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Those who rely on Lord Krishna will be victorious

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Hare Krishna,

There is nothing surprising if an impecunious and powerless common man displays utter humility and obedience, because there is no alternative for him but to meekly submit to insults and threats. But what is to be admired is the extreme restraint shown by men with physical strength and possessing power to act as they wish, remaining calm even in the face of challenges, without retaliating. They can circumvent the law but will not do so as they have firm faith in Krishna's dispensation.

The two mighty epics reveal this aspect of extraordinary human conduct. The hero of the epic Ramayana (Krishna in His Rama incarnation), when asked to spend 14 years of His life in forest, could have chosen to defy the order but His main concern was to abide by this Law of the Divine. The five brothers (Pandavas) in the other epic Mahabharata underwent ordeals which would have demoralised anyone. They had wisdom and muscle strength and just by a mere gesture, the eldest could have asked one of his brothers, who would have destroyed all those who perpetrated injustice against them. They exercised control as they were bound by the Moral Law.

Pious men, even when threatened with extinction, will bow before Krishna's verdict knowing that Truth will prevail. It is for us to emulate their example in the hour of crisis. The Mahabharata contains nearly 2000 characters, the central theme being ``Good versus Evil'' and those who rely on Lord Krishna will emerge victorious.

Guided by Lord Krishna , the Pandavas decided to conduct a mammoth religious rite (Rajasuya) to register their supremacy. However, there was one invincible king (Jarasanta) who had kept 84 rulers in prison, waiting to complete the figure of 100 to perform a human sacrifice by himself. Even he displayed a streak of propriety when he refused to fight with ``unequals'' like Arjuna and (even) Krishna but faced Bhima. With divine assistance of Lord Krishna, Bhima destroyed Jarasanta .

It is delighting to note the prosperity Lord Krishna bestows to His devotees through various ways . As the stage was set to organise the special rite Rajasuya, four of the five Pandava brothers went in four directions when kings gave enormous gifts. The description of the places of their visits and the prosperity there baffles a reader. Arjuna conquered a king called Bagadatta whom he again had to win on the 14th day of the Kurukshetra War. Sahadeva went southwards and Vyasa, the author, extols the river Cauvery in making the terrain rich. Himself enjoying the hospitality of the Pandyan king, Sahadeva deputed his another brother's son to Lanka and obtained from Vibhishana (who

was granted ``Eternity'' by Rama), gems and pearls besides 14 blocks of gold, each resembling the tall palm tree, to be used as girders for building the hall for the rite.

Please Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.

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