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Devotees have to act at Krishna's behest

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Hare Krishna,

If Lord Krishna, who is described as the source of all powers and is omnipotent to carry out by Himself all His decisions, why should He push men into this world and seemingly get all work done through them? Will it not suffice if people are granted knowledge about His superiority and about His qualities and then they are liberated from the earthly shackles? Any aspiring soul, undergoing tribulations in life, is bound to raise this question. Scriptures clearly point out how Krishna in His scheme of activities, has His own agenda. In His principal incarnation (as Krishna) His task was to crush evil forces. Holy books say that a devotee is not a mere insentient instrument but has the freedom to seek clarifications as to why he has been given a role in unfolding the Divine plan.

The chief lesson a devotee should learn is about Krishna's vast powers and his own limitations and the relationship between the Creator and the created. When this is understood, he will know why he has been called to act at His behest. The Bhagavad Gita contains all answers to all doubts which may lurk in men. Krishna provided an opportunity to one of His devotees (Arjuna) to remain at His service. After listening to the brilliant exposition of

Krishna through the Divine document, he submits himself totally before Krishna and becomes a servant.

It is interesting to see, how people reacted in different ways to Krishna's acts. Balarama left on a pilgrimage during the Kurukshetra War. Duryodhana heard Him but rebelled against Him and was destroyed. Krishna's scheme was to contain evil forces and those who joined in it and made it easier to get implemented, survived and later gained liberation. Disciple Arjuna (representing a sincere aspirant) was protected in his spiritual journey and

Krishna made it plain that His pastimes (lilas) are to be clearly interpreted only through the Vedas.

The horses, pictorially represented to project the delivery of God's message in the Gita, are under the control of Krishna, symbolising that the Vedas depend on God. Arjuna is safe in a shelter, over which the flag of ``Vayu'' (God of Wind) presents himself. (A soul will be unaffected by evil if it is placed in the container, ``Vayu.'') The chariot and the driver are behind the horses to show that spiritual utterances derive inspiration from the Vedas. Krishna insists on activity. In all spheres, a servant becomes a student but in spiritual realm, it is vice versa, the individual getting convinced (like Arjuna) enjoys peace.

Every human being, who is eager to take to the royal route that leads to the Divine Kingdom , has been commanded by Krishna Himself to carry out certain religious duties enjoined upon him, each one according to the station of life in which he has been placed. While performing such duties, it is imperative that he submits before Lord Krishna that he is doing them only to please Him and only at His behest. The devotee should admit that he is a mere tool in Krishna’s hands to complete a task entrusted to him. More important than this plea is that the

duties assigned should be done strictly in accordance with the rules and procedures laid down in scriptural texts. Also, such a demonstration of his faith should not be for mere show or extravagance.

The injunctions during the offer of such prayers include the choice of time and of only the articles which are approved. A devotee cannot say that he can perform the worship (Aradhana) in a manner at his convenience or at a time he likes. He should remember that all his profession, wealth and comforts have been granted mercifully by Lord Krishna only and are not his own and that he is dedicating them at His feet. The prayers that a Srivaishnavite utters at the time of his worship are: ``I am laying down all these articles, with all sincerity and humility to please You and not for obtaining anything in return''. Krishna's mercy will be extended to every devotee but He will derive greater pleasure if the prayers are as approved by scriptures and without expecting the fruits thereof. Will there not be a difference in the attitude of a person with authority when a poor man goes to him empty-handed as against his handing over at least a lime fruit?.

Krishna gladly welcomes a devotee who approaches Him with earnestness, adopting the guidelines for worship and compared it to that of a girl who can choose her dress material before her marriage and subsequently after marriage. Later, she does only according to her husband's wish. Lord Krishna, in His Bhagavad Gita, has categorically stated : ``I refuse to accept heaps of articles, however precious they may be, if they are offered out of pompous show. Whatever you do, eat, austerity or penance you perform, offer them to Me. As a devotee, you should observe your duties, leaving the results to Me. Do your work incumbent on you by the socio-religious injunctions of the scriptures, but you have no right over the fruits thereof .'' The Gita is a basic human document which outlines man's God-ward journey and his charter of duties. It asks us to dedicate all our acts in loving devotion to Lord Krishna .

Please Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.

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