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Todays Srimad Bhagavatam Class Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.1 Srila Prabhupada February 20, 1975, Caracas

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Dear Members,Devotees,and Well wishers!Hare Krsna!Please Accept my Most Humble Obiesances!Since I am Starting over,bringing you Srila Prabhupada's Classes on the Srimad Bhagavatam,In His Voice,and Printed words,so you can follow,I am Starting From the begining of His Recorded Srimad Bhagavatam Classes,Notice the date,Feb 20,1.1,1,in Caracas! I think This is appropriate,since I was Away so long from this important servace!Please Forgive me,As now we can Hear Srila Prabhupada's words,teaching these historic Wonderful Classes!I hope You enjoy them,Your Servant,





"Increasing Your Problems"

Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.1February 20, 1975, Caracas listen




Prabhupada: (translated into Spanish by Hrdayananda dasa)

om namo bhagavate vasudevayajanmady asya yato 'nvayad itaratas carthesv abhijnah svarattene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye muhyanti yat surayahtejo-vari-mrdam yatha vinimayo yatra tri-sargo 'mrsadhamna svena sada nirasta-kuhakam satyam param dhimahi [sB 1.1.1]

So first of all, before beginning the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the author is offering respectful obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is explained in the following four lines. The first line is janmady asya yatah [sB 1.1.1], means Supreme Personality of Godhead is the origin of all emanation. The human mind is inquisitive. A human being, even a child, he enquires from his father. We have got experience personally. Any intelligent boy, he enquires from the father. He is inquisitive. That is human life. He enquires, "What is this, father? What is this father?" And the father replies. So unless this enquiry is there, he is not human being. A cat and dog cannot enquire about the origin of a thing. But a human mind is developed in such a way that he enquires, he makes research to find out the original cause. Just like nowadays the scientists are enquiring about the origin of life. But unfortunately, they are finding out the original cause which is not. Just like they are trying to research out what is the origin of life. And there are many, many learned scientists. They think that the origin of life is chemical combination. So that is not the fact.

Therefore, without being guided by authority, nobody can find out the perfect answer of an enquiry. Even in the university level, those who are research scholar, they are guided by three experienced professors. And when the student's research work is admitted by the three professors, then he is awarded the doctorate designation. So the, as I have already said, the child enquires, "What is this, father?" Similarly, we should also enquire, "What is the origin of this universe?" Not only universe, but any item within our experience, naturally we are inclined... Just like here is a microphone. So an intelligent person is inquisitive to enquire, "Who is the manufacturer of this microphone?" Just like we enquire about a child, "Whose son he is? Who is his father?" similarly, this is human mind, to enquire about the origin. That is the only business of human being. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said, jivasya tattva-jijnasa, means the jiva, means human being especially... Jiva means all living being, but above all living beings, the human being is the most awakened consciousness. Therefore his business is to enquire about the Absolute Truth. It is said, jivasya tattva-jijnasa.

kamasya nendriya-pritirlabho jiveta yavatajivasya tattva-jijnasanartho yas ceha karmabhih [sB 1.2.10]

means that we have got some desires for gratifying our senses or for the maintenance of the body. Such desires are based on four principles of bodily demands. Every living being is busy, the lower animals and the human being, in finding out where is food, where is shelter, where is sex and where is defense. So they have selected four businesses: where to find out food, where to find out shelter, where to find out sex indulgence and how to defend ourself. These propensities are prominent both in animal and man. So these things are common for both the animals and the human being. A dog is also searching after food; a hog is also searching after food; a bird is also searching after food; a man is also searching after food. Now, in the broad road so many cars are going in seventy mile speed. What is their research? "Where is food? Where is money?" Ask anybody who is very busy in driving car in seventy miles speed that "What is your business?" He will answer that "I have got to take money from there. I have to do this business." That is also money. This will be the answer. They have no other answer. And if you ask him, "What you will do with your money?" then he will say, "I shall live in a very nice apartment, I shall eat very nice foodstuff, I shall have to enjoy very good sex life and I will have to defend myself." But the Bhagavata says, or the supreme authority says, "No, this is not your business. Because you are human being... This business is also there in the animal life. Therefore your business is tattva-jijnasa, jivasya tattva-jijnasa. When you are developed animal... Now you are also animal because you don't enquire about the Absolute Truth. But you are developed, so now your business is to enquire about the origin of everything." Your business is not to increase the problem of the four necessities of life. By this karma or unnecessary activities you are increasing simply problems.

Just like amongst the birds and beasts there is no economic problem. The birds rise in the morning, and they chirp between themselves, and after a few hours or minutes they go away, and they get their food. Similarly, the animals also, they also go. Even in the jungle, they get their food. The birds and beasts, they have got their home. The bird lives on the top of the tree very comfortably at night without any disturbance. Similarly, the beast... Even in the jungle there are elephants, there are tigers, there are so many others. They have got their some place to rest. So far sex is concerned, that is also guaranteed. The birds, when they are in the eggs, there are two eggs, one male, one female. And you will find these birds, beasts, they are in pair. Just about two months before, when I was in Mayapura, the two snakes, not very big, small, were found in the lavatory, and they were also two, in pair. That means this pair in birds and beasts, in animals, in snakes, they are found. The tiger, the elephant, there are two. So there is no scarcity of sex also. And so far defense is concerned, everyone is provided with nails, jaws, and wings, and everything. According to their capacity, they can defend also. So in this way, so far our four necessities of life required, it is already arranged by the laws of nature. So we, means the living entity, or the soul, we are wandering throughout the whole universe in different types of bodies. And because we are part and parcel of God, our four necessities of life, namely the food, shelter, sex and defense, that is already provided. So for these four things we need not work very hard. Because they are available even in the animal life, birds life, beasts life, lower form of life, and why not in human life? Therefore the sastra says,

tasyaiva hetoh prayateta kovidona labhyate yad bhramatam upary adhahtal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukhamkalena sarvatra gabhira-ramhasa

They say that "So far these necessities of life are concerned, they are ready, supplied." In any life, either in human life or in birds and beasts, lower animal, trees, plants, that is ready. Therefore we should not waste our time for these things, but we should be ready to enquire about the Absolute Truth. So human intelligence is there to enquire about the Absolute Truth. So they have got better developed consciousness or intelligence than the lower animals. So that higher intelligence should be utilized for enquiring about the Absolute Truth. So that is... Vedanta-sutra says, janmady asya yatah [sB 1.1.1], athato brahma jijnasa. This life, human life, is not meant for wasting time for adjusting how to get better food, better shelter, better sex and better defense. So the human intelligence is that when one thinks that "If these necessities of body are ready even for the animals and beasts and birds, then why not it is ready for me?" It is ready for the human being also. That is a fact. We see when human being are uncivilized, the ready food is there. They live in the jungle. There is fruit ready for eating. Everything is ready there. They do not know how to produce food, the uncivilized man. They eat some animal. They eat some fruit. This is already ready. So uncivilized man, who cannot produce food, even for him, there is food ready. Similarly, the civilized human being, for him also the food can be improved. Just like he can produce from the field, agriculture, so many food grains, varieties of food grains he can produce. So these things are already there. There is no need of extra time for developing how to eat nicely, how to sleep nicely. One should be satisfied like the animals. They are satisfied with their position. They are not agitated. Similarly, we should be satisfied whatever is available automatically by the gift of nature or by God.

Nature has given us the opportunity now to enquire about the Absolute Truth. And what is that Absolute Truth? Because this is our only enquiry, that "What is the Absolute Truth, or the origin of everything?" Therefore in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, first of all the obeisances or the respect is offered to Vasudeva. Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya means "I offer my respectful obeisances to Lord Vasudeva, or Krsna." This Srimad-Bhagavatam is being presented by Vyasadeva, the most exalted personality, the guru, Vyasa guru or Vedavyasa, for the all advanced spiritually conscious men. The spiritual master is called, therefore, representative of Vyasa, Vyasadeva. Therefore, on the birthday of spiritual master, it is said, Vyasa-puja. So this understanding, that Vasudeva is the origin of everything, is available in human life. It is said, therefore, in the Bhagavad-gita,

bahunam janmanam antejnanavan mam prapadyatevasudevah sarvam itisa mahatma sudurlabhah [bg. 7.19]

means... We are researching. The scientist is researching, the philosopher is researching, everyone is researching, but researching in their own way. Therefore it takes time to understand what is the original source of everything. So in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, Krsna said, that

aham sarvasya prabhavomattah sarvam pravartateiti matva bhajante mambudha bhava-samanvitah [bg. 10.8]

Krsna says, God directly says, that "I am the origin of everything." Aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate [bg. 10.8]. "Everything emanates from Me." Iti matva, "When one understands this," budha, "a learned person," bhajante mam drdha-vratah, "he engages himself fully in Krsna consciousness." So Krsna is the origin of everything, but it takes little time, according to the position of the man, to understand it. This is a fact, that Krsna is the origin of everything, but the intelligent man can understand it very easily. Therefore he takes to Krsna consciousness. And those who are not intelligent, he tries to understand whether Krsna is the origin of everything, therefore it takes some time. Therefore persons who are making research what is the origin of everything, they are also learned scholars, but because they are doing in their own way, therefore it takes many, many births to understand that Krsna is the origin of everything.

So in this way of material research, one will come to the conclusion, if he is really a research scholar that vasudevah sarvam iti [bg. 7.19]. But those who are more purified, instead of making research, he immediately accepts that Krsna is the origin of everything. So just to understand Krsna, Krsna is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita. So if one is fortunate, if one is intelligent, if he accepts Krsna's version -- Krsna says at last, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [bg. 18.66] -- he accepts it. So one who has accepted Krsna as the supreme source, Absolute Truth, for them, this Srimad-Bhagavatam is there. Here it is beginning, om namo bhagavate vasudevaya, means "I offer my respectful obeisances to You, Krsna, because I surrender unto You." One who is fortunate, he immediately accepts Krsna's version, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [bg. 18.66], but one who is unfortunate or less intelligent, he makes research work for many, many births, and then he will come to the same conclusion, vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah [bg. 7.19]. So you accept Krsna in both ways, either on good faith... As Krsna says that aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah, "Don't worry. I shall give you all protection, you surrender unto Me." If you take this immediately, then you become liberated. And if you don't take, then make research work of Krsna. Ultimately you will come to this conclusion, vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma sudurlabhah [bg. 7.19].

If you say, "I can't believe it, Krsna, Krsna is the origin of everything," that is of course your business, your independence. Then you wait for many, many births, bahunam janmanam ante [bg. 7.19]. You come to the same conclusion. But because you have denied, you have to wait for many, many births. You have to come to this conclusion because He is the origin of everything, sarva-karana-karanam [bs. 5.1]. So there is no other second or alternative. You have (to) come to that conclusion. But if you don't accept now, you will have to wait for many, many births. But even that, if you are intelligent enough and if you have to accept because Krsna says blindly, that is also good. Just like gold. Gold, you accept blindly or by chemical examination, the gold is the same. So if you are scientist, if you say that "First of all I shall test whether it is gold and chemical composition and other ingredients. Then I will accept you" ...And somebody says, "No, my father says it is gold. My Guru Maharaja says it is gold. Well, so many acaryas says it is gold," then you accept it, gold. So one accepts gold by the authoritative statement of the superiors, and one accepts gold by chemical analysis. So one who accepts by the authority's statement, he is more advanced. He immediately gets the gold immediately. And those who are awaiting for chemical examination, they will get it. They will also know, but it will take time.

So in this Bhagavad-gita, Krsna Himself explains Himself, analytical study, and Vyasadeva presents Srimad-Bhagavatam, "Here is God, Krsna." Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya. Now it is up to you to take it or reject it. That is your business, but things are ready for acceptance. So everyone is searching after what is God. Somebody says, "There is no God." Somebody says, "God is dead." Somebody, "Something, something," but no. God is neither dead nor the action, action that "There is no God" -- both of them foolishness. God is not dead; neither we are dead. Because we are part and parcel of God. So if God is alive, then part and parcel are alive. Just like if my body is alive, the finger is alive, because finger is part and parcel of my body, similarly, if God is alive, we are alive. And because we are now in material condition of life, therefore we do not understand what is God and what is our aim. Therefore it is called ajnana, ignorance. Therefore one who dissipates this ignorance, he is called guru.

ajnana-timirandhasyajnananjana-salakayacaksur unmilitam yenatasmai sri-gurave namah

The guru means he gives light to the persons who are living in darkness. So that is the motto in our Back to Godhead paper, that "Godhead is light, and nescience is darkness. Where there is God, there is no nescience." So Krsna or God or light, the same thing. If you take to Krsna consciousness, there will be no more ignorance. Just like here there is light, electric light. There is no darkness. The darkness is there, but when there is light, darkness automatically goes away. Similarly, if you take to Krsna consciousness, then darkness of life immediately goes away. And that is required in human life. The animal life means full of darkness, and the human life, although full of darkness, it can be dissipated. So our request is -- we are pushing this Krsna consciousness movement everywhere all over the world -- just to drive away the darkness of ignorance and come to the light of knowledge. So this center is open for this purpose. I request you, all of you, to take advantage of this Krsna consciousness movement and be enlightened and be happy in your life. Thank you very much. [break]

Hrdayananda: (translating question:) There are many religions that speak of the light. How can we know we are actually facing the real light?

Prabhupada: Light is to be realized personally. Light... Just like this room is dark. When there is light, it doesn't require to be enquired, "Is it light?" You personally perceive it is light. Just like you are hungry and foodstuff is given to you and when your hunger is satisfied, appetite is appeased, then you naturally you feel, "Yes, I am satisfied." You don't require to enquire anyone. Therefore it is called self-realization. Automatically you realize. You don't require to enquire. This is the process. [break]

Hrdayananda: ...that in the spiritual path everyone has to be married.

Prabhupada: No, not necessarily. If you can remain without marrying, it is better. But because you cannot, you become bachelor daddy, therefore you must marry. (laughter) Please don't become bachelor daddy. (laughter) This is most sinful life. (end)


Hare Krsna -Please Look at Wonders of Krsna http://www.geocities.com/krsnajoe Jai Radhe,Your Servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa



© 2001 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with permission.

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