often go hungry because his mother would not bother to

feed him. His brothers would receive new clothes at Diwali time but

not Surdas. Surdas's parents thought he wouldn't be able to tell the

difference anyway. It hurt his feelings.


Surdas's outside world was not very kind either. His playmates

enjoyed teasing him and when he came to his mother for sympathy, she

scolded him for going out. So, unfortunate Surdas stayed on the porch

most of the time.


One day, a group of singers passed by his house singing in praise of

the Lord Krishna. Swept up by the joy the music brought forth in him,

he forgot for a moment that he was blind.


" One day I will learn how to sing, " he told himself.


When Surdas joined his brothers to learn from their father how to

read and write, his father said, " Go away. You are blind, you cannot

read. " His brothers teased him as he sat and wept.


A few days later, another group of singers came by, passing through

the village, begging for alms and singing in praise of Lord Krishna.

They passed by Surdas' house. Surdas followed them. At night they

stopped to cook and rest near a lake. One of them came to Surdas and

asked, " Why are you following us? " .


" I would like to learn to sing " answered Surdas. Then he sang a song

in praise of Krishna.


They fed him that night but did not want to be burdened with the

blind boy. In the morning they left without telling him. But they

were so struck by Surdas's soulful voice that they had left their

ektar behind for him.


When Surdas woke up , he was frightened to find that his friends had

deserted him and he was alone. Surdas called out to Krishna,

wondering if he too had deserted him. Baby Krishna was drawn by

Surdas' love. He handed Surdas the ektar left behind by the

musicians, and sat by his side as Surdas tenderly chanted

Krishna's names.


Where could blind Surdas go?. He sat under a tree and began singing

Lord Krishna's praise. He had a good voice and his feelings were

expressed with utmost sincerity. Villagers passing by gave him food

and he survived. The lake was a popular resting spot for those

travelling to Mathura and Vrindavan. From their conversation, Surdas

learnt a lot about the outside world. By the age of fourteen, Surdas

developed a keen sixth sense and could predict many things. People

were amazed and he was called " miracle boy. " If a villager lost an

animal, Surdas could tell him where to find it. He was consulted on

the appropriate day to travel or to start any project. People from

other villages travelled a long way to meet him and gave their

offerings. One day, the landlord's little toddler wandered off and

could not be found. Surdas predicted where the boy was and the boy

was found. The landlord was so pleased that he fell at Surdas' feet

and asked his men to build a cottage for him near the tree under

which Surdas stayed. Shortly thereafter, many people became his

disciples. They began to write the songs he composed. The disciples

loved him and served him to the best of their ability.


One night, Surdas dreamt of Krishna and people praising Him through

bhajans. Surdas woke up and was convinced that Krishna was calling to

him. The next morning, he departed for Vrindavan. His disciples came

running and were worried.


" Why are you leaving us? Are we at fault? " .


Surdas consoled them and continued on his way to Vrindavan through

the jungle. Wherever he went people wanted to listen to him sing and

have him stay with them. They would beg him to stay in their village.

They respected him, honored him and fed him. But Surdas kept moving.


" I am a traveling monk, I cannot stay at any one place, " Surdas said.


One day, while he was resting at the edge of a shallow abandoned

well, he fell into the well. Blind and injured, he did not know how

to get out.


Surdas stayed in the well for seven days praying for help. Suddenly

he heard a child's voice, " Hold my hands, I will take you out. "


Surdas came out of the well and the boy disappeared. He kept

searching for the little boy who rescued him. The boy was none else

but Baby Krishna. Now, he could see Krishna everywhere. With eyes

closed, Surdas watched the play of Krishna within his very

self.People thought he was crazy.


One day one of his disciples told Surdas that the great learned saint

Swami Balabhachari was going to visit Vrindavan. Balabhachari was

famous for his writings about Krishna. Surdas keenly wished to see

him. While Surdas was making arrangements to cross the river to visit

Balabhachari, Balabhachari himself arrived at Surdas's residence.

Surdas was overwhelmed with joy. He fell at Balabhachari's feet and

sought his blessing. Upon his request, Surdas sang a bhajan about

Krishna. Balabhachari requested Surdas to dedicate his life to the

praise of Lord Krishna.


Balabhachari stayed with Surdas for a few days and taught him about

Krishna's scriptures. Surdas went to Vrindavan with Balabhachari.

Balabhachari appointed Surdas as the chief singer of Srinath temple

in Govardhan, near Vrindavan. Srinath is another name for Krishna.


With Krishna so firmly in residence in his own heart that his songs

were inspiring Krishna to dance in the hearts of all who heard them.

Surdas's reputation as a singer and devotee spread far and wide. Far

far away, in the court of the great mugal emperor Akbar, the

legendary musician Tansen was singing one of Surdas' songs.

Akbar was charmed. Tansen admitted that the tune and the lyrics were

that of Surdas, the blind devotee of Krishna.


So enchanted was he by the music of Surdas, Akbar ordered his

attendants to bring Surdas to his palace. Akbar's courtiers were

unable to persuade Surdas to leave the temple. Then, Akbar himself

travelled all the way across India to meet Surdas.Hearing the sound

of Surdas' voice, the mighty emperor was enfolded by a profound

meditation in which he could watch himself the unfolding of

Krishna's dance. He was very pleased and asked Surdas to ask for

anything he wanted. Surdas said, " Just do not ask me to go to

your court to sing. " Akbar agreed.


After years of inspiring devotion in his followers, Surdas finally

merged with Krishna, his Lord.


May each of us keep the vision of Surdas alive in our own hearts, by

living in the enchanting world of Krishna's love.


Sri-Krishnaya Namah!!!



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