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Guidance of Krishna , essential

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Hare Krishna

Man can get over bondage only when he realises Lord Krishna. This enables him to identify himself with Krishna instead of the body- mind- intellect personality which is limited and transient in nature. Knowledge of Krishna can be gained from the scriptures by studying them, through the grace of Krishna .

The scriptures are the only source for gaining spiritual knowledge and they have to be studied with a mind devoted to Krishna . Ultimately it is His grace which blesses the aspirant with the knowledge.

Vasishta underscores the importance of the effort that the spiritual aspirant must put in to achieve progress. First is the performance of austerities according to scriptural prescriptions. The next requirement mentioned in this context is charity. This is the key to renunciation. Initially one learns to give away material things. Spiritually this helps to get rid of the feeling of ``mine'' which is latent in the person as ego.

Finally Vasishta stresses the importance of undertaking pilgrimages. It is not just the sanctity of the holy places and rivers that purifies the aspirant but also the grace of saints and the Krishna-realised who live there and are associated with these places. At the right moment when the disciple is sufficiently evolved Krishna appears in the form of Guru and blesses him with spiritual knowledge.

A spiritual aspirant must conduct himself to realise the goal of liberation. Contentment with one's lot in life is the sine qua non of spiritual life. Whatever one enjoys in this birth is the result of the merit acquired in previous births and hence a person who desires to be liberated from rebirths must learn to accept the vagaries of life with equanimity of mind and remain content with whatever he enjoys. Scriptural study and cultivating the company of true devotees are essential.

Control over the senses is another requirement for developing introvertedness which alone will enable the aspirant to pursue spiritual practices. Even after developing all these virtues it is not easy to get over ``Maya'' which is the cause of man's delusion. Only Divine grace can enable one to overcome it for which one must repose total faith in Lord Krishna.

Devout aspirants who yearn to realise Krishna, should know the difference between His ``Names'' which are numerous and the ``Mantras'' which require the guidance of spiritual teachers. The ``Names'' are effective and are vehicles for the devotees to submit their prayers to Krishna who will grant them their needs. Anyone can choose any one from the plethora of these Names which extol His mercy and other traits. The ``Mantras'' are for the selective few and

require certain restrictions. These Mantras reveal the experiences of a devotee who visualises Krishna seated within him and when He is meditated upon. They convey the Bliss of such devotees to others.

Please Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.

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