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The Treasure -house of Vaishnavism

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Hare Krishna,

While resorting to Vaishnavism, sometimes an aspirant may reach a state of despondency, because of his problems. He may feel ``If Krishna is all-knowing and all- powerful, where is the need for a man to constantly remind Him, through prayers about his despair and craving for His attention to remove the hurdles before him. Is He not aware of man's past, present and future? In such a case, will it not be wise for a man to carry out his day-to-day activities without disturbing the Almighty to eliminate the obstacles in his path. Or does Krishna expect that the devotee should constantly be pleading with Him for His mercy till the relief arrives or as a condition for securing liberation?''

Many sincere devotees experience similar sentiments and at times, may adopt a posture of indifference towards Krishna. One of their arguments is that even as a mother has to attend to her child, Krishna should protect men and hence there is no necessity or compulsion to submit their appeals. Though this attitude may seem to be acceptable, scriptures have provided suitable explanations and have convinced them not to entertain such a negative view.

They mention why devoted persons should not have any such feeling of severing their links with Krishna or leave everything to Him hoping that He will save them of His own accord. The Bhagavad Gita gives the answer for man's doubts.

Man is identifiable by the charter of duties to which he adheres. Activity distinguishes him from other types of creation. Even if he adopts a posture of indifference towards Krishna, it does not absolve him from his activity, which is his very nature. Otherwise, he will get himself entangled in uneasy situations and uncomfortable relationships. Hence a devotee is advised to direct his activities towards Krishna in order to escape from failures and re-births. Though prayers may look redundant, there is no better spiritual alternative for a devotee.

It is the power of Lord Krishna that is responsible for the earth to rotate without a pivot; that makes the stars stand across the sky without falling on the ground; that keeps the ocean within its limits; that makes the wind blow incessantly in all places; He is mysterious, infinite, one without a second and permeates the whole cosmos. The entire creation is saturated with His divine love. Hence, just as Krishna, the embodiment of love, showers it on humanity, man too should serve Krishna without expecting anything in return.

In a lecture, Sri Sathya Sai Baba said, all the worldly relationships are temporary like passing clouds. They are subject to change with efflux of time but ``Reality'' is absolutely the same, that is the principle of Divine love and Lord Krishna is its embodiment. His name means ``one who attracts and one who ploughs the hearts and sows the seeds of affection in it and one who imparts Bliss''. Cultivating divine qualities, offering worship to express one's gratitude to Lord Krishna, one should carry out his duties honestly and diligently when Lord Krishna is bound to bestow on him His rewards.


Please Chant:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare HareAnd Be Happy.

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